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(Controversial content) a letter to girls in the pew in front of us...


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Was this in the US? That is a little crazy-cakes.

In the UK. I can see how it sounds strange but more conservative Muslims (including my own family) generally segregate genders and avoid mixing with the opposite gender outside what is necessary (like work or school). So, for her, she would not go to a mixed gender gym and instead only went to a women's one (especially since she was a hijabi and could take off her stuff there) and she felt he should do the same not only so he wouldn't have to worry about his responsibility to lower his gaze but because she didn't feel it was appropriate for him to be working out in gym clothes around women when he's supposed to keep himself covered up too :p. Personally, my husband goes to a regular gym but he times it for times when it is deserted.

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I seriously wonder how men like her husband function in the world?? Do they never swim? Or go anyplace hot?? Go to anything formal where there might be cleavage? Do they not watch a TV show or, heck, the news?? Really, there is so much worse than those yoga pants that made him so sad.

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I seriously wonder how men like her husband function in the world?? Do they never swim? Or go anyplace hot?? Go to anything formal where there might be cleavage? Do they not watch a TV show or, heck, the news?? Really, there is so much worse than those yoga pants that made him so sad.


more than likely he was caught gawking and had to back peddle "Oh, baby! The temptation to my eyes! I just can't help myself! Don't you see what you women do to us men! WE are the victims of your sinful nature!"


Gag me with a ladle.

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I seriously wonder how men like her husband function in the world?? Do they never swim? Or go anyplace hot?? Go to anything formal where there might be cleavage? Do they not watch a TV show or, heck, the news?? Really, there is so much worse than those yoga pants that made him so sad.

Men like that usually do but then blame the women there for why they were undressing them with their eyes the entire time in front of their wife. I just get that impression off his writing. He writes like someone who has a wandering eye and is constantly finding himself attracted and 'tempted' and then tells his wife that it is the women's fault and he is incapable of looking away.

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I didn't read it that way at all.


She was simply saying that it was a refreshing change to see young ladies that were not overexposed in church, nor dressed in an overly provocative way, the way I read it.   We all certainly see young people - men and women - who are letting it all hang out everywhere else.    She was simply noting that this anomaly was welcome in this case, and that she noticed, and appreciated their failure/refusal to go with the flow in that way. 


There was no syrupy sweet, evil approach but perhaps you know her personally and know she was being sarcastic? I don't. I am just responding on the basis of what she actually wrote




I've said several times that I agree with modesty and I agreed with many things she said on her blog.  I just did not like the haughty attitude.  I do feel badly for her because her husband seems to have issues with things most (many?) men do not.  Even then, I've said that maybe we are misunderstanding what they mean by yoga pants, and if they meant the "pants" we saw when googling yoga pants, then they are correct.  After that, the thread was more about making jokes and having fun, IMO.

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I have never whored out all my likes; I must be a like prude.   :thumbdown:   How can that be?  I'm a pagan-- we're not supposed to be prudish about anything!  Maybe I need to start wearing my yoga SHORTS out in public... yes, they come in shorts.  


Ah yes, the path to sweet hussy-dom is paved with yoga shorts; of that I am sure.


I'm wearing a shorter version of those now.  I think mine are actually underwear, but I wear them as pj shorts (with a t-shirt).  I took out the trash wearing them and dh was like ??? "Those are underwear!"  LOL.  Don't worry, I went when I knew no one was outside (trash can is in our backyard, but I need to go to the garage to get something).  I really dress modestly when I go out, I really do!  Taking out the trash when no one is outside is fair game, though.   :p


They are similar to these:  http://www.soma.com/store/browse/product.jsp?&productId=560000794&color=001&CMP=csc_goog_pla&003=9121655&010=sku5190369&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=sku5190369 or these:  http://www.hm.com/us/product/22242?article=22242-A&cm_mmc=pla-_-us-_-kids_youthgirl_underwear-_-22242&gclid=CjwKEAjwj4ugBRD1x4ST9YHplzMSJACTDms804C08bH_QHQLxQAzysdecfKDLFC6HjWSZ4j8jxMm8BoCB1bw_wcB

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I'm wearing a shorter version of those now.  I think mine are actually underwear, but I wear them as pj shorts (with a t-shirt).  I took out the trash wearing them and dh was like ??? "Those are underwear!"  LOL.  Don't worry, I went when I knew no one was outside.  I really dress modestly when I go out, I really do!  Taking out the trash when no one is outside is fair game, though.   :p


They are similar to these:  http://www.soma.com/store/browse/product.jsp?&productId=560000794&color=001&CMP=csc_goog_pla&003=9121655&010=sku5190369&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=sku5190369 or these:  http://www.hm.com/us/product/22242?article=22242-A&cm_mmc=pla-_-us-_-kids_youthgirl_underwear-_-22242&gclid=CjwKEAjwj4ugBRD1x4ST9YHplzMSJACTDms804C08bH_QHQLxQAzysdecfKDLFC6HjWSZ4j8jxMm8BoCB1bw_wcB




And yes, I wear mine to sleep,too!  They are awesomely comfortable.

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SproutMama, my thinking is similar. I couldn't care less if folks want to dress modestly. As long as people are attired within a very broad definition of appropriate for the circumstances, I don't care one bit what they wear. I get VERY twitchy when hawk-eyed "authorities" go around assessing what everyone else (especially pretty, young ladies) wear. I don't see why it needs comment in any direction.


Also, not that it's a major point of contention, but I also get tired of hearing young women constantly referred to as "girls." I accept that this is probably more typical in some regions than others.




But you forgot to mention "busty." My 32A-minus never got any flak even in a low-ish v-neck, but my 32DD+ can feel the disapproving stares even when she's wearing a high crew-neck.


And yes, the 32DD+ has actually CRIED over it. People really effing suck sometimes. :crying:


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And yes, I wear mine to sleep,too!  They are awesomely comfortable.


I love them!  I don't like them as underwear (they bunch up a little under pants) but they are great as pj shorts!

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When I was maybe 10, I remember getting ready to go to a church thing with my aunt and cousins while I visited them for the summer. I remember my cousin and I were trying to put on a little light pink lipstick and sneak by because we were feeling rebellious. My aunt saw us and flipped, she was so upset that we had wanted to wear it there, and she said that when a woman wears lipstick 'it makes men look at your lips and makes them think of sex' and asked us if that is what we wanted. Hearing that as a 10 year old, it was so jarring and I was so deeply disturbed by the idea, I seriously couldn't bring myself to wear lipstick for years lol.

That's awful - I'm sorry.

I can understand valuing modesty due to the virtue of abnegation, but it's just distressing when it gets twisted like that. Not 'don't wear lipstick to church because you should be focused inside yourself' but instead 'don't wear lipstick because you should be focused on the lust you inspire in men'.

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Well, my sister makes chocolate cupcakes with Guinness and Jameson, those might count as crazy-cakes.

If she can do this gluten-free, I am in. (Probably not, though. I'm picturing a Guinness ans those cannot be GF by a wide margin.)

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But you forgot to mention "busty." My 32A-minus never got any flak even in a low-ish v-neck, but my 32DD+ can feel the disapproving stares even when she's wearing a high crew-neck.


And yes, the 32DD+ has actually CRIED over it. People really effing suck sometimes. :crying:


So true, not that I would know much from personal experience, as I am the "brochure version" in the bOoks department.

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A regular match doesn't burn long enough!

Good thing we're Ninja Fast!


Not enough. Just not enough. We are talking about striking fear into the hussy heart.



We could carry around mumus and "help" our sisters with their modesty issues. One day, on their blogs, they'll thank us.


Thanks for stopping by to be so very, very judgmental of us.

(Are you seeing the irony here at all?)




So we're judging her for judging us for judging the lady that was judging the girls AND the man. Am I caught up? (I was forced to step away and participate in my real life.)



I can just see me wearing the avocado/artichoke thingy with the billowing swaddle blanket pants to run my favorite trail loop to the lake, jump in and then run back. Well, I can see myself trying but I probably wouldn't make it to the lake. The avocado is wider than the trail. I'd be trapped in a tree limb somewhere until someone happened by to help me. On the avocado plus side though, I wouldn't need an inner tube to go down the slides at the water park. My clothing would totally suffice for that.

Possible issue: it would also be birth control because ain't no way Mr. Blackwell could get close enough. It would be like a huge, floating green chastity belt. Possible business: We could market these as such, along with the collapsible purse pitchforks and mini torches.

I'll stick to my totally un-rad full coverage suit.

We could vend at homeschooling conferences!!!!! I'll bet Ken Ham would endorse our products!

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Of course she is free to have whatever opinion she wants.


We all are.


When you put your opinion out there for the consumption of others you are no longer free from their reaction.


This board is a perfect example of that. I can think purple hair is perfect all day long, but if I post on the board that everyone should dye their hair purple, I will get a response.


She made her thoughts public. She is free to have those thoughts and to air them.


We are free to react and share our opinions as well.


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Good thing we're Ninja Fast!




We could carry around mumus and "help" our sisters with their modesty issues. One day, on their blogs, they'll thank us.




So we're judging her for judging us for judging the lady that was judging the girls AND the man. Am I caught up? (I was forced to step away and participate in my real life.)



We could vend at homeschooling conferences!!!!! I'll bet Ken Ham would endorse our products!

I can pretty much guarentee that if I had a mumu and a match, I'd light myself on fire. We need Plan B. No mumus!!
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It's like If You Give A Mouse A Cookie- Hive style!


If you Give a Women Yoga Pants

she's going to want a ponytail.

If you let her wear a ponytail,

she's going to need long hair.

If you let a woman have long hair,

she's going to attract Bill Gothard.

If a woman attracts Bill Gothard,

the hussy has enticed a godly, helpless man to lust.

If a woman entices a godly, helpless man to lust,

she's going to have to run from those throwing stones.

And if a woman has to run,

She's going to need


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If you Give a Women Yoga Pants

she's going to want a ponytail.

If you let her wear a ponytail,

she's going to need long hair.

If you let a woman have long hair,

she's going to attract Bill Gothard.

If a woman attracts Bill Gothard,

the hussy has enticed a godly, helpless man to lust.

If a woman entices a godly, helpless man to lust,

she's going to have to run from those throwing stones.

And if a woman has to run,

She's going to need


You win! :D

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Indeed, comments about how modesty is just a competition for 'whos the best christian', making fun of 'modest clothes' and other comments through this thread are extremely judgemental to those boardies who actually believe in a standard of modesty (and you'll note, we have not come on trying to argue with you here, but we still do exist)


As for her blog being her opinion that no one asked for, actually, I believe you asked for her opinion when you visited her blog. She didn't send that letter to those girls and force her opinion on them (not that that would necessarily be wrong either, but it would invite fair judgment) she wrote it on a blog, a blog is essentially an online diary that people who want to know what you think visit to see your life. If she cannot post her opinion, an opinion she is NOT completely alone in, on her own blog, where can she put it? I suppose the answer is nowhere. But why is her minority opinion about modesty any different to your minority opinions about homeschooling or whatever. Except that you believe your opinion is right and hers is wrong.


Continue to make fun of a minority for their opinions which they have not pushed on anyone in that blog or this thread, but don't pretend you're less judgmental than her, or better than those who hold the minority opinion, because everyone on this forum holds a minority opinion. And the minority have just as much right to an opinion as the majority.

Did you miss the part where about half the offenders on this thread are self-professed members of the Modest Minority? Your "us- versus- them" attitude is completely foreign to the spirit of this thread.


And this is not a contest either about who's more or less judgmental. We are all judgmental (some prefer to call it critcal thinking) to a degree, because otherwise we'd all quickly expire of idiocy, in one manner or another.


That said, what I am personally protesting is the degree of hostility in your posts. You come across as if you are angry, and yet no one here is attacking the ideal of dressing modestly.


What is being mocked is Phylicia's position that her personal ideal should serve as some sort of objective standard for others. Worse, we find out it's not even intrinsic to herself, but as Yoga-Pants-Gate demonstrates, is something being foisted upon her from her husband.


So that right there? Yeah, it's getting beat down like a pinata at a diabetics convention.

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Why do I have Likes again??? I do not understand any of this.


But I just used like 5 so they're probably gone by now. I am also currently wearing yoga pants, hence just giving my Likes to anybody who catches my eye.

I'll bet you give them out indiscriminately at the gym, the farmer's market, even just walking down the street.

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What is being mocked is Phylicia's position that her personal ideal should serve as some sort of objective standard for others. Worse, we find out it's not even intrinsic to herself, but as Yoga-Pants-Gate demonstrates, is something being foisted upon her from her husband.


So that right there? Yeah, it's getting beat down like a pinata at a diabetics convention.


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:   It is clear to me she doesn't even know what the standard should be.  I guess it's whatever her DH's whims are that particular day.  I guess he doesn't find open toe stilettos hot because this is the logo for the blog along with the tag "finding grace in red high heels" (see below, scroll right).  Truly, I feel sad for this young woman.  She seems misguided at best.  I cannot imagine not only having the mental energy to put thought into someone else's appearance at church and how it *might* be perceived by a young man there, and then take the time to blog about it.  The other things she has displayed on her blog could EASILY be labelled as unmodest by others.  Red velvet open toe stilettos?  Really?  And pony tails, t-shirts, and yoga pants are a problem?  She seems way obsessed on this topic. 


FTR - I actually dress very modestly on a day to day basis by choice.  I would not want to be called out on it by strangers.  I'm glad she didn't have a chance to approach those young woman at church.


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If you Give a Women Yoga Pants

she's going to want a ponytail.

If you let her wear a ponytail,

she's going to need long hair.

If you let a woman have long hair,

she's going to attract Bill Gothard.

If a woman attracts Bill Gothard,

the hussy has enticed a godly, helpless man to lust.

If a woman entices a godly, helpless man to lust,

she's going to have to run from those throwing stones.

And if a woman has to run,

She's going to need



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If you Give a Women Yoga Pants

she's going to want a ponytail.

If you let her wear a ponytail,

she's going to need long hair.

If you let a woman have long hair,

she's going to attract Bill Gothard.

If a woman attracts Bill Gothard,

the hussy has enticed a godly, helpless man to lust.

If a woman entices a godly, helpless man to lust,

she's going to have to run from those throwing stones.

And if a woman has to run,

She's going to need



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I am saving my likes. I don't want to give them out, putting my likes all over your post and then tearing part of my "like heart" when you post something I can't like, and I must break off my like with you.


I will have to ask SWB about whether you are appropriate to like, and we can converse in a group, supervised setting without direct contact. I will be modest and conservative with my words and posts, use my icons judiciously, and will be in the sight of our moderators at all times.


If I read one of your posts and feel an urge to like it, I will pray, contact an accountability person, and I will fill my forum time with chatter with others.


I only have likes for a short period of time, they are limited and precious and I will protect them. I am going to google in search of a "like purity ring" which can be presented to me at a forum ball in which I commit to not liking any posts before a friendship request and I will only share my likes with that special friend once found and publicly declared.


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Not to brag, but I've never run out of likes. I'm pretty sure I set my profile to Unlimited Likes. Only the specialest of snowflakes even HAS that option. Don't hate.














Seriously, has anyone even cracked the Like Code? How many do you get? Do they reset at midnight? Are time zones a factor?

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If you Give a Women Yoga Pants

she's going to want a ponytail.

If you let her wear a ponytail,

she's going to need long hair.

If you let a woman have long hair,

she's going to attract Bill Gothard.

If a woman attracts Bill Gothard,

the hussy has enticed a godly, helpless man to lust.

If a woman entices a godly, helpless man to lust,

she's going to have to run from those throwing stones.

And if a woman has to run,

She's going to need



It happened.

I went to 'like' this....

and for the first time EVER, I didn't have any 'likes' left.  


The shame...the disgrace... ugh.... :leaving:  



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Why do I have Likes again???  I do not understand any of this.


But I just used like 5 so they're probably gone by now.  I am also currently wearing yoga pants, hence just giving my Likes to anybody who catches my eye. 


*cue Madonna*


"Like a virgin, touched for the very first time."



An error occurred

You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day




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If you Give a Women Yoga Pants

she's going to want a ponytail.

If you let her wear a ponytail,

she's going to need long hair.

If you let a woman have long hair,

she's going to attract Bill Gothard.

If a woman attracts Bill Gothard,

the hussy has enticed a godly, helpless man to lust.

If a woman entices a godly, helpless man to lust,

she's going to have to run from those throwing stones.

And if a woman has to run,

She's going to need


*crylaughing* pretty sure you just won the internet!

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