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Other John are you out there?


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Sadly, Autumn Oak, the state of invisibility persists. But I shall give you five stars for keeping the thread front and center.

Now, if I can summon the energy to carefully push my refrigerator out of my front room, across the new tile floor and back into its spot in the kitchen I will be able to see my front room window too!


I actually *like* having my house more or less presentable at all times and this is driving me bonkers. Periodically I have to go clean a sink or sweep a room, just to convince myself that it won't be messy forever. Off to clean fan blades, because I'm pretty sure sheet rock dust isn't good for it. Then I'm going to paint that drawer, watch a PBS special on Ancient Egypt for history, walk dogs, ice down the chicken's water, scrape the last paint from the last section of baseboard, move the refrigerator if I get the courage, then go to Nana's for popcorn and a movie.


And keep checking to see if the likes can be seen.

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Sadly, Autumn Oak, the state of invisibility persists. But I shall give you five stars for keeping the thread front and center.

Now, if I can summon the energy to carefully push my refrigerator out of my front room, across the new tile floor and back into its spot in the kitchen I will be able to see my front room window too!


I actually *like* having my house more or less presentable at all times and this is driving me bonkers. Periodically I have to go clean a sink or sweep a room, just to convince myself that it won't be messy forever. Off to clean fan blades, because I'm pretty sure sheet rock dust isn't good for it. Then I'm going to paint that drawer, watch a PBS special on Ancient Egypt for history, walk dogs, ice down the chicken's water, scrape the last paint from the last section of baseboard, move the refrigerator if I get the courage, then go to Nana's for popcorn and a movie.


And keep checking to see if the likes can be seen.


You're making me tired. I think I need to go take a nap. For you, of course.


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One sneaky way I have started: pick a person, any person and go to their profile. Give them 5 stars. Then use the friend pictures and make sure they all have five stars. One one of those profiles, make sure all THEIR friends have five stars and so on and so forth. It isn't a perfect system but works much more quickly if you have limited star-distribution time.

Sort of a friends and family network!

Of course, this will never reach everyone so we must find ways to widen the circle of starsâ­


You are so much nicer than me lol.  I have been five starring everyone who likes me or visits my profile (assuming they have come to give me five of course).

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Well, I will say, I've had to join the ranks of people who sleep in a touch in the mornings. I've been off to bed by nine, ten at the latest, and so tired that I've not been up before seven this whole week. I'm supposed to be up by six. But I've just been too tired.

But..I can see the light at the end of this kitchen remodel, and since that is also my home-school room, it just HAS to get done. And there's just me to do it.


I envy people who can nap. I just can't do it. I've tried. Unless I'm sick I just plain can't do it. 

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One sneaky way I have started: pick a person, any person and go to their profile. Give them 5 stars. Then use the friend pictures and make sure they all have five stars. One one of those profiles, make sure all THEIR friends have five stars and so on and so forth. It isn't a perfect system but works much more quickly if you have limited star-distribution time.

Sort of a friends and family network!

Of course, this will never reach everyone so we must find ways to widen the circle of starsâ­

Visible like! You're so sweet.  :D

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I envy people who can nap. I just can't do it. I've tried. Unless I'm sick I just plain can't do it. 


When my allergies are rough, I take a children's Benadryl. My son can take 2 and not have it affect him (other than helping with the allergy). I take one and am shortly drooling on the sofa for the next 5 or so hours. He's joked about drugging my soda when he wants a school break.

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Yes! I am not sure if the combined work of LikeaPalooza, the Star Brigade, or whether the likes were added back just to get us to cease and desist...or if it was a random glitch. Enquiring minds want to know!

Woo hoo!

The funny thing is all the visible likes for every post now:)


Ladies, our work, however, is not complete until every poster who cares has a five-star rating:)

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Yes! I am not sure if the combined work of LikeaPalooza, the Star Brigade, or whether the likes were added back just to get us to cease and desist...or if it was a random glitch. Enquiring minds want to know!

Woo hoo!

The funny thing is all the visible likes for every post now:)


Ladies, our work, however, is not complete until every poster who cares has a five-star rating:)

I'm only four. What is with people? I'm nice!

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Maybe our posts have been invisible!


Well .. I'm a patient person, but I'm beginning to get a bit PO'd by the lack of response about this. It's either a problem that needs fixing or it's a permanent change. What's the big deal about a moderator giving us a bit of info? To not do so seems utterly silly. And yeah, yeah . . . I know we're all guests here and I really appreciate this place very much. It would take less than a minute for a moderator to post and let us know what's going on.


I think we should all start quoting posts we've liked and responding with "Visible like" just as Azalea did. :D

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I'm happy the Likes are back but I have to be logged into see them. I'm almost never logged in because I 'read and run' most of the time. :sad: Are they going to say hidden in this way?

I thought they had always been hidden from non-logged-in users - at least, that had been my experience before.

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Well .. I'm  a patient person, but I'm beginning to get a bit PO'd by the lack of response about this.  It's either a problem that needs fixing or it's a permanent change.  What's the big deal about a moderator giving us a bit of info?  To not do so seems utterly silly.  And yeah, yeah . . . I know we're all guests here and I really appreciate this place very much.  It would take less than a minute for a moderator to post and let us know what's going on.


I think we should all start quoting posts we've liked and responding with "Visible like" just as Azalea did. :D

Are you all aware that not a single person PM'd the moderator about this? 


And are you all also aware that, given the volume on this forum, the moderators cannot read every single thread?


Now that the problem is resolved, please go back to discussing education.



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