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So mad at my husband ... JAWM


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So yesterday we had dinner out and afterwards I really wanted to run by the library to pick up a few books but DH wanted to go home and get the kids in bed.  He promised me that we could get out first thing in the morning to get the books.  (I have a new read aloud and a mystery I'm excited about ready to pick up.)  The library is unexpectedly closed today because of a problem with the building.  Ugh.  Now I have to wait until tomorrow.  Hopefully!  What if there was a flood and it ruined the two books I wanted to read?  What if the library is closed again tomorrow ... it isn't open on Sunday so I'd have to wait until Monday!  I might be forced to read one of the eight books I have sitting on my nightstand.  I'm going to remind him of this and let him know that the problem was the delay in the new read aloud if DD doesn't get into Oxford.  









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I'm a little worried about the lack of knowledge in how to pick a lock on this board.  What are you people teaching your kids?!?!  I bet you people just sit around all day learning about history and math and physics and how to write well and totally ignore the more practical arts like lock picking or a simple voter fraud scheme.



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I'm a little worried about the lack of knowledge in how to pick a lock on this board. What are you people teaching your kids?!?! I bet you people just sit around all day learning about history and math and physics and how to write well and totally ignore the more practical arts like lock picking or a simple voter fraud scheme.



I'm more of a slim jim girl...





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This is truly a huge issue that needs to be worked through in your marriage.  I wouldn't divorce him right away, give him some time to work through his issues.  With proper counseling, I think he could still be a keeper.  He obviously doesn't understand the depth of your true needs.  Maybe you could somehow combine a book reading session with teA time...maybe he would then see the need.  

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I'm more of a slim jim girl...






Great!  After we knock over the library we can go get a milkshake or something fun.  And talk about girl things!


This is truly a huge issue that needs to be worked through in your marriage.  I wouldn't divorce him right away, give him some time to work through his issues.  With proper counseling, I think he could still be a keeper.  He obviously doesn't understand the depth of your true needs.  Maybe you could somehow combine a book reading session with teA time...maybe he would then see the need.  





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If he really loves you he'd be camping out at the library right now so he's first in line...tomorrow or Monday...


Either that or stalking the head librarian to convince her to open the library now. As he's carted off I imagine him pleading with the police... "Just make sure my wife gets her books!"

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There are a few lock picking methods. Is it a doorknob lock? That used the credit card method. I prefer to use an old empty gift card with no toes to me in case I have to drop and run. Or, get the credit card of your sworn enemy to leave as evidence at the scene.


If it is your typical deadbolt, then the hairpin method is best. You can get one with the DNA of the above mentioned sworn enemy to leave at the scene. Or just use a clean one.


Finally, if it is the the long bar door handle kind, just pull hard until it pops. Any typical high school student can do that. Be sure to wear gloves as to not leave finger prints.





I'm a little worried about the lack of knowledge in how to pick a lock on this board. What are you people teaching your kids?!?! I bet you people just sit around all day learning about history and math and physics and how to write well and totally ignore the more practical arts like lock picking or a simple voter fraud scheme.



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Great!  After we knock over the library we can go get a milkshake or something fun.  And talk about girl things!








haha.  I wasn't even thinking THAT kind of read aloud.  I was thinking more of connecting some hot, spiced teA with good literature.  That way he associates the importance of literature with the importance of teA.  hehe

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haha.  I wasn't even thinking THAT kind of read aloud.  I was thinking more of connecting some hot, spiced teA with good literature.  That way he associates the importance of literature with the importance of teA.  hehe


Plato perhaps? A comedy would be good. Don't Stand Too Close To A Naked Man would be appropriate.

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*deep sigh*


And this is why I love this place.






There's really two groups of us.  There's the planners - they like organized crime.  That's my type.  If I'm going to knock over a library then I like to research it first.  Do a unit study on past library capers.  Memorize some famous defense speeches.  Do a little reading on the Constitution. (Remember kids ... you have the right to an attorney.)  


Then there's that group that is just willy nilly and goes for it.  They're the type to grab and run with a bunch of cows eyes because they just woke up with a hankering to do a little dissection.  


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There's really two groups of us. There's the planners - they like organized crime. That's my type. If I'm going to knock over a library then I like to research it first. Do a unit study on past library capers. Memorize some famous defense speeches. Do a little reading on the Constitution. (Remember kids ... you have the right to an attorney.)


Then there's that group that is just willy nilly and goes for it. They're the type to grab and run with a bunch of cows eyes because they just woke up with a hankering to do a little dissection.

Yeah, but your problem right now is that the library is closed, therefore you can't get books to research your heist.


I'm afraid you're going to have to go willy nilly & like it.

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Not so much this ...






More of this ...







I would like to thank everyone for patience during my husband bashing session.  I think we've moved past it now and have reconciled.  









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I can commiserate. The last time we went to the zoo, I made sure to bring my biggest purse, but my insensitive dh still would not help me smuggle the fennec fox out! Can you believe that! I had it all planned out, but he never supports my hobbies! :sad:



ETA: I don't know where my taggy things went? So attempt 2:







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While James Bond was in Afghanistan, I decided I needed a project, so I taught myself how to pick a lock.  It took me forever, but I did it.  Can I go for milkshakes too?












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