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I think I broke my sister's dogs leg update:)

Flowing Brook

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A little while ago I was shutting the front door. Our door is so hard to shut that you have to pull it hard. Well I was pulling hard and heard a loud squeal and crying. Sure enough my sister's five pound dog is stuck in the door. She was trying to run out and I did not see her. She was between the storm door and the regular door. The door hit her in the back so hard she peed.  She is now  carrying her back leg up high. Other than that she seems fine. She is so tiny I am a little worried about internal injuries. So how soon do I call the vet? I hate to bother our vet on a Sunday. However, I don't want to wait if the dog needs to be seen right away. Also, I am just watching the dog for my sister who lives three hours away. Anyone care to call her for me. UGH, I feel terrible.  Any tips for telling whether or not the leg is broken?


Update in #32

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If there are back injuries the sooner they are treated the better the prognosis. If the vet diagnoses an injury but wants to take a wait and see approach you might be wisest to get a second opinion. We have a dog that is essentially a paraplegic due to a back injury. The first vet we went to wanted to wait and see. It might have already been too late at that point but it might not have been. We had to drive to another state to get the correct treatment in a timely manner.

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I'm hoping Puddles is already at the vet with the dog, and that she will post an update for us when she gets back.


I'm sure she is so worried about that poor little dog! She must feel just awful about what happened. What a terrible accident! :(

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@puddles This was an accident. Try not to feel guilty about what happened. Here's what I did, on April 5th...


Accidentally, I killed one of our Toy Pinchers, when I was trying to open the garage door, in the late afternoon. It's a double garage, with 2  very large sliding steel doors. The door is almost impossible to open. I didn't look to see if there was an obstruction, because I know how hard it is to open that door.


One of the Toy Pinchers was resting in the middle, between the 2 sections, on the other side of the door, but I didn't know that. I gave the door one huge shove and the dog died, several minutes later.


The next day, my wife found one of the other Toy Pinchers in that same spot.


If I had killed a human, they would call the crime Manslaughter. In my case, it would be “Dogslaughterâ€.


I hope the dog will be fine.



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@puddles This was an accident. Try not to feel guilty about what happened. Here's what I did, on April 5th...


Accidentally, I killed one of our Toy Pinchers, when I was trying to open the garage door, in the late afternoon. It's a double garage, with 2 very large sliding steel doors. The door is almost impossible to open. I didn't look to see if there was an obstruction, because I know how hard it is to open that door.


One of the Toy Pinchers was resting in the middle, between the 2 sections, on the other side of the door, but I didn't know that. I gave the door one huge shove and the dog died, several minutes later.


The next day, my wife found one of the other Toy Pinchers in that same spot.


If I had killed a human, they would call the crime Manslaughter. In my case, it would be “Dogslaughterâ€.


I hope the dog will be fine.

Lanny, I am so, so sorry about your dog!!! :crying:

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A little while ago I was shutting the front door. Our door is so hard to shut that you have to pull it hard. Well I was pulling hard and heard a loud squeal and crying. Sure enough my sister's five pound dog is stuck in the door. She was trying to run out and I did not see her. She was between the storm door and the regular door. The door hit her in the back so hard she peed.  She is now  carrying her back leg up high. Other than that she seems fine. She is so tiny I am a little worried about internal injuries. So how soon do I call the vet? I hate to bother our vet on a Sunday. However, I don't want to wait if the dog needs to be seen right away. Also, I am just watching the dog for my sister who lives three hours away. Anyone care to call her for me. UGH, I feel terrible.  Any tips for telling whether or not the leg is broken?


Really hoping the dog is o.k. and that you were able to find an emergency vet clinic.  So sorry Puddles.

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Oh my goodness! :grouphug: Accidents like that are horrible. I hope everything is alright and try not to feel bad about it. Please update when possible.


I have a cat that often likes to make a mad dash in as you're trying to close the bathroom door. One of these days he's gonna get caught, and it's gonna be unpleasant for both of us!

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Lanny, I am so, so sorry about your dog!!! :crying:


Thank you. She had problems (we believe one of the medium size dogs was trying to kill her or at least discourage her from being near) but I'd hoped she would die a natural death.


We have 2 Medium size dogs and there are now 3 of the Toy Pinchers. After the Toy Pinchers go, they will *not* be replaced, but what happened to that one I would not wish on any animal or human.


We had a Parrot who lived to be 48 years old and I was sad when he passed away. My wife would give him part of her Breakfast every morning and he ate many of the things that we ate.


We have one Cat.


My wife is planning to get 2 Ducks. A male and a female. I suggested the name for the male: Donald

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Hey everyone!! Thanks for the thoughts,prayers and well wishes. I did take penny to the vet. Thankfully her leg is just badly bruised and nothing is broken. The vet gave me some pills and told me to keep her quiet for two weeks and she should be as good as new.


I seriously think this dog is out to give me a heart attack. The last time she escaped. I did not see her and it was not until I was two blocks from home. My neighbor called me and asked if I knew my dog was running behind my car!? I was like no thanks for telling me.  I think from now on this little girl is going to get locked up in a crate or in the bedroom every time I go out side.

This is the fourth doggie emergency we've had since December. I really need to get through to these dogs that my heart can only take so much!!



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Hey everyone!! Thanks for the thoughts,prayers and well wishes. I did take penny to the vet. Thankfully her leg is just badly bruised and nothing is broken. The vet gave me some pills and told me to keep her quiet for two weeks and she should be as good as new.


I seriously think this dog is out to give me a heart attack. The last time she escaped. I did not see her and it was not until I was two blocks from home. My neighbor called me and asked if I knew my dog was running behind my car!? I was like no thanks for telling me.  I think from now on this little girl is going to get locked up in a crate or in the bedroom every time I go out side.

This is the fourth doggie emergency we've had since December. I really need to get through to these dogs that my heart can only take so much!!


So glad she doesn't have a serious injury.  Thanks for the update!  The kids and I were worried.  :)


Yeah, maybe a crate would work.  She seems determined to be with you.

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@puddles This was an accident. Try not to feel guilty about what happened. Here's what I did, on April 5th...


Accidentally, I killed one of our Toy Pinchers, when I was trying to open the garage door, in the late afternoon. It's a double garage, with 2  very large sliding steel doors. The door is almost impossible to open. I didn't look to see if there was an obstruction, because I know how hard it is to open that door.


One of the Toy Pinchers was resting in the middle, between the 2 sections, on the other side of the door, but I didn't know that. I gave the door one huge shove and the dog died, several minutes later.


The next day, my wife found one of the other Toy Pinchers in that same spot.


If I had killed a human, they would call the crime Manslaughter. In my case, it would be “Dogslaughterâ€.


I hope the dog will be fine.


Lanny I am so sorry to hear this. That is terrible. I know I lost a dog in December to what I feel was ignorance on my part. (he drown in the lake)  I know accidents happen but we feel terrible when they do. Hugs to you for your loss.

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Glad to hear that she is ok! I know what you mean about dog emergencies! They come in clusters, it seems, not nicely spaced out so that we can deal with them emotionally and financially. ;)


I hear you on the cost. My vet though is wonderful. I wonder how she stays in business. My moms standard almost died last month. She was at the vet a week. The vet only charged three hundred.

The bill for penny including the medicine was only twenty three dollars. Plus, she's the best vet we've ever had.

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That's great news! The dog sounds like a total pain, but I admit my tolerance for tiny dogs is almost zilch. It's great no damage was incurred and hopefully Puddles won't be giving you any more heart attacks.


Well, her nick name is not squeaky for nothing. It has actually been different dogs at different times with the emergencies. So I can't blame it all on her:)

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Whew, glad she is ok! It's so easy to kill or really hurt such tiny creatures- my dad killed his beloved lovebird shutting a desk drawer (bird would spend the day in his office, flying around and hanging out) and he was just crushed, it died in his hands. It happens, they are just so small!

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Actually, Penny just told me she wishes she could get hurt more often. She said it is pretty awesome. She gets fussed over and taken to her favorite vet. She gets to go to work with me today where everyone fusses over her. She get's canned dog food and treats to her hearts content. Then to top it all off she gets to go to Orschlen's and pick out any treat or toy she wants. Now she is basking in our arms plotting what she can do after she is healed up from this accident to keep the pampering going:)

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Actually, Penny just told me she wishes she could get hurt more often. She said it is pretty awesome. She gets fussed over and taken to her favorite vet. She gets to go to work with me today where everyone fusses over her. She get's canned dog food and treats to her hearts content. Then to top it all off she gets to go to Orschlen's and pick out any treat or toy she wants. Now she is basking in our arms plotting what she can do after she is healed up from this accident to keep the pampering going:)

So you think it's all part of her Evil Master Plan? :D

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So you think it's all part of her Evil Master Plan? :D


No doubt and silly me falls for it every time:) Especially from  poor lonesome Willow when she is locked up in that awful uncomfortable cage. All she has to do is look at me with those poor puppy dog eyes of hers and she is up on my bed fan blowing on her. Muddy paws and all. Whoever said we own the pets has never had a pet:)

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So glad to hear this! Frankly, I was almost more worried about you than the dog. I know it would have broken your heart for the pup to be seriously hurt, even though IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!


Thankful for the good prognosis. Good luck keeping her still and quiet. 😉

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Glad to hear that she is OK.  I was terrified that I hit my dog today backing the car out of the driveway.  I saw a blur in the rear view mirror, but fortunately, it was a squirrel.  My dog is really big, but, like I said, it was a blur. 


Ugh!  How scary! 


I hit the neighborhood tomcat a couple of years ago.  He must have been asleep on top of my van.  When I drove off I made it to the main road before he leaped down.  I saw something fall and must have grazed him when he hit the ground since I felt a vibration, then saw him streak across traffic into a canal but he was limping.  I looked for him for hours unsuccessfully and spent 2 months afraid that he had gone off to die alone of internal injuries/broken leg.  He was not our cat but he came to visit often and was really sweet.  I felt awful.  Then after 2 months of being MIA he just sauntered into our backyard one day looking perfectly fine.  :tongue_smilie: But thank goodness.  :)

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