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American Girl Store - what's your experience? Which store?


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We've been to the ones in Chicago, NYC (briefly), and Atlanta. Atlanta's is one of the smaller versions. We live here, but it would not be a tourist attraction to me if we didn't. It's way out in a suburban mall. The ones in Chicago and NYC are in the city proper and easy to fit into another vacation. DD was turning 6 when we went to Chicago, and she thought it was very cool. We had breakfast at the restaurant. That was "her" activity on our trip, and picking out a doll was her birthday gift.

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I've walked through the Chicago one with my 7-year-old dd twice.


She never asked me to buy anything (though there were mothers there with daughters who were super-bratty about asking for stuff). Instead, she spent the entire time telling me about the stories of the historical dolls as we walked by the displays. She told me about how accessories worked into stories and how weird she thought it was that they all have birthdays in spring. :-)


I can't imagine making it a destination unless you were going to spend money at the cafe or hair dresser. The Chicago one is part of a mall that also has a Lego store, so my son and 5-year-old daughter spent a bunch of time there with Dad. 



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We go to Alpharetta a couple of times a year, and the AG store is a normal place to visit-we take Kaya and Molly, do tea or dessert at the AG store (sometimes lunch, but it's pricey) and walk through the store. DD got Kaya there for her 6th birthday and still enjoys visiting. We've also done some of the crafts/activities when they're doing it,


We visited the Tyson's corner one with my mom-it's another smaller bistro-type store.

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We've gone to the one in Houston MANY times! It's a neat place, but I don't know that I'd go somewhere super far away JUST to visit an AG store, KWIM? 

We've done the cafe with the dolls once for dd10's birthday this past year. The food was actually pretty good.

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We went to the Dallas one for my oldest's ninth birthday . I was unimpressed. Service in the restaurant was horrible. The restaurant area seemed dirty. No drink refills and they acted irritated when we asked to see a dessert menu. Initially told us my daughter could only have a small ice cream cone after we had seen the table next to us receive a huge dessert. (This was not something we wanted for free or with a party package.) I had heard so many people rave that the customer service experience was unexpected. We wanted to get her doll's hair done, but realized after spending an hour and a half eating lunch that there was a two hour wait to get doll's hair fixed. Of course, my girls loved looking at all the stuff in the store! I don't think we would do the restaurant thing again, though.

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We've been to the New York City, Chicago, Seattle, and Columbus AG stores.  The NYC and Chicago stores are fabulous.  The cafe in both of those locations are large and a meal or tea there is a really fun experience.  The stores are huge and really fun to explore.  We have had dolls visit the hair salons at both of these locations.  I do think that visits at either of these stores are "events".  


The Seattle and Columbus locations are much smaller and aren't nearly as exciting to visit.  They are great to visit if you just happen to be in the area, but I wouldn't make a special trip for the smaller locations.  

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We've gone to the one in Houston MANY times! It's a neat place, but I don't know that I'd go somewhere super far away JUST to visit an AG store, KWIM? 

We've done the cafe with the dolls once for dd10's birthday this past year. The food was actually pretty good.


I am planning to check this one out in a couple of weeks. Right now, of course, my dgds are too young to enjoy them, but dd and I will be in Houston and I just saw there is one there, so I HAVE to go! I also go through Atlanta quite often and could check it out sometime as well.


I guess I was thinking Chicago or NY because I'd incorporate it into a bigger trip, but that would be several years into the future, since oldest dgd is not even 2. Of course at 3 or 4, we could go for Bitty Baby activities, and that would be fun! Atlanta wouldn't be too far-fetched for something like that since it is on the route to dd's, so we could easily make it happen.

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We actually went today.  We have been to the Dc store a few times and it is always fun.  I generally plan for at least an hour, often two, of browsing for my two kids.  We have never done the hair salon because it seems overpriced unless you have a doll that has serious issues.  We do eat at the cafe though.  I think that it is quite reasonably priced for what it is...$17 per person includes a choice of appetizer and entree.  The food is very good and the staff is wonderful.  Plus they bring out a tiny cup and saucer for each doll that the girls get to keep and the napkin rings are fancy hair ties (that the girls also get to keep.  I would spend as much at a higher end chain for the same food without the appetizer or souvenirs (plus we have a nice little collection of tea party accessories).


Depending on when you go they also have some good sales.  My two picked out 4 outfits today that were al half off as well as a winter sports set that was on sale.  Then they were able to buy a store exclusive dress et for $12 because they spent over $50 (they save their allowance for our trip every few months).

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We've been to Chicago and Columbus, OH, which is one of the smaller stores. The Chicago store was a lot of fun, but we were not impressed with the cafe. The food was actually pretty gross, in our opinion, and when you're spending that kind of money, it's disappointing.

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We (dd and I) went to the NYC one for dd's 11th birthday. They had a package to have dinner in the restaurant after seeing the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular. It was a fantastic trip. She loved it and it was probably the latest we could have made the pilgrimage--heavy interest inAG dolls lagged a few months later. At the same time, I think she got so much more out of the trip than if we done it when she was younger.

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We went once in Boston and the kids stilll remember it as a sweet trip. My DD was given a budget and spent an hour and a half spending it (I think it was about $20, LOL!). We did lunch, which the kids loved. As expected the food was overpriced and terrible, but they had a blast. I'd recommend it as an experience but not a dining destination. LOL!!

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My daughter and I went to the one in Chicago last summer with my sil & her daughter.  We stayed downtown at a hotel that had an American Girl package (doll beds, cookies & milk, AG movie).  Had breakfast at the café, and both dolls got their hair done and ears pierced at the salon.  Then we spent some shopping time - my daughter had a certain amount to spend, so even though there are tons of things to look at, she chose what she wanted and had fun looking at the rest.


We spent about half the day there, then spent some time in the rest of the mall.  It was a great girls trip!  Our girls were 9 & 8 at the time, perfect age for it.

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We've been to the Dallas store. The store itself is nice - the staff friendly and helpful. We went to the café during our visit; however, and it was horrible. I paid over $100 for very small portions of unappealing food items like box mac and cheese. The booth was filthy, and the staff rude. I was so excited about bringing my girls there for lunch, too. So disappointing!

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We used to live close to the one in the Mall of America which is the best one we have been to. It is 2 floors and has lots to look at, plus the bistro, hair styling, etc. We have also been to Kansas City and Atlanta, which both are nice but smaller.

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I'm curious if you've been to one, and, if so, which one? What did you think?


I thought there were more employees per square foot in that store than in any other store I've ever been in.


They must have some significant shoplifting issues.


This was one of the small stores.  It was fun to look, and to buy a couple of little things. 

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We have been to the stores in Chicago and Columbus. It is a fun experience, but I would suggest explaining to your child ahead of time what you are or are not willing to purchase in order to avoid disappointment or problems in the store.


Also, there are two types of restaurants.  I think the bigger one in Chicago is called a café, while the one in Columbus is called a bistro. The Chicago store can accommodate larger parties, while the largest table in the Columbus store only seats four (there is a large counter that seats more, but you cannot reserve a table for more than four people). The menus and prices are different as well, so do some research before you go if you think you will eat there (and make reservations).

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We have been to the stores in Chicago and the one in St. Louis.  I much preferred the one in St. Louis and that is the one younger daughter still talks about.  We went into the little bistro and had dessert.  Boo-Boo ordered cookies and milk and they served the milk in a little glass bottle.  She still talks about that several years later.  The Chicago store was just overwhelming in its size and the cafe there was just too expensive.  

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We have been to LA and San Francisco and my girls loved both. We celebrated birthdays both times and ate in the restaurant/cafe. You can call and reserve a personal shopper for free. They take the girls around and help them shop, hold items while you shop and let you check out in a side room. They really dote on the girls and usually give free goodies like posters, shirts, or brushes. We live overseas, so we try and make it to an AG store when we get back to the states, even if it quite far out of the way.

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I've been to both Chicago and Atlanta many times. After Chicago, the Atlanta one is blah, but we live here, so easier to get to. I wish they had put the Atlanta one in Buckhead.


I loved that they could easily accommodate my gluten-free daughter.


I went in with the expectation that I would purchase stuff and that the food would be expensive. Let's face it, American Girl is not an inexpensive brand of dolls. (I think saying it's expensive is kind of like saying Disney World food is expensive. Of course it is.) We had a blast.

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We visited the Chicago store when dd was 9 while in the city for a vacation.  Overall, it was a good experience and dd remembers it fondly.  However, she has no interest in going again.  It was a once-in-a-lifetime thing for her, I guess.  There are a few things I tell people who are planning to visit, even if much of it does not apply to many.


1.  The store is huge and overstimulating.  My dd (and me for that matter) had what I call "IKEA brain" after 15 minutes.  We do not frequently go to malls or even box stores so it was all a bit much.  Poor dd had a $30 gift certificate to spend and ended up not spending it because there was just too much to pick from.  She still has it!


2.  We did the hair salon.  Dd was really happy to have it done and the "stylist" gave her some pointers.  Dd has a very old Kirsten doll so her hair needed special treatment which we did not know before.  HOWEVER, they are pretty rough with the dolls while brushing and styling.  I thought dd was going to cry as she watched her precious Kirsten have her head yanked around.  She ended up closing her eyes for much of it.


3.  If you are vegetarian, be sure to tell them before you put your name on the cafe list.  We were there for "tea" and they had a hard time accommodating us. 


4.  Be prepared to witness all sorts of truly awful child behavior and equally awful parent reactions.  

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Wow thanks for that advice! I just love witnessing awful child behavior; it's my favorite. ;-p


Good to know about the hair though, as I am considering trying to purchase some retired dolls over the next couple of years to save for my granddaughters. I love Kirsten, Felicity and Samantha, and would like to collect them all at some point. I'm sure I'll have to buy less than perfect if I don't want to pay a fortune. It'd be great to be able to get them all fixed up.

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We visit the one here in Los Angeles.  It is always a treat and a fun place for my daughter to go.  She loves exploring all of the sections.


We ate at the cafe for her 6th birthday and that was also a lot of fun.  Customer service is on par with Disneyland quality and friendliness. 

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I've been to the one in NYC with my daughter for an author signing.  We did not go to the cafe or have the dolls hair done. It is a toy store.  My most horrific moment was in the historical doll section and coming face to face with Julie.  Her historical era is the 70's.  My childhood is not a historical era, thank you very much.


It is not my cup of tea but my daughter enjoyed it. 

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We've been to the NYC one many times.  My younger daughter was obsessed with it.  The store is wonderful.  The top floor is all the historical dolls.  The first floor has a ton of other dolls and a ton of books and accessories. There's another big section of bitty babies and their accessories (and the old Hopscotch Hill collection which they discontinued).  The salon and hospital are in the middle somewhere.  The restaurant is amazing.  It was such a great outing for us that I was sad when she outgrew it all. 

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