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UPDATE post 1 Do these symptoms make sense to anyone


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Shakiness/tremor, wide eyes, turned-down corners of the mouth, tiredness, slight headache, slight nausea, aversion to food. OTC drug use or prescription abuse may be possible, but by no means certain. Person claims no idea what could be causing the symptoms, but has a history of *not sharing*.


This is causing me great deal of concern because of the multiple symptoms. Please help if you can.


UPDATE: removed

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Most of those symptoms sound like hyperthyroid symptoms, so that's something I'd check for. The turned-down mouth is the only one that isn't a well-known symptom. 


Taking thyroid medication such as synthroid would cause hyperthyroid symptoms in someone who didn't need it, and that's one that could be abused as a weight loss or stimulant medication.

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Based on the age, I would go with either recreational drug usage or stimulant usage (like taking caffeine pills) or thyroid issues or brain tumor.


Bottom line, get this person to a doctor. While you're at it, search his/her room and backpack/purse as well.


(I don't say that flippantly. I respect my kids' privacy and generally think that people should do so. However, where I suspect drug usage, all privacy concerns are secondary to keeping the teen alive. As such, a search is necessary.)

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I'm so sorry for this hard situation, and thankful you discovered the reason for the symptoms. I trust help is being accessed for the teen who is hurting?

Yes, getting help. Your suggestions were right on. I hope you haven't experienced these problems first hand.
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Depression can cause prescription drug overdose without it being a suicide attempt. I have a friend whose aunt have to oversee her (the friend) clinical depression medication even when she was in the 20s.



She stays with her mom and aunt but her mum works while her aunt works from home.

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Depression can cause prescription drug overdose without it being a suicide attempt. I have a friend whose aunt have to oversee her (the friend) clinical depression medication even when she was in the 20s.

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(( hugs)) Hope things work out ((Hugs)

I have a sister that accidently had a prescription overdose. luckily my mother noticed and rushed her to the hospital. Luckily the Dr was at the hospital and immediately got to her and started getting her ready for life support . Luckily the medi-evac helicopter was available and there was an available life support machine at a Melbourne hospital. She spent 7 days fully sedated on life support until the overdose had completely left her system.

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I'm so sorry. Hope your family is match with great medical support.

My friend who has clinically depression was inpatient twice for suicide. The first time was because her then boyfriend dump her. The second time, I forgot why but again an emotional trigger. Not all her docters were a good fit for her but things eventually stabilize and got better.

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