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Update on my cancer situation ...


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:grouphug:  I'm sorry I didn't know you were going through this.  I had a lumpectomy 3 years ago.  My mom had a mastectomy yesterday. :sad:  It is a hard thing to get through but you can.  Call the doctor on Monday (if you didn't already yesterday) to get your questions answered.  I'll be praying for you.

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I feel a little bothered by all the pressure on Luanne to get surgery.  Maybe she doesn't want to or is taking time to research her options.  There are alternatives and not every cancer has to be removed or it will spread.  Maybe that's why she hasn't come back. 


I don't think people are pressuring her to have surgery. Just wondering if she has it or has scheduled it yet. I think the questions are being asked by people to show that they care.

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I feel a little bothered by all the pressure on Luanne to get surgery. Maybe she doesn't want to or is taking time to research her options. There are alternatives and not every cancer has to be removed or it will spread. Maybe that's why she hasn't come back.


Seriously? :confused:


I don't know if you've been following her threads, but it seems like she has always planned to have surgery, but her doctors were trying to use chemo to reduce the size of the tumor before removing it. She posted that the chemo didn't work, so surgery was next.


And it's not that she "hasn't come back." She was here just a few days ago, and I bumped the thread to let her know we were all still thinking of her and praying for her.


I know you mean well and that you're trying to support Luanne, but please don't make assumptions as to the motives of the rest of us. We are worried about her, too, and the last thing we would do is try to pressure her to try a treatment that she didn't believe would help her.

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My heart is so heavy right now for you. I'm so, so sorry.


I love the idea of calling now: not waiting.


And I'm so sorry for your poor mom. I'm just saying this based on my personality: but helping you with your kids etc. would help take my mind of the terrible grief.



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Any updates, Luanne?


Were you able to speak with the doctor and schedule your surgery yet?


Thinking of you every day and praying for you. :grouphug:


Thank you.  My doctor is the only one in the office this month so I can't see her until next Thursday.  I will know more then.


This last chemo is making me dizzy and tired (even though it was a week ago).  Oh well.

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I've been pretty out of it so haven't been online at all until today.  I don't mind having the surgery actually.  I knew it was coming and wasn't surprised it was suggested now since the chemo isn't working.  I don't feel pressured at all by the people on here... only supported (which is good).

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