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Jean, what did your allergy test reveal?


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I've only gotten results for half of it - the scratch test.  I'm mildly allergic to dust mites, some molds, two kinds of grasses and a couple of trees.  The blood test results will come later.


So basically allergies are a piece of the puzzle - but a tiny one (at least based on what we know so far).  


I am on my 8th antibiotic - a repeat of antibiotic #5 (you needed to know that, right!)  I am also snorting baby shampoo and white vinegar up my nose in the saline rinse per doctor's orders. It takes a certain level of misery to do this since the "cure" is very painful. I'm not sure if I have the ratios right, though. I'm still working on that. The reason for this is that the doctor thinks my infection isn't clearing up because of a biofilm - a kind of bacteria that is very resistant to antibiotics. The idea is to break through that resistance so that the antibiotics can do their work. 


Let's see - anything else?  I'm bombarded by pain - sinus, fibro and kidney stone all in their special mix designed to just make me miserable.  The good thing is that all the extra pain means that my nerves are not isolating the kidney stone pain and so it really doesn't feel that bad.  


Which is way more than  you asked, but hey, no one said that I wasn't verbose.  

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Hugs!  Will definitely pray regarding the saline solution being effective.  You "do" want this to work. 


Jean, I'd keep a journal (I know, a pain in and of itself and I wish there was a better word under the circumstances) to "try" (try is operative here) to find an association b/t "anything" and your pain level.  Foods, household cleaners, environment, our furry friends, etc. 


Antibiotic for the sinus, right?  Google natural antibiotics.  Garlic, I believe is one of them.  Cheap, effective, etc.  I take a garlic pill everyday.  There has to be others.


Fibro - I know 2 people irl with fibro.  Bless your heart.  Don't know what to say.  I wonder if any neurological meds would help.  It's an inflammation of nerve endings or synapses, right?


As far as the kidney stone.  Have you had these before?  If so, your dr. needs to get to the "root".


Keep us posted.  Prayers and peace!



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Oh, Jean, it sounds terrible.  What are they doing for the allergies?  And what the heck is with the baby shampoo and vinegar?  That just sounds foul.  Blech.


I am severely allergic to pretty much everything, so I know how miserable that can make you.  My eyes have been red and itchy for a few weeks, and I look like someone's been beating me.  Allergies can make everything worse.  


I hope you get some more answers and feel better soon.

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Oh, Jean, it sounds terrible.  What are they doing for the allergies?  And what the heck is with the baby shampoo and vinegar?  That just sounds foul.  Blech.


I am severely allergic to pretty much everything, so I know how miserable that can make you.  My eyes have been red and itchy for a few weeks, and I look like someone's been beating me.  Allergies can make everything worse.  


I hope you get some more answers and feel better soon.

The baby shampoo is a surfactant.  Somehow (googling it leads to really complicated articles I can't understand)  it weakens the biofilm.  Vinegar somehow strips the biofilm of some of it's minerals (or something like that).  So. . . bottom line is that both of these help to weaken the hold that the biofilm has on my body.  


They suggested allergy shots.  I'm not sure I"m up for that yet.  There is just too much going on right now.  

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I clicked 'Like This' on your post and immediately felt awful, because, really, how can someone 'like' all that you're going through? I hope you get a handle on things soon. Surely it has to get better, right? Hugs to you. here's to baby shampoo and vinegar doing their job!

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that makes sense. In dogs with bad ear infections, that don't respond, we use a product called "Triz EDTA" in the ears first, then the antibiotic, because the Triz EDTA breaks up the biofilm. Of course, I have NO idea if the stuff is safe for people, and can't imagine putting it up one's nose, lol.

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I haven't been popping in much lately, but saw this...oh my heck, Jean, I'm so sorry.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: 


I know I'm a horrible, horrible friend, but I will admit when I saw you had to snort baby shampoo, I got an immediate visual of you sitting there, blowing bubbles out your nose.

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The baby shampoo is a surfactant.  Somehow (googling it leads to really complicated articles I can't understand)  it weakens the biofilm.  Vinegar somehow strips the biofilm of some of it's minerals (or something like that).  So. . . bottom line is that both of these help to weaken the hold that the biofilm has on my body.  


They suggested allergy shots.  I'm not sure I"m up for that yet.  There is just too much going on right now.  


Allergy shots changed my life!  As bad as my allergies still are, I would be a thousand times worse if I hadn't had years of allergy shots.  I'm so sensitive, even to the shots, that they had to break them down from 1 single shot to 4 shots each time (4 shots 2x a week).  When it was all in 1 shot, I broke out in hives every time.  They lowered the doses, but I still had hives.  They took the dose down again, broke it into 4 shots, and no more hives.  I'm actually planning to go back on them, because in the long term, they really help.




I know I'm a horrible, horrible friend, but I will admit when I saw you had to snort baby shampoo, I got an immediate visual of you sitting there, blowing bubbles out your nose.


Oh, Imp!  I almost snorted water out of my nose when I read that.  I now have the image of Jean snorting bubbles from her nose in my brain.  Thanks for that.

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I've only gotten results for half of it - the scratch test.  I'm mildly allergic to dust mites, some molds, two kinds of grasses and a couple of trees.  The blood test results will come later.


So basically allergies are a piece of the puzzle - but a tiny one (at least based on what we know so far).  


I am on my 8th antibiotic - a repeat of antibiotic #5 (you needed to know that, right!)  I am also snorting baby shampoo and white vinegar up my nose in the saline rinse per doctor's orders. It takes a certain level of misery to do this since the "cure" is very painful. I'm not sure if I have the ratios right, though. I'm still working on that. The reason for this is that the doctor thinks my infection isn't clearing up because of a biofilm - a kind of bacteria that is very resistant to antibiotics. The idea is to break through that resistance so that the antibiotics can do their work. 


Let's see - anything else?  I'm bombarded by pain - sinus, fibro and kidney stone all in their special mix designed to just make me miserable.  The good thing is that all the extra pain means that my nerves are not isolating the kidney stone pain and so it really doesn't feel that bad.  


Which is way more than  you asked, but hey, no one said that I wasn't verbose.  


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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The good thing is that all the extra pain means that my nerves are not isolating the kidney stone pain and so it really doesn't feel that bad.  


Does this mean, because everything hurts, you cannot feel just how much the kidneys hurt??? :) Sort of like the concept "kick me in the shins so I don't realize I just bumped my head?"

What are you doing for the stones? Just drinking a lot of is there meds as well to flush the stones?

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The good thing is that all the extra pain means that my nerves are not isolating the kidney stone pain and so it really doesn't feel that bad.  


Does this mean, because everything hurts, you cannot feel just how much the kidneys hurt??? :) Sort of like the concept "kick me in the shins so I don't realize I just bumped my head?"

What are you doing for the stones? Just drinking a lot of is there meds as well to flush the stones?


Yes, that is what it means.  I can tell when the pain is really bad by when I start to shake and get nauseated.


I'm drinking apple cider vinegar in my water.  

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Let me tell you about a couple of recipes to make it really good tasting!


I have been drinking a concoction from Trim Healthy Mama.  The ginger one tastes like ginger beer (strong ginger ale), and the other ones are equally as good. 


The following was taken from another forum.


Good Girl Moon Shine

•Fill a quart sized jar with water and ice.
•Add a generous drizzle of raw apple cider vinegar (2-4TBSP).
•Add 1 tsp of ginger powder (I buy this from the bulk food section at Whole Foods Market).
•Add a few shakes of Nustevia Pure Extract Powder to taste. I only use 3-4 shakes because I don’t like things too sweet but you can play with sweetness and try more. If you use Truvia – try 3-5 tsp. 

Read more: http://trimhealthymama.freeforums.net/thread/1305/good-girl-moonshine#ixzz2w2HcNwjH


And the Strawberry Version:



Good Girl Moonshine ~ Strawberry Lime Edition    7 3/4 cups water (8 tends to sploosh out vitamix) Half a lime Handful of strawberries Two generous pinches of salt One teaspoon ginger Four tablespoons apple cider vinegar Stevia to taste



Yes, that is what it means.  I can tell when the pain is really bad by when I start to shake and get nauseated.


I'm drinking apple cider vinegar in my water.  


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