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Having my own Homeschool Retreat at home...need good audio downloads

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I am planning a mini retreat for myself over our spring break.  I thought I would get some books to read, but I know I'll busy with my hands so listening to audio is a much better idea.  What are some of your favorite audio downloads/cds about homeschooling?  It can be on any topic, homeschooling in general or a specific topic.



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I love this YouTube lecture by Christopher Perrin. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/476757-christopher-perrin-on-the-eight-essential-principals-of-classical-pedagogy/


I also love the audios at the circe institute, especially those by Andrew Kern. There are several available free.


And I've heard great things about Susan Wies Bauer's audios as well.


Andrew Kern, Christopher Perrin, Bauer, and Cindy Rollins (also available at Circe) are making up the line up at my homeschool retreat at home. But I am very classically minded, which may not be your thing.

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I was just thinking it's time for my own mini retreat. SWB's writing audios were helpful the last time I did this. I also listened to some lectures from Circe Institute, re-read portions of TWTM and LCC, re-read some of the amazing threads I had saved from the boards and visited a lot of homeschooling blogs. I've been exploring Charlotte Mason more in-depth recently, so I'm hoping to find some relevant talks to listen to. I found some YouTube videos on narration, so I will watch those and any others I can find. I was thinking of getting the DVDs from the last 2 Memoria Press conferences also.

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Homeschooling the Real Child is a great boost -- funny, but has some good topics. (I definitely need to re-listen this spring.)


I dabble in the free ones from IEW - but there aren't many that are gems. If a topic interests you, though, they are FREE. Check out their Magalog pg 8-9 for links. (I had to figure out how to save them as a mp3 to get them on my player.)

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I am feeling very uninspired by my local homeschool convention this year and I have been considering not going for the first time since I started homeschooling. Maybe this is just the alternative I need.



This is the problem here too. I haven't been for a few years actually. But in my neck of the woods most of the homeschool conventions have a TJED flavor. I do find some merit to parts of it, but there are a lot of "groupies" where I live and I need something different. Wishing I could afford to travel to some of the bigger conventions around the country.
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This is an awesome idea!


Does anyone have books to recommend also?


I think I am going to do this too!

. Here's a couple of threads that I've been eyeing.



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This is the problem here too. I haven't been for a few years actually. But in my neck of the woods most of the homeschool conventions have a TJED flavor. I do find some merit to parts of it, but there are a lot of "groupies" where I live and I need something different. Wishing I could afford to travel to some of the bigger conventions around the country.


It is the same here. Many of my friends are attending a big TJED conference that is in a few weeks. I just nod and smile while biting my tongue while they talk about it. I love this idea too.

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Also, if you're looking for Classical Christian Ed talks, the Society for Classical Learning has a treasure trove.




Ha! There's a talk from the principal from the private school we left! Random! (Or maybe not. While they were my reason for homeschooling ;), they were also my inspiration to explore Classical Ed....)

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  • 2 months later...

Wonderful list!  This year went really well but I felt so uninspired through most of it, like we were just plodding along and checking off the boxes.  I'm going to make time to listen to these before our next year starts!  

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Our local conference usually has speakers that are so far from my cup of tea that I register and then just attend the used curriculum sale.  In the past, the speakers have been so unappealing to me that I couldn't find a single lecture I was interested in attending.  On the bright side, this year they are hosting SWB, and I am thrilled beyond words!

I also greatly enjoyed the RFWP conference last year. 


I mention those only because I think many of us need to have our voices heard, and if we persist, maybe we can get some appealing speakers on the schedules of conferences.


I am definitely in the mood to hunker down with some audio talks and love this thread.  I always mean to download and listen, but by the time the house is quiet enough to enjoy them, I feel too tired to focus!

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I do not have any audio links but wanted to share...


there is lovely mom in my town I met when we first began homeschooling , every year before the summer is over she checks her self into a local  Band B for a long weekend...the first night is hers...long bubble bath, nice dinner, favorite movies and music she sleeps in till she wants to then spends day listening to /watching lectures  , reading up on home school things...afternoon is free time and shopping and dinner...another relaxing evening..second day is all her yearly lesson planning and prep/ordering before having a nice dinner and heading home...all recharged and ready to get back to work.


I would so love a weekend way! I can not even imagine, certainly not something we could afford but when ever I have a period of time I am focusing on planning or doing a lot "teacher training" I try to remember to take a break for myself...and take that bubble bath!

I would love the weekend away, but I would not like to spend it planning for school!  I prefer having everyone out of the house and doing it at home.

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Sarah who blogs at Amongst Lovely Things has a great list of Talks ... some free and some for pay.


Also, if you're looking for Classical Christian Ed talks, the Society for Classical Learning has a treasure trove.


Finally, there are good talks available through WordMP3 ... I like this one: Mathematics:God's Invention, Man's Discovery.


I LOVED the ones by Andrew Elizalde at SCL (Um, HELLOOOOO, Grammar of Math = Montessori!!!!!!!!!!), but the rest of the ones that I have listened to have really seemed to target those teaching in a school setting (e.g., Teaching with Excellence; Teaching Science,

What is the State of Math Education...), and from what I can tell from the 2014 workshops planned, that trend continues there as well. I see that only the most recent conference workshops are available for free. I am wavering about whether it will be worth it to "join" to get access to the archives (SWB! Perrin! Kern!), if that's the primary emphasis of talks?? (And is the conference always in Texas? That's worth going to one for!! Hahaha.)


Another question about your other link (WordMP3)- is there some reason that their links are only through 2009????? Still worth listening to, but strange....

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I'm working on putting together my own list of free talks to listen to this summer - any ideas?


99% sure we are going to skip our convention this year. There just isn't anything I'm interested in & the location is too hard to get to for us.

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A few more free talks I found, thanks to Google:


http://www.christopherushomeschool.com/Free-Talks-For-Homeschoolers-By-Donna-Simmons-s/17.htm Waldorf Education themed - not sure if there is anyone into that here, but they are free.


http://www.daytonhomeschool.com/conference/2010-conference-mp3-audio-files/ - Large group of talks from the 2010 Dayton Catholic Homeschool Conference, including some for teens


http://www.mp3olimp.net/cindy-talk/ - large list, no major speakers {that I recognize}


http://www.raisingarrows.net/the-homeschooling-mother/ - not an audio talk, but a wealth of homeschooling resources, especially for large family homeschooling logistics


http://homelearningassociation.com/webinars.php - a few talks on basic homeschooling topics



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I love the idea of a stay-home retreat! Well, I like the idea of a bed-and-breakfast retreat even more, but I don't think that's in the cards. :) 


Subscribe to CiRCE's & Perrin's (Inside Classical Ed) podcast in iTunes or Stitcher and listen particularly to Perrin's interviews at CiRCE done last year (Ending the School Year Well and Starting a School Year Strong). SO good. 


I love SWB's Teaching Students to Work Independently.



Renee Tougas also has some great audio if you like interest-led and not so much into the CiRCE thing. 


I did subscribe to SCL this last year and did not think it was worth it, personally. I do buy the CiRCE conference recordings every year, and a lot of the speakers repeated themselves and then the ones that weren't doubled were more school (administrative, fundraising, etc.) oriented. 


Jenny Rallens has some that are worth watching, as does James Smith. I have links to those here. Watching those videos is better than reading Desiring the Kingdom, imho. 


Also, Sarah from Amongst Lovely Things recently recorded conversations with Perrin, Kern, Cindy Rollins, and Brandy Vencel. I'm helping her with her ebook (Teaching from a State of Rest – it's amazing, honestly), so she sent them to me ahead of time. They are incredible. It's honestly the best Kern talk I've heard yet. And the CiRCE/CM homeschool mom perspective from Cindy & Brandy were personable and relatable and great. They'll be available May 26, but you can sign up on the page now to get an email when it's ready to go.


So, how are you envisioning your "retreat"? What are your hands going to be busy with? I'm hoping to catalog my books and other material this summer; having a good playlist ready would be perfect. 

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So, how are you envisioning your "retreat"? What are your hands going to be busy with? I'm hoping to catalog my books and other material this summer; having a good playlist ready would be perfect. 


Well, for the next 3 weeks I am swamped with getting ready for 2 huge book sales, the local convention, and doing a total house clean in prep for possible weatherization. But come June, I am thinking I'll probably listen while dd is at the library / book club / other summer event :)


I need to catalog my books too, on LIbrarything.

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So, how are you envisioning your "retreat"? What are your hands going to be busy with? I'm hoping to catalog my books and other material this summer; having a good playlist ready would be perfect. 

My retreat was over spring break, but I spent it rearranging the whole house so that I could make room for a school room.  I am in love with that school room.  I'm so glad I gave up a formal living room to make it a school room.  I feel so much better about school now that we can "get away" from the house (so to speak) and just be in a learning space.  It makes me feel so happy!

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My retreat was over spring break, but I spent it rearranging the whole house so that I could make room for a school room.  I am in love with that school room.  I'm so glad I gave up a formal living room to make it a school room.  I feel so much better about school now that we can "get away" from the house (so to speak) and just be in a learning space.  It makes me feel so happy!


This post is useless without pics. :lol: :lol:


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Okay I did a quick clean up (shoved things into drawers/cupboards) but here are some pictures.  Not sure how to post them, so it might take me a minute to get it right.   They are taken with my phone so they're a little grainy.  Oh, and there are still lots of things I want to ad to the walls, etc.  But it's a work in progress.  :001_smile:











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I love how bright, fresh and still comfy your schoolroom looks! We just moved couches around and I am in the process of turning what would be our living room/family room into a school room/play room. DH (in a fit of pique) ditched the TV a couple of weeks ago and made it all possible. :) So, did you listen to any of the talks? We're you inspired by anything you heard?


I like your DH!  :hurray:

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I love how bright, fresh and still comfy your schoolroom looks! We just moved couches around and I am in the process of turning what would be our living room/family room into a school room/play room. DH (in a fit of pique) ditched the TV a couple of weeks ago and made it all possible. :) So, did you listen to any of the talks? We're you inspired by anything you heard?


I felt the need to focus on language arts for me, the teacher.  I needed to be more confident in teaching writing.  So I listened to/watched IEW TWSS, and listened to about a dozen talks I downloaded at IEW.  Most were Andrew Pudewa but a couple were Adam Andrews.  Since then writing has really been a focus in school, and I don't feel so stressed out about it.  But I have quite a few talks listed on this thread that I'm going to listen to as well.  I'll probably start with Christopher Perrin and some Circe talks.

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When I did this I chose things that spoke to my heart in regards to areas I wanted to focus on a bit more in homeschooling.


Heart Of Matter & TOS have {or had at that time} downloads you could pick up from previous online conferences. :D

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