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And....a 4th grade thread! Come on, people, join in!


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Math: R&S or SU


LA: ILL, Modern Speller, Susan C. Anthony lists, dictionary for vocab, SL readers 4/5, Elson 4


Latin: Latina Christiana 1


History/SS: memorize states and capitols, make states book, be able to map the U.S. from memory


Science: Golden Book of Chemistry, Fabre's Insects



Faith: Life of Our Lord for Children, Green Catechism- copy to make own catechism


SL/Bookshark 3 if it works out financially, done as read- alouds

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  • 3 months later...

I finally have our year planned...I think!


Math: BJU Math 4

Science: RSO Chemistry

History: Homegrown world geography

LA: ELTL, WriteShop Jr. D, AAS

Handwriting: HWOT Cursive Success

Art: Great American Artist for Kids

Computer: Typing Instructor, Mod Design 1, 3D Animation 


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My 4th grader will be doing: 


MATH:  Math U See Delta and Life of Fred


LANGUAGE ARTS:  Christian Light's Language Arts (but I cross out their handwriting, spelling & writing- only does the grammar parts),   Sequential Spelling, for copywork we'll be trying an idea Andrew Pudewa gave me at his booth and for writing- IEW's Fun Facts & Fiction


HISTORY: Tapestry of Grace, Year 2


SCIENCE:  Science in the Ancient World


LITERATURE:  The Hobbit is up first, then probably Peter Pan.   A Nest for Celeste will be our Nature read aloud but we will probably read it during our lit time.


BIBLE:  Bible Study Guide for All Ages


POETRY/MEMORY WORK:  Favorite Poems Old & New, Simply Charlotte Mason method for memory work

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Not sure exactly what my DD3's grade is: she'll be 10 in late October, so either an older 4th grader or young 5th. Since she'll likely attend B&M high school, I guess I should go by state cut-off (in which case, she'd be in 4th).


Anyway, here goes-


English: CC Essentials (grammar & writing), AG Jr. Mechanics, MCT Caesar's English*


Math: MM 6, CWP 5


History & Lit: SOTW 4


Science: Story of Science (Hakim), Galore Park Jr. Science 3


Memory: CC Foundations


Classical Studies: MP Introduction to Classical Studies*


Enrichments: Swim team, ballet, sewing, & maybe another art/handicraft


*I've been planning to start Latin this year but I'm not sure if I should. Might 'classical education-light' suit us better? I'm trying to decide if an intensive study of Greek/Latin roots (Caesar's English) paired with Greek Myths/Bible/Famous Men of Rome (MP's Intro to Classical Studies) would be a better use of our time? Foreign language options at high school level will be Spanish, French, & Mandarin. Opinions welcomed.

Would it surprise anyone to know that my plans have changed a bit since February?


Since then we have completed AG Jr. Mechanics & Vocabulary from the Classical Roots 4, so I'll remove AG and Caesar's English from the line-up for English, but will add Word Wealth Junior and Evan Moor Daily Paragraph Editing. I've also enrolled her in an online literature class where she'll read: The Secret Garden, Island of the Blue Dolphins, Johnny Tremain, Flowers for Algernon, Tuck Everlasting, Swiss Family Robinson, Captains Courageous, and Adventures of Tom Sawyer.


I've also added/created a study of 6 great speeches & 6 poems for memorization. She will recite these for her CC presentations.


I'm going to wait on Hakim's Story of Science until we study ancients again (5th grade). Instead, science will be more closely linked to our CC science topics. We'll pull in videos, books, & activities as time allows/interests lead.


She'll be taking an outside French class.


All else remains the same.

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We aren't finished with 3rd grade yet and I'm already changing my 4th grade plans.


CLE Math grade 4


Apologia Swimming Creatures Zoology 2 for Science


Lifepac for History/Social Studies


Studies Weekly for Science and History supplement


ACE Creative Writing and Literature, English and World Building


Draw and Write thru History for Art\


SpellWell Spelling C-Cc


Lifepac Health Quest


And yet I have changed it again lol.. We scrapped Lifepac History and are now doing BJU Heritage Studies. We haven't touched the Studies Weekly yet. Everything else is the same. We are 12 days into our new year, 4th grade.


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Well, all previous plans were just dropped as the co-op I was planning on has collapsed.


So looks like I will get to really focus on the rising 4th grader ... older ones will be covered with outside classes/co-ops.


Math: continue with Singapore Math

supplement with: Tables, Squares, and Cubes/ Times Attack/ Challenging Word Problems?

Writing: Classical Writing- Aesop B

Spelling: R&S Spelling or switch to MegaWords ??

handwriting: Handwriting Skills Simplified

typing: Typing Instructor deluxe

History: Story of the World (or maybe back to TOG if UG is better then LG)

Literature: either from Sotw or WTM, maybe use Teaching the Classics since i have it but haven't used it.

or maybe read other quality lit like Narnia

Science: ? maybe Lyrical Life Science since we have it, or NOEO .. same reason

Art: ? Draw Squad, Drawing with Children .. have these

Music: ? piano lessons

Foreign Lang. Lively Latin 1 <already have it, love to actually use it this time!>

Logic: Fallacy Detective or Thinking Toolbox



now we will probably gather with others for some sort of co-op.

-maybe just for educational games

-presentations of papers written, art work, music recitals,

-science classes (since I'm not big on experiments anyway)


well, that's the thoughts so far ...


Looks like the praire primer co-op might take more weekly time then I thought. So this means I probably will need to drop any ideas for a separate history/lit with either TOG 3 or SOTW 3. :( But some sort of consistent co-op is important for dd.

Science ideas may also get dumped due to co-op.


Math will need to be SM 3b n 4a as I can not seem to get her to work over summer and breaks to start the year on an A book.


Spelling. Decided to stick with R&S spelling since there are less books to complete. I like SWBs idea of finishing spelling and the using that time slot for logic.



Need to start cleaning out the school room.

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We are new to homeschooling and are going to do a kind of eclectic Memoria Press heavy year with a few significant supplements. I'm still finalizing a few subjects, mainly Latin and grammar.


Literature: MP fourth grade poetry and literature units plus a bunch of free reading of great literature


Grammar: undecided, if we do Latina Christiana then will do MP grammar recitation. Otherwise I may choose Easy Grammar.


Spelling: Spelling Workout Level D.


Classics: MP Famous Men of Rome and finishing up MP Greek myths


Latin: still deciding between LC1 and Latin for Children but leaning toward LC1.


Math: Math Mammoth grade 4


Writing: Classical Composition Fable


History: History Odyssey Ancients Level 2 (going slowly on this but wanted to start the four year cycle with ancients and level 1 was too simplistic for her)


Science: REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry and treating MP Insects as nature study


It's a bit off the WTM schedule but we are starting a bit in the middle and my 4th grader fell in love with MP products. She loves workbooks, funny thing!

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We will be starting 4th grade after Christmas, but I just placed my orders since we live overseas and need time for various visitors to carry it over to us in their suitcases. I took the plunge and ordered Memoria Press's complete curriculum, a big step for this mama as I've always planned everything myself. Right now I'm thinking the lesson plans will be a breathe of fresh air, but I'm also nervous they could be stifling. Oh well, we'll give it a try!

So, the line-up is:


Math: Rod and Staff 4


Grammar: Rod and Staff 4


Latin: First Form Latin


Spelling: Rod and Staff 5


Writing: Classical Composition Fable


Reading: MP 4th grade Literature and Poetry


History: Famous Men of Rome


Geography: Geography I


Science: Insects


Bible: Christian Studies II, plus our daily Bible time we do together.


We'll also continue learning Chinese 2 or 3 times a week with a tutor. We're already using Rod and Staff for those subjects, and are doing Latina Christiana and MP Greek Myths so next year shouldn't be too much of a difference.

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Math: Math Mammoth 5 (every other problem), Sinapore IP 4B, 5A, CWP (EOP)


Language Arts:

Finish PZ A, continue in B

FLL 4 ? (undecided)

Kolbe Lit - 2 books/term

Write Through History

Kilgallon Sentence Composing (2x/week)
Fluency practice (he's a slow reader, but deep)- Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases 

and alternate with Reading Detectives


Family Afternoon Work

History: SOTW 3, Narrate, 2 extra books per term to read, narrate

Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography with Student Workbook

Read aloud science: Pagoo (2x/week) and narrate


Science: Read The New Way Things Work and notebook


German: 2 vocab cards per day, write a sentence daily, conjugate 2 verbs daily (and German Sat. School)

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Science: Read The New Way Things Work and notebook



I have this book sitting on my desk and I don't know what to do with it. When you say notebook, what exactly are you planning to do, summary work?


We are using BFSU2 and it doesn't exactly fit in with threads we need to work through, but I really want to figure a way to work it into our science plans and get some comprehension/retention. 

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DS is new to homeschooling this year, but we are using:


Math: Saxon 5/4, Beast Academy as a supplement


English: LoE, R+S


Writing: WWE3, CAP Fable


History: SOTW and Supplementary books (historical fiction, American history with real books)


Geography: Mapping skills, continents, oceans


Science: DH will be doing self-designed robotics with DS.


Foreign Language: Prima Latina


Art: Scuplture at co-op


Music: Swimming, diving

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Our up coming year starts in two weeks and I am SOOO excited :-)


Teaching Textbooks 4 (he is not a "mathy" kid at all!!)

PACE Language Arts 4



Queens Copywork for Manners


Doing with other kids;

SOTW vol. 1 with AG

Apologia Zoology 1 with lapbook

Prima Latina

Great works of Art Study

and I NEED something for a bible study!!


Debating on starting him in Russian this year...





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LA: LLATL continuing through orange and in to purple

Math: continuing on with Singapore

Health: mom based

Science: Mr Q earth science and Evan Moor Daily Science

Social Studies: Adventures through America, Road Trip USA and Evan Moor Daily Geography

Art: continuing HAS and The Worlds Greatest Artists

Music: The Great Composers


LA: rule based spelling, grammar minutes, paragraph writing made easy, vocabulary packets, Evan moor daily 6 trait

Math: MM 4 and singapore IP 3

Health: topics journal

Science: magic school bus and Evan moor daily 4

Social Studies: Adventures through America, Road Trip USA and Evan Moor Daily Geography

Art: continuing HAS and The Worlds Greatest Artists

Music: The Great Composers

Logic: logic countdown

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Language Arts-AAS 4, FLL 4, IEW finish ATFF, CAP book 1& 2, copy work from assigned novels, Reading A-Z, continue cursive, lots of literature, also thinking of trying some fun elements from Bravewriter like poetry teas and freewrite

Math-Right Start finish level D begin E

History-State history

Science-RS4K Physics

Geography-Finish Galloping the Globe

Bible-Awana, Egermeier Bible and start Apologia's Who is God

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My 4th grader went to private school for 3rd (had been homeschooled for 1st and 2nd) and didn't learn a single thing.  So we are a little behind in the curriculum we had been using.  Because he has an older brother, he has been through SOTW 3,4 and 1 already so even though he is in 4th we're going to pick up with middle ages for history and earth/space for science and then start all over for logic stage next year with ancients and biology.  Here is what we are using:


Math:  R&S 5

Writing:  not sure whether to use WWE 3 or 4

Grammar:  FLL 3

Spelling:  AAS (backtracking to Level 3 because his school used the "here is a list of 15 random words" method and I want to solidify the rules because his spelling is atrocious)

Reading:  books to coordinate with our state geography curriculum and history (so, for example, he will read Sign of the Beaver when we study about Maine, Cricket in Times Square when we study New York, etc).

History:  SOTW 2 (need to bulk this up a bit)

Science:  Elemental Science Earth/Space (grammar stage will be a bit too light for him so I'm trying to decide if I want to do logic stage but then not sure what I will use in 6th grade)

Geography:  hodgepodge of Trail Guides To US Geography and The 50 States and Where to Find Them (just want him to be able to identify states on a map, know the capitals, understand regions of the country, and maybe be able to identify major rivers, mountains, etc.)

Latin: going to try Latin For Children A

Art:  I bought some of the Charlotte Mason art packs to correspond with history timeframe

Music:  he is going to go back to his old private school for band 2 hours per week

Co-op:  drop off one day a week, up to six periods I will let him pick and choose whatever he wants to do as long as he gets out there with other kids

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LA: LLATL continuing through orange and in to purple

Math: continuing on with Singapore

I'm curious about LLATL. Is this a complete LA program? Is it something that can be done somewhat independently? This will be our first year HSing, and LA is by far my greatest weakness.


I also am planning to use Singapore Math, but I'm really nervous about such a massive change to my girls' way of learning math. I'm an ex high school math teacher, and I hope I can help them grasp the different way of thinking/solving. Do you have any experience with switching an older student to SM or know of any stories to relay?

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4th Grade Plans (starting in September 2014)

  • Guided Reading: (She reads to me) Student's choice -- "Bring what inspires you, confuses you, makes you laugh. Bring whatever you want to share with an engaged listener." Now I have to be engaged. ;)
  • A.I.R. Time: (Assigned Independent Reading) Science & History bookshelves
  • Vocabulary: Idioms & sayings (record in Literature & Language notebook)
  • Grammar: FLL 4 (grammar only) or MCT Town (Grammar/Practice) or MP English Grammar Recitation
  • Composition: CAP Fable, perhaps some of Narrative I
  • Spelling: Phonetic Zoo C; All About Homophones
  • Memory Work: Beautiful Memories (poetry packet for 4th Grade)
  • Speaking: Monthly oral reports on Science summaries
  • Typing: Typing Instructor
  • Math: Horizons 4; Kumon Workbooks; websites
  • Musical Instrument: Lessons & practice
  • French: Ecoutez, Parlez 4, then review EP 1, 2, 3, & 4 with workbooks
  • Latin: Latina Christiana I
  • Greek: Alphabet workbook

With her sisters (2nd Graders):

  • Christian Discipleship: Christian Doctrines; Junior Bible Quiz; Bible Reading; Heaven for Kids
  • Literature & Language: Book Club (read aloud & discuss selected books; keep reading list and discussion notes in a notebook); Poetry Teas; Shakespeare Summer Theater (one play, probably involving fairies); Classic Stories for Children (RA)
  • Science & Health: Students will choose resource(s) from our science center; read or do something (2x/week); write a summary and/or draw & label a diagram (1x/week); maintain their reading/activity list and reports in a science notebook
  • History & Geography: Students will choose resource(s) from our history bookshelves; read or do something (2x/week); write a summary (1x/week); file these reports chronologically in a history notebook; complete geography work in the notebook
  • Local Community: Research & collect information about local attractions, parks, museums; intentionally explore our area; plot our local visits on a county or state map
  • Travel: Princeton, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The Cloisters, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, maybe western MA?; plot our visits on a Northeast US map (all tentative, but I'm hopeful)
  • Music Theory: Theory Time; children's choirs
  • Drawing Instruction: Draw Write Now
  • Handicrafts: Crocheting & knitting at co-op
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4th Grade Plans (starting in September 2014)

  • Guided Reading: (She reads to me) Student's choice -- "Bring what inspires you, confuses you, makes you laugh. Bring whatever you want to share with an engaged listener." Now I have to be engaged. ;)
  • A.I.R. Time: (Assigned Independent Reading) Science & History bookshelves
  • Vocabulary: Idioms & sayings (record in Literature & Language notebook)
  • Grammar: FLL 4 (grammar only) or MCT Town (Grammar/Practice) or MP English Grammar Recitation
  • Composition: CAP Fable, perhaps some of Narrative I
  • Spelling: Phonetic Zoo C; All About Homophones
  • Memory Work: Beautiful Memories (poetry packet for 4th Grade)
  • Speaking: Monthly oral reports on Science summaries
  • Typing: Typing Instructor
  • Math: Horizons 4; Kumon Workbooks; websites
  • Musical Instrument: Lessons & practice
  • French: Ecoutez, Parlez 4, then review EP 1, 2, 3, & 4 with workbooks
  • Latin: Latina Christiana I
  • Greek: Alphabet workbook

With her sisters (2nd Graders):

  • Christian Discipleship: Christian Doctrines; Junior Bible Quiz; Bible Reading; Heaven for Kids
  • Literature & Language: Book Club (read aloud & discuss selected books; keep reading list and discussion notes in a notebook); Poetry Teas; Shakespeare Summer Theater (one play, probably involving fairies); Classic Stories for Children (RA)
  • Science & Health: Students will choose resource(s) from our science center; read or do something (2x/week); write a summary and/or draw & label a diagram (1x/week); maintain their reading/activity list and reports in a science notebook
  • History & Geography: Students will choose resource(s) from our history bookshelves; read or do something (2x/week); write a summary (1x/week); file these reports chronologically in a history notebook; complete geography work in the notebook
  • Local Community: Research & collect information about local attractions, parks, museums; intentionally explore our area; plot our local visits on a county or state map
  • Travel: Princeton, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The Cloisters, Philadelphia, Washington, Boston, maybe western MA?; plot our visits on a Northeast US map (all tentative, but I'm hopeful)
  • Music Theory: Theory Time; children's choirs
  • Drawing Instruction: Draw Write Now
  • Handicrafts: Crocheting & knitting at co-op



We just went to Princeton to look at the campus.  It was a great trip.  


We also went to the Revolutionary War museum in Morristown.  It is about and hour or hour and a half away from Princeton depending on traffic.  My kids did the Junior Ranger badge, and I thought it was a very good place to visit.

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There's still one more month to finesse.  :001_tt2:


Which is exactly what has me doing this :willy_nilly: and my husband doing this :001_rolleyes: .


"Honey, I've got it!"


"Got what? Milk?"


"No, silly. I've got The Plan for this upcoming school year."


"Oh....  :001_rolleyes:  Which version are we up to now? It is 8.0 or 9.17? I've lost track...."

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I'm curious about LLATL. Is this a complete LA program? Is it something that can be done somewhat independently? This will be our first year HSing, and LA is by far my greatest weakness.


I also am planning to use Singapore Math, but I'm really nervous about such a massive change to my girls' way of learning math. I'm an ex high school math teacher, and I hope I can help them grasp the different way of thinking/solving. Do you have any experience with switching an older student to SM or know of any stories to relay?

My dd really disliked the literature suggestions so we are no longer using it. I thought it was a great program though. A very gentle but thorough approach.

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After months of searching and stewing about the "right thing" to do, this is the plan that developed.




Morning time with DS (2nd grade) for memory work on lists (building and reviewing memory palaces - I've been inspired!), poetry and read alouds to begin the day together and centered.



TT 4 and finish BA 3 C, D



Grammar Town and Practice Town



IEW SWI B, supplemented by their Ancient History based writing books and Kilgallon Sentence Building for Elementary (learning to use the Who/Which phrase elegantly)








Lit Study

Andrew Adams DVDs (for me) and various books as they seem appropriate and appealing

(beginning with Alice in Wonderland)



CE 2



Piano, Theory Time and Classical Composers (I'm excited about this one!) - this is the first book of a series, since my kids will LOVE this, I hope part 2 is out by spring.

Followed by Venezia books, etc.


Physical activities:

Capoeira class and daily practice


Portuguese with Dad and duolingo


For spring, we just move forward to TT 5 and further into the MCT books

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My dd really disliked the literature suggestions so we are no longer using it. I thought it was a great program though. A very gentle but thorough approach.

Thanks for responding. I decided to keep it simple this first year and do Easy Grammar/Daily Grams, Spelling Power, and Pentime for LA. DD11 will also try WWS1. I still haven't decided if I'll add in vocabulary as we'll.

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Spell to Write and Read


IEW American History



Saxon 5/4

Song School Latin 2

Latin's Not So Tough 4

Hey Andrew 4

Trivium Tables

Story of the World

Lyrical Science

Pages of History

The History of Medicine

Exploring the World of Chemistry

Acts and Facts cards

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Johnny Tremaine

By the Great Horn Spoon

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

Veritas Press Bible

The Gospel for Children

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Type A - OCD mom of an only child  


Math: Saxon 6/5 (but looking at changing to Singapore)

Grammar: Essentials & IEW US History

History: Veritas Press online and SOTW  - Ancients

Science: Apologia Land animals & Human anatomy

Spelling: All about spelling 3

Geography: Classical conversations & study one country a month

Bible: CCD

French: MP First form French

Latin: Classical conversations

Art: Study one artist a month, Drawing with children & lots of free drawing

Music: Study one composer a month & piano lessons

PE : Taekwondo

We do CC (Foundations and Essentials) which we both LOVE! I'm learning so much :)

We read aloud several books a year, many of them Lamplighter or classic children's books

He reads books related to science & history if possible, or just fun kids books

Plus at least one field trip a month - hopefully related to something we are studying!





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Here are my picks


Math- Saxon 65


Language Arts- Rod and Staff English 4, Rod and Staff Spelling 5, and dictation from Heart of Dakota Preparing


Writing- IEW Student Intensive A, Written Narrations from HOD Preparing


Science- HOD Preparing


Literature- DITHOR bookpack 4/5


History- HOD Preparing

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Looks like the praire primer co-op might take more weekly time then I thought. So this means I probably will need to drop any ideas for a separate history/lit with either TOG 3 or SOTW 3. :( But some sort of consistent co-op is important for dd.

Science ideas may also get dumped due to co-op.


Math will need to be SM 3b n 4a as I can not seem to get her to work over summer and breaks to start the year on an A book.


Spelling. Decided to stick with R&S spelling since there are less books to complete. I like SWBs idea of finishing spelling and the using that time slot for logic.



Need to start cleaning out the school room.


ug.. making changes again ... 

End of year testing made me realize that we need to really focus on LA and Math!  So I am thinking of . . . not really doing history or science this year! :eek:  :ph34r:  I'm thinking of spending extra time on LA and Math 4 days a week.  The 5th day will be for any catch up that might be needed or field trips or a day for some history and science.  I'm thinking of learning about our town, county, and state for history.  And for science, I already have Lyrical Life Science: Human Body which she can sing with her soon to be 4 year old sister.  If we actually finish that then we can do some astronomy or weather studies.  


So for our LA and Math focus I'm thinking of:

MATH --I want to work on her fact memorization, confidence, and mental math 

*finish the little left in Singapore Math standards 3A, do 3B and 4A but use the HIG and the Mental Math in the back

?CWP level 3 (although I already have Primary Challenge Math and Challenge Math that I could use, so not sure here)

Calculadders, flash cards, TimezAttack, RightStart Math Games (already own these)

{?also considering other supplements from SM like Math Sprints/Math Express or Process Skills/CWP ... totally not sure here}

(I may be starting a game co-op for this & other educational games)


LA --I want to work on her reading and spelling [she is reading early chapter books but it is slow....]

*Lots of reading together, alternating sentences, then paragraphs, then pages....

*Reading Detective SW to help with comprehension (already own it)

*Editor in Chief SW to help with editing (already own it)

*switching from R&S Spelling 3 to How to Teach Spelling w/wkbk 1 or 2 (already own it) 

(would love to use Megawords but it starts at 4th grade and I'm not sure if she is there yet... time to use their assessment to check)

*Handwriting Skills Simplified level D

*Typing Instructor (already own it, need to fix it though <_< )

*CW Aesop B (for writing and grammar, just need a new wkbk and I'm set)


??considering Lively Latin to boost the grammar in prep for CW Homer, but wondering if it should wait a year at this point? (already own it)


Art: Draw Squad when time permits (already own it)

Music: Piano lessons ??

PE: winter swim 


For the reading I'm thinking of picking those great books that tend not to fall into our history/literature lineups.  Ex. Narnia series, Phantom Tollbooth, The Secret Garden, Teddy's Button, A Peek Behind the Scenes, Little House, Wizard of Oz, etc. (& yes I'm enjoying the thread that is listing everyone's top 5 books!)


Next year we can get back to TOG. (already getting it for older brother's co-op)

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We started two weeks ago, although outside classes will begin next week.  


Math: AoPS Pre-A

LA:  Writer's workshop

Hebrew:  at local day school (experimental arrangement)

Memory work

Handwriting:  GDI 

History:  reading about the Renaissance/Age of Exploration with Mom

Science: BFSU

Art:  this, that, and the other thing

Other:  sports, Suzuki cello


I would very much like to put Latin back into the schedule but we have to see how it works out with the daily Hebrew classes first.  There may simply not be enough time this year.  



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No. No. No. No. Complete denial. Ok well not complete denial..I have a working list for next year...but to post about it? That seems too for real! ;)



Fairly firm plans:

BSGFAA Intermediate yr 3

MM 4B-5A

CAP narrative and the next level whatever that is...

R&S spelling 5


Art- Mark Kistler

Piano and gymnastics


Super tentative plans:

Science: Ugh. A few thoughts but nothing certain...top contender at this point is Ellen McHenry's the Elements and a few ASK science kits...unless I can find something like EE physical science which my kids love...

History: either yr 2 of US History or VP OTAE self paced

Lit: probably something with the Little House books...a few Lit guides and/or the Prairie Primer

Not sure if I should continue with handwriting/cursive

Thinking about adding logic....

Something more formal for Spanish...maybe duolingo.


So the basics are planned, and the rest...well, I look forward to this thread! :)



We started school this week and I am still tweaking... :huh:



Math 4B-5A (Xtra math and RS games for reinforcement of facts)

CAP Narrative 1 and then maybe 8's new writing program Treasured Conversations when we finish...

R&S Spelling (finishing up 4 and then onto 5)


Art- a couple of homeschool art classes then Mark Kistler

Science- ASK science kits (weather, matter, human body)/Usborne Science encyclopedia, online videos

U.S. History part 2 (combination of SL, VP, and TQ)

Spanish (Sara Jordan Bilingual songs, duolingo)

piano and gymnastics


4 days in and so far so good...(not so much with the 2nd grader...)  :glare:

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I guess I never answered. My upcoming fourth grader has been my most challenging. This is what his year looks like:

History: TOG

Lit: Sonlight and TOG readers

LA: Apples and Pears C, Daily Language Review, Handwriting Without Tears Cursive, IEW SWI-A, Climbing to Good Grammar 4

Math: Horizons 4

Science: ABeka 4

Spanish: Excelerate Spanish with his older brother, videos from the library

Art/PE: at co-op

Music: the dreaded piano lessons

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