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Has anyone here had braces as an adult? Anyone decided AGAINST getting them as an adult? Pros/cons?


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I'm considering getting braces (age 45) and wondered if you could please share your experiences? Be detailed, please!

-why did you need them

-did you have clear (ceramic) or stainless steel-and how did you like the type you got?-if you got clear, did they stain-did you get the white wire-and how did you like it?

-how was it emotionally to wear them as an adult, was it worth the expense, etc.-anything you'd like to share!

-Or if you decided *against* getting them-why?


Also, if you'd like to read and comment on my situation below:


I had them when I was younger and my top teeth are straight. The bottom teeth are the problem-I am missing one molar that didn't have an adult tooth, and there is another with the same problem on the other side-with that baby molar soon to fall out and leaning on the other teeth. So the bottom front teeth have shifted due to the hole and the leaning, and are getting crooked. And one of the teeth that the baby tooth is leaning on is getting cracked from the pressure! Also my bite is getting so that the fronts of the tops and bottoms will eventually rub on each other and cause chipping.


I will eventually (when we can afford it) get implants in the holes. In the meantime, our orthodontist can fix the bite and straighten the bottom teeth (none of that is possible once the implants are in.) I would only have to wear the braces SIX months! Then the retainers (which I would be so happy to have them so I could wear them *forever* and keep my teeth nice!) That will all then "hold the place" until we can get the implants, and prevent further damage/shifting.


We love our ortho (he has done both kids-totally awesome, trust him 100%), and he said he would throw in the top teeth (which only need minor little tweaks) for the price of the bottom (it would normally be $5500 for the whole thing; he would give it to me for $2800, and insurance would pay $700 of that). It would end up costing us $2100-about $100/month for 24 months, can finance it interest free. We have a VERY tight budget, so I just don't know if I can justify it. We are on one small income, haven't been on vacation for many years, are extremely frugal, my car is 10 yrs old, etc. I can't get a job to help due to chronic illness. Plus it is weird, but the emotional part of wearing braces at this age! It is a tiny bit more for the clear ones, so I'd prbly do that. I feel guilty when there are so many other things we could do with the money (not that we even HAVE the money!)


But it just seems to make sense to do this now, before it causes further problems/expense, especially since he's giving me a great deal. Anyway, I just hoped to hear others' experiences!

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Just make 100% sure of the terms of your insurance.  Ours has been all over the map with adult coverage, and currently doesn't cover adults at all.


My concern is your vehicle.  What if you have this plus car payments?  I'd be uneasy.


Our orthodontist also offered me a significant discount if I signed on.  We're almost done with my last one, so it is tempting.  But then comes college expenses and purchasing another vehicle for said college student...


I said no, but mine was primarily cosmetic with one area that was wearing that my regular dentist will address sometime this year.


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If at all possible I'd highly recommend Invisialign instead... it's much quicker, less painful, less visible.  If you shop around you can find them for around $2800 for the whole treatment which includes retainers (look on Groupon for example, you can call the dentists directly and see if they'd do the same price directly through their offices so that you can use your insurance too - that's what I did :P).

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If you think this might save dental expenses down the road, that might be a real incentive.


Is it ever going to be any cheaper? (You might want to get a 2nd opinion, just to see if the estimate actually IS cheaper, or if it's pretty much in line with what someone else would charge. Sounds like there's not much to do on the top, so maybe anyone would be in that ball park? If so, maybe you don't need to do it NOW, financially speaking.)


I've seen adults with braces. It doesn't shock me. I'm guessing it wouldn't really shock too many people. I wouldn't let that be the deciding factor. It's only going to be a few months.



Just for fun-- my daughter took a time lapse of her braces journey and put it up on youtube. Oddly, it's gotten over 33,000 views:

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I have them now.

My mouth is really small (I know that may come as a surprise to many, lol). Because of that, my teeth were really, really malaligned. It looked ok in the very front but I basically had no way to bite down on both sides at once. I had teeth that were fully behind others and one that was unerupted and laying along my sinus. Dental hygiene was very time consuming (try flossing tripods of teeth) My teeth were wearing out too fast from the bite issues. I had jaw pain and it may have been contributing to headaches.

I finally bit the bullet at age 31 and after consulting with several dentists, an oral surgeon and shopping around for an orthodontist (I saw 5 or so IIRC), I had 7 teeth removed and regular metal braces put on. They are coming off in a few months. I opted for the regular metal as my issues were extensive enough that the porcelain and clear ones were deemed to be too fragile for my lower teeth and I didn't see the point of paying extra just for something less noticeable in half of my mouth. I made the mistake of getting clear (read- yellow) rubber bands the first time. Then silver which made it even more ugly. After that I mostly did a nice blue which was clearly not icky stuff on my teeth, though sometimes I get a crazy color to appease my little son. I got a rainbow for Pride last year at my nieces request. It was kinda fun.

It has never been an issue with people thinking it was weird, even when I worked in a position that required public speaking. The only people who mention it are those who say that they did it as an adult too or those who are considering it and want to get an idea of costs. Never has anyone been unkind or rude about it and if they were I wouldn't really care. I mean, this isn't middle school!

My insurance chipped in $1500, leaving us with the better part of $5000 to pay. We used our flex spending account for most of that and the office had a same as cash discount for short term payment plans. There were also longer term payment options and financing available. Had I known, I would have done it when I was 21. The price includes the fixed retainer she will place and the night retainers for the other teeth plus the sport guard I needed for skating.

We also paid a fair bit after my insurance for the surgery and we will soon have other costs for a needed molar implant and an optional cosmetic buildup on a strangely small visible tooth. I figure I have gone through enough that I want a fantastic smile out of it. I have an expensive mouth. ;)

I have nothing but good things to say about all of it. I wish I would have done it sooner but I was very leery of dental work (especially because I knew I needed surgery before the braces could go on) and concerned about the costs.

I should have had braces as a child but financial concerns made that impossible.

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I currently have invisalign and am very pleased with it.  A lot of my friends didn't even know I had them until months after I started treatment and these were people I saw multiple times a week!  They are just not as obvious and I can take them out when I eat so it's just easier.  I needed them because I had braces as a teen but my teeth were shifting and I would get headaches because of the pressure of some of them and because they were starting to be noticably crooked and it bothered me. 

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Had braces twice, once as a preteen and once as an adult.  I had severely misaligned teeth as a child because my roots on the baby teeth did not rot and allow the baby teeth to fall out like they should.  My original dentist wouldn't pull the baby teeth.  Ended up with WAY too many teeth and the big teeth were horribly crooked.  We moved, got a better dentist, baby teeth got pulled, I had horribly crooked teeth for a while, then wore braces, teeth got straight but mouth was small (jaw normal size, but place for teeth is small).  Wisdom teeth were impacted so when they erupted they pushed all my teeth out of alignment again.  Caused headaches and jaw misalignment, plus the potential for long term issues.  Dealt with it until I was an adult, then got fed up with the whole thing.  Had to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled along with 4 bicuspids.  (My now DH was the co-worker/friend that got to pick me up from the dental appt and drive me back to work.  I opened my mouth to say hi and thank him, then promptly spit blood all over him.  Still started dating me, though.  :)  )  I digress.  Anyway, I wore metal, and at times there was discomfort or pain, but it saved me from the other pain, my jaw doesn't have the issues it did and eating is so much easier now.  Plus, my smile looks much nicer, it is easier to clean my teeth properly, the other potential issues long term were eliminated and I managed to date, get engaged to and then marry that nice boy who came to take me back to work in the time from getting the teeth pulled,  to getting the braces off (one week before the wedding).  Worked out beautifully....  :)


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I have them now, too, and knew I needed them for a few years.  I wish I'd done it sooner.  


This is my 3rd time with braces!  First time in adolescence the doc did a good job, but I have a very crowded mouth and should have worn retainers every night.  Had the bottom done about 10 years ago because they had moved around so much that it hurt to eat.  That guy totally messed up the alignment of my top and bottom jaws, and I started fracturing teeth.  There will be cosmetic advantages to getting braces again, but the real reason I'm doing it is that I'm 44 and want my teeth to last!  Sounds like you have functional issues as well.  It's a VERY good thing you'd have both top and bottom done at once.  My current orthodontist, who is great, said that one reason my jaws misaligned with the treatment 10 years ago is that it's very easy to cause misalignment when only one jaw is treated.  


I have clear brackets on top and metal on the bottom, and I'm happy with that combo.  You can't see the bottom ones unless I try to show them.  I'm still figuring out the elastic thing--currently clear, and glad to see they haven't stained with tomato sauce or red wine.  My case was severe enough that Invisalign was not an option, but I know lots of people who are happy they went that route.  


Honestly I wish I didn't have to do this in terms of my appearance--at 44 I could use a boost, not regression to 8th grade, and my treatment plan is 2 years!  But I know I will look great when it's done.  :)  Since you asked about the emotional side, at first I felt a little hesitant socially to smile and more in my shell.  It was when they were first put on.  My teeth were aching along with my self-esteem, and I was eating lots of soup and wearing my leopard print fleece bathrobe around the house a great deal.  It doesn't bother me so much now, and I decided to think of this time as a transformation in other ways, too--emotionally, physically, creatively, etc.  Putting the 2 years in the context of other desires and goals (and knowing I'll be done before my 25th college reunion!) makes it more positive for me.   


There was a thread here a while back about regrets, and although most of it was about homeschooling and parenting, one person said they regretted not getting good dental care sooner.  That really struck a chord with me.  It's not glamorous or fun, but it is a basic health and self-care issue, and when I cracked a tooth due to the misalignment I felt horrified and old.  I'm really relieved to be taking care of myself in this way right now.  It's way too easy to put off!


As for affording it and possibly a car, that's a numbers/budget thing to juggle, but I do think if you get good work done you will save yourself $ and sorrow long term!  



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My bottom teeth began to grow together when I was 28. By the time I was 30 it wasn't pretty. We had really good dental insurance so we only paid $653 for all of the work and I have a wire behind my bottom teeth even now. It hurt, but it really changed my appearance for the better so I don't regret it at all. Lets face it, if you need to look for a job or take nice family photos you will be so glad you did and $100 a month is nothing compared to looking good in photos that will be around forever. Teeth matter.

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I could not afford them as a kid and finally got them in my 20s (clear for the top front, metal for the rest). Treatment took less time than I was told (2 years, not 3). I am glad I did it. I was teaching middle school at the time, and kids empathized because some of them had them as well, but I am sure to the parents it just emphasized that I was that New Young Teacher.


My caveat is that after a few years, I stopped wearing my retainer at night (pregnant/morning sickness/nursing baby etc.) and my teeth shifted back a bit.

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My sister got regular braces in her early 40s and is very happy she did it. I am still surprised at how beautiful her smile is and what a difference it makes in her appearance every time I see her (which isn't very much). She also had to have her two front teeth capped as well way before the braces from a childhood accident.

If you want it and you can afford it, I highly recommend it as it can ease long term old age dental problems.

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I had them.


I had crooked top front teeth and bottom, but the trigger was having a tooth removed after a failed root canal. They closed the gap rather than putting in an implant.


Timewise the predicted 18months stretched out to four years. The cost was fixed thankfully.


I was surprised by the discomfort level. The ceramic did stain but that's because I just couldn't do without my coffee. And every six weeks when they changed them they'd look great again.


Now it's done I am so glad I did it. It makes me feel much more confident about my smile. It's also heaps easier to keep my teeth really clean

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It's great to read everyone's experiences! A lot more people have had them than I expected!


I told dh the price and he nearly fainted. I wisely let the matter drop for a couple days-he will prbly bring it up at some point in that time so we can discuss. I just hate to put more burden on him. I will say I was concerned with people on here who said they didn't have adult coverage for insurance, or it changed, which makes me want to jump on this while insurance is helping!


I'm in prayer mode about it all now-praying for wisdom, guidance, etc.


Keep the stories coming-it's so helpful to read them! Thanks!

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I had them starting when I was 31. Couldn't afford them when I was younger. I got them for cosmetic reasons - I had a large gap in my front teeth, my bottom teeth were crowded in and overlapped a lot, and I had a notable overbite. It took two years of stainless steel braces, but it ALL got fixed. While it isn't particularly awesome to have braces, and I was always the only adult client in the place when I went for adjustments, the boost to my self-esteem was very much worth the two years and the cost.


My only regret was the timing of my braces with my pregnancy. It was a pain to have to consider the braces in my food choices when I was snacking all the time :)


Will the ortho still offer you the price break down the road? Could you put aside $100/month for a year to make sure your budget can handle it and then finance the rest so your payment is only $50/month for the two years?

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I have very crooked bottom teeth, but I never wanted braces.  Personally I don't find them necessary.  If it were a health issue, I would consider it.


I have seen women with braces, including middle-aged women.  As far as I know, there were no significant issues other than that after they came off, you could still see where they had been.

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I have seen women with braces, including middle-aged women.  As far as I know, there were no significant issues other than that after they came off, you could still see where they had been.



That's an oral hygiene issue or perhaps due to using whitening products WHILE you have braces on which is a big no-no.  Diet can affect it too.  People with braces shouldn't drink staining fluids like coffee and soda if they can help it, but if they do they need to brush immediately.  I have had various brackets repositioned and 1 bracket is off now entirely off because the molar is in the right spot.  My teeth were entirely unscathed.  No discoloration whatsoever.  But I am a stickler for flossing and brushing and using rinse.  I have threader floss and a little tiny brush thing in my pocket pretty much all the time and I don't leave home without my toothbrush.  There is *one* tooth that I think will have a little discoloration but it started off like that (it had been in an impossibly tight spot mostly behind another tooth before all of this was done).  Thankfully, that is also the bizarrely small tooth and it's going to be resurfaced when it is built up to be normally sized.  

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It sounds like you are going to be paying for a lot of dental work if your top and bottom teeth are rubbing together. That sounds like reason enough to get braces. If you get stuck he might let you spread out your payments a little further. And by the way, you only have to wear your retainer until your hundredth birthday!

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I had braces in my early 20s.  When I was a teen, they tried to widen my jaw with this retainer-type thing called a Schwartz appliance, but it didn't work.  So, in college, I had four teeth pulled, and braces.  They were the white ceramic kind that matched my teeth.  Took about two years.  I'm so glad I did it, although it felt weird to go to the orthodontist some times and be the only adult.


I was so self-conscious about my smile and it really made a difference. :)

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I had braces in my early 20s. When I was a teen, they tried to widen my jaw with this retainer-type thing called a Schwartz appliance, but it didn't work. So, in college, I had four teeth pulled, and braces. They were the white ceramic kind that matched my teeth. Took about two years. I'm so glad I did it, although it felt weird to go to the orthodontist some times and be the only adult.


I was so self-conscious about my smile and it really made a difference. :)

Out of curiosity, which teeth did they pull? I am contemplating braces and wondering what the best options for creating more room are (removing teeth vs. filing several down a bit).

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Out of curiosity, which teeth did they pull? I am contemplating braces and wondering what the best options for creating more room are (removing teeth vs. filing several down a bit).


They pulled my canine teeth ("fangs"( on top, and the corresponding teeth below.  

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I had braces to straighten my top teeth which were becoming more out of line by the year.  My teeth moved really quickly, and therein we discovered a problem.  If I didn't wear the retainer for even a couple of hours, my teeth would shift and then be really sore.  The ortho really thought I was cheating, but I was eseentially a slave to the dad gum retainer, panicking if I for got to put it back on after a meal.


When he ffinally got the tiny adjustments where he wanted them with the retainers (after the braces), he finally locked those top front teeth in place with a wire.  I've never been more thankful for something in my life.


Moral of the story:  see if you can negotiate as little time in a retainer as possible and move straight to a "permanent retainer" after braces if it is right for you.

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Moral of the story:  see if you can negotiate as little time in a retainer as possible and move straight to a "permanent retainer" after braces if it is right for you.

My daughter's orthodontist put the permanent retainer on as soon as the braces came off -- so she was wearing the plastic retainer along with the permanent retainer.

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I'm so glad I did it, although it felt weird to go to the orthodontist some times and be the only adult.

Being homeschoolers, we tended to visit the ortho with my daughter during the day. Just about everyone there was an adult.


It's true, I never heard of an adult doing such a thing when I was kid, and the ortho I went to was ALL kids. But these days, there are a lot of adults doing it.

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I had braces at 31yo. I had 3 baby teeth that had never come out and the adult teeth (canines) were still up there. They said the adult teeth could abscess up in the jaw so I had the baby teeth pulled and windows cut into my gums to hook braces to the adult teeth and slowly pull them down with braces. Also had my severely impacted wisdom teeth removed (not fun). I had never had braces as a child and I did need them. I had the regular type of braces and it took a little over 2 years.


It didn't matter to me one way or another what color my braces were. It was worth it and I am glad I did it though I could probably do it again because a couple teeth have moved a little.

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