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Prayer request upon prayer - updates: Jan 13,17,31


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We are in a daze.  So much has happened amid Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. 


My dear, sweet uncle went home to be with Jesus the week before Thanksgiving.  I'm incredibly thankful for this man; the spiritual patriarch of the family.  He was like a 2nd Dad to me - a truly, wonderful man!


Yesterday morning, my dh's Mom passed away.  She would have turned 90 this coming Nov. 

Within hours of my mil passing away, my dh's sister's dh was rushed to the hospital.  He's been losing his balance and sleeping more.  My dh called me just a couple of hours ago to inform me that tests revealed a rather large tumor on his brain.  Dh's Mom left WI over 3 years ago to reside in a facility in the DC area close to her daughter who is dh's sister.  She retired from education after 35 years and was able to visit her Mom quite often as their house is only minutes from the nursing home. 


Pray for salvation to come to this family of unbelievers - glory to God.  My dh told sil that they needed to pray and she agreed! 


Thank you!  


I hope that whatever this is will be treatable.  


After this post, my Dad called and his drs. want to run a ct-scan b/c his urine is discolored and his lungs show a "spot".




update:  dh's mom's funeral will be early next week.  brother in law had surgery today at John Hopkins.  they said it did look like cancer, but the dr. also said he was right 2/3.  I guess that means he's wrong 1/3.  God knows.  I've been praying for him and for sister in law who had 2 crises in 1 day. 


my dad will be scheduling his appts. for the next few weeks. 


I do so appreciate prayers on behalf of these loved ones.   Thanks!



Update 1/17


BIL has an aggressive form of brain cancer.


His biopsy wound is healing and treatment will begin in a few, short weeks.


DH's mother's funeral is this coming Tuesday.  Dh's sister can not go to that b/c she'll be home caring for her husband.  That is all we know.   Truly he is in God's hands.   May God extend His hand to them.


I want to say thank you for your prayers that you uttered before the Lord.  He heard each one.



Update Jan 31: 


My Dad went in yesterday, Thursday, for an echocardiogram, lab work and ct-scan.   He should receive results next week or soon thereafter.  Of course we are praying that all goes well.   However, there "was/is" an issue.  My prayers for him include the doctors finding what the issue is and that it is treatable and not life threatening. 


Brother-in-law -  what can be said.  He is approx. 60 years of age and I learned that his Dad did not pass away until he reached 95!!!  This is overwhelming to think about, I'm praying that God would shrink and remove this tumor.   Praying for his/their salvation!

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Thanks!  It is very difficult and only God is our refuge. 


After this post, my Dad called and his drs. want to run a ct-scan b/c his urine is discolored and his lungs show a "spot".


Oh dear!  I want to cry, scream, pray, etc. all at the same time.  Does anyone understand this?



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