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So how cold did you get?


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I know many of you live in colder places than we live in now, so perhaps I'm looking for reminders that 2 degrees (F) is not cold.  ;)


FWIW, 2 is the lowest I've seen our thermometer go in the almost 18 years we've lived here.


I grew up further north though.  The coldest I remembered was in the -30s (in general) and on one of those days it was -76 with the wind chill - and I had to walk 9 blocks home from school to my mom's house.  I still vividly remember that walk.  I felt chilled to the bone before I had left the school grounds and every block seemed a chore.  It took forever to warm up once inside the house later.  I felt really sorry for those with longer walks (anyone who lived within 2 miles of school had to walk).


There's a reason I settled further south.  I love four seasons.  I love fresh snow.  But I like short winter seasons I guess - with generally warmer winter temps.  We lived in FL for 5 years and found we missed the seasons, so I'm not really wishing we were anywhere without them, but...


I'm glad the boys are here today to de-ice water for the chickens... We'll probably have to cut a hole in the ice for our ponies too.

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I don't really like any extreme in temperature.


My comfort zone is 50 - 80, maybe more specifically 52 - 82.  Anywhere outside of that and I only enjoy it when it's a quick day or two, then gone.  I really dislike the heat of the southern states in summer and the cold of the northern states in winter.  It's another draw of being nomadic.


The "best" winters here have been when we've been able to travel for the whole month of Feb... then I found I don't mind the cold earlier in the season as I know it will be for just a short time.  Unfortunately, this year we can't travel - even for a quick trip.  :glare:   That fact is starting to really bug me mentally... It's super rare when we haven't gone somewhere.  Hopefully next year we'll get a month or two away to make up for it, but for this year it's really, really annoying.  


ps  Hubby's job is portable, so our time south is generally "working" vacations often spent in campgrounds - that's how it's affordable.

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We should be -20 by Monday morning....that is before wind chill, which, considering the winds that are supposed to be here too, should be EVIL. 


Uh, keep it... or send it back to Canada.  Try not to send it our way!  My memories of the super cold are enough for me.


But thanks for the reminder that 2 degrees is still relatively warm.  ;)

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Freakishly cold! It was 7 when I got up this morning. I know some folks here are used to such temps, but I'm not and...WAAAHHHH! 


We usually heat our home with wood, but we can't when it is this cold. I hear the heat running, running, running, burning oil right now and I'm watching $10 bills come out of the vents. 

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Weather.com said it was -16 F when I woke up this morning. With the wind chill, we've been close to -30F. I'm so ready to move south.


BRR!  The problem with moving south (too far south) is that summer comes and the heat (to me) is worse that the cold.  However, moving somewhat further south and coupling that with winter trips works nicely for me.  ;)


If too far south, then summer vacations would be needed.


The "nice" places year round (for us temp wise) would be Hawaii and parts of Southern CA.  HI is simply way too far away from anything else and southern CA has never appealed to us on any of our trips for more than just a vacation.  


Besides, as mentioned before, I do actually really like four seasons.  It's just the extremes that get to me - and perhaps the length of winter.

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Yeah we have extremes on both ends.  And even if it isn't that hot in summer (it is usually in the 80s), it's very humid most of the time.  People always say well aren't you used to it?  HOW can anyone get used to that extreme?  Who's hair brained idea was it to settle in the Americas?! 


For real. We don't even have the tax evasion benefits anymore. 

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Freakishly cold! It was 7 when I got up this morning. I know some folks here are used to such temps, but I'm not and...WAAAHHHH! 


We usually heat our home with wood, but we can't when it is this cold. I hear the heat running, running, running, burning oil right now and I'm watching $10 bills come out of the vents. 


We use electric heat... not terribly effective at this temp, but we do have nice warm clothes that we're thankful for.  It wouldn't work if we had these temps regularly.

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It was 17 this morning, and supposed to get down around 8 on Tuesday.  Not cold at all compared to a lot of you, but pretty chilly for us.  I think our normal low this time of the year is in the upper 20's.


But I love it.  Wish I could bottle it up for this summer when the temp is 95 and the humidity is 1000 percent.  The heat/humidity bother me much more than cold.

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Yesterday we had to run out to to the grocery store when the temps were in the 20s.  DH said, in all seriousness, that it was way too cold to be grocery shopping.  I reminded him that he grew up in the north and that it's currently 0 degrees in his hometown, and that he endured lots of sub-zero temps growing up!  I guess we got spoiled by the south! :lol:

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We are WARM right now---in the 20s. Yesterday was -7 F. Tomorrow the temps will drop again and by Monday morning we will have temps well below zero with windchills of -30 (coldest it has been in decades) AND now they are talking 12-20 inches of snow which means lots of blowing and drifting. Schools are already discussing policy of cancelling due to walkers and kids waiting outside for the buses.


We will be fine in the house but I am worried about the horses. We have big shelters and I can bring them in the barn in their stalls but they do not like to be stalled. Our solar water heater for winter is only good to about -10 so I have to get the plug in one ready and will likely be making trips to the barn every 2 hours or so to check on them.

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It's -20F here today. Which is lovely compared to what it has been. After our last trip to Tennessee I have been reminded that temperature in and of itself doesn't mean a lot. It might not have been as cold temperature wise down there, but the humidity is so high that it crept right through to my bones. I would rather handle -40 up here than -2 down there. Up here it's dry. If I bundle up good it doesn't creep in as fast or as harshly. Still, -40 gets old in a hurry and when the snow is higher than my kids are tall, we all getting cabin fever really bad.

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It was 9'F this morning. Like a heat wave considering the cold we have had lately (the radio used the word "balmy"). ;) By tomorrow morning it will be -30'F before factoring windchill.



It's not bad yet, but Monday the high is supposed to be -12!!!  With -80 windchill!  That is too much.  



Day before yesterday it was -52C with windchill when we woke up. Yesterday a slightly better -43C when we woke up. 

Currently, it's snowing a lot and crazy windy BUT at least the snow brings the temps up a bit to -14C today which is liveable.



We are WARM right now---in the 20s. Yesterday was -7 F. Tomorrow the temps will drop again and by Monday morning we will have temps well below zero with windchills of -30 (coldest it has been in decades) AND now they are talking 12-20 inches of snow which means lots of blowing and drifting. Schools are already discussing policy of cancelling due to walkers and kids waiting outside for the buses.


We will be fine in the house but I am worried about the horses. We have big shelters and I can bring them in the barn in their stalls but they do not like to be stalled. Our solar water heater for winter is only good to about -10 so I have to get the plug in one ready and will likely be making trips to the barn every 2 hours or so to check on them.


BRR!  Yes, those temps do remind me of my youth and make our current temps feel quite balmy.


Our ponies are fine in the cold we have - they don't even care to use the barn.  We don't use blankets.  Our cats like to come in though.


As someone else said, I've gotten spoiled... I prefer 20s or 30s if I have to have cold (with a longer winter vacation in Feb), and 50 - 80 is still my comfort zone.

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Tomorrow it is supposed to get down to between -25 and -50F.  It was nearly this cold a couple weeks ago, and we took a pan of hot water outside and threw it in the air and it turned into steam and disappeared in an instant!  Never hit the ground.

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Tomorrow it is supposed to get down to between -25 and -50F.  It was nearly this cold a couple weeks ago, and we took a pan of hot water outside and threw it in the air and it turned into steam and disappeared in an instant!  Never hit the ground.


That would be a fun thing to do!  I don't know that I'm willing to go back up where it gets that cold just to do it though.


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BRR!  Yes, those temps do remind me of my youth and make our current temps feel quite balmy.


Our ponies are fine in the cold we have - they don't even care to use the barn.  We don't use blankets.  Our cats like to come in though.


As someone else said, I've gotten spoiled... I prefer 20s or 30s if I have to have cold (with a longer winter vacation in Feb), and 50 - 80 is still my comfort zone.

Yes, 20's or 30's allows the kids to at least go outside & have some fun and exercise (you won't catch me out there, but the kids have fun) without worrying about frostbite or worse.

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Northern, ME;   -42 F with wind chill in the wee hours of the morning.  The next morning at 6:30 AM it was -38 F without wind chill.  That was last week.


Last Sunday, we went X-country skiing in 10 F.  That's the warmest it had gotten in 2 weeks so we took advantage of it.This morning, it was -17 F.  My DH decided to cancel the rabbit hunting expedition with DD.  


Right now, it's 9 above, so we're heading out to do a little X-country skiing before the temps go back down.

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Northern, ME;   -42 F with wind chill in the wee hours of the morning.  The next morning at 6:30 AM it was -38 F without wind chill.  That was last week.


Last Sunday, we went X-country skiing in 10 F.  That's the warmest it had gotten in 2 weeks so we took advantage of it.This morning, it was -17 F.  My DH decided to cancel the rabbit hunting expedition with DD.  


Right now, it's 9 above, so we're heading out to do a little X-country skiing before the temps go back down.


Hmm, scratching northern ME off my "Places to Visit in Winter" list... 


I imagine it's quite nice in the summer (both days!) - pretty much like where I grew up. ;)  I loved spring/summer/fall - they were just too short compared to winter and winter got COLD!


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I think my great uncle said 4 F this morning.  I'm taking care of his elderly pony since uncle has pneumonia.  He was worried.  Stupid employees at the farm continued to soak his grain (which we do most of the year b/c he is old and his teeth are not great).  Umm...guess what happened?  They put in so much water it froze.  I went out yesterday morning to find a block of feed/ice in his bucket.  Of course, he got very little to eat.  I took out about 5 lbs of apples and carrots and mixed in some feed without soaking and he ate it right away, though he did dribble some feed.  Oh, and his water was frozen over and no one broke the ice.  I don't know why they won't put it a heater.  I had to track down the hired man to tell him about it.  Amazingly, today the water was accessible.  Now I'm checking on him (pony, not the hired help---okay maybe the hired help a little too!) twice a day and taking out apples and carrots until I see he is back on his regular feeding schedule and temperatures rise.  The roads were terrible and my normally 10 minute ride took 25 mins.  They weren't much better today.


Uggh!  I shoveled snow like Creekland too before dealing with the pony.   I had the burning legs too, but amazingly, my back is fine though I haven't shoveled snow in years.  Dh normally takes care of it, but he is working in the city and has a long commute.   I wasn't cold until I got home from the farm and sat down--even though the heater was set at 67!


I grew up north too and I can remember radio announcers forecasting -20 F while my grandmother braided my hair for school.  I guess I'm glad we moved further south.  What really makes me bonkers is the bundling and unbundling.  My best friend has been a heavy fleece vest I almost got rid of at the beginning of fall b/c I never wear it.  Past few days it's been on under my winter parka every time I go outside.  Beware of those pare down your wardrobe threads!  

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It was -17 when we went to bed at midnight last night, and -8 when I got up at 7am.  That is the second time this season that it's been this cold.  The pellet furnace couldn't keep up, and it was down to 57 degrees in the house this morning.  I shut the thing off and turned on the oil "backup" furnace to warm the house back up.  We had a high of +17, and the house is back up to temp now.

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we are under an extreme windchill warning right now (meaning frost bite in less than 5 minutes).  We are at -25C with windchill at -44C though dropping as low at -51C in the big gusts.  I tried to plug my car in tonight but the cover on the plug was frozen shut so I have to set my alarm to wake me every 2-3 hours tonight to hit the remote starter or I won't be able to head to work at 7am.

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We're at 6 this morning.  Tonight it's supposed to get below zero.  If that happens, it will be the first time I've seen it happen here at our house in the almost 18 years we've been here.  I guess experiencing "records" can be fun...


My mind want to meet Minniewannabe IRL about now though - at her place.  ;)


In my youth I trained my horse before school all winter long - outside - in almost any weather.  My dad had lights set up outside for me.  I'm not sure I'm the same person now.  I certainly don't have the same dedication.  (After school I worked at a nearby barn many days, so there wasn't time to train my own horse then.)

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