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Stop me from spending :)

Night Elf

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Ever since the kids stopped getting toys galore, I worry our Christmas will be skimpy. I'm looking under the tree and there are so few gifts. We already had Christmas with dd21 and her boyfriend because she's going out of state with her dad. So now I only have 8 gifts under the tree, 4 each for dd15 and ds17. I want to go buy more, but I have no idea what else to get! I got both of them some clothes, so that's out. I guess I don't really need anything else. It's definitely a want feeling and not a need feeling.

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Ummm yeah. I already succumbed and now my kids have a lot more stuff then I planned. I was so good limiting the gifts this year and then last minute panic set in when I piled up the gifts to make sure they were even and it looked so small LOL.


I guess I'll try again next year.

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I like the idea of a couple of family gifts, specifically jigsaw puzzles. We're cycling through the same ones repeatedly. I'll see what I can find at Walmart today. The toy store is too far away. I wonder if they would have a better selection. I don't think I'm brave enough to hit the mall two days before Christmas.

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Traffic has been horrid in the closest "town" although I do remember it being  ":surreal" the year my dad passed.  I did not feel like shopping at all.  Finally, I panicked on Christmas Eve and went to get a few things.. all I remember is that pajamas were on Sale.  It started snowing and  took a long time to get home. 


This year I have not spent any on gifts except for our "Dirty Santa" at my mom's, and  a few other for Boy Scouts and DH work party. 


We have been blessed by some secret  "Santa" with clothes for our kids and we let them open them early so they could wear them to Church.


I also got a box of free workbooks and readers from a generous person on here!


Jigsaws sound great! We have had so many children's puzzles and our boys have been rough on them.  Do those roll up mats really work?. I don't want to get started on one and it get destroyed. That has always stopped me.


We usually go for a new Board game or card game. 


My SIL bought us Settler's of Catan this year already.  They do make Settlers of Canaan and I want to get it.

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I can't stop either! I'm trying to make things even and it's like a bad haircut where the stylist cuts it too short trying to keep the sides even. Except instead of cutting, I keep adding! I add a little to even out this kid, and then see some other kid is a bit short, try to compensate and go a little on the other side. Ugh! I need to stop. One child wants something really junky and inexpensive and I'm trying to tell myself it doesn't matter if I spent less on her- she got what she wanted.

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I can't help you. I just decided dd needed one more present that she's really wanted for a while. Poor DH has been to three stores today looking for it. He's headed to the 4th now. Luckily he is just as crazy as I am and doesn't find it at all insane!

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Haha, my kids were supposed to be getting zero presents under the tree, because we have been on an Amazon spending spree as a family.  So many things came up at "once in a lifetime deals" that our family will all enjoy together.  But I am weak, and I have things for them; not a ton, but enough so that there are things to open.  Mostly books actually.  But of course after I had scoured the used bookstore for great picks for them, the Kindle went on sale $20 off --- so yep, they're getting a Kindle too.  


I am off from work this week, which is a good thing in more ways than one:  I won't be spending my lunch hour spending MORE money, lol.



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Traffic has been horrid in the closest "town" although I do remember it being ":surreal" the year my dad passed. I did not feel like shopping at all. Finally, I panicked on Christmas Eve and went to get a few things.. all I remember is that pajamas were on Sale. It started snowing and took a long time to get home.


This year I have not spent any on gifts except for our "Dirty Santa" at my mom's, and a few other for Boy Scouts and DH work party.


We have been blessed by some secret "Santa" with clothes for our kids and we let them open them early so they could wear them to Church.


I also got a box of free workbooks and readers from a generous person on here!


Jigsaws sound great! We have had so many children's puzzles and our boys have been rough on them. Do those roll up mats really work?. I don't want to get started on one and it get destroyed. That has always stopped me.


We usually go for a new Board game or card game.


My SIL bought us Settler's of Catan this year already. They do make Settlers of Canaan and I want to get it.

We have (and frequently use) those roll up mats. Yes, they really do work well. :)

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Just don't do it. ;)


Ok, I normally get caught up in this myself, which is why I no longer do all my Christmas shopping too early - or I will just buy too much in the days leading up to Christmas and get disgusted with myself for spending so much and having a ridiculous amount of gifts.


This year I forced myself to only have a few gifts per child (and all said that there was nothing they really wanted). I figure if I miss anything, there's always the after Christmas sales. ;). It's kind of fun to watch the kids pick out what they want, even if it wasn't wrapped under the tree. :)

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I know the feeling all too well. I hit the "buy" button late last night with express shipping. Pretty sure I didn't need to do that. However, I notice I'm the first to respond to your thread that is over an hour old. That might mean that everyone else has succumbed to temptation and have gone out to shop. Or, they're iced in ...



I'm right there with you! :D I have seven more packages coming tomorrow thanks to Amazon one-day delivery!


I won't stop shopping until the last store closes on Christmas Eve.


I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:



My ds' (19 & 16) will have NOTHING for Christmas!  No presents for under the tree!!  Does that make you feel better? 


They don't want anything, and I REFUSE to buy just to have something under the tree.  They have all that they want or need. 

I would feel absolutely horrible if I didn't buy any gifts for my ds, and he would be devastated if he got up on Christmas morning and there were no presents under the tree. Christmas gifts -- and lots of them -- are a big tradition in our family, and no one really gets things they "need;" it's all about the fun stuff!


Of course, you said your kids don't want anything, whereas my ds wants lots of stuff! :)

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Favorite snacks, bake some cookies?


The gift pile most definitely became smaller as our kids got older.  We have struggled with the number, as well. 


Barnes and Noble has games and puzzles, if you have one near you.  I was in there today and forgot to pick up a board game.  Bought the kids their "something to read"; the line wasn't that bad, either. 

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I got a great deal tonight at a Super Walmart on puzzles.  10 in one box... I am so excited! I think we will have some fun working them and I bought the glue to cement them with too.  We had fun with all 8 of our children letting them spend some gift card money and they bought some things I knew Santa could not afford at great prices.  Three boys went together to get a video game and I got the insurance on it. 


It is a little strange that I have not wrapped any presents at all this year.... I will wrap a few tomorrow night.


We are struggling so much under medical bills and I have been so worried we would have no presents at all. 

Christmas is a magical time of year for Spiritual and Joyful reasons. 

I want our dc to know the joy of giving and receiving! 


I thank God for providing some great books, gift cards, and money to help us buy for others and take our dc shopping too!  I am saving some for needs after Christmas though.  And I know we are getting great food and playing "Dirty Santa" again at my widowed mother's house. 

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I thank God for providing some great books, gift cards, and money to help us buy for others and take our dc shopping too!  I am saving some for needs after Christmas though.  And I know we are getting great food and playing "Dirty Santa" again at my widowed mother's house. 


What is Dirty Santa?

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I'm headed to the grocery store today. I'll buy some of their favorite treats, like Pepperidge Farms cookies and wrap those. I wonder how hard it would be to wrap a bag of chips? :tongue_smilie:


In fact, it's 10:00am. I should probably go right now. Argh, please let it be not so crowded as I expect it to be.

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