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Any red head moms out there?

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You know I read somewhere recently (or maybe heard, I cant quite remember) that becuase of the genetic issues involved red heads will become extinct soon (ish).


Did you know:

Red heads bleed more and have a harder time clotting especially after something like child birth.


Just a it of trivia. :)

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A proud Red Head here. I'm the only person on either side of my family with red hair. I wish I had green eyes to go with the red hair, but I got hazel instead.



Me too. I love green eyes and red hair. I have blue and its just not the same to me. :)


All my kids have brown hair....just differing shades.

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Most of my cousins on my dad's side have red hair. I got the freckles, but unfortunately, my natural color is a rather mousy shade of dishwater blonde. :tongue_smilie:


When I color it, it is usually some variation of dark blonde/lt. brown with a reddish tint. I think it looks more natural on me than my natural color.


Btw, I've also heard that about red hair going away. I've also heard that redheads tend to scar more than others. I know it's true for me.

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I'm sorry you've had strangers in the ER pet you, though. Creepy!


Actually, it was my "in". Even agitated, sick, demented old ladies will let me near them to draw blood and listen to their lungs, when they shunned others.


The world of medical care is creative. We had one old woman who loved the fellows. The male orderlies took turns wearing shorts so she could pet their knees while we worked on her IV, etc on the other side. It was that, or holding her down screaming, or doping her dangerously.

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I have red-brown. Dh is strawberry blond. All our three children started our auburn (1st two) or red. Oldest is now dark ash-blond with red-brown beard, middle is a dark golden blonde, youngest is red. The really stupid thing is dh, youngest, and I will be together (with or without other siblings) and sometimes someone will ask where did she get her red hair- hmm- how about red-brown plus red-blond can equal red-red.

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I'm a natural, too, complete with freckles, pale skin, and blue eyes. Hated it when I was young, and now that I'm beginning to go gray...:crying:


Have any of you fading reds tried the John Frieda luminous color glaze for deeper, richer red? I must say that it really works well and leaves a very shiny, natural red behind on this auburn gal. I use it in place of conditioner every 3-4 days.


Both of my kids got DH's beautiful olive complexion and dark eyes; I guess I'm hopelessly recessive!

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Naturally my hair has always had red tones in it. I was blond as a kid, strawberry as a teen, more red then strawberry in my 20's. When my gray came in I found it doesn't hold color so I went (via box) to strawberry to camouflage the gray. Now I'm back to almost mostly blond.


If I'd left it alone I'd be a natural auburn I think.

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We are going to have to do something about that redheads-becoming-extinct nonsense. If we outbreed them, we shall succeed!!!!!!


I'm quite insistent that ONE of my sons will marry a redhead. 3lilreds' daughters are awfully cute . . . any others out there?! I've got a 10yo who is gentle yet athletic and loves to cook, and a 1yo who . . . will probably have many fine qualities some day.:lol:

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I'm a natural red head...or I was at least. As I have gotten older my hair has gone kinda brown with a bit of grey. I also have 4 dc with red hair...all a slightly different shade.


Susan in TX


Same here. I had gorgeous auburn hair until I had my girls. My hair has turned a lot darker. Now, it looks brown with red highlights. My older dd has gorgeous auburn hair, and my younger is a true strawberry blonde.

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:) I am a copper red carrot top! My hair is the exact same color it was the day I was born. I sometimes put my first hair cut hair up to my head in hopes that my hair has turned a bit more brown.....but no, never happens. I am a bright red becon wherever I go!


BTW I too have old ladies rub my hair, old men wink at me, and friends sigh with envy. LOL I tell them they obviously have never had kids hold them down and play connect the dots with their freckles while chanting "Carrot Top, Carrot Top...." over and over. :) Ahhhh the traumas of childhood.


I spent most of my life desperatly trying to fade into the background (didnt work) because I was always the ONLY red head. Now at 27 it is finally starting to sort of, kind of, a teeny bit, grow on me. My great aunt is the only other red head in the family and her hair has turned this wonderful shade of strawberry blond, I look forward to hitting 50! :)

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Red red red--and crazy curly--here too :D Brown eyes though. The red hair is a mystery in my family--if I didn't look exactly like both my parents, people would really have wondered :lol: Of course, I married a dark-haired, dark-skinned Latino and ended up with olive-skinned, brunette daughters--one with pin straight hair down her back, and one with...crazy curls!


We make quite the interesting-looking family :001_huh:

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The temper here, too. And I'm sooo nonconfrontational. But push my buttons long enough and it's:


:angry: :boxing_smiley: I'M MAD AS HE** AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! :boxing_smiley: :angry:


Not pretty. Is there really anything to that whole red hair = fiery temper thing? I'd LOVE to be able to blame the temper on the hair. I mean, I always have--but I'd love for my blame to be legit. ;)

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