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Oy...this is embarrassing


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Wow! Thanks ladies, for this thread. I am so crediting it with the most amazing dream I had last night :laugh:


Really and truly, I think last nights dream shall get me through the drama of my life this week. The house next door is for sale, and in my dream a favorite actor moved in. I REALLY must have needed a cup of sugar!

The best bit was my hubby starred in the dream as well. I guess the competition must have made him decide to step up his game, and he was grateful to the neighbor for it. :lol:

Before I woke up, hubby walked me to the door for my little tryst, handed me a little baggie of goldfish crackers (like he does for our daughter) and promised to have dinner ready when I got home! Does life get better than that??


When I woke this morning I couldn't wait to tell him. He was shaving, so sort of rolled his eyes in the mirror at me, and asked why I get all the good dreams. On the way out of the room he called, "Does having exciting adulterous dreams mean you will make me a cup of tea?"


Of course, he meant to drink for breakfast....

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Oh, and btw, I took a Unisom last night and didn't go to bed until I absolutely could not keep my eyes open any longer.  Seriously, ladies, this dream messed with my mind in a BIG way!  Too bad there isn't some kind of Unisom for day that would sleep my mind but not my body.   :)  *blush*


:confused1:  Why are you so embarrassed?  What's the big deal?  It's not like you slept with the guy for real.  Just enjoy your little romance.  I love when I have those dreams.  Although I tend to have them with actors I'm attracted to.  Bradley Cooper and I have a serious thing going in my sub-conscious. :drool5:   And Paul Walker comes in a close second in dream land. :001_wub:   Have fun with it....it's not a bad thing!!


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:svengo: I have recurring dreams in which Steve Buscemi is chasing me with an axe.


Funny, because I think he's a great actor. But not one I want in my dreams!

As I understand it, he's a very nice guy, but he does look pretty creepy!!! I wouldn't want him in my dreams, either.

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No one could possibly want to watch the Pirates trilogy or the Matrix trilogy every year, since only the first of each is any good. So it must be either Bourne or Oceans.


My oldest (who bears a resemblance to Johnny Depp in the movies when he wants to) would disagree with you about watching the Pirates trilogy every year, but I'm 99.% positive he's not having dreams about any of the cast members.  If he is, it would at least be one of the leading ladies and hopefully my lovely DIL reaps any benefits from it.  LOL


Thankfully I don't recall any dreams like that starring anyone IRL other than DH.  Lately the ones I've had have been with David Tennant, Sam Heughan, or Colin O'Donoghue.  DH knows and doesn't mind since I make it worth his while.

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Am I the only one who thinks she's never going to tell us? :glare:


If she doesn't, I would like to suggest that we all decide that the Man of Mystery was, in fact, Steve Buscemi, and start a rumor that she is having a torrid affair with him in her dreams every night.


Sure, it'll be a lie, but she has it coming. :D




(Don't worry, womanintheshoe, I was just kidding!)

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If she doesn't, I would like to suggest that we all decide that the Man of Mystery was, in fact, Steve Buscemi, and start a rumor that she is having a torrid affair with him in her dreams every night.

Wait, but he wasn't in one of the movie series listed above was he?

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Wait, but he wasn't in one of the movie series listed above was he?

I don't know, but someone else here guessed him, and he seemed to be among the most distasteful-looking of the men who were suggested**, so he's the one I picked. :D







**No offense intended to those who think Steve Buscemi is hot. And also a brief reminder that you are overdue for your appointment with the eye doctor. ;)

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I wish I could have dreams like these. Sigh. Last night I dreamed that a baby vulture was plotting to attack me in my parents' kitchen. It kept giving me the evil eye like it was going to fly off its perch and peck me to death. My parents were there and I think hubby was there (kinda hazy that part) and no one made a move to protect me or bag the diabolical creature. I want to know what a vulture --baby or not--was doing in my folks' kitchen thousands of miles away from where I live now. I so wish I had had a different dream. :glare: A much different dream. :laugh:

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I wish I could have dreams like these. Sigh. Last night I dreamed that a baby vulture was plotting to attack me in my parents' kitchen. It kept giving me the evil eye like it was going to fly off its perch and peck me to death. My parents were there and I think hubby was there (kinda hazy that part) and no one made a move to protect me or bag the diabolical creature. I want to know what a vulture --baby or not--was doing in my folks' kitchen thousands of miles away from where I live now. I so wish I had had a different dream. :glare: A much different dream. :laugh:

At least it was a vulture and not Steve Buscemi.


Be grateful for small gifts. ;)

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Focus, people! We have the trilogies in question. And she mentioned it was #2 on her favorite movies list.

So we're narrowing it down to Ocean's 11, The Godfather, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Bourne Trilogy?
Yep.  And I've only watched two of those.   ;)


Now we just need to figure out who womanintheshoe thinks is "meh" in her opinion and a father/authority figure--and he's not the lead character:


I had to look up the guy's name on-line - that's how "meh" he is!  Shouldn't have done it...more blushing.  Maybe I have a father figure issue.  Or an authority issue.  Or maybe I'm too much of an authority and dreamed of this guy in some kind of strange effort to be put in my place.


It should have been the lead guy in my dream, darn it.  I think I have father-figure issues.




Where is that woman anyway? This is almost like that time we were guessing what those potholder, bookmark, overlarge pad thingees were for that college bookstore game.

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Focus, people! We have the trilogies in question. And she mentioned it was #2 on her favorite movies list.


Now we just need to figure out who womanintheshoe thinks is "meh" in her opinion and a father/authority figure--and he's not the lead character:




Where is that woman anyway? This is almost like that time we were guessing what those potholder, bookmark, overlarge pad thingees were for that college bookstore game.

Hahaha! Or the time someone put a poster's DH's life in danger but she then wouldn't say how.
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Maybe if we all confess to our own horribly embarrassing dreams of similar content she'll be more willing to tell us.

I had one about 20 years ago that still makes me shudder. Penny Marshall - yup, Laverne. I have no idea why I had

that dream. Usually I get the hot actors or some made-up cutie. Ugh, I eventually told my dh about it. I only bring it

up in circumstances like this - to help someone feel better. :001_smile:

I liked Laverne better than Shirley. Shirley was waaaaay to uptight!

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Okay. I had a sexy type dream last night. It was not overly juicy, but I blame that on the participants. There were two guys. I was with one earlier on in the day and the other later on. Neither of them were attractive and they were both older. I blame this thread for that (older, non-attractive, father figure type). It was not one of those enjoyable type dreams. To make it worse, Johnny showed up later in the dream, in a non-sexual way of course. Really weird dream.

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Where is that woman anyway? This is almost like that time we were guessing what those potholder, bookmark, overlarge pad thingees were for that college bookstore game.



Hahaha! Or the time someone put a poster's DH's life in danger but she then wouldn't say how.



I always get all involved in these threads and then I never find out what happened, or if I do, it's always completely anticlimactic and I end up annoyed.


But here I am again. I'm such an idiot.


But I have to admit that this thread is pretty entertaining, and at least the OP has given us some clues. :)

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Guest submarines

Hahaha! Or the time someone put a poster's DH's life in danger but she then wouldn't say how.

Yes. The best 3 guessing games so far:


1. The pot holder

2. The husband in danger because he shaved his beard

3. The mystery father figure 

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I haven't been on in a while... dear heavens, I've missed you all, and I think this thread makes it obvious why!!  :D


Shoe... really, it's okay.  It happens to most people eventually.  It means nothing at all, truly.  :grouphug:


Now to guessing...


I'm putting my bet on Ocean's trilogy, with either Elliott Gould (Reuben) or Carl Reiner (Saul) being the father figure in question.  ;)






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Dh just left for the store and I had to come check this thread (goodness, if he knew this was me posting this I would, well, blush even more!).  You ladies are hilarious.  


No idea who that is...but it's not the guy.   :)

I had to look up the guy's name on-line - that's how "meh" he is!  Shouldn't have done it...more blushing.  Maybe I have a father figure issue.  Or an authority issue.  Or maybe I'm too much of an authority and dreamed of this guy in some kind of strange effort to be put in my place.  Or not.  I'm afraid to go to sleep - what if he's in my dreams again???  


We watch this trilogy every year and dh knew it was time...hey, maybe that's it!  My subconscious knew it was time to watch the movies again and for some reason this guy stood out (as opposed to the super fine lead actor, though????).


I don't know.  But whew, what a dream.  Why can't these things happen IRL?  


Must stop posting.  I don't talk about stuff like this.  Ever.  To anyone.  No one here knows me, though...I think...maybe...off to hide my VERY red face.  I hope dh takes a while to get back from the store.  



OK, so now we know it was a trilogy of movies where the lead actor was really hot.


We also know the guy is no Spring chicken and that he played some sort of authority figure.


Let the guessing begin!!!

Here's a link I found which has the 33 greatest movie trilogies:



Among the (funnier) contenders:

Mighty Ducks

Austin Powers

The Naked Gun



But my $1000 guess would be THE GODFATHER!!! Marlon Brando would be the father figure/non main actor and Al Pacino... well, Al Pacino was damn fine in those movies.



You are so very welcome and no, of course I wouldn't tell my dh!  I could never stand the thought of him knowing!  Maybe if it was some hottie but in this case...nope.  Not sure he would like being "replaced" in my mind with some old-ish guy.


OK, so one of you got the trilogy right.  Hint: I don't watch sci-fi, superhero stuff, or fantasy.  


It should have been the lead guy in my dream, darn it.  I think I have father-figure issues. 


A cupcake for whoever guesses the guy of my dreams (literally).   :)

post-32980-0-71604800-1384501154_thumb.jpgpost-32980-0-92393900-1384501170_thumb.jpg So, which one tickled your fancy?!?! :lol


Am I the only one who thinks she's never going to tell us? :glare:


If she doesn't, I would like to suggest that we all decide that the Man of Mystery was, in fact, Steve Buscemi, and start a rumor that she is having a torrid affair with him in her dreams every night.


Sure, it'll be a lie, but she has it coming. :D




(Don't worry, womanintheshoe, I was just kidding!)


No you aren't :lol:

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Guest submarines

No trouble. The google knows all. :ph34r:


Except the mystery father figure. Oh wait, the google knows this too. But I can't share the results on this forum. 

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About the father figure issue - it would be helpful if we knew her age because I can truly say that some of those "father figures" are right in my age group!  So I wouldn't necessarily see them as a father figure.  And I might even consider him a hottie!

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who was thinking exactly what you were thinking. :)

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Yeah, except that the OP stated from the beginning she wasn't going to out the celebrity. We all knew we weren't going to learn the identity.


Well darn.  Somehow I missed that she wasn't planning on ever telling us.  I wouldn't keep checking in if I knew that.


OF course, now I'm going to keep checking in, in case she changes her mind.


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I got to make out with 10 in a dream once. BEST.DREAM.EVER!



Thanks to this thread and the power of positive thinking, I finally had a dream about Ten last night! Except there was no making out, just running from a psychopath and afterwards, he was like, "Oh you're alive! Off we go again!"


I now know what Martha Jones felt like.

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