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Am I having a heart attack?


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My symptoms have pretty much all disappeared except for lightheadedness.  About 5-10 minutes ago I was almost positive I was having a heart attack.  Now I don't know, because I didn't think they would disappear?



Pain in the middle of my chest (between breasts radiating up some as well)

Aching shoulders


My throat and possibly my jaw hurt (possibly because it was just touching my jaw a little bit)


5 hours ago my left palm was hurting a lot (never had that kind of pain before), then it went away after 5 minutes.  It faded into a tingly sensation then went away completely.  I searched it and came across it being a possible sign for heart attack.  So that's where a lot of my doubts come in.. is my mind making things up?  Especially since the symptoms all went away after 5 minutes?  (Except the lightheadedness).


I know that it's possible to have heart attacks at a young age, but it is rarer.  I'm 23.


I don't have my driver's license, takes about 30-45 minutes walk to get to the ER, husband is at work.  Three young kids at home.  All reasons I hesitate to act on the very high probability of my mind just messing with my body.


Sorry this is all jumbled, my mind is still drifting.

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Don't ever drive yourself if you think you are having a heart attack.  Call 911.  The paramedics are equipped to begin treating you IMMEDIATELY if you are having one and that is what enabled my father to survive the Widow Maker 3 years ago.  If my mother had driven him, we'd have buried him.  

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I had similar symptoms a few weeks ago and did go to the ER. Turns out I was not having a heart attack, but at least when the symptoms returned after they let me out of the hospital I knew not to worry. After a whole the anxiety of thinking I could be dying in my kitchen was almost as bad as the actual heart attack!


Be safe.

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I had similar episodes when I was 30.  In the end we found out that it was a type of panic attack-- where the nerve is affected that triggers "heart attack pain" (your heart does not actully hurt).  These were VERY scary!  I even had to spend a week in ICU and had an emergency heart-cath!


For me this was caused by aspartame-- which is a toxin.  It took me a LONG time to detox (as the toxin is stored in your fat cells).  I stay away from aspartame (Equal) and Splenda (this gives me headaches).  I have had to become a label reader as this stuff is now in most gums and even name brand hot-chocolate mixes (that are NOT the sugar-free variety where you would expect it).


I hope all goes well with the OP.  The ER should take her seriously (there are a few heart conditions that can manifest in the early adult years).


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Thank you everyone for your help!  It was not a heart attack, thankfully :)  They don't know what it was.  The nurse was very kind and concerned, but the doctor pretty much dismissed the idea that anything could be wrong with me due to my age :/  He still ordered the heart test to check if there was signs of a heart attack though.  After it was proven that I hadn't, he basically said it was indigestion and that was that.  (It's basically impossible that it was indigestion though, due to the fact I've been having the same exact breakfast and lunch for the past week or two :001_rolleyes: ).  But I was unfortunately too relieved it wasn't a heart attack that I didn't advocate for myself to try to get him to figure it out.  But I am planning to book a doctor's appointment for other concerns, so I might as well add this one to the list, and see if a different doctor isn't age-prejudiced :sad:


On the plus side, all hospital and heart-attack-like-symptoms aside, I had a great day :)  Did a day and a half's worth of school work with the kids, and after the hospital we went to a couple of stores (only spent $2, but that's great too!), and visited a lady from church that hasn't been able to make it for 3 weeks due to not feeling well.  So, ended up nice after all  :D 


Thank you again guys for advising me to go, I would have gotten myself all worked up if I hadn't gone :001_tt2:

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Glad to hear you're okay. :)  


I get many of the same symptoms from acid reflux and panic attacks (or occasionally, a combination of both).  If it happens again and you don't feel that you need medical attention, you could try chewing two or three Tums and see if that does anything to help.

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I'm glad you went in too.  We just had a wonderful woman from our community die of a massive heart attack last week.  She has young children - 13, 9 and 7. (Two of them are friends of my two youngest.)   It's been a wake up call for our entire community.  A bunch of us are getting workups to make sure our hearts are okay.  

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I'm glad you're OK, Dashka, and glad you went in. I'd follow up because you should know what is going on.


I have a very close relative who works in emergency cardiac care and in all the years he's done it, only one female in her 20s has ever been positive for MI...and she was doing cocaine. Cocaine induced MI.

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Glad to hear you're okay. :)


I get many of the same symptoms from acid reflux and panic attacks (or occasionally, a combination of both).  If it happens again and you don't feel that you need medical attention, you could try chewing two or three Tums and see if that does anything to help.


Agree. I also get many of the symptoms listed from acid reflux and/or panic attacks.

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Just want to point out...an EKG is not conclusive for an MI...a silent heart attack does not show up on them. That said, barring drug use and congenital abnormalities, a heart attack in a female in her 20s is super abnormal. I would guess you were having a panic attack.


On the other hand, I did have a heart attack at the age of 27. It was related to a medication given the wrong way during an anaphylactic reaction and I did not have much pain until the next morning. So it does happen.

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Glad you're okay.


I've read so much about how doctors need to stop being dismissive of younger women who are experiencing symptoms of heart attack. Apparently he didn't get the memo.

The doctor DID test Dashka. She didn't specify what tests but I'd hope it was an EKG plus blood enzymes.


And her symptoms are also symptoms of other things that are much more common than a heart attack in a 23 year old woman. I would actually be MORE concerned if he didn't address those.

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So glad the OP is ok!


Couldn't help but think of this thread today. My mom just drove herself to the doc's office with chest pain, arm and jaw pain, and shortness of breath. I begged her to call 911. She's at the doc's office now (not the hospital). Something MedicMom said above has me worried my mom should be at the hospital instead of getting an EKG at the doc's.


She was on her way to visit us, but hasnt gotten out of her town yet. :(


Oy. Life feels like a soap opera sometimes.

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So glad the OP is ok!


Couldn't help but think of this thread today. My mom just drove herself to the doc's office with chest pain, arm and jaw pain, and shortness of breath. I begged her to call 911. She's at the doc's office now (not the hospital). Something MedicMom said above has me worried my mom should be at the hospital instead of getting an EKG at the doc's.


She was on her way to visit us, but hasnt gotten out of her town yet. :(


Oy. Life feels like a soap opera sometimes.



I'd agree with you...your mom should have called 911.


Hopefully, you're mom is OK but you can ask/tell/demand she get her blood drawn to check for cardiac enzymes.


I'm really sorry. Let us know how she is!

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Look into symptoms of panic attack too. my husband thought he was having a heart attack and it ended up being a panic attack (JUST AS SCARY let me tell you!)


I suffer from panic attacks and this sounds very much like what happens when I have one.


The ring finger and pinky of my left hand go all tingly. So does the left side of my face. I get the pain in the center of my chest and get lightheaded. I also get really trembly. 


At 23, it would be very unlikely for you to have a heart attack. I've been to the ER before with a panic attack. They do feel like you're having a heart attack. They come out of nowhere and scare the crap out of you!


Look up the symptoms and see what you think.



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Spryte, I hope your mom is okay!! Let us know!


To all those who asked, this is what they did for me at the hospital:

Heart rate monitor

Blood pressure cuff

IV line stuck in my wrist in case of emergency

Oxygen (the nose strap kind)

Blood sugar check

Those circular sticky things they stick on your chest, hooked up to the heart rate and blood pressure monitor

The doctor said they would do a "heart scan" so

a lady came in with another machine that had more circular sticky things to stick on my chest, then it printed off a sheet. She had asked if they took blood and looked surprised when I said only the blood sugar, not vials. Said the paper looked good, so the doctor would probably be in shortly to "free" me. And he did.




The part that bothered me is that they didn't mention the possibility of a panic attack like you guys said, angina like my husband said, or anything other than "indigestion". The doctor's attitude was pretty much "you're too young to have problems".

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They can't rule out heart unless they do a blood test and check cardiac enzymes. You don't do strenuos exercise right?


No, I don't do strenuous exercise.  Do they have to do a blood test right then and there, or will a blood test a few days later show anything?

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You canNOT rule out a heart attack without cardiac enzymes being drawn and they are generally done a few hours apart. An EKG being negative does not mean there is not a cardiac event going on. However, I am still pretty convinced that you weren't actually having a cardiac event but I am surprised they didn't draw bloods. Not just for cardiac markers, but at least a complete CBC. Anemia is very common in young women and can cause chest pain and dizziness.

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Spryte, I hope your mom is okay!! Let us know!


To all those who asked, this is what they did for me at the hospital:

Heart rate monitor

Blood pressure cuff

IV line stuck in my wrist in case of emergency

Oxygen (the nose strap kind)

Blood sugar check

Those circular sticky things they stick on your chest, hooked up to the heart rate and blood pressure monitor

The doctor said they would do a "heart scan" so

a lady came in with another machine that had more circular sticky things to stick on my chest, then it printed off a sheet. She had asked if they took blood and looked surprised when I said only the blood sugar, not vials. Said the paper looked good, so the doctor would probably be in shortly to "free" me. And he did.




The part that bothered me is that they didn't mention the possibility of a panic attack like you guys said, angina like my husband said, or anything other than "indigestion". The doctor's attitude was pretty much "you're too young to have problems".

Do you have a regular doc? The best would be to follow up with her.


I hope you're feeling better today!

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Dashka, I hope you follow up, too. Heartburn can be a sign of reflux, which might need treatment, so you'd want to know if it's that. Also, maybe knowing what caused this will help you avoid it again.


My mom was sent to the ER, and has had blood drawn, 2 EKGs, and 2 "x-rays" (her words, I don't know if she means regular X-rays or some other kind of scan. She is waiting on results, and has been forever, it seems. Her regular doc was worried about a blockage somewhere. So we're still waiting. I wish she lived closer!

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So sorry to have hijacked Daskka's thread. Just a small update here: they're keeping my mom overnight. That's all I know for now, as her phone's battery is low. :(


That's okay - you know the hospital right?  Call the main number and ask for her room.  If she's in transition, they'll tell you that too.  Also, ask to be transferred to the nurses desk on her floor and ask the nurses what her condition is like.


I'm sorry, Spryte.  Hang in there.  If she's talking to you that's a good thing.   :grouphug:

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So sorry to have hijacked Daskka's thread. Just a small update here: they're keeping my mom overnight. That's all I know for now, as her phone's battery is low. :(

Oh, boy. That stinks!


Katherine has good advice abt calling the desk. Plus maybe your mom can ask if anyone has a charger she can borrow. A lot of phones use the same type now, right?


Abt the x-rays...she might have had 2 views done. Sometimes they are looking for an enlarged heart or fluid in the lungs.


Sending good thoughts to you and your mom, Spryte!

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I called and spoke to her - thanks. They want to do more testing so she's in a diagnostic center. She sounds good, though.


Can't believe she drove herself to the doc's office. Dashka, maybe she's related to you - didn't you have to walk?


I'll try to post an update tomorrow in another thread, I'm embarrassed to have hijacked Dashka's. [blushing]


ETA: that's a good idea on the charger - maybe one of the nurses uses the same type. I'll mention that when I call her next. Thank you!

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On my phone, but wanted to say that ive also ended up at the ER with similar symptoms and op, I'm surprised they didn't check your blood for enzymes. They did for me, several hours apart. Even though everything else for me was fine, they weren't sure about the heart without those tests.


First time, they said panic attack (although it was only chest pain for me). 3rd time they said reflux and now I have barrett's esophagus. I wish they hadn been so quick to say anxiety from the get-go - I kept telling them that I didn't feel anxious about anything but either they weren't listening or I assumed it wasn't important. Anyhow, you might want to pursue reflux as it can cause irreversible damage.


Other poster, I hope your mom's situation is uneventful.

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I suffer from panic attacks and this sounds very much like what happens when I have one.


The ring finger and pinky of my left hand go all tingly. So does the left side of my face. I get the pain in the center of my chest and get lightheaded. I also get really trembly. 


At 23, it would be very unlikely for you to have a heart attack. I've been to the ER before with a panic attack. They do feel like you're having a heart attack. They come out of nowhere and scare the crap out of you!


Look up the symptoms and see what you think.




I called 911 the first time I had a full-blown panic attack.  I really thought I was about to die.  When the EMTs showed up and it had passed, they told me that they get calls for "heart attacks" that turn out to be panic attacks pretty regularly.  It's amazing how your body can freak out like that, even when you don't feel particularly stressed beforehand. 

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