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My sister and her dh lost their home in a tornado here in Arkansas tonight.

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They live out from town and can see several miles off their back porch in the winter time.


They were under a tornado warning, and saw it coming by the light of the lightning. They jumped in my BIL's pickup and headed to their nearest neighbor's home which is the neighborhood gathering spot during bad weather since they have a basement. My sister said there were about 12 people in the basement bathroom.


The tornado took the house above them, as well as the house right down the road. All of the vehicles at the neighbor's home (including my BIL's pickup) were undriveable since they were covered in fallen trees and parts of the house.


My sister and her family had to walk to their home down the dark road, and found that they no longer have a home.


BUT, they are all safe, thank the Lord. As my sister said, "It was just stuff. We're all OK."


They'll be staying with my parents for a while. They all live a couple of hours from us.


The tornado that hit them was a supercell and stayed on the ground for maybe a couple of hours tonight through Arkansas.

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I am so sorry to hear that. Even though it is "just stuff" it is their stuff and there will certainly be times that they miss it. My mom and dad lost everything in a hurricane and even though I did not live there it was hard to see them go through the loss. I hope that all goes well as her family recovers.


Laurel T.

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I just talked to my sister again and they're holding up pretty well. We'll go up and try to help out some in the next few days. They'll assess things in the morning in the daylight and then we'll make a plan.


Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers; I'll pass on to them all your kind words.

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I hate to rely on cliches, but nature's power truly is awesome. To think that homes can be flattened in the blink of an eye. Stunning. I am so very grateful your sister and her family are well; I just read that an Arkansas couple and their 11 year old daughter were killed in their home. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help, okay? And take care of yourself, too, Jackie.

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Thanks everyone for your prayers and kind offers.


Their children are both grown, so they don't have little ones at home any more.


They had already called their insurance man last night when I last talked to my sister. They have a place to stay and were going to go about buying underwear and toothbrushes this morning. :)


If they have any specific needs over the next few days I will let everyone know.


Thank you again!! I can't tell you how much your kind words mean to me.

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They live out from town and can see several miles off their back porch in the winter time.


They were under a tornado warning, and saw it coming by the light of the lightning. They jumped in my BIL's pickup and headed to their nearest neighbor's home which is the neighborhood gathering spot during bad weather since they have a basement. My sister said there were about 12 people in the basement bathroom.


The tornado took the house above them, as well as the house right down the road. All of the vehicles at the neighbor's home (including my BIL's pickup) were undriveable since they were covered in fallen trees and parts of the house.


My sister and her family had to walk to their home down the dark road, and found that they no longer have a home.


BUT, they are all safe, thank the Lord. As my sister said, "It was just stuff. We're all OK."


They'll be staying with my parents for a while. They all live a couple of hours from us.


The tornado that hit them was a supercell and stayed on the ground for maybe a couple of hours tonight through Arkansas.


That gives my heart such a boost to know that.


I'm so sorry they've lost their home. I'm so thankful they are okay. Please let us know how they're holding up as things settle. They'll all be in our prayers.


We were out on the porch last night - the weather here was just eerily out of the ordinary - and DH said, "I don't like this. This is the kind of weather where tornados pop up." I went inside to check the weather channel, and saw that most of the South was already being ripped up by them. It's amazing, isn't it, how these things come and destroy, and then vanish? Makes me aware of how very Small we really are.


{{hugs}} to your family, and prayers for all who were in the path last night.

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I just cannot imagine the horrors of seeing your house flattened and living through such horror. I said a prayer for them.


We had major damage in my town, but thankfully we barely had rain or winds at my house just minutes down the road from the horrible damage at the University.

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