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What are your kids getting for Christmas this year?

Pretty in Pink

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It's going to be slim pickings this year unless something happens miraculously here.  Ds 17 is happy with iTunes card, video game, etc.  Dd10 is going to be tough this year.  The things she loved a few months ago are now "babyish".  :crying:   


It was so much easier when they were 5 or 6. 

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I already got ds8 and ds6 some legos.  Dd4 is getting a princess sophia dress (thank you costco).  They all will get souvenir money for our vacation in January.  Not sure if we'll do much else other than what they ask Santa for.  I am looking at investing in some home gymnastics equipment (mainly mats, maybe a bar if I can find a good deal) for my little monkeys, so that may count as a bulk of the "gifts".

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I know for sure a gameboy or whatever they are calling them now days.....his won't charge anymore and cost of repair would be about the same as buying new---I have a movie making software and green screen picked out but haven't gotten it yet....other than that I have NO idea---and his birthday is right in the middle of december 12-12.....

What movie making software and green screen and where from if you don't mind me asking? DD is into movie-making.

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ACK! I have no idea. The "big" present is a vacation to Singapore (we leave Jan. 3). We will go to Universal Studios there and Singapore Zoo and several other places. I want to get them all some small things to unwrap but the two boys are hard to buy for. Maybe credit for STEAM so they can buy some videogames they like. My dd is easy...puzzles, baby dolls...anything makes her happy.

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DD1 will get some baking stuff, some thread for her sewing machine, and some small craft items.  DD2 - I have no idea.  She's asking for a talking parrot, which she isn't getting.  I want to keep gifts super small and go for a vacation instead. We've been thinking about going on a quick trip to India.    

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From us and extended family-

14yo girl:

Books from her wish list

Music from her wish list

Sperry topsiders

silver dangly earrings

silver charms to add to bracelet

college tees and sweatshirt



books from his wish list

music from his wish list

Forest Mim electronics book

Maybe Technic, but has 100000 pieces to create with...

College athletic stuff

Nike elite socks


16yo special needs:

Star Wars Angry Birds 2 Telepd sets

Buying Arkham Origins and Lego Marvel Heroes ps3 in release dates in Oct so he will get those early!

Young Justice Ps3



Dominion - for our yearly board game gift

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ACK! I have no idea. The "big" present is a vacation to Singapore (we leave Jan. 3). We will go to Universal Studios there and Singapore Zoo and several other places. I want to get them all some small things to unwrap but the two boys are hard to buy for. Maybe credit for STEAM so they can buy some videogames they like. My dd is easy...puzzles, baby dolls...anything makes her happy.

That sounds like a great vacation! The Singapore Zoo is awesome.

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Legos (he is collecting the complete police sets to make stop motion movies)


Possibly a bass drum if I can find one second hand.




Ohmygosh, a stop motion movie? Will you please ask him if he would share it when he makes it? My son would LOVE that.


My husband and I, in part due to our own stubbornness and such, are restricting the boys to the Lego Creator/City/Bricks and More lines because those tend to be the "basic" city life figures. Star Wars and Super Heroes Legos go to our nephew down the street, so they can still play with them. The end result is that over time they'll build up a supply of police/firefighter/miner/etc. "guys" that they could all have play well together, but I never though of anything so cool as a stop motion movie. I'll have to introduce the idea to my son when he's a little older. :)

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I'm trying to go with "Something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read."


It's not working so well. Hubby wanted to get our older 2 an upgrade for their GameBoy Advances, probably a DSi. Or maybe we'd hand down our 2 DSi and our Pokemon games. Then he changed his mind to a PS3 remote each, since they've both had their GameBoys taken away.


Really, I'd love to avoid electronics this year. I have them each down for a pair of ice skates. The city has erected a skating rink across the street from our house for the past 2 winters, and hopefully will again, and I'd love to finally take advantage of it (none of them have skated before), and we'd have all those school hours to ourselves!


Misc ideas

Lego table & Lego sets (group gift)

The Guardians series by William Joyce (they love Rise of the Guardians)

How to Train Your Dragon dvd and/or the tv series, maybe the first few books, and the audio books (okay, that's more for me ;) <3 David Tennant)

Bedroom makeovers, but I may hold that for their birthdays (they're all clustered in the spring)

A pair of Converse each (probably DC themed)

Step Into Reading-style books (younger 2 boys)

knit dresses & leggings for DD (if I get them finished)

Wii uDraw Marvel game


Hubby (he's a big kid)

Scott Pilgrim boxset comics (might buy for his November birthday instead)

Converse DC Comics custom

Probably a PS3 game from his wish list


They have sooo much stuff and Hubby has a big family that buy a lot. I'm stumped as to what to put on their lists when they start asking for them. I don't have enough ideas for ourselves! I wish I could get some school stuff in there :p

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Well. He's not allowed to stick his grotty little boy fingers into my watermelon.




Do your Christmas stories and images tend to be north-inspired, or do you have entirely different iconography?

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I'm trying to go with "Something they want, something they need, something to wear, something to read."


That's what we aim for, too. :)


I have no idea what to get for my toddler! They already have so much stuff and we have too little space. Plus money will be tight.


I already have two lego sets that I bought on clearance, so that's "want" for the two middle kids.  I might knit or sew something for the "wear" for all of them. I need to get cracking on that!  I bought a Kirsten AG doll new on ebay, but I'm not sure who to give it to.  I want to buy a Molly for my youngest, a Mia or Josefina for my oldest, and an AG doll (used since she's young!) or some Barbies for the youngest maybe?  Those are mainly what she plays with and the other kids are sick of sharing. :lol:

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My kids birthdays are in December so they will get the big ticket one on their birthday.

7 year old - brock magiscope or a high power microscope. He has a handheld digital.

8 year old - student cello or trumpet or trombone.


We buy Christmas stuff during Black Friday sales so no idea what we will get.

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Books, of course. I'm going to embroider some scapulars for them all, but that will be given on St Nicholas Day. 


I'm going to sew some AG doll clothes for one. Other than that, I have no idea. We have many, and that means we already have much of the stuff the youngers want, so it's very hard. Normally pretty things for the girls that they wouldn't think of wanting. Like, blown glass witch balls, or, a stained glass 'night light' lamp for their room. I'm thinking of making them a mermaid mirror if I can get them away from me long enough to be sneaky. 


But, my girls are easy it's the boys that might be hard this year. Ds 14 wants a mandolin, so I'm hoping we can make that happen. Ds 10 is going to be a boy scout and tagging along with big brother so I'm sure we'll get him things like a head lamp, and fire starter kit, and a pen knife. I may make him a 'tent' for his bottom bunk. 


Oldest Dd ... I'll know it when I see it. Ds 23? $ and clothes because where he works he goes though clothes like the Incredible Hulk did. 


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Do your Christmas stories and images tend to be north-inspired, or do you have entirely different iconography?


Oh, there is fake snow on the shop windows and "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" playing on the radio, though for most of us it would be an entirely new experience and not just like the one we used to know. :p



My inner pagan can't handle that sort of stuff though, so we do our own thing. :)

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Well what I'd really like to get them is a lump of coal and some lessons on being grateful :/


DD 7

Some enormous light up winged My Little Pony thing

A doll sized wardrobe with AG doll clothes I plan to sew

A Baby Born puppy that pees (yeah great)

Rapunzel costume that I won at a charity auction (cause I hate sewing tulle)

Little Mermaid costume

Barbie with a unicorn horse

Geleeze craft thingies




Characters for skylander giants

Maybe the new skylander swapforce game

Skylander t-shirts


Dont know what else...he has never really played with toys




Baby born puppy that pees ( yes lucky me gets to have two of these in my house)

Jake and the neverland pirates Duplo



We are also planning a trampoline as a share gift...my kids have way to much energy to burn off.

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DD has both birthday and Christmas close together, so between the two, here's what I'm looking at so far:


Legos (Cragger's Command Ship and Heartlake High School-both already purchased on discount and in the closet)

The American Girl Science kit with microscope for her AG dolls

Digital camera/video camera (?-she uses these features a lot on her iPod and is enjoying making Windows movies, but can't really use the iPod video in them. I may buy DH a good one and pass the old one down to DD, though, rather than buying her a cheap one).

Books, because they're books ;)

Upgraded computer (not really a gift-she's now to the point that some of the things she does for her online classes don't work on the old hand me down computer she has, so we're considering buying a laptop for school use, which would then replace both her old computer and my old Netbook).




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DD has both birthday and Christmas close together, so between the two, here's what I'm looking at so far:


Legos (Cragger's Command Ship and Heartlake High School-both already purchased on discount and in the closet)

The American Girl Science kit with microscope for her AG dolls

Digital camera/video camera (?-she uses these features a lot on her iPod and is enjoying making Windows movies, but can't really use the iPod video in them. I may buy DH a good one and pass the old one down to DD, though, rather than buying her a cheap one).

Books, because they're books ;)

Upgraded computer (not really a gift-she's now to the point that some of the things she does for her online classes don't work on the old hand me down computer she has, so we're considering buying a laptop for school use, which would then replace both her old computer and my old Netbook).




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I have already told my kids that Mom and Dad are not getting them anything for Christmas.  I told them the night before Christmas we were all going to haul our spar gear bags out and place them under the tree because that's where the Christmas money went this quarter.  That said, I think I am going to try and make some DIY belt racks of some sort as they need somewhere to display them.  Santa is probably bringing Disney Infinity for the boys and an iTunes gift card for the oldest.

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We don't do Christmas, but they get a few gifts on winter solstice.


A sled for each (unless we get major snow before then). A dessert baking book if I can find that meets our criteria.


Dd- seaweed crisps, a movie, gerbil toys (or money for pet store), a book, a game (you know, those that come in boxes, not from the App Store!), maybe something else. New pajamas. Art stuff?


Ds- safe fruit snacks, a movie, a book, a game (something war related), new pajamas, a stick vacuum (he seriously wants one), maybe something else.

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We do wear, read, need and want too. I haven't thought about what that might be this year yet. My younger son turns 5 right after so he gets a birthday present too. I will set money aside for presents this month since we get extra money in October from my husband's job but most years we don't do our actual shopping until close to mid December at the earliest.

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Oldest ds is getting a desk... a nice one that he can take with him when he moves out in another year or two. Plus some stocking stuffers of fun things since the big gift is practical.


Not a clue for younger ds.........................

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For dd8 I have some American Girl stuff saved up from previous sales. They usually have another sale on cyber Monday so I may pick up a few more things then either for her or for various friend birthdays in January and February. I have some calico critters I got cheap too. Legos. She wants the lego Vampire Castle which is hard to find so I just ordered it directly from Lego last week. Probably some other things, but I'll have to look in my "stash" to see what I've already bought.


For ds5 (well, he'll be 5 next week...) I have some legos I got on Target clearance this summer. I also have some Ancient Egypt playmobil I got when it was clearanced last year. He got some last Christmas but will get the rest for his birthday and Christmas this year, including the pyramid. I'll probably give at least a little of it to DD8 as well. I have a couple other misc Target clearance toys like a stuffed Stars Wars guy and a robot dog. When it gets closer I'll see if there is a special thing he really wants, but the legos and playmobil should be plenty since I have a few sets of each.

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Legos. She wants the lego Vampire Castle which is hard to find so I just ordered it directly from Lego last week.

Thank you for this. I didn't know about the Lego Monster Fighters sets. They are right up DD's alley. Just ordered her the werewolf one. May order more later.


I also ordered seasons 1-4 of Johnny Test and season 2 of Ben 10. I think this is probably the earliest I've ever purchased gifts for my kids. I will not wait till the last minute this year! I am going to be on top of things!

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