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Well, did we have a baby?

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Nope. Can you believe it?????


Mw came & spent the night. We had a lovely breakfast. Now she's gone home. :001_huh:


She'll be back later today--sooner if we call. I've got till about 3 or 4PM to...I don't know what happens after that, but I've got that long, lol.


And not. a. single. contraction. I'm wondering about the "silent" labor thing. Maybe I *did* have a baby, but slept through it? Hmmm....wonder where I put him/her? LOL


Anyway, dh & the dc & I are going to go walk the mall some more, I guess. This is just so weird.


And sorry I couldn't update sooner. It just felt awkward w/ mw here. You know, trying to be polite on all fronts. *Very* awkward trying to figure out how to have a "houseguest" when...it's not exactly that, kwim? LOL

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And not. a. single. contraction. I'm wondering about the "silent" labor thing. Maybe I *did* have a baby, but slept through it?


:lol::lol::lol: If only!


I'm sorry you're still waiting, but I'm glad you're still in good humor :grouphug:


Oh, and ETA: Is it possible you've got a slow leak in your water? Sometimes a tear will happen, and it will leak intermittently based on where baby's head is, and what position you're in. I know, just what you need, right?!

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Nope. Can you believe it?????


Mw came & spent the night. We had a lovely breakfast. Now she's gone home. :001_huh:


She'll be back later today--sooner if we call. I've got till about 3 or 4PM to...I don't know what happens after that, but I've got that long, lol.


And not. a. single. contraction. I'm wondering about the "silent" labor thing. Maybe I *did* have a baby, but slept through it? Hmmm....wonder where I put him/her? LOL


Anyway, dh & the dc & I are going to go walk the mall some more, I guess. This is just so weird.


And sorry I couldn't update sooner. It just felt awkward w/ mw here. You know, trying to be polite on all fronts. *Very* awkward trying to figure out how to have a "houseguest" when...it's not exactly that, kwim? LOL


Did you find that B&BW lotion? They have free samples, you know. :D


Silent labor sounds exactly right. Here's to it!

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:lol::lol::lol: If only!


I'm sorry you're still waiting, but I'm glad you're still in good humor :grouphug:


Oh, and ETA: Is it possible you've got a slow leak in your water? Sometimes a tear will happen, and it will leak intermittently based on where baby's head is, and what position you're in. I know, just what you need, right?!


Slow leak, ha! This is more like a frequent GUSH. It's been...ah...embarrassing.


And there have been...changes. They're just slow & subtle, unlike my 3 previous births. #3 was the longest, but by the time I told mw I *was* in labor, baby was crowning. Mw said, "Oh my goodness! W/ your births, I should have *known* to check you when you got her!" (We'd all gone to sleep instead.)


So this time? She checked the heartbeat last night, but that's all. She was surprised the baby was as low as it is & said it would certainly be in the mid of the night.


So. Maybe it was???? Alright, really off to go walk now. & sniff Pam's lotion. Ginger-orange-something, right?


(And, btw, in case *anybody* still suspected that I was making up the a/c problem, mw noticed it last night. And she keeps the bc HOT. So. It's not just ME. LOL)

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Slow leak, ha! This is more like a frequent GUSH. It's been...ah...embarrassing.


And there have been...changes. They're just slow & subtle, unlike my 3 previous births. #3 was the longest, but by the time I told mw I *was* in labor, baby was crowning. Mw said, "Oh my goodness! W/ your births, I should have *known* to check you when you got her!" (We'd all gone to sleep instead.)


So this time? She checked the heartbeat last night, but that's all. She was surprised the baby was as low as it is & said it would certainly be in the mid of the night.


So. Maybe it was???? Alright, really off to go walk now. & sniff Pam's lotion. Ginger-orange-something, right?


(And, btw, in case *anybody* still suspected that I was making up the a/c problem, mw noticed it last night. And she keeps the bc HOT. So. It's not just ME. LOL)


Orange Ginger Aromatherapy. Brown bottle. :auto:

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I just rather quickly started labor, and within 3 hours, he was born. I walked plenty during that time and had some pretty good contractions during those walks, so maybe that helped.


The baby has to come out sometime! I'll be thinking of you and hoping you get a quickie like I did. Hard and fast is my style.

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Ahhh, mannnn. Sorry it didn't happen last night! So now I have to change my guess to 8/10 at 8:10pm! :D


Boy this is hard on us, Aubrey, I'm going to have to agree with Philothea that pregnant women are inconsiderate sometimes. I have other things to do, ya know. But nooo, here I sit by this computer waiting for this birth happen!!!:glare: So, come on already! :tongue_smilie:


JK of course! ;) I'm praying for you, Hon, and hope everything goes well for you and the baby...and SOON!!!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Slow leak, ha! This is more like a frequent GUSH. It's been...ah...embarrassing........

Alright, really off to go walk now. & sniff Pam's lotion. Ginger-orange-something, right?



I had the waters break with Calvin, then no contractions. He just wasn't ready to pop (around 39 weeks, but not ready).


Best wishes



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Hope things get moving for you soon. My water always break way before labor official starts. This most recent one, it broke Monday afternoon, labour started Wednesday am at around 4 am with 1 contrax every 20 minutes. I was holding her that afternoon. the 2 things I did to make it finally start, slept alot (as in sent the kids to grandma's and had a good sleep), and went out for beer battered fish. The grease levels did what castor oil would do but in a much yummier way lol


Hope the silence from you is a sign things are progessing at a faster pace.

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Oh, Darn! I was hoping to hear some exciting news about you (or Adrianne). I leave for my parents tomorrow for a couple days. It'll be driving me nuts...I think my mom's internet isn't working (out in the boonies). Prayers and :grouphug:



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Yea! Yoohoo!!! Aubrey! Need I remind you that we're all waiting! Not so patiently . . .


Isn't this why you chose a homebirth???? So you could update US?????

Yeah, I'd have to agree with Jennifer! The laptop.....on your belly....updates to The Hive in between contractions....Remember the RULES?!


All of the Cyber Aunties are waiting for news!!! Guess I'll go have some more :lurk5:



Really, I am wishing you and Adrianne well!!!

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Yeah, I'd have to agree with Jennifer! The laptop.....on your belly....updates to The Hive in between contractions....Remember the RULES?!



No, no, no. Updates during the contractions! She can press hard with her fingers on the keys to help with the contractions!!!!!



(Can you tell I adopted rather than doing things the old-fanshioned way? ;) ;) ;) )

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OK. I'm going for a run now. After that I have to shower, take 2 girls to the farm, take oldest ds to get a mandolin restrung, come home & make chocolate chip cookies for horse rally tomorrow.


Tomorrow I have said horse rally. Wednesday I have American Idol tour (with backstage passes, so we have to be there at 3:30, and I have eyebrows to wax and hair to get trimmed in the A.M.).


My point? I'm a very busy woman this week. I would certainly be able to perform all of my duties better knowing that Aubrey has safely delivered our new little cyber niece/nephew. Please, have mercy on me.


GO, AUBREY, GOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ;) :D

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Wow I thought for sure there would be an update. Praying everything is going well and you are holding your sweet baby by now!
Me too! Last night my dh asked if I was ready to head to bed (to sleep!). I said, "I need to do something on the computer real quick." "What do you need to do?" "I need to check on the baby!"


Babies are very special! I am looking forward to news Aubrey! PLEASE let us know soon! :001_smile:


:grouphug: and prayers!

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