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Graphic female content. My LEEP was today.........


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In case you've not had one done, it is basically a procedure that uses an electrified wired to burn off layers of cervical tissue. The apparatus comes complete with a "smoke absorbing" tube and mechanism. I'm sorry, but my cervix is not a place that is supposed to be interacted with in a way that creates smoke.


The discomfort and pain level was (and is) about a 6? 7?


I can't have intercourse, exercise, or lift heavy things for a month. (I wasn't doing those things anyway).


They sent my cells to the lab, and she's hopeful nothing else will be found and my moderate, precancerous cells won't return when my cervical tissue grows back.


To ease my pain, I went off my diet and ate pizza margherita and a pumpkin spice latte. ;) Back to meat and veggies tomorrow.


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I had a LEEP done about a year before getting preggy with #6 (he's 12 now).  Yeah, not a fun experience.  What I remember was that the procedure was uncomfortable, but that the recovery was much longer than the doctor suggested.  Ugh.  I hope you have a better luck with recovery.  My cells came back normal too, and I just had to have paps more often for about 2-3yrs just to make sure they didn't come back. 


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This is cracking me up, which I feel is appropriate since I had one too a few years ago. They gave me Valium, but as I have Metabolism From Hell, it only last about 10 minutes as it usually does, even though I took it in the room before they started. The procedure itself was mostly just weird and scary (I kept imagining it sinking through and melting my intestines or something, anatomy is not my strong suit) but the recovery sucked way more than they let on. Take it from me, don't over do it!

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Ok I'm going to be gross, and maybe you won't have this, but I had this procedure done as well ( and thank heavens, like a previous poster said, I was knocked out) and I had the biggest scab dislodge after healing from surgery. Literally the size of a quarter and although it wasn't round, it was definitely egg shaped! It was uncomfortable to pass. It was a weird experience.

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Ok I'm going to be gross, and maybe you won't have this, but I had this procedure done as well ( and thank heavens, like a previous poster said, I was knocked out) and I had the biggest scab dislodge after healing from surgery. Literally the size of a quarter and although it wasn't round, it was definitely egg shaped! It was uncomfortable to pass. It was a weird experience.

I was going to say this also, only what came out of me was much bigger. I freaked out. It was about the size of a stack of 10 quarters.


I was awake for mine though. I was a teenager and haven't had any issues since.

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I'm glad you finally got it over with, Joanne! I'll bet you're relieved that it's done, because waiting and worrying is so much harder than getting it taken care of. Hopefully, your recovery will be quick and uneventful. I never had any creepy scabs or heavy bleeding, so maybe you won't either. The biggest thing is to try not to lift anything heavy, which sounds easier than it is, because you feel pretty decent so you forget, and all of a sudden you're standing there with a big, massive bottle of laundry detergent from Costco and thinking it's probably over the weight limit and you get kind of :eek: and immediately start looking for blood and cursing yourself for being such an idiot. ;)


The worst thing is waiting for the results and the first couple of PAPs afterward are pretty nerve wracking, too, but after that, you start to feel relatively normal again, and although you'll probably always be more concerned when it's time for your annual exam, it gets a lot easier after the first year or so.


Try to take good care of yourself and rest if you can, because even if you don't feel terrible, your body still needs time to heal.



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I'm sorry you had to go through that Joanne, but very glad it's over and done with.  Take it easy and do whatever you need to care for yourself.  And yes, what Cat said... waiting for the follow up and the first few tests after is a bit nerve wracking, but it gets easier... I don't give it much thought anymore.  :grouphug:


Freezing vs. smoking (gotta laugh at our conversations)... I had a freezing done about 15 years ago.  Wonder why the differences.



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I'm sorry you had to go through that Joanne, but very glad it's over and done with. Take it easy and do whatever you need to care for yourself. And yes, what Cat said... waiting for the follow up and the first few tests after is a bit nerve wracking, but it gets easier... I don't give it much thought anymore. :grouphug:


Freezing vs. smoking (gotta laugh at our conversations)... I had a freezing done about 15 years ago. Wonder why the differences.

I had a LEEP 15 years ago. I was given a choice between that and freezing.

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Freezing vs. smoking (gotta laugh at our conversations)... I had a freezing done about 15 years ago.  Wonder why the differences.


I had mine done before kids - so maybe 20 years ago?  I seem to remember my doctor saying it had partly to do with how bad the cells were or the extent of them?  If things were a bit more on the nasty side, the LEEP cut out more/had better margins/could get at deeper tissue or some such thing.


I got sedated because I was flinching just for the biopsy - I think the Dr. figured I'd be levitating during the LEEP if he didn't put me under. 


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