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Has anyone ever had their water break WITHOUT the "popping" feeling?

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Yep, my first one I was getting big, and tired, and woke up at 4:30am thinking I'd now lost contril of my bladder. GREAT! But then I realized my water had broken. No pop, just a gush then leaking. ETA: I had him at 5:55 that evening.


I'M GETTING EXCITED!!! How are things going???

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I don't remember my water breaking either time. With my first, I warned the nurse when we got to the hospital that there was quite a bit of blood down there. I had my "plug" coming out over several days, and I thought that more of blood had come out. Come to find out, my water was broken.


With Ben, I was in labor and then the water broke at the hospital. I didn't know it happened until I felt something run down my leg. Again, I told the nurse that I was bleeding pretty badly, but she said it was my water.


I also threw up with both of them. Strange, huh?

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I was already well into labor when mine broke, and I didn't feel it at all--just felt wetness and was like, "Oh, I think my water broke." My MW said, "Oh, I don't think so, it's a little early." Ha!


Go Aubrey!!!! You'll be able to tell this kid the story of how badly you wanted to her/him to be born on 8/8/08 and instead she/he decided to come one day late--defiant from the start!


Can't wait to hear your news!

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II also threw up with both of them. Strange, huh?
My sister always threw up while she was in labor! I gagged but didn't throw up.


Mine just rather gushed suddenly. I was just glad I was in my kitchen. Alone.


And not at Target.

:lol: Yeah, they might have brought you a blanket and asked you to cover up if you're going to be leaking amniotic fluid!:001_huh::tongue_smilie:
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Um. Why didn't y'all tell me it *keeps* coming??? I mean, I thought I was..."prepared."


But...not prepared enough. Apparently.


No contractions yet, but baby soon. I mean...I guess. This is *very* different from any of the others.


Hugs sweetie - can't wait to hear about the new baby!!!! :grouphug:


And, to chime in - mine never broke with all 3 until the doctor did it.

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Oh, no, I missed a betting thread? Let the records show that I predicted to Aubrey last night that it would be 6 pm today. I'm sure she'll verify this. Maybe not now. :)


Go, Aubrey, Go!! 38 minutes!!!


Sure, I'll confirm. But, uh, if things move along that quickly, you'll be in charge of consoling dh, because he'll be delivering on his own. Mw is an hr away.

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Sure, I'll confirm. But, uh, if things move along that quickly, you'll be in charge of consoling dh, because he'll be delivering on his own. Mw is an hr away.


I bet he won't need consoling -- I bet he'll need somebody to knock him off his high horse and remind him that *you* were the one doing the work. ;)

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Mine broke on a Friday and I didn't realize it until someone at church said to go the ER and get checked out for the slow leak. Sure enough it was amniotic fluid. I delivered Sunday afternoon.


I'm praying for you Aubrey!!! I'm so excited for you I'm on the verge of tears. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Oh, yes. The first time, my water broke with a gush at 4:30 am, and I continued to leak and leak and leak for the whole of the 15 hour labor! After that experience, I added depends to my labor kit. :D


Best wishes for a quick labor!


Huh. So *that's* why those were on the list. :confused:

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No, I mean he's *scared.*


Yeah, I know! :D But if it happens so fast your midwife can't get there, it'll be 'cause everything is going super smoothly. And once the baby has come, he won't be scared anymore -- he'll think he's the coolest guy on the planet. ;)


You go, Aubrey! :D :D :D :D :D

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...there was no pop, just a tiny drip for hours.



When I had ER, it started off as a little trickle at about 7:00 in the morning, then just a drip for several hours. I wasn't even sure it was the real thing because it was 5-6 weeks early. But it was, and ER was a premie, born that night at 9:34PM.


EK was early too, but my water didn't break until labor was well under way.

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:lol::lol: Hubbies are so funny at these times. I remember my dh turned as white as a sheet and almost fainted into the bathtub the first time I told him I was in labor.


Except for my cavalier attitude *before* labor begins (I always say I can do the whole thing myself w/out him or a mw or anybody AND that I WANT to try that, lol), he's the opposite of the typical man. I start crying & tell him I don't know what's wrong, & he calmly holds my hand, looks me in the eye, & says, "You're in labor. I'm going to call D."


And then I argue that maybe I'm not. Until baby comes.

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Do you think I need to? Dh would count you his best friend if you could convince me, lol!



I would call her to let her know so she can be ready, but I wouldn't want her to come out until some contractions started. Of course when you call she might prefer to come on over now anyhow.

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Do you think I need to? Dh would count you his best friend if you could convince me, lol!


Sure! Call her and let her know your water is broken. That way she can be prepared if you need to call her "for real" later on. You know, gas up the car, replenish her bag, pack a snack, get her affairs in order. :D


I'd call. It's a courtesy. You should call. :001_smile:

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I would call her to let her know so she can be ready, but I wouldn't want her to come out until some contractions started. Of course when you call she might prefer to come on over now anyhow.


I thought about that, but then...since it *could* be a while & since she knows I'm 2 days overdue, & since she knows that I've never gone this overdue before...maybe calling her would just be an *extra* interruption? Not that she'd care one way or another, I just wasn't sure which would be more polite.


Pam's got a good point, though, about gas & such. Maybe I'll call...oh, this is the worst part. (I think I secretly don't want her to make it.) I did *not* just say that out loud!

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