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oh, just life

Night Elf

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I have no idea how to title this silly post. :)


I'll admit, my DH used to do a great deal around the house. He worked from home and was available all day long. He did all of the cooking and most of the laundry. I did the cleaning up. His company decided to bring all the employees back into the office, so he's no longer available all day. I've had to take over all the responsibilities, including the cooking. I have dinner ready when he gets home. Now, to some of you that might seem like a no brainer, but you have to understand that I've always hated cooking. I was so grateful when DH took over. He was definitely better at it than me. He's taught me his dishes and I've been doing a splendid job if I do say so myself. I'm also keeping up with the laundry. I find myself doing a bit more cleaning during the day than before as well. I see it as preventative cleaning as opposed to the old way of just waiting until it really needed to be done. And most importantly, I'm enjoying the responsibilities. I find that surprising actually.


I have one child in public school and one homeschooling. My homeschooling high schooler does nearly all of his work independently now. I don't feel needed like I did when the kids were young. In fact, I'm bored. Again, some of you may not have any pity, but it's not an enjoyable place to be in. So I need a hobby. I tried to learn crochet but I couldn't get my hands to work the way I saw in the videos. The yarn just falls out of my hand. So, on to something new. I just need to figure out what to try. I miss going to church and being involved in so many things. Church is not an option for me now, I don't want to go into the whys.


So... what would you do if you had hours in the day to fill?

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Perhaps a fun class or two for you? What have you always wanted to study or learn?

I am a reader so I'll always suggest something along those lines!


I'm thinking if you took a non-credit college class or a craft class it would get you out of the house

and around people.  Look on Meetup.com for groups in your area that have similar interests to you.


Hope that helps spark some ideas for you!

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Map out what your next act is going to be and start working toward it. You won't have dc at home much longer. What do you plan to do. What are you interested in?


Is there a hobby you want to turn into a career? What steps need to occur to ake that happen.


Maybe you are interested in a career that requires training. Can you start on the training.


Do you want work on your own self improvement? Set a daily schedule for your own classics study. Develop and stick a personal fitness program.


The possibilities are endless and you are blessed to have choices to deal with free time.

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Are you musical?  Sing or play and instrument or listen to music.


Are you artistic?  Take up a craft.  Our library has tons and tons of crafting books, it seems.  Sew.


Do you enjoy the outdoors?  I seem to remember that you don't, but in case I remembered wrong, then take up gardening or hiking or dog walking.


Do you have a green thumb?  Even if you don't like going outside to do it, you could get into houseplants.


Do you like to bake?  Not just the cooking you're doing but actually baking something. . .  like cupcakes!


Do you like to read?  Join one of the book-a-week threads and read!


Do you like to volunteer?  There's the Y, the library, boys and girls clubs, nursing homes . . . 


Do you like to write?  Do a NaNoWriMo - even if it isn't in the month of November.  Or blog.  Or write letters.


Do you like to learn things?  The Teaching Co., Coursera and others have great courses.  I can get The Teaching Co. stuff at the library for free.  Or learn a language.


Do you like to get together with friends?  Have a weekly meetup at the local coffee shop.


Do you like to dance?  Zumba!  or learn square dance or the hula. . . 





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Knitting might be easier than crocheting. Do you read much? Do you play a musical instrument or if not, would you like to learn? There must be something you've always wanted to learn. Sewing? Speaking a foreign language? College class? Gardening? Volunteer work? Writing? Spinning you own yarn? Maybe dyeing it?


Btw, it took me a long time to get the hang of crocheting! I persevered even when my hands seemed so clumsy. I eventually got it after weeks and weeks of trying. Make sure you are holding your working yarn taut enough to grab it with your hook.

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Does your library have a homework help club? Or if there is a refugee centre in your town, they might have one too.

Rosie, this is the second time you've mentioned a refugee centre. Can I ask what that is?? We don't have that in the US. Homeless shelter??

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Rosie, this is the second time you've mentioned a refugee centre. Can I ask what that is?? We don't have that in the US. Homeless shelter??


I'm not Rosie, but we do have refugee centers in the US.


Here, they are typically places in towns/cities that have many immigrants from other countries. People work & also volunteer there to work w/ the local immigrants, doing things like helping them fill out paperwork (job apps, immigration forms, bills, etc...), teaching English, teaching customs (local/American), etc.... Basically, it's to help immigrants learn & to help them fit into & feel welcome into the local community.


ETA: Sometimes private groups run these, sometimes churches or other religious organizations, sometimes towns/local city governments set something up. It really just depends on the community as to how it's organized & run.

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Hm.. I did once volunteer at a Boys and Girls Club when I was in college. I did enjoy that. That could be a possibility. My problem is that I really have no interests to pursue. My greatest passion is children ages 0 to 5. I worked in a daycare and absolutely loved it. I had to quit because the kids weren't doing well with homeschooling on their own. I was in college a few years ago for it but it was expensive and I couldn't justify spending so much money when the kids were close to college themselves. Oh, and I just remembered that I take dd to school and pick her up. That could interfere with doing things outside the house. Hmm... I was into scrapbooking about 12 years ago. I wonder if I still have any of those supplies or if I got rid of them. That could be fun actually. All of my photos are in a big box. I've never put them into albums. That might actually be a plan.


I do enjoy walking on our boardwalk/greenway. I've never thought about going during the day without my DH. Maybe I should start taking my son out. He could use some exercise anyway.

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My greatest passion is children ages 0 to 5. I worked in a daycare and absolutely loved it. . . .  Oh, and I just remembered that I take dd to school and pick her up. That could interfere with doing things outside the house.


What about volunteer work at a local elementary school?  Tell them you'd particularly like to help with the kindergartners, since that's the closest to the age range you prefer.  I bet the teachers would love you  And it shouldn't interfere with your DD's schedule.

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Yup, what Stacia said. 


Refugee centres often run playgroups and that'd suit Night Elf to a tee.

Yes, I actually know someone who helps do stuff like that. Her church provides English as a Second Language Classes & other services for immigrants. She volunteers in the nursery/childcare area that watches the young children while their parents are getting help/accessing various services.


Night Elf, you might want to look around your area of town & see if there are any groups that do stuff like that, esp. if you wanted to help out w/ childcare.

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Check out the Society for Creative Anachronism. www.sca.org. If you like history, crafts, archery, beating on people with sticks while in armor, watching guys do same, giving first aid or water to those fighting, participating in music making, a royal court, courtly dancing, feasts, dressing up in medieval clothes--sewing, did I mention crafts? Also a great place to meet new people and make friends.

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Do you need a hobby? Or do you need a purpose?


Just a hobby. My purpose is simple, just being here, loving and being loved.


I like baking. I've baked sweets for the past few weeks. DH and I are on Weight Watchers maintenance and I've had cupcakes and pies sitting around the house! I need to find some new dinner dishes and lay off the sweets for a while. :)


You have all come up with some great ideas. I'm not sure what I'll pursue, but am looking into scrapbooking again as a start.

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