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What Craft thing are you doing this week? week 1


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We'll start by making this a weekly thread and perhaps move to monthly after the holidays.  This week we're starting early, but usually I'll try to remember to start a new one Sunday night or Monday morning.


Are you a crafter or artist?  Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, or re-purpose furniture?   All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome!


This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric.  Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint?  Show any of those (if  you have a photo - that's even extra great).   Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that.  Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!!


Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us.  Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby.  ;)


Let's inspire each other. 

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okay, I'll go first..  I began winding a new warp for a shawl I want to make (for me).  It's called a Budget Shawl using Aunt Lydia's size 10 Bamboo yarn you can often find at local craft/hobby stores.   I'll post a photo of one chain of warp once I get the photo's uploaded to Flickr.



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My personal craft project:


Still working on the scrap quilt I started this summer when I tore all my "little girl" fabrics into 1.5" strips.  My girls are 17,15 and 8 now, so I assumed they wouldn't want anything made from those types of fabrics anymore.  I was wrong.  My 17 year old wants it, so I'm giving it to her.


School craft projects:


History- The double bladed Celtic battle ax from SOTW 2's Activity Guide.


Science-Colored card stock layers of the Earth topped with a print out of earth on watercolor paper.  My 8 year old will trace the templates of each layer then cut, glue, paint and label it. Later she'll put it into a lapbook.

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I sew, knit, and crochet.  This week, though, I'm packing for camp.  I have a small cross-stitch project I'll take in the car with me on the trip, but I'm not in the middle of much right now!  In the near future, I plan to paint, bunk and sew cute new bedding for the two Ikea dolly beds that DD got for her American Girl dolls.  Aiming to go from this to something similar to this

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I have the ends to weave in on this blanket.  I am about 60% done the crocheting part of this bag.  I will still have to sew the fabric and get it put in.  Hopefully those links work for people not on Ravelry.


I need an idea for what to do with an empty oatmeal container.


ETA: The links to the pattern are in the project information.

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I sew and knit mostly.


This week I set up my new sewing room and office, so I am not sure how much I am going to get done. I have already cut out fabric for nightgowns for DD and boxers for the two older DSs. I need to get to those. Plus I have a planned quilt for baby DS. And I really want to get the yarn to knit myself a sweater.


But for this week...maybe I can get 1 pair of boxers started before I have to pack for camp???

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I'm mostly a quilter, though I dabble in a few other things. Today I finished the border on a quilt for dd and her husband for Christmas. I'm sending it to my sister- she's a longarm quilter and will do a lovely job on the quilting.  Now I'm making a couple of small zippered pouches with pockets to use for cash and debit cards. DD needs something to throw in her backpack and I need a little pouch for the car so I can stash some cash. 


I love reading what everyone is doing!

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Cool stuff everyone.


My son (12) would love the battle axe... he's our resident weapon maker.


Battle Ax


The project turned out to be a tease.  It looks great and any kid who loves that kind of thing is going to do what comes naturally-wail on stuff.  It doesn't hold up for very long in those hands and is now turning into a duct tape project.  I warned her it wouldn't hold up but within 15 minutes it was damaged, so I got a photo of it then and there.


Ongoing Sitting Project


I forgot to mention my sitting project.  When I'm out and about taking kids to art, TKD and archery practice, I take my redwork along while I watch and wait.  I'm making ornaments on white background with red embroidery.  The girls and I take turns deciding on the Christmas Tree theme each year.  Christmas 2014 is my turn again and I'm doing red and white handmade ornaments on a real tree (that we cut down in the mountains every year) with silver accents.


I'll  add those to the paper quilled (not quilted) snow flakes I've made before and saved, and I've been experimenting with mini-thangles to make a series of quilted ornaments out of reds and whites. My middle daughter will make a fabulous, incredibly complicated origami project in silver paper for the top that she's been experimenting with.  My oldest daughter is coming up with some sort of paper designed ornaments and I'll come up with something for my youngest to do to add to the felt cardinals she made last time it was my turn and the other ornament projects we've made over the years.

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Mostly knitting here but I also crochet and sew just a little bit. Currently in the knitting bag are a shawlette--this pattern--for dd and a hat for charity. I expect to knit some socks once my hand-dyed yarn is dry. Orange and red. Mostly orange. For some reason I like kool-aid dyed orange socks. I'm having to replace my previous pair because the color faded out after 3 years of constant washing and wearing.

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Mostly knitting here but I also crochet and sew just a little bit. Currently in the knitting bag are a shawlette--this pattern--for dd and a hat for charity. I expect to knit some socks once my hand-dyed yarn is dry. Orange and red. Mostly orange. For some reason I like kool-aid dyed orange socks. I'm having to replace my previous pair because the color faded out after 3 years of constant washing and wearing.


not just knitting and crocheting, but you also hand-dye your yarn.  I think that is very cool.   

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Battle Ax


The project turned out to be a tease.  It looks great and any kid who loves that kind of thing is going to do what comes naturally-wail on stuff.  It doesn't hold up for very long in those hands and is now turning into a duct tape project.  I warned her it wouldn't hold up but within 15 minutes it was damaged, so I got a photo of it then and there.


Ongoing Sitting Project


I forgot to mention my sitting project.  When I'm out and about taking kids to art, TKD and archery practice, I take my redwork along while I watch and wait.  I'm making ornaments on white background with red embroidery.  The girls and I take turns deciding on the Christmas Tree theme each year.  Christmas 2014 is my turn again and I'm doing red and white handmade ornaments on a real tree (that we cut down in the mountains every year) with silver accents.


I'll  add those to the paper quilled (not quilted) snow flakes I've made before and saved, and I've been experimenting with mini-thangles to make a series of quilted ornaments out of reds and whites. My middle daughter will make a fabulous, incredibly complicated origami project in silver paper for the top that she's been experimenting with.  My oldest daughter is coming up with some sort of paper designed ornaments and I'll come up with something for my youngest to do to add to the felt cardinals she made last time it was my turn and the other ornament projects we've made over the years.


My youngest daughter dabbled in quilling at one time.  I always thought that was such a lovely craft.  I hope you having time to share some of your creations with us.

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I am a wanna-be crafter right now. 


I do have a knitted dishcloth in progress.  So far, I can knit rectangles. :D


My favorite craft is counted cross stitch, but it's so slow and I never end up doing anything with the complete projects.  I also like to sew and would love to quilt.  But, no time for all that right now.


My daughter was quite crafty before she discovered her love for photography.  She did some very neat quilling projects.  I loved that and wished she'd kept it up.  Maybe she'll go back to it someday.


I recently found this blog:  Crazy Mom Quilts


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I do have a knitted dishcloth in progress.  So far, I can knit rectangles. :D

Great start! Soon you will be knitting socks like my friend who started with only being able to knit squares but wanted to learn to knit socks. I cast one on for her and knit about an inch (just to give her a start), gave her a pattern and she went on to knit socks for all her family--6 pairs total!


It can be done! :thumbup1:

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I just finished two things today!


The first is a little knitted crab who has been sitting in my knitting bag for weeks with no legs. He's finally done and DS is pleased. :)


Also, I'm teaching myself how to sew and I actually made my very first thing today! It's a reversible apron for DD which I made following the directions here. It actually turned out really cute! 


Now I really need to get started on Christmas gifts.


I'm trying to brush up on my sewing abilities (which were very limited already anyway).  I even took a sewing 2 class- but it was somewhat of a bust.  I just didn't have the time to set aside 3 hrs every week to be away from home... something ALWAYS came up.  I had originally signed up for a 5 days in a row class.  I thought I could set aside a week... but it was cancelled for lack of interest and they put me in this other one.  I guess I'm just going to have to rely on Youtube for all my sewing instructions.



I mostly knit, though I occasionally make my own blank books. I try to sew. Lol I've also been working on some crazy paper mâché creatures lately from this guy's books: http://www.gourmetpapermache.com/


My current knitting project is a very creepy doll-type thing. Words cannot describe it. If it turns out, I'll post pics.



very cool looking dragons.   What do you do with the blank books when they're finished?    yes, please post photos of the creepy doll once it's done.

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I am working on a nightgown for my oldest DD. I am kind of in the midst of a crafty explosion--I've finished a dress for younger DD, a bonnet (ala Little House on the Prairie) for older DD, and I also have a cardigan and the second of a pair of fingerless mitts on the needles right now. I am not sure where the energy or drive is coming from--maybe the impending start of school? But all I want to do right now is make things. I am also sidling up to a hexagon quilt--I have about ten hexies done. Only, like, several hundred left to go... I hope the drive keeps up. :laugh:

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I've never heard of a sky scarf until now. How cool!!! Do you actually find time to do one row a day or do you track weather and do several days in one sitting? 


It depends on how my life is going. I often will track it and do a whole week at a time, because sitting down for a single day isn't too satisfying. I like to look at a new chunk instead of a narrow little bit after I've been working on it.

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I sew and knit.  This week I sewed some nursing pads with fabric that I dyed.

nursingpads by plath, on Flickr


I'm also knitting a pair of longies (pants that are also a cloth diaper cover) for the baby on the way from yarn that I spun.  I am so unmotivated to knit lately though so they are taking forever...

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Just working on my sky scarf, but I'm feeling the need to get some socks started before cool weather sets in.


Very cool! I vaguely remember hearing about this somewhere. If I had one for this year the summer would have a lot of gray in it . . .  :glare:


So what would you do for a day where it rains but later in the day the sun breaks through and the sky is bright blue? Would that be a gray and bright blue together?

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Intending to smashbook more of our trip--does that count? It won't be pretty and cool, but it'll be mine:-) .


I've never heard of that before and had to look it up.  Yes! Definitely... very creative.  It actually dove-tails very nicely with a question I was going to wait to ask on week 2 about documenting our inspirations and finished projects.


I am working on a nightgown for my oldest DD. I am kind if in the midst of a crafty explosion--I've finished a dress for younger DD, a bonnet (ala Little House on the Prairie) for older DD, and I also have a cardigan and the second of a pair of fingerless mitts on the needles right now. I am not sure where the energy or drive is coming from--maybe the impending start of school? But all I want to do right now is make things. I am also sidling up to a hexagon quilt--I have about ten hexies done. Only, like, several hundred left to go... I hope the drive keeps up. :laugh:



I've also been on a craft explosion.  


Occasionally -  Love the sky-scarf, what a cool idea.  It reminds me a bit of the Saori style of weaving.


Plath - love the hand-dyed look of those pads.  They're very beautiful.  Too bad they'll be covered up! :)

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Very cool! I vaguely remember hearing about this somewhere. If I had one for this year the summer would have a lot of gray in it . . .  :glare:


So what would you do for a day where it rains but later in the day the sun breaks through and the sky is bright blue? Would that be a gray and bright blue together?


If you were doing it the way the instructions indicate, yep, you'd use those two together. I'm using a single strand, so I use my general impression of the day. Maybe that skews things a little to my mood for the day, too, but it's half as expensive when you're using a silk/merino blend  :glare:

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I am am advid sewer/seamstress and part time crocheter. 
Currently I am working on piles of burp cloths, blankets, afghans and hooded towels for the grandbabies that are due this month.

The pink pile was gifted on Monday, but the little boy pile is not quite complete.


Each grandbaby gets:

Several flannel blankets out of 1/1/4 yards of flannel ( double sides) and then crochet around the edges.  I sew up piles of burp cloths using 18 inch squares( double sided) and crochet around the edges.  I use up the scraps of leftover flannel and maked pieced burp cloths but I don't sew around those edges.

crocheted afghan or two if I have  time

hooded towels I make out of a bath towel and a half a hand towel.


I have fabric here for twin bed size quilts and that is making me nervous.  I am not a quilter, but figure I can handle some kind of rag strip quilt.



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Does painting the trim in the house count? :)  Probably not.


Currently, I am embroidering a set of potholders, because mine look terrible. These have a flames on them.


I also spent an hour mending (yuck) on Tuesday. My hope is that by spending 30 minutes or so mending each week, it won't pile up so bad.


I am also planning on buying fabric for this.  I'd like to make a couple in different colors. I think it would be a pretty nightgown too.

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Ohh, Fairfarmhand, that slip is gorgeous!! All that slippery fabric and lace would make me nervous though. Love the sound of the potholders too--but are the flames "racing stripes and flames on the Mustang" flames, or "Oops, I burned dinner again" flames? 'Cause I am envisioning potholders with racing stripes and flames, and I kind of like it...

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Ohh, Fairfarmhand, that slip is gorgeous!! All that slippery fabric and lace would make me nervous though. Love the sound of the potholders too--but are the flames "racing stripes and flames on the Mustang" flames, or "Oops, I burned dinner again" flames? 'Cause I am envisioning potholders with racing stripes and flames, and I kind of like it...

This.   is the potholder.  I checked out the book at the library.


I like the way you think though!


I embroider while watching TV with dh at night. Otherwise I fall asleep in the last 10 minutes of Perry Mason and never learn who did it!


And I do love pretty underclothes. I'm thinking of making a boring white slip, a red and black, (like the photo) and either purple or blue and white.

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The battle axe reminds me of DS's buddy who makes chain mail.  He rolls up electric fence wire into a coil, snips it apart, then hooks it together.  Impressive stuff.


Personally, I'm a quilting and a cross-stitcher, but for over a year now, woodworking has kept me busy!  

More challenging is the fact that 90% of the time it's just Buck, Bean and I working on it since Trap is usually gone.


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This week it's mostly baby things. This morning I finished making two bibs with ties on them (so ridiculously cute!) and am about to start making a couple of large, flannel receiving blankets, both for a baby shower on Saturday. I have two more receiving blankets to sew and this hoodie to knit for another friend who's due in October. My take-along small project is a pair of socks for DH. And last night I also finished knitting a ponytail hat (hat with a hole in the back for a ponytail to go through) for my mom.


Apparently I'm feeling very crafty this week :)

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