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I'm looking for a book recommendation for romance BUT I'm picky


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I want to read a few nice love stories.  I suppose that would be 'romance' but I've been rather disappointed by the few books in that genre that I've read so far.  I don't mind a bit of smut as long as there's an engaging plot, well-developed characters, and interesting dialogue.  What can you recommend to me?  I love Georgette Heyer, P&P, and I don't remember loving it but I did read and enjoy Outlander. 


Historical setting is a plus but not necessary. 




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Do you want a love story or a romance? A love story doesn't necessarily have a clearly defined hero/heroine (could involve multiple people) and many do not have a happily-ever-after (people dying, etc.)  A romance has a clearly defined hero and heroine, and you know they will overcome obstacles to get together in the end, though you don't know how.

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Do you want a love story or a romance? A love story doesn't necessarily have a clearly defined hero/heroine (could involve multiple people) and many do not have a happily-ever-after (people dying, etc.)  A romance has a clearly defined hero and heroine, and you know they will overcome obstacles to get together in the end, though you don't know how.


I guess I want a romance then.  Boy meets girl then some interesting stuff happens then we have happily ever after.  Happily ever after is a must!  :)

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I guess I want a romance then.  Boy meets girl then some interesting stuff happens then we have happily ever after.  Happily ever after is a must!  :)


I love happily-ever-afters too. Unless I'm having a mood, lol.


Got my ears open for responses since I haven't been reading much in the way of romance lately.


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I don't have a suggestion, but I have found a good way to get recommendations for a book I might like is to go to Amazon and look up a book or author I know I like and then I see what other books are suggested. It has worked surprisingly well. There are always a few suggestions that make me go :huh:  but some winners as well.

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Any of Mary Stewart's "romantic suspense" novels that she wrote in the 50s and 60s.  These are mysteries, but always include some happily-ending romance.  The writing is lovely--much higher caliber than romance novels. 


ETA:  I'm sorry--I didn't intend that to be a slam at romance novels.  I consider Mary Stewart's romantic suspense novels to be romance novels, really--very good ones.  :)


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Have you tried this site?   http://www.likesbooks.com/ifyou.html    It is a "if you like this author you might like"



:iagree: I love that site.


My author recommendations are just about anything by Eloisa James, Julia Quinn, or Loretta Chase for straight up romance with smart and witty dialogue.


You may like The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. It takes place during the Siege of Leningrad. 

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Mary Balogh- Slightly Series

Julia Quinn- Bridgerton Series

Elizabeth Boyle- Something about Emmaline, I have read it so many time pages are falling out of my copy.

Lisa Kleypas

They all have a fast pace, good humor, witty dialogue, historical setting. Some smut, but easily skipped. It is NOT the focus.


Lynn Kurland writes romance where the bedroom door closes and you are on the other side. Check out her MacLeod and dePaiget series. Reading order under books.


Debbie Macomber is great for contemporary love stories. I like her Blossom Street series.

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Thank you ladies so much!  I've added at least a dozen books to my Goodreads list. 


Actually there's a funny story behind that.


I was adding books to my Goodreads list on the iPad and it wasn't until I finished adding them that I noticed I was signed in under DH's account. :laugh:   I haven't taken the time to remove them yet.  I wonder what his friends will think of his new sudden interest in romance novels.  Normally he's more of a fan of sci-fi and fantasy. 

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I'm not sure if this qualifies as a romance, but it's a fun and interesting series about Sherlock Holmes and his apprentice (a young woman). They eventually fall in love and get married.


The Beekeeper's Apprentice



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Dorothy Keddington books. Not sure what I'd call them, maybe clean romances? romantic suspense (stole this one from the amazon reviews)? The not looking for love heroine solves a mystery and just happens to fall in love with the dashing man that's in her way or assisting her depending on the book. Pretty tame in the sensual department Aisling of Eire is one of the better ones.


Looking for something a little more oomph and maybe a little goth? Starblood by Carmilla Voiez.



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Catherine coulter is awesome! She has two genres she writes in, one is historical romance and the other is present-day crime mysteries. In the romances, there is definitely plot and character development and usually some sort of mystery. I was addicted one summer and read everything she'd ever written. It was a good summer!

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Ugh.  I hate how you can only do FIVE interlibrary loans at once.  I want to have all these books on my night stand so I can do a power reading weekend.  :)


I know, I know.  Some people have real problems and I'm complaining about ILL. 

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I just posted this in the Book a Week thread.  It's a romance but decidedly untraditional.  The setting is contemporary.


Courting Greta by Ramsey Hootman


"Samuel Cooke knows most women wouldn't give him a second glance even if he were the last man on earth. He's the cripple with crutches, the nerdy computer genius every female past puberty feels compelled to mother. So when he leaves his lucrative career to teach programming to high schoolers, romance definitely isn't on his radar.

Perhaps that's why Greta Cassamajor catches him off guard. The sarcastic gym coach with zero sense of humor is no beauty - not even on the inside. But an inexplicably kind act toward Samuel makes him realize she is interesting.

Samuel is certain she wont accept his invitation to dinner - so when she does, hes out of his depth. All he knows is that he'll do whatever it takes to keep her as long as he can. Pretending he's got his class under control? Easy. Being vulnerable enough to admit why he ditched his programming career for teaching? Um, no. That would require honesty. And if there's one thing Samuel can't exist without, it's the lies he tells himself.

In this poignant, witty debut, Ramsey Hootman upends traditional romance tropes to weave a charming tale of perseverance, trust, and slightly conditional love."


Seconding previous suggestions of LaVyrle Spencer (try Morning Glory), Lisa Kleypas (she has historicals as well as contemporaries; try Mine Till Midnight which is first in a series), and Eloisa James (try When Beauty Tamed the Beast).  I'd also recommend Courtney Milan (try Unveiled) and Sherry Thomas (try Delicious).





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Catherine coulter is awesome! She has two genres she writes in, one is historical romance and the other is present-day crime mysteries. In the romances, there is definitely plot and character development and usually some sort of mystery. I was addicted one summer and read everything she'd ever written. It was a good summer!

thank you for this! I read some of her stuff a while ago and totally forgot about her after I read everything my library had. I have a kindle now,and can find the rest of her stuff! yay!

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Ok, I don't normally read romance & I'm quite out of my league on this thread, but the book that I'm (sort-of) reading now may fit your category: The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson.



The nameless and beautiful narrator of "The Gargoyle" is driving along a dark road when he is distracted by what seems to be a flight of arrows. He crashes into a ravine and wakes up in a burns ward, undergoing the tortures of the damned. His life is over - he is now a monster. But in fact it is only just beginning. One day, Marianne Engel, a wild and compelling sculptress of gargoyles, enters his life and tells him that they were once lovers in medieval Germany. In her telling, he was a badly burned mercenary and she was a nun and a scribe who nursed him back to health in the famed monastery of Engelthal. As she spins her tale, Scheherazade fashion, and relates equally mesmerising stories of deathless love in Japan, Greenland, Italy and England, he finds himself drawn back to life - and, finally, to love.


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I just posted this in the Book a Week thread.  It's a romance but decidedly untraditional.  The setting is contemporary.


Courting Greta by Ramsey Hootman


"Samuel Cooke knows most women wouldn't give him a second glance even if he were the last man on earth. He's the cripple with crutches, the nerdy computer genius every female past puberty feels compelled to mother. So when he leaves his lucrative career to teach programming to high schoolers, romance definitely isn't on his radar.


Perhaps that's why Greta Cassamajor catches him off guard. The sarcastic gym coach with zero sense of humor is no beauty - not even on the inside. But an inexplicably kind act toward Samuel makes him realize she is interesting.


Samuel is certain she wont accept his invitation to dinner - so when she does, hes out of his depth. All he knows is that he'll do whatever it takes to keep her as long as he can. Pretending he's got his class under control? Easy. Being vulnerable enough to admit why he ditched his programming career for teaching? Um, no. That would require honesty. And if there's one thing Samuel can't exist without, it's the lies he tells himself.


In this poignant, witty debut, Ramsey Hootman upends traditional romance tropes to weave a charming tale of perseverance, trust, and slightly conditional love."


That sounds like a great Chick Flick plot ... maybe that's what I'm looking for really.  A book that if it was a movie would star Drew Barrymore.  :)

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  • 2 months later...

I know this was reactivated by a spammer (who I reported), but I wanted to add Kristan Higgins' books to the list. They're definitely light reads, but they're really funny (I laughed out loud several times), and they're not super smutty.

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Two somewhat offbeat book recommendations that may also meet your requirements even if they're not strictly romances:


â–  Why We Broke Up (written by Daniel Handler (yes, the Lemony Snickett guy) and illustrated by the magnificent Maira Kalman)


â–  Attachments (Rainbow Rowell)


ETA: I didn't realize this was an old thread. Oh, well.

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