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Little-known, "secret" curric to try?


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Math on the Level - all the math you need through pre-algebra, at your own pace, with built-in review, lots of different teaching ideas, and an active Yahoo group.


Simply Music - we have the learn at home dvds. Start learning to play real songs before going through the hard, slow, process of learning to read music. (You do learn to read music, just later on.) I can't say enough good things about them!

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I know these are not secret,but maybe lesser known.


Giggly Guide to Grammar http://www.amazon.com/Giggly-Guide-Grammar-Cathy-Campbell/dp/1931492220/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top


TOPS units http://www.topscience.org/


I recently found these EPS books whch I think I like. Classical Academic Press is also selling them.






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You know you're on the forum too much when you've heard of all the secret curricula. ;)


And not just heard of it but have tried much of it too :)


My "secret" curricula choices, aren't very secret but I don't see/hear of a lot of people using them


Time travelers cdroms


Meaningful composition


Reading for Christian schools by BJU (just the readers, for practic with oral reading)


Hands on Standards math books


Evan Moor take to your seat centers

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Another one: Mastering Mathematics.


I have been having so much trouble getting my math phobic dd to grasp math. Using lots of supplements (including Fred and Arithmetic Village) and full programs to help her regain her confidence like Math Lessons for a Living Education. Rod and Staff for the mastery of facts. These are all great, but I was beginning to get a bit frazzled looking for the magic pill for my dd! They each did something great. One would help with the visual concept, one with memory, one with daily application and so on. But I want to settle on just ONE program that will speak to my dd. We have just started MM only a few days now so it is hard to say how it will go, but so far it is wonderful. It provides ALL of the above in ONE program! It is also designed for children with LD or those who struggle with math. I WISH I had this 2 years ago! But you know it had to be given to me it by a mom who had wonderful success with it. Had I saw samples of this program years ago I would have passed it up because it is not all that attractive. Just plain. But it has several games you don't see and short , but productive lessons which are very meaningful. Plus it comes with a dry-erase plastic sheet so you don't have to write in the wkbks. Your whole family can use it! 6 grade levels for $135 is a steal! I will be ever grateful to the mom who was so kind to pass MM on to me!


One more: Math-It

This is only a supplement, but it teaches very cool tricks that can help a child to learn facts in minutes. It is very much overpriced in my opinion, but very effective.

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I like Kathryn Stout's resources: Natural Speller and Critical Conditioning.


Ds9 is starting Wordsmith Apprentice in the fall. I don't hear that mentioned much either.


The other curriculum that I almost never hear mentioned is Behold and See Science, which we will be using this year in fifth too (as supplementary reading for BFSU2), Behold and See 5. The next year I'm going with Behold and See 6, which I like even more, as it has a living book narrative style to it in addition to the gorgeous pictures and solid science. I'm going to be using my BFSU3 by then.

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Jenn your post made me thing of your amazing curriculums!! http://www.guesthollow.com/homeschool/curriculum.html I think they are a best kept secret for many people!! True gems! I adore browsing your booklists and slowly collecting the books for when my girls are old enough to use your programs. We plan on doing Otter's Elementary Science next year and I would love to do your Botany the year after.


Another blogger who's curriculum's I love is Wateronthefloor.  We are doing her Magic School Bus science and some of her Earth Science curriculum this year.





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OK, so I admit I haven't used these myself, but it's more because I missed the boat on them.  I suspect (as has happened before) that these don't get more traction because they are Catholic, but I believe the specifically Catholic content is minimal.  I am not Catholic so I called them and they said they are pretty sure with some editing that it could be used by Protestants.  


They are the Behold and See Science Series.  They look so good.  




The 4th grade covers nutrition and the human body and I am considering buying it for my 4th grade dd.




Imagine a Science series that has somewhat coherent themes for each grade, focuses on God, but in a way that makes sense (aka not tacked on), that has cut and paste activities, filling in diagrams, drawings, and other activities right inside the book, but also has some pretty serious Scientific content, and oh- it focuses more on nature than on obscure or boring Science "topics" that supposedly "should" be covered.


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OK, so I admit I haven't used these myself, but it's more because I missed the boat on them.  I suspect (as has happened before) that these don't get more traction because they are Catholic, but I believe the specifically Catholic content is minimal.  I am not Catholic so I called them and they said they are pretty sure with some editing that it could be used by Protestants.  


They are the Behold and See Science Series.  They look so good.  




The 4th grade covers nutrition and the human body and I am considering buying it for my 4th grade dd.




Imagine a Science series that has somewhat coherent themes for each grade, focuses on God, but in a way that makes sense (aka not tacked on), that has cut and paste activities, filling in diagrams, drawings, and other activities right inside the book, but also has some pretty serious Scientific content, and oh- it focuses more on nature than on obscure or boring Science "topics" that supposedly "should" be covered.


I am excited to use the 5 next year!

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Where are the videos?


LOL, you are asking the person who has never watched them?!  Let me see if I can find them. . .


Yikes!  I am not seeing them there anymore.  There used to be a link on the home page, and now the home page has disappeared, replaced by the main materials page.  

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Professor B math was hard to find reviews for on here.


Also, I notice that R&S grammar has a workbook partner Climbing to Good English. It seems like the typical complaints about R&S are solved with Climbing to Good English. It shouldn't take a second seat I guess is what I'm trying to say. I'm starting to wonder the same thing with Saxon Math vs Abeka Math. Abeka isn't as tight of a spiral but is advanced and colorful so it would solve some problems people have with Saxon Math.

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I just heard about this one for the first time yesterday. It's sure rare for me to discover anything new at this point, so I figure it's qualifying of posting in this thread. ;)




More people on the board need to start using this so that I can read reviews when my kids are the right age! ;)


I really like these lit guides that go with Teaching the Classics:



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I ordered these from CBD. I've been wanting to add more art and these look amazing! Thanks!


These must be new to CBD!!  This makes it a lot easier for international folks to order them.  Jerry's charges way too much for int'l shipping, and HSBC didn't ship worldwide on their group buy.  So glad CBD carries it now!

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I'm surprised I have not seen any of the 'vintage' fans mention these books by Thomas Tapper, available for free on Project Gutenberg. It's a music appreciation series on the great composers---each book is meant to be printed out and has a short biography of the composer, a cut-and-paste activity, a 'facts' review and a rewriting activity. There are 12 books. I've taught with these before and the kids love them! They hold up well for modern kids.

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  My favorite little known curriculum has formed the spine of our Language Arts programs for year one and two - Language Lessons Through Literature by Kathy Jo DeVore (either in book form 500+ pages or an ibook format). The program has 108 lessons per year (so 3 lessons a week). You read a chapter of a great work of literature (Pinocchio, Blue Fairy Books, Five Children and It) and every lesson also includes an Aesop fable, and poem picked out for you.  On a rotating basis she introduces maxims, Bible verses and picture study, along with memory work like the months of the year, seasons, parts of speech, etc.  The workbook has the copywork sentences (which include sentences from the book you are reading, poetry, Bible verses and maxims - depending on the day), space for narrations, and sentences for identifying parts of speech (year 2).


    She goes through a book faster than some CM adherents might - 3 chapters a week instead of 1.  She also might have children write more than CM would - but you as a mom - can decide what is best for your children.  Plus, with only 3 lessons scheduled you can spread it out through the week.  


    The workbooks make it easy to use but she does have the copywork and other items in the text itself so you could make your own copywork sheets from it if you'd like.  You receive the workbook as a PDF so you can use the program for multiple children - just print off what you need, when you need it.  It also has 5 different fonts available - so choose what your family likes to use.  She also has the art prints - in color - for free that you can download as a PDF file and then use them as you like (or just look at them on the computer).  


It brings together so many things in one place.  It appears she has just created a year 3 - so I will be looking into that!  It appears she introduces diagramming at this stage. She has plans for more too.




I think it is great for a gentle approach to literature.  She does not delve into spelling or learning how to read but she covers pretty much everything else you would want for your first and second grade child.  Her books are printed through Lulu and about 2 or 3 times a year they have a 15% to 20% off discount sale - so you can wait to get them then if you watch for the sales.  



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We have really enjoyed the Discovering Nature Series from Queen Homeschool Supply. My girls always ask for it when I try to skip it because we are short on time. It is quick and gentle.

Thank you!! I've been wondering about this series and I haven't been able to find any reviews on it!

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I'm not sure how "secret" these are, but Bright Ideas Press has a history/literature-based language arts program called Illuminations and science programs called Christian Kids Explore (Biology, Earth & Space, Chemistry, Physics).  Usually people associate BIP with MOH.


DK makes teacher's materials in a binder w/ a CD-Rom; I have one titled "Earth". 


HHMI (Howard Hughes Med. Inst.) puts out DVDs & CD-Roms for review - free of charge.  I have 3 that I got just for agreeing to review them.


Instructional Fair (now Frank Schaffer or Carson-Dellosa) has some good materials in their 100+ series (Physical Science, Life Science, Human Body, etc.).

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My favorite little known curriculum has formed the spine of our Language Arts programs for year one and two - Language Lessons Through Literature by Kathy Jo DeVore (either in book form 500+ pages or an ibook format). The program has 108 lessons per year (so 3 lessons a week).


The workbooks make it easy to use but she does have the copywork and other items in the text itself so you could make your own copywork sheets from it if you'd like. You receive the workbook as a PDF so you can use the program for multiple children - just print off what you need, when you need it. It also has 5 different fonts available - so choose what your family likes to use. She also has the art prints - in color - for free that you can download as a PDF file and then use them as you like (or just look at them on the computer).


It brings together so many things in one place. It appears she has just created a year 3 - so I will be looking into that! It appears she introduces diagramming at this stage. She has plans for more too.




Interesting! And I had not heard of that one..

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