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Please let me know that I am not the only one to do something awkward and embarassing


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This is from long enough ago that I am past it, although I definitely have more recent incidents :)


When I was a freshman in high school, we went on a band trip. Everyone was sitting on the bus waiting to go to dinner. I was wearing hard contacts and one of them got a speck of dust or something on it, so I stuck it on my tongue to moisten it and rinse it off (not the best idea, although it can work in a pinch). My friend commented "Don't swallow it!" and I inhaled to laugh...the contact flew to the back of my throat and suctioned there. I had to get off the bus while the chaperones, band directors, and bus drivers tried to figure out what to do. Their first idea was to have me gag myself and catch everything in a ziploc bag and get the contact back that way. That didn't work, so finally they just had me drink water and swallow it. One of the bus drivers said "Just remember, this too shall pass" and everyone laughed at that. Everyone on the buses was staring out the windows at me through the whole ordeal. Then everyone had to wait while I went to take out my remaining contact and put on my glasses. It was pretty humiliating.

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I'm not sure I'm over this one yet, but i'll share it anyway. Last week I decided that ds will have to start taking public transit to school (community college) because it's too far for me to drive there twice a day. So I take him to the light rail station (neither of us has ridden it before), we buy the ticket, and we're standing on the platform waiting for the train - when all of a sudden the train pulls up, but it's on the opposite track. Crap! We make a mad dash for it, but it takes off before he can get on. Ugh. Embarrassing. Today I made sure he stood on the correct side.


I have also had my skirt fall off in public.


I was visiting a church for the first time on Good Friday one year, and the custom is for people to go up one at a time, prostrate, and kiss the crucifix. As I made my prostration (kneel down and bow head to the floor), my shoe went literally flying across the church in a big arc. I have always made my prostrations in stocking feet from then on.

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I bent over once to help someone clean up a mess and showed my buttcrack to my church pastor. My friend put her sweater around my waist and told me what I had done. Then I had to stay for the rest of the party. I'm in my 40's. I think this is probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. In my defense, I am very tall, and it is hard to find jeans that fit properly. I should probably stick to wearing broomstick skirts or something...


Oh, and once when I was talking on my cell phone and walking in to a building at the university I was teaching at, I tripped and fell flat on my face, losing a gem from my sandals and tearing up my knee, all in front of a bunch of students. Then I had to go teach my class.

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Ha ha, don't get me started. Every time I read someone else's goof story, something worse comes up in my memory banks. I had better stay away from this thread, LOL. However, I did post here about my recent Bob Evans faux pas. That one was pretty good.

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I do something awkward and embarassing every day.


Today's was walking down the aisle of an airplane trailing a piece of toilet paper.


The gross thing is that it wasn't mine because I only went in to brush my teeth.


Then I ignored the guy who tried to help me by pointing it out, because he had annoyed me in the boarding lounge. I thought he was going to be all annoying again, so I pretended not to hear him. He was gracious enough to smile, but not the way I would've in a karma-is-a-beyotch-ain't-she way when we finally made eye contact as I sat down and noticed the TP myself.


I tried to buy him a drink, but he declined and smiled again. I'm such a donkey!

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I fell of a sidewalk and broke my left foot and right ankle. Was in a wheelchair for 6 weeks from a simple fumble.


I burped in a quiet classroom. Everyone heard. I had no warning, it just happened.


I sent my daughter to school for a school assembly/show in the wrong outfit.


When I first moved here I tried to compliment someone here on their meal by saying it tasted like there was a ham hock in the broth. This is a Muslim country. Pork is seen as unclean, disgusting. The compliment fell flat.


That's just what comes to mind at the moment. There's more, lots more!

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I'm on my iPad.


Once when bowling in a foreign country on a school trip I got my thumb stuck in a bowling ball. They needed to do special stuff, (butter, what not) to get it off.


Once on a long trip I had a horrendous sun burn on my back so I in did my much needed bra (big boobs). When we reached out destination we had trouble firth ring out where to go next and almost missed our connecting train so had to run. Bra still undone. It looked like something out of bay watch. Oh and the bra ending up sticking out of my shirt.


Once my cousin locked herself out of the house. I volunteered to go in through the window that could only open a crack. Well I got stuck in grand Winnie the pooh fashion.



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Thanks for sharing and for the laughs lady's. When I get past my awkward, embarrassing moment, I'll share it. OCD is really kicking in on this one.


I do have a couple to share. I had a front hooking bra come undone at church luckily I had a sweater and blazer on. It still made me want to hide. I went to the rest room to fix the problem.


I was looking for my class in college and did not pay attention that it was still the previous class time and I walked right into the class and prepared for my first day in class before I realized what I had done. :blushing:


Just recently at dd recital I sat at the opposite side of the auditorium and decided that instead of walking all the way around the building (like we were told to pick up our children) I followed a fellow dance mom to a near by door but I lost her and ended up back stage where the next girls were preparing to go on. I looked at the sound man who just looked at me, did not say anything or point me in another direction. I took the path of least resistance which was to run quickly between the curtains and the girls who were waiting to go on to the door across the way. ( I did not go on stage or interrupt a dance but it was still quite embarrassing to have me, a mom, not follow the rules. I've been waiting for an e-mail from the dance school saying I am not welcomed back. :tongue_smilie:

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Sweetie, come and sit with me. I could fill a book with my mishaps. One being too cheap to buy new pants and accidentally dropping trou in broad daylight because I'd lost weight. Another time on my husband's birthday I thought my husband was knocking on the door because he called me to let me know he forgot his keys and so I answered it wearing something, well, let's just say it was for my husband's eyes only. It was of course not my husband and I slammed the door in the face of some friends dropping off a present for him. Another time I criticized the literary value of a poem on a bus with a friend only to find that the poet was on sitting nearby. It goes on.

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Mine mostly involve tales of me injuring myself in various ways and in various places.


For example: I am only around 5'2". On *multiple occasions* I have been leaving a store-talking on the phone and/or putting my wallet away and/or griping at the kids and have walked smack into an automatic door that didn't open because I was too short. :p

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Oh jeez, I could write a pretty long book and I'm only 30 :) ok well this past weekend a lady at the local boat race had to tell me my pants were unzipped. I'm expecting # 2 about seven weeks along (when they say you show sooner with subsequent pregnancies, they are not kidding), my clothes no longer fit right but a larger size would make it worse.

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While dd #1 was still in kinder at our local PS, I fell asleep while nursing dd #3. I woke up about 20 minutes late to pick dd up from school. I ran down the street with infant dd in my arms without stopping to hook up the nursing bra. The friction of the jog plus the crying baby caused massive milk let down. I arrived with my shirt completely soaked through in circles in the front. The look on the principal's face as she stood with the teacher & my dd still gives me nightmares. What I wouldn't give to go back in time and take the extra minute to replace the nursing pads and hook up my bra.


Amber in SJ

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I've never heard "never trust a fart" but that's hilarious. How true!


We call those Hershey Squirts LOL.


They happen enough that we named them. Not LOL.


I like calling them sharts the best.


And to for the op, yes, I still occasionally remember things that happened 10 or 20 years ago and feel the same embarrassment!

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Well, let's see there was the time I tripped on ..... um, not sure what it was, sidewalk?.... and fell flat on my face while looking at rentals. (we were newlyweds and tried the er, but with the long wait, I just went to a friend's and got cleaned up).


Then there was the episode at home depot... Let's just say I had what I call a "Lucy moment" (as in I love lucy show). It involved me trying to drive one of those flat carts and load some over sized items and attempting to get to the checkout. (I am very fair and am pretty sure my face was red and there were security guys rolling on the floor in laughter at that clip of security video.)

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The day after coming home from the hospital after my 14yo dd was born, I answered the door to find a delivery man with flowers - dh's office had sent them. I was holding the baby, and tired and frazzled as a brand new mom and he was so kind to set them on a table next to my door, and I was all smiley because it was sweet and I was surprised at the flowers..then I shut the door and looked down at the baby only to find my completely naked breast just hanging out there above the baby's head. There is no way possible that delivery guy missed that...and he didn't skip a beat or give any indication that there was anything out of the ordinary in our causal chit chat at the door.

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In the women's organization at our church, the leaders sit up front, facing the audience. When I was in the presidency of that organization, I was talking to someone before class started. I'd thought I moved in front of my chair. I went to sit down and fell flat on the bum bum because I'd completely missed the chair.


When Pigby was five days old, my mom wanted to go to Babies R Us. So we went. As a new mom, I hadn't yet realized that when one side lets down, the other does as well. I'd gone to their lounge to nurse him and was horrified when my entire shirt was soaked. The same thing happened again at church when Digby was a newborn, but that time was because I'd forgotten new breast pads and leaked so much. (I'm such a leaker, I had to wear nursing pads with all of my children for the first year)


Once in high school, I went to go visit my cool cousin in California. They were having a church dance and invited me (my dad's a pilot so flying all over was no big deal). My cousin's friend was a super tall, super strong guy who loved throwing girls around in swing dancing moves. We'd danced before and did fine, but this time I was wearing a slippery dress. I slipped and he tried to catch me, but we both fell. Right in front of all the cool California friends.


I sing a lot. Loud and probably not very well. Certainly not as well as the original singers. In the summer, we keep the windows open because of the swamp cooler. My friend's husband told my husband that when the windows are open, they can hear everything. I think that was a nice way of trying to get me to stop.

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I do this embarassing stuff all the time due to my complete lack of co-ordination. At school we had these big stairs that were always really busy, I was forever falling down those. I've fallen in or over things more times than is really normal.


I lost my boot in a bog once and had to walk home with a carrier bag over my foot.


Once when into a cafe when on tour with a show and ordered what I thought was a nice small meal with a side salad. Turned out the main I had ordered was huge and the salad was a full meal huge salad not a side. They put both plates down as if there were two people. I sat there eating my main meal ignoring the massive plate of food opposite me. I am sure the rest of cafe thought I'd been stood up or something.


I managed to fall in a pot hole about 3 months ago and sprained my ankle. It was in front of a nursing home and a small team of medics rushed out to help me. I was in that half giggling half crying state because it hurt so bad but I knew I'd fallen in the hole because I was texting and walking.

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When my husband and I were dating, I worked as a waitress and he worked in construction. One day he came in the restaurant with his entire crew and introduced me to them. It wasn't very busy so I sat down for a few minutes to chat. When I got up to go back to work, I somehow snagged the table cloth on my way and took everything off the table with me. I just kept walking.

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