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Help me find my dd an interest! What to do for non-athletic girl?


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My dd13 is so awesome. She loves little kids, reads like no other, and is full of gentleness and sweetness.

She loves youth group at church, but other than tht, she has no interests!


She is not interested in any sports, has no musical/acting leanings, and has said no to art lessons.

She really loves to cook, but I can't seem to find any cooking classes around here.

What can I do - where can I go - to give her some time out of the house to meet others?

What are your non-athletic teen girls doing for fun and friendship?

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Do you have a 4-H club in your area? There are a lot of opportunities for exploring interests in 4-H.


Local zoo or humane society volunteer program


Start a book club


Cooking club with friends--whoever hosts picks a theme and everyone brings dishes made with new recipes. I was in a group like this and it was great fun.

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Learn to Scrapbook?

Cake decorating.

Handmade cards (our dd's spin off of scrapbooking).



Look at the craft section of the library.

Older teens here help with the library's semi-annual used book sales.

Help with Meals on Wheels (meals delivered to shut-ins).

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Agree with others that 4-H is an option, along with volunteering at the library. She might be able to find a 4-H group in your area that ties into her interests. Two of my DDs belong to a "Fiber and Friends" 4-H group, made up of girls that knit/crochet/spin; there are other ones in town that include a focus on cooking. The summer time is a good time to get involved with the library if they have a summer reading program. My oldest DD volunteered last year to help with the craft activities, checking the kids' reading journals, handing out the prizes, etc. and really enjoyed it.


During the school year, you might try to make some connections for her with a MOPs group or a church's "Mother's Morning Out" Bible study. My two oldest have been able to babysit for these a couple times a month; the organizers have found it helpful because they are available during weekday mornings. It would be a chance to either earn a little money or do it as community service.


Erica in OR

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How about the humane society? Volunteer to walk dogs, pet cats, etc.


4H is a great program with many programs for almost any area of interest.


Horses---I sa that as I was the TOTAL non athletic kid, loved to read and didn't do much else. Now as an adult I bought my first horse 6 years ago and ride almost daily.


Are there any senior citizens close to you that she could visit/help out? Some of them need help with basic household chores or maybe doing a little cooking for them, etc.


volunteering to be a mother's helper (or paid as one) to help a busy mom with the little ones


Classes/teen programs at the library

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She could make meals for sick people and new mothers at church, or items to bring to a church potluck.


Can you teach her to cook? Perhaps you could gift her with a new cookbook and/or item of cookware each birthday and Christmas. She might enjoy watching cooking shows on TV.


Does your local hospital have a volunteer program? Also, when she turns 17 she can take the Red Cross Nurse's Training (Practical Nursing) course. It is excellent training in how to care for sick people.


Would she like to get a dog or cat? She can do agility training with a dog.


I would present her with a list of all the local classes and clubs, and ask her to choose something each semester. It would be good for her to broaden her horizons, even if she isn't terribly interested.

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Just because a person is not interested in athletics does not mean they should not explore a little bit. I had my non athletic dd dive into dance this year and next year she is going to learn volley ball. I would request that your dd try something through parks and rec or the YMCA or whatever you have that is inexpensive and just gain experience outside her comfort zone. After all, cooking without exercising is probably not a good long term hobby, lol.

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It sounds like she is wanting her to have the chance to get out of the house and meet new people.



I realise that, but she said "help me find my dd an interest." Some people prefer to bring the world into their house rather than take themselves out. Maybe the OP's daughter is like that and her mother doesn't need to worry. I like finding out things I'm worried about aren't actually problems and everyone is really ok. Perhaps the OP will come back and say she really meant she wanted to find an extracurricular activity and at home interests don't count for this. *shrug*

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I agree with karate. Also, when I was that age, I was crazy about poetry and drawing. I did both all of the time. It wasn't exactly a social thing for me, but I could think of ways to make it one - having get-togethers around those kinds of themes. Could meet at the library or even a local McDs etc.

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my non-athletic dd enjoyed jijitsu (until she hurt her knee). there are kids yoga dvd's. it can also be a good workout, but isn't competitive.


beading/necklaces, try different instruments (I have a nephew who went through seven before he found the cello.), get a specialty cookbook and start working yourselves without a formal class.


sewing or needlework. you can get needlework kits. or crochet/knitting.

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How about science? Are there any math circles in the area?


Are there summer science camps for girls at which she could volunteer? cooking has lots of chemistry : )


Is there a college or university near by at which she could intern in a lab?


We have the "Rochester Academy of Science" in our area, which is basically a consortium of local science clubs with various concentrations... we are in the amazing Astronomy Section.... is there an astronomy club around? We have met more highly educated amateurs/interesting people involved in lots interesting hobbies there than anywhere else ... and it's a fantastic nighttime family activity. So many wonderful things have come from our membership in that club.


For fun and friendship at 13 my girls did:


mom and daughter book club (this was so great --- we're still trying to keep it going, even tho the girls are all older and very busy!!)

volunteered at science camps for young girls at a local Uni (now older dd is a paid intern at a Uni lab)

movie nights

math circle at the local Uni

TaeKwonDo (they still do it)

taught piano lessons


volunteered at the library (now they are both paid pages at the library!)


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Oh, you ladies are awesome! She told me she'd love to work/voulenteer at the library! Our librarian homeschooled her kids and is very open to having her come. And she loved the idea for a teen book club - right up her alley! I'm also going to look into photography classes in the fall because she loves to work on the computer and I think she'd love to learn photoshop and such. And I think I'll have her do some cooking to stock her grandparents' freezers - not a group activity, but certainly fun and servanthearted. Thank you so much for the suggestions!

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