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What is your personal line in the sand for cleaning your house?


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I saw it this morning. There it was--a pink line of disgustingness oozing around the water line of the toilet bowl. That was the last straw for me, and I am now on a housecleaning rampage (with WTM breaks, of course! :lol: ). I realized that I can overlook or procastinate about all sorts of things around the house, but seeing a pink ring around the toilet is too much for me.


How about you? What messy house signs send you scurrying for the cleaning supplies?

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It varies. Sometimes I just look at stuff and it's as if I don't see it. Other times I can't take it for another minute and I go on my own rampage. I had one last night, which was sort of unfortunate because the cleaning people came today. What a waste of a good rampage!

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Knowing that my MIL is coming over. Okay, I know that isn't what you were talking about, but it really is true. As soon as she calls, I immediately see the dirt that I ignored just a moment before.

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I have given up on ever cleaning the entire house at one time, but I have a limit on individual parts. Yesterday I reached my limit with the toilet bowl, for example. Sometimes I have to will myself to not notice things (like hair on the bathroom floor) because I can't take the time to clean just then. I do like to keep up with the dishes and laundry so they are never "piled up" in the usual sense of the word. Fridge and garbage (between garbage days) - when something smells funny or threatens to overflow. Periodically I feel the need to "flush" clutter, even though technically it doesn't cause a real problem. Myself, I am pretty good about putting stuff away as soon as I'm done with it, but others are not. So mostly it's an ongoing thing - I have a few minutes while I wait for my water to boil, I put away a few of my kids' books / sneak some old school crafts into the garbage. :)

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I can not stand for dishes to be in the sink. Dh will not put anything into the dishwasher, so then neither do the dc. I;have given up on this battle. I am constantly clearing out the sink. I do like the kitchen to be neat and clean. The rest of the house gets done whenever or when we have a showing, whichever comes first.

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I can't stand a messy kitchen, clutter on the kitchen table or visible cat hair on my dark blue rug. Luckily our place is small enough that I can almost always avoid reaching my line in the sand and I don't have to clean that much. A little a day and we're good.

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Short answer:

For me, it's the mirror.


Lengthy detail:

I hate washing my hands or brushing my teeth, and seeing myself staring back through the graveyard of dried droplets that everyone else has flecked onto the mirror and left behind for the magic mirror fairy to wipe away.


I try to ignore it, hoping that one day the magic miracle fairy will sprinkle them with Hey, howz about I clean up after myself for a change dust, but ... I must be praying to the wrong place. So instead I ignore it until it becomes unbearable. And then I clean every mirror while grunting loudly, so as to share my martyrdom with anyone within earshot. Then I reward myself with an overpriced, overmarketed coffee at my favorite chain.


And about half of the time I return home, having had a chance to simmer down some, and find my immaculate mirrors have already been desecrated. And I have to remind myself that at least there's evidence the kids are washing hands and brushing teeth. That or they're just messin' with me. And then I can't decide if I'm glad I've taught them well or if I'm mad they're using my own tricks back on me LOL.

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I found today's line.


Accidentally kicked a Lego piece under the stove. Did not want to lay on the floor to retrieve the Lego. Yuck squared and some more!


Our weather has been so weird lately and that's making things worse (mud, dirt, odd mix of clothing needed, etc).


At a minimum, my kitchen, dining room, and first floor bathroom will be completely clean in a few hours.

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Bugs! We live in the desert and dont have too many bugs, but we have cockroaches. They love to come in from the outdoors. One dead, alive, inside, or outside is enough to make me pull out all the stops! I just cant stand them!!! Every speck has to cleaned, not a crumb to be seen before i am satisfied

there are no others who have come in! Ants and such other critters also can send me cleaning.

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For me it is when I can't find something, especially if that costs me money. Then I go on a decluttering/cleaning rampage until every single thing is where it goes and we are rid of anything we don't need. The house itself usually isn't too bad to begin with, I try to stay on top of it or I'll never do it because it is too much, but I have a few spots that get out of control no matter what it seems. Those are my office, and the dumping ground right when you walk in the door. There also used to be one corn in our bedroom but I finally just got rid of anything in that corner so I can't put stuff there. Anyway, not being able to find something sets me off. The other thing is, we have all wood floors in the whole house and it drives me nuts if I get crumbs or whatever on my feet. I have to stop what I'm doing and vacuum.

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The other thing is, we have all wood floors in the whole house and it drives me nuts if I get crumbs or whatever on my feet. I have to stop what I'm doing and vacuum.



This bugs me as well, I bought house only shoes so I won't feel anything on my feet. The floors are never clean enough.





The one thing I can't pass up is the toilets. While they are never amazingly clean, they have to be scrubbed regularly or they get a layer of slime in them because of our hard water.

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Unfortunately it is my never-ending battle with the kitchen floor :/. I have to sweep it three times a day and steam mop it once a day for it to stay even reasonably clean. I hate to step on a dirty kitchen floor!



What on earth is happening in your kitchen that your floor needs THAT much attention? I mop weekly, and vacuum every 2-3 days, and it never really gets awful.


I cannot handle bathrooms that are not clean. Several times a week, I lift the seats and spray the heck out if them.

Also --and SpyCat should skip this-- I have asked my sons and dh to sit, at least in the downstairs bathrooms. It really does make a difference. I've been in too many pristine homes with bathrooms that still hold a faint to strong scent of urine --from too many boys standing.

That's my line.



I am VERY lucky. I have a husband and a son and they just don't miss. DS had some misses while potty training, but that didn't last long. He has a severe physical disability and he can STILL hit the target.


My personal line in the sand is when the carpets look scuzzy to me. If I decide that TODAY is the day I steam clean, I have to work backwards and dust and vacuum BEFORE I can steam. It turns into a 2-3 hour ordeal because I feel compelled to vacuum the furniture too.

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What on earth is happening in your kitchen that your floor needs THAT much attention? I mop weekly, and vacuum every 2-3 days, and it never really gets awful.




I didn't post that, but it's the same here. I have a baby who is just started on table food and things like cheerios. There are always bits of food to be flung from his tray or to fall on the floor when I lift him from his seat. One of my daughters is incapable of going an entire day with spilling her drink or her plate. Things get sticky. Everyone walking in and out tracks grass. Awful is normal here.

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Bugs of any kind (I've never seen a cockroach in the "wild" but we get ants and I've been converted to the cult of Tarro bait traps) and smells will make me rampage with cleaning products. I also hate toys/books/cushions on the floor or coffee table but that puts me in more of a "time for you (DS) to pick up or any toys out of their homes are getting a time out" mode.

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It comes and goes on when I am so fed up that I start cleaning. Clutter and not being able to find stuff I want right away are my biggest issues. The other day I was extremely frustrated that I could not get into my back storage room and that there was a stove in the middle of my kitchen (the landlord's stove). See, one, we bought a new stove and two, we took an entire storage unit of a family member and agreed to keep it safe until we can deliver it. Her stuff was in MY storage room. It is now in my smaller storage area. I worked for two hours straight, moving everything out of the little storage area, putting her stuff there and then I emptied my storage room, drug the stove in there and piled my stuff in front of it.


I then realized that I still have back problems from having my son. Bleh, now my place looks worse and I want to jump up and clean it more, but I know it'll make my issues worse. And even better, I still have two beds to bring up and the rest of her storage unit that I tossed in the basement. But, there is no stove in my kitchen and I found my homeschooling stuff. That makes me happy.


Smells bother me too. I will clean like crazy if I smell something awful. Or, if I leave for a weekend trip and come home, I clean. Why? I don't know, usually my place is clean before I leave but I clean like a crazed person after a weekend trip.

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I am VERY lucky. I have a husband and a son and they just don't miss. DS had some misses while potty training, but that didn't last long. He has a severe physical disability and he can STILL hit the target.



There is still splash. I can smell that splash. lol


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My DH and boys don't seem to have issues with splash, either. And I'm very picky about such things, so I'm pretty sure I'd notice. Especially in our RV, where there's almost no room for error, and which sits out in the sun in the heat so any smells are multiplied exponentially. Youngest DS did have problems with aim for awhile, but we stayed on him enough that I think he's perfected it.


I keep things fairly tidy all the time, but floors are my thing. The sun shines in our back door from about 9:00 to 11:00 every morning and "highlights" anything on the kitchen floor. I vacuum at least once a day and steam mop at least once a week. DH vacuums the carpet once a week, but if I see anything I'll do a spot vac during the week. I try to do at least a quick swipe of all toilets and bathroom sinks every day. I also have to wipe the "mouth" of all faucets, because we get this black crusty like stuff that builds up. I assume it's mineralization, but it drives me nuts.

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It depends on the room!! Downstairs where we have hardwood its when my 4 month old can't be put on the ground because of house much dog hair there is. Upstairs where there is carpet its when I trip over something that is mine! If my stuff is on the floor I KNOW we've run out of space on desks and dressers. Bathrooms I try to ignore for as long as possible in hope that my husband will clean them. But if it smells I clean

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A couple of weeks ago, I was purging outgrown toys (to send to my nieces) so there would be room for the newer ones. The girls had this dinosaur book that included 10 little plastic dinos (about an inch high). I was dismayed to discover that the dinos had been separated from the book (I'm usually good about not letting that happen). Well. I went in search of those dinos. There were dinos in every imaginable part of the kids' play areas. In the process of digging multiple times through every toy container, dollhouse, etc., I got a lot of cleaning done. LOL. So, I guess one "line" for me is a lost piece of a set. When that happens, watch out! There are very few things we have lost since my kids were born. (I should note that I found 9 of those 10 dinos. Most disappointing.)

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