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Everything posted by NightOwl

  1. Yes, I think it's important to find something that works for each of them even if it isn't the same thing.
  2. Interesting! I pronounced them all the same way it said I would. I never knew people call all pop "coke", It sounds weird enough when people call it soda. :tongue_smilie:
  3. Wow, thanks! These all look like things she would love. I'm going to order them and MCT today. Skoldo french also looks good, I like the idea of having my older ones talk to her in french too. :)
  4. I would do Modern History, you'll cover American History that way. It doesn't really matter what the PS is doing for 8th grade history IMO. :)
  5. In Math she is finishing up MEP Level 3, read all of Life of Fred Elementary Books and activities from Education Unboxed. She probably could start a pre-algebra course to review basic math and go on but I don't think I want to do that. I'll check out the french suggestion and am glad to hear we can start MCT. :001_smile:
  6. Do you have netflix? We've found a lot of movies on there just by looking through the movies and putting ones on the instant que that look good and a lot turn out to be. Before letting her watch it you can look at reviews online.
  7. My 6 year old has been recently tested gifted. I'm not sure if it's part of the giftedness but she has an amazing memory too, I've actually thought before she had a photgraphic memory because of how well she can remember everything. She can even remember things from a long time ago too. Technically she is only going into 1st grade this fall because her birthday is in December. Sometimes I feel like I'm giving her too much but she wants to learn everything and gets bored very easily with things that don't challenge her or to much repetition. I'm not sure which direction to go for math. She loves life of fred and the c-rod activities. We're also doing MEP which is okay. They all seem to be a bit to easy for her. I've never taught her basic math but she seems to just know it. I've used Math Mammoth and Singapore with my older kids but I don't know if they would be a good fit for her. She likes story based programs but Life of Fred isn't enough. I also want something with little repetition because once she understands something I don't think there is point to do it over and over again. :001_smile: Language Arts wise we aren't doing much curriculum. I have the WWE Instructors test and do that with our own books. So copy work, dictation, narration. She makes her own stories and little books too. We aren't doing phonics because she is reading fluently. We are doing All About Spelling which is okay, I like it because it's phonics based spelling so I feel better making sure we cover some phonics. I've been eyeing MCT, it looks really good and something *perfect* for her but I am worried to start it now because it's labeled for 3rd grade. I think she could handle it, maybe moving up the levels we would have to slow down but she might be able to handle the first level. Any thoughts? She also wants to do french really badly. I have two older kids taking it and she wants to be like her big sisters. :) I don't know of any French programs for elementary age. Oh and we are secular if you have any curriculum suggestions! Thanks. :thumbup1:
  8. I've heard July is the busiest month, a close friend went during July and really regretted it.
  9. That really isn't a bad thing! He may be struggling with social skills. I have one like that too but your son is playing with someone. I honestly don't think it's all that important it's someone exactly his age. The majority of my friends growing up weren't mine. :) Personally, I wouldn't do the PS. I think there are plenty of other opportunities for social interaction. If you are doing academics at home and plan to homeschool next year anyways I'm not sure I'd see the point in it (assuming he will still recieve therapy).
  10. Smells, dirty kitchen, dirty bathrooms, when people pile things on tables and dirt/fur on the floor can all make me go on a cleaning rampage!
  11. Got my Associates in Elementary Education at Community College, then decided I didn't want to be a teacher when I transfered to a University. I switched majors a lot of times (Social Work and Pyschology were the most significant ones). Finally ended up with a Bachelors in Sociology (Concetration in Youth Studies) and also Child Development. Then got my Masters in Human Development and Family Studies.
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