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Duck Dynasty

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I am going to secretly admit that Willie taking Beau out to hunt poisonous snakes because the dear boy had the audacity to take his daughter to a dance was PRICELESS!!!


Here is what I have learned from the show...I do NOT want to own my own piece of swamp and certainly not down south. My deep and abiding hatred of snakes and other reptiles - did you see the gator in Miss Kay's garage?????? NO THANK YOU!!! - would make live paralyzed, in a state of catatonia.


Career day at the school was my favorite. Lest you think this a huge exaggeration, think again. I live in the kind of area where if the teachers were not discriminating about who they asked to participate in such festivities, road kill, entrails, hides in the process of curing, and war stories would absolutely be center stage.



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One of our favorite shows and the only "reality" show I like.


Dh and I tend to have the most laughs about Phil & Kay and marriage. Oh and "The Baby". Yk. Jeb with "4 kids and a grown man beard, ma!" lol


Every time I tell the kids to be extra nice bc the youngest is just a baby they start making comments about man beards.

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We love it! My youngest got an Uncle Si "tea cup" (from Bass Pro) and a duck call from Duck Commander for his Kindergarten graduation. He was so happy. My FIL also made beards for all 3 of my boys and my niece.


My kids think it is so neat they are in Louisiana, like us. But, we are in South Louisiana. So, not that close.

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I am going to secretly admit that Willie taking Beau out to hunt poisonous snakes because the dear boy had the audacity to take his daughter to a dance was PRICELESS!!!



And where he hands Beau a duck call as he sends them on their way, saying something like, "If he is going to put his lips on something I made, it's gonna be a duck call." Kills me.


Jase the Philosopher is my current fave.


Y'all know there is another brother who is a pastor?

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You can purchase episodes on Vudu, I'm not sure if its on Hulu or Amazon.


We only have Netflix so I haven't seen it, but my dh sat next to the brother of the characters that isn't on he show yet, and they ended up chatting all about it. He is the clean shaven preacher brother, he is going to be on the show next season. He said Uncle Si is having the most fun doing the show, he is obviously not quite that crazy IRL, and he is having a lot of fun with his tv character. He also said that Willie is more laid back IRL, not quite as straight laced as the show.

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When you get time, check out Si's facebook page. They maintain it for him and it has pictures of his wife. She is such a pretty lady.


I have seen this; "they" claim to have set it up to show pictures of Mrs. Si because he is getting so many proposals. I do not doubt that one bit!

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Family favorite in this house. We love it because the whole family can watch it and love their family values. In fact a rerun just ended here. My only concern is that my dh's beard seems to be getting longer and longer and folks at church are starting to call him Mr. Robertson. I'm not sure if I am happy, happy, happy about the beard!

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We all love it. But it is heavily scripted and these people are NoT dumb rednecks. Far far from it. I wish they did not downplay their educations. But overall we all enjoy it, from my 8 yr old dd to my dad.


Yes, we pause it usually 2 or3 times an episode to talk about what a "real man" actually looks like, about how when you spend too much money or time trying to impress someone else you end up looking foolish, and that all these men poo-pooing education have collage degrees. Some of them have graduate degrees even. (Except for Si, who has an education of a different sort. :p )

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We love it here. I do have to admit the current season feels much more contrived, but I love the dating advice Papaw Phil gives his grandsons. The one where Jase gets in trouble with the HOA for skinning a deer off the back of a truck just about killed me because I had a very similar event happen in my childhood. We had the big empty garage where the neighborhood kids would come to play when the weather was wet. One day when were were playing in the garage with several little friends my dad pulled up from a week of deer hunting, hung up the deer he had killed and proceeded to skin it in front of all of us. Good times.


Amber in SJ

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We JUST started watching it on Netflix. LOVE it.

And I agree about the educations...one of the episodes we just watched had Jase and WIllie talking about all the college degrees in their family. Well, except Uncle Si...he hasn't graduated much of anything. ;)


To the downplaying of said educations, that's how people are in my world too. I can't even guess how many cowboys and farmers I know with at least associates degrees and more commonly Bachelor's. Shoot, I have an uncle who was a dissertation short of a full PhD when he quit school to go home and be a hog farmer! lol


Semen testing bulls one year, DH, me, a friend of ours and the vet ran 35 bulls through. Our friend made the comment at one point during the day that between the four of us we have over 20 years of college and here we all are, clowning for grumpy bulls and running around in manure up to our knees.

Doc slammed the squeeze chute, grinned, and said, "I know. Ain't it great?!?!" :D




I think that's why I like Duck Dynasty, personally. Pretentious people annoy me. But people who are successful but just don't think much of it are fun to be around.

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Who said they were dumb? I never thought so. Redneck does not equal dumb.


We all love it. But it is heavily scripted and these people are NoT dumb rednecks. Far far from it. I wish they did not downplay their educations. But overall we all enjoy it, from my 8 yr old dd to my dad.

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We JUST started watching it on Netflix. LOVE it.

And I agree about the educations...one of the episodes we just watched had Jase and WIllie talking about all the college degrees in their family. Well, except Uncle Si...he hasn't graduated much of anything. ;)


To the downplaying of said educations, that's how people are in my world too. I can't even guess how many cowboys and farmers I know with at least associates degrees and more commonly Bachelor's. Shoot, I have an uncle who was a dissertation short of a full PhD when he quit school to go home and be a hog farmer! lol


Semen testing bulls one year, DH, me, a friend of ours and the vet ran 35 bulls through. Our friend made the comment at one point during the day that between the four of us we have over 20 years of college and here we all are, clowning for grumpy bulls and running around in manure up to our knees.

Doc slammed the squeeze chute, grinned, and said, "I know. Ain't it great?!?!" :D




I think that's why I like Duck Dynasty, personally. Pretentious people annoy me. But people who are successful but just don't think much of it are fun to be around.



I have extended family like this. Many advanced degrees and most would never know it "judging a book by its cover".


Some of what Miss Kay cooks, turns my innards green. I.would.not.be.able.to.eat.a.meal.there. That said, I love how Pawpaw Phil talks about her. That boy is still VERY much in love with his bride!


Oh, and Pawpaw Phil's "don't touch anything below her neck until you've signed the dotted line", don't get V.D., s*x education speech was priceless! Our teen sons just roared at that.


The only way I'd ever consider hauling goats in a $75,000.00 Cadilac Escalade is if the show producers bought it for me and someone else cleaned it! The closest I've come was transporting to bum lambs in the back of our ancient, worn out - driving the wheels off of it, Ford Taurus that looks like it was in a major battle.



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Who said they were dumb? I never thought so. Redneck does not equal dumb.



This is so, so true. My mom once jabbed her finger on the chest of an associate pastor of our church for a crack he made along the lines of, "You would think to talk to him that he was just a dumb ol' farmer." She said, "My husband is a farmer and has an IQ of 140; what's yours?" That was true--my dad does have an extremely high IQ and a college degree from an era when most farmers did not go to college. And I didn't hear this crack, but I knew the guy who made it, and she was right--my dad was a whole lot smarter than he was. To his credit, the pastor drove to our house that night and apologized. And I cannot believe I remember this--it was probably 30 years ago.


But I do agree that the show is scripted in that they come up with scenarios for the Duck Commander crew, but it is still hysterical.


Can we discuss for a moment the episode in which Willie takes Sadie (what a beauty!) dress shopping, and Si comes out in a pimp suit? I thought the whole Sadie-dress-shopping thing was scripted, but I still lose it every time Si comes out in that suit.


There are a bunch of clips on youtube of Willie and Phil speaking about their faith. Willie has a great one in which he is addressing the chapel at Harding University, and there is one with Phil talking about how he became a Christian. Apparently he was quite the hell-raiser in his youth.

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Yes. They speak frankly about things the show producers and editors do that they don't agree with and where their lines in the sand are. And that over all, their main goal is to portray their family as fun, Christian, and close knit.


For the most part, more than many families I'd hazard, they manage to pull that off rather well IMO.


But then again. I'm not prejudiced against rednecks. ;p



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For one I greatly dislike reality TV. Another reason is the dumbing down of the people involved in the show. Previous posters have already mentioned that many in this family are well educated. Yet they are portrayed as "dumb hick southerners." I find that offensive.


Southerners already have a hard time when dealing with people not of the south simply due to their accent. And this show just plays right into that stereotyping.

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For one I greatly dislike reality TV. Another reason is the dumbing down of the people involved in the show. Previous posters have already mentioned that many in this family are well educated. Yet they are portrayed as "dumb hick southerners." I find that offensive.


Southerners already have a hard time when dealing with people not of the south simply due to their accent. And this show just plays right into that stereotyping.



I acctually find that their performance is not really a caricature as much as just a slight exaggeration. I grew up in that general area of the South and knew a good many, well educated men that behaved almost exactly like thier portrayal.


My issue is when they, degreed as they are, put down education. Although, if they really feel that way, they are certainly entitled to thier own opinion. (Really it seems that Phil and Jace are the main culprits of this and they may truly feel that thier education has zero bearing on living the life they desire.)


I just like to remind my kids that people, and life, are a little more complicated than reality tv can handle.


And that, while squirrel brains are nasty, good squirrel stew is the finest eating you can find! :p

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For one I greatly dislike reality TV. Another reason is the dumbing down of the people involved in the show. Previous posters have already mentioned that many in this family are well educated. Yet they are portrayed as "dumb hick southerners." I find that offensive.


Southerners already have a hard time when dealing with people not of the south simply due to their accent. And this show just plays right into that stereotyping.



I dislike reality television as well, but I love this show. I did not want to watch it until I got hooked on a weekend visit with family. I don't think they portray themselves as dumb rednecks as much as real rednecks (men who love the outdoors). I know doctors and lawyers exactly like these men. They don't broadcast their education because the degree was a means to an end, not a part of their identity. Having grown up in the South and having spent many years on the East Coast, I can appreciate the difference. In my experience, college is a form of credentialism for many in large eastern cities. There is a perception if you don't go to the right school and get the right degree, you cannot be a successful person. Whereas in the rest of the US, many people go to state schools, community college, or no college at all and still lead meaningful lives.

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For one I greatly dislike reality TV. Another reason is the dumbing down of the people involved in the show. Previous posters have already mentioned that many in this family are well educated. Yet they are portrayed as "dumb hick southerners." I find that offensive.


Southerners already have a hard time when dealing with people not of the south simply due to their accent. And this show just plays right into that stereotyping.



If you've never watched it, how do you know they are dumbing them down? I'm not being sarcastic, it's a serious question. My family is from the DEEP South (seriously, some of them could BE Robertsons), and the most educated ones sound exactly like the Robertson family. One of my cousins, who holds a master's degree, talks just like Mountain Man (a guy in the show-not a Robertson), which is super slow. Listening to my cousin makes me nutty, because I just want him to say what he has to say, but he's very intelligent. You can tell the Robertson family is intelligent, but they also appreciate the value of knowing what they consider "real" things, not just "book learning." I'm certain Si is hamming it up for the cameras, but I think he's hysterical. I also think Jase is quite intelligent. He is full on redneck, but he's smart.


FTR, because I did not grow up in the South, my family thinks I talk funny.

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I don't think they portray themselves as dumb rednecks as much as real rednecks (men who love the outdoors). I know doctors and lawyers exactly like these men. They don't broadcast their education because the degree was a means to an end, not a part of their identity.

I completely agree with this.

I've never lived south of Kansas, but I've known a LOT of Robertsons in my life. ;)

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