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"I never want to cut you in half, I always want to keep you forever"


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Are there any other concerning behaviors? thoughts, etc? Likely it is just a 3 year old thing. I ask though as my daughter had hallucinations, etc. when she was a preschooler and was talking about cutting up people, etc. (and she NEVER watched any TV, movies, etc. that were violent) but yet she hated those thoughts----hard to explain.


Ended up she had some mental health issues going on that needed addressing.


Again, most likely just a 3 year old but if there are other concerning behaviors, then I would seek some professional help

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I agree with the others. Its sweet. Either that or he is a baby Dexter. I kid, I kid. My son says some weird things too. A relative's son once said he wanted to chop someone's baby up into little bits. Turns out he was confused and meant 'You're so cute, I want to eat you up'...;).

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I'm not worried. It's just funny the way he phrases things sometimes. I agree that he was probably telling me that he doesn't ever want to hurt me. Yesterday he asked me if he would always be bigger than the baby (that I miscarried last week) and when I said yes, he told me that when he gets to heaven, he's going to take care of the baby since he'll always be the big brother.

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When my son was about that age, he promised me when he got older he would make a DNA Replicator. Then he would replicate me 19 times. Each me would have a job to do (dishes, laundry, change diapers, etc), and the real me could take a nap.


I'm still waiting!

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I'm not worried. It's just funny the way he phrases things sometimes. I agree that he was probably telling me that he doesn't ever want to hurt me. Yesterday he asked me if he would always be bigger than the baby (that I miscarried last week) and when I said yes, he told me that when he gets to heaven, he's going to take care of the baby since he'll always be the big brother.


Did you happen to have a c section with the new baby? My 2.5yo was fascinated by the fact that my belly had to be cut for baby to come out. To him that was like me being cut in half - cut in the middle - and I know he understood it hurt me (recovery time considered).


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Did you happen to have a c section with the new baby? My 2.5yo was fascinated by the fact that my belly had to be cut for baby to come out. To him that was like me being cut in half - cut in the middle - and I know he understood it hurt me (recovery time considered).



Nope, he knows nothing about c-sections.

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When my son was about that age, he promised me when he got older he would make a DNA Replicator. Then he would replicate me 19 times. Each me would have a job to do (dishes, laundry, change diapers, etc), and the real me could take a nap.


I'm still waiting!



That is one of the most thoughtful, darling things I have ever heard!

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He sounds so sweet. If he was 12, then I would say call 911! But since he is 3, I think he is just lovin' on his mama. My 7 year old dd says she wishes that she was a man so she could marry me. Also, she wants to die the same day as me so we can always be together. There's a lot of love in all of that. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not worried. It's just funny the way he phrases things sometimes. I agree that he was probably telling me that he doesn't ever want to hurt me. Yesterday he asked me if he would always be bigger than the baby (that I miscarried last week) and when I said yes, he told me that when he gets to heaven, he's going to take care of the baby since he'll always be the big brother.


Oh that is so sweet!

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My now 5 yo used to say, "I'm going to cut off your head and freeze it into jail". For a kid who was afraid of certain Veggie Tales (for Pete's sake), this was extremely shocking. He said it for about a year, off and on, and then laughed like crazy. I miss that now that he's all of 5 yo.

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