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Dc have a scientific theory. Would you help provide data?

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The kids were chatting about being a morning person and a night owl this morning and came up with a theory about time of birth and how it sets a persons clock.


Their theory is that if you were born at night you want to go to sleep earlier and if you were born in the morning you prefer to stay up late.


So if anyone is interested in providing data for our informal study we would appreciate it. ;)


Here is our data.


Dd born at 10:30am and likes to stay up.

Ds 1 born at 9:30 pm and likes to go to bed early.

Ds 2 born at 8:30pm and likes to go to bed early.


I think adults could participate but I do not know my time of birth right now. I'm hoping we get over 32 so we can make this a large scale study.:001_smile:




ETA - We closed the data collection and crunched the numbers....scroll to the end for the results! Thanks to everyone who helped out! Sorry if you missed it!

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Here is our info...


Me: born early, definitely a night owl

Dd: born mid-day, stays up sort-of late, but I wouldn't classify her a night owl

Ds: born early, definitely a night owl (but he tends to get up early too) -- he just doesn't sleep a lot


Don't know if that helps, but there it is...

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Me -- born around 8pm, early riser.

DS#1 -- born at 10:00am, early riser (before 6am every day, sigh...)

DD#2 -- born at 11:30pm, late riser (takes awhile to really wake up)

DS#3 -- born at 7:52am, late riser (takes awhile to really wake up)

DD#4 -- born at 9:04pm, early riser (wide awake between 6:15 or 6:30am)


And, the early bodies always get the late bodies out of bed... much to my detriment.

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Fun study. Someone I knew did a study on the time of day cows mated and how it affected the time of day calving took place. Of course, I can't remember the data now, but one farmer we knew changed when he let his bulls in with the cows. His cows started calving in the mornings or evenings, not middle of the night. Go figure.


I was born at 11:30 at night and I'm a morning person

Dh born at night. Mostly a morning guy.


Ds#1 born at about 9:00 am, definitely a night owl.

Ds #2 born at 9:30 am, hmmmm...was a morning person most of his childhood. Is now in the throes of teenagerism..and likes to stay up late. I still think he will be a morning person again someday.


Have fun with your study.

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Thanks Melinda! (Opps sorry about typing your name wrong!)


Could you tell me approximately when in the day they were born so we can slot them into our chart. Thanks!


As far as scientific accuracy goes, we welcome all responses even if they do not fit our theory! :-)

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I was born at 2:22 PM and I am a night owl.

DS #1 was born at 11:10 PM and he is a night owl.

DS#2 was born at 5 something PM and he is a night owl.

DS#3 was born at 3 something PM and he is a night owl.


I assumed that it was genetic rather than birth time. Maybe you will also have enough data to do a chart showing parents and offspring.



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I was born in the very early morning, 2ish am and am a nightowl.

My dd was born at 3:48 am and is a nightowl.

My oldest was born at 7:48 pm and he is a nightowl.

My ds7 was born at 10:25 am and likes to go to bed early and gets up early.

My ds4 was born at 11:43 am and likes to go to bed early and get up early.

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Thanks to all who responded. Yes, we will post the results in a general way later. (We are not quite doing statistic here yet.) ;)


We are gong to take a lunch break and will get back to the boards again this afternoon.


Dd my non-science student is *loving* this. Thanks for furthering her education!

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Thanks Melinda! (Opps sorry about typing your name wrong!)


Could you tell me approximately when in the day they were born so we can slot them into our chart. Thanks!


As far as scientific accuracy goes, we welcome all responses even if they do not fit our theory! :-)


DS1 born 6:33--was morning person until the last year or so when puberty hit

DS2 born 9:30--morning person

DD born 9:35--night owl

DS3 born 1:16--morning person


I can't remember when DH and I were born.

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DS #1 born just after midnight - likes to stay up late, but not terribly late.

DS #2 born at about 4:20 am - serious night owl. Will stay up until 1 am, if I don't catch him.

DS #3 born at 9:45 pm - kind of strange. He's a night owl, but has sleep issues in general.

DS #4 born at about 3:15 am - not a night owl.


I was born at about 4:30 pm, and am definitely a night owl. DH was born just before midnight, and is also a night owl.

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Guest Katia

Glad to help in areas of scientific research!


My dc all like to stay up late and sleep in late.


DS was born 8:30pm


DD#1 was born 6:30am


DD#2 was born 4:30am (she will go to bed first out of all of them, between 11-12pm, but will sleep in later than anyone else)


Let us know your results :001_smile:

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I was born late but am an early bird,


Twins were born late and are night owls.


DD1 was born early and used to be a morning person - has switched this teen summer to night owlness.


DD2 was born late and is a night owl.


They must take after their father!!!

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Dd#1 born 10:30 a.m. Likes to stay up late, sleep all day.

Dd#2 born 12:10 p.m. Likes to go to be early, get up early.

Dd#3 born 12:12 p.m. Likes to go to bed slightly late, sleeps in.

Ds born 1:30 pm Likes to go to bed at a normal time and get up at a normal time.

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My 8yo was born at 7:02 and likes to get up early (5 AM), and go to sleep early (7PM) My 5yo was born at 6:58 AM and likes to stay up late (midnight or more) and get up late (like around noon). My 2yo was born in the afternoon (around 5 I think -- I was unconscious) and he pretty much goes to sleep ~9 and gets up ~7.

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The kids were chatting about being a morning person and a night owl this morning and came up with a theory about time of birth and how it sets a persons clock.


Their theory is that if you were born at night you want to go to sleep earlier and if you were born in the morning you prefer to stay up late.


So if anyone is interested in providing data for our informal study we would appreciate it. ;)


Here is our data.


Dd born at 10:30am and likes to stay up.

Ds 1 born at 9:30 pm and likes to go to bed early.

Ds 2 born at 8:30pm and likes to go to bed early.


I think adults could participate but I do not know my time of birth right now. I'm hoping we get over 32 so we can make this a large scale study.:001_smile:




Your theory proves my family is backwards.


I was born at 8:30am, but hate to stay up late. I chronically look for a bed around 10pm. My mom used to tease me that no matter where I was I would fall asleep right on the dot.


DS (almost 11) was born at 2:37pm. It was via c-section so that may mess with your data. He is a night owl and prefers to stay up late every night.


Neither one of us are morning people. We do not start school until almost lunch.


I don't know what time dh was born, but I don't think he ever sleeps.

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3 DS born around 7:30 a.m., night owls since birth.


DD, born at 10:30 a.m., morning person.


DH, born at 5 p.m., prefers to be a night owl, but he goes to be early (around 10) so he can get enough sleep before he goes to work.


I was born at 10:30 pm, night owl.


My brother born 4 p.m., morning person.


Sister born midnight, morning person.

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I was born at 12:54pm and prefer late nights

Ds12 was born at 7:55am and prefers late nights.

dd8 was born at 4:15pm and tries to stay up late but does better with early bedtimes.

ds7 was born at 7:55am and goes to bed early but has meds that knock him out too.

ds2 was born at 5:34pm and hates sleeping period. If he naps, he's up late, if not, then early to bed.

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I was born around 8pm and am a night owl

I don't know what time dh was born

ds17--born at 5:55pm--morning person when young, night owl now that he's a teenager

ds14--born at 6:19pm--neither--until recently he wanted to go to bed early and get up late. He needs lots of sleep!

dd11--born at 6:40pm--morning person

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Here's some. Dd was born at 9:00 am and likes to go to bed early, so she's a morning person.


Our triplets were born at 3:00 am, two of them are morning people and one is a night owl.


Can't tell about oldest, he was born at 3:00 in the afternoon, he goes to bed/rises early but not by choice, it's because he works his donkey off when he's at home on the ranch.

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I was born in the wee hours (2 or 3am???) and am a definite night owl.


Dd was born at 5pm. She is probably slightly more of a morning person.


Ds was born at 7am. He's not a morning person at all, though he's pretty tired and ready for bed. However, he's also anemic so that may mask his natural tendencies.

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I was born at 10:31 a.m. and I like to go to bed early and get up early!

My oldest was born at 9:02 a.m. and likes to go to bed early and get up early.

My middle daughter was born at 5:41 a.m. and prefers to go to bed later, when she can get away with it! ;)

My youngest was born at 8:48 p.m. and prefers to go to bed early.



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I was born at night and I'm a night person.


Ds#1 was born in the evening. He's a nightowl.


Ds#2 was born in early morning. He falls asleep easier but can stay up.


Ds #3 wa born just after midnight. He has an easy time falling asleep.


Dd was born in the morning. She falls asleep.

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Okay, this is fun.


I was born right around noon, and usually like to sleep from midnight to 8 am when not forced to change it.


Dd eldest, born early afternoon was going down for the night by 6:30 pm by the time she was 4 months old her schedule & kept the same bedtime for a good 4-5 years, then gradually later. Now is a night owl, but is a teen.


dd, second, born in the late am, also in bed by 6:30 pm by 4 or 5 months & kept that schedule for years. Now a night owl if I let her.


ds. Born around 8 am, was the easiest to get to bed until 5. He's an early riser almost every day, at least so far (but is only 8.)


Dh--I don't know when he was born.


Another hypothesis they may wish to test would be how long your mother's gestation was compared with whether or not you're a night owl or whether or not you're always late, on time or early (just for fun). My line is, "I'm late because I was born late and have never caught up.";)

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Weeeelllll, I'm not so sure about that. I was born at 6:16 a.m. When I was growing up, I always went to bed early because of school. When I was a teen/young adult, I stayed up very late, like many my age. Now that I'm older, I tend to go to bed early again, because I need to get up early (even though I like to sleep in).


My older son was born at 11 a.m. He always went to bed about 8-9, but now that he's an older teen, he wants to stay up all night and sleep all day. This seems typical of many teens.


My younger son was born at 5:30 p.m. and has also always gone to bed about 8-9. Now that his older brother stays up late and he knows it, he regularly tries to stay up late, too. He jumps up at the crack of dawn on weekends, but pretends that he wants/needs to sleep in on school days......

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So we collected the data from a random sample :D but lost about 10 points due to inablilty to place on our chart. We received about 128 usable data points so we had enough for reliability.


Here are the results!


30 people that were born early in the day were considered to be morning people.

30 people that were born early in the day were considered to be night owls.


25 people that were born late in the day were considered to be morning people.

43 people that were born late in the day were considered to be night owls.


Being born in the morning (midnight through to noon) does not seem to have any effect.


However, if you were born after 12 noon but before midnight, you are more likely to be a night owl.


These results may or may not represent real life and may or may not be significant (satistically);). We were just having fun with the scientific process in an unschooling type way!


Thanks to all that provided data. We had a great time with the process!

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