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Have u let yourself "go"?

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I've been hs for 2.5 years and I have gained 20+ lbs, have stopped exercising and stretchy pants and tshirts seem to be my daily uniform. I'm so stressed bouncing from my in house full-time job to HS kids and refereeing them. It doesn't help that I'm short handed at work and I'm an introvert. Six months ago my doctor ran labwork, there's no thyroid, sugar, or iron problem. I feel like and look like an old dish rag. Anybody else let themselves go?

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Yes, but I'm trying to take myself back. I got my hair cut so it looks more up to date and is quicker to do, I need to buy some new clothes with a bit more style and lose some weight to fit back in the clothes I have. Ugggghhhh, I really never thought I'd wind up like this. I never thought it would be me needing to lose this much weight (30-40 lbs.). Sme days I get angry at myself, but I really just need to get busy. I CAN DO THIS!!! (There, now I've pep talked myself up to get started tomorrow)

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If you are in your 40s, the weight gain may be from early stages of hormonal change, too. Is there something physical you enjoy doing, like dancing, walking, or something else fun that you could do alongside your dc to get the exercise you need?

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When I was still working (even part-time) and trying to stay on top of my Dad's situation and the girls' school and homework I was so stressed out and out of shape -- I felt awful. Finally I stopped my paycheck job to concentrate on family. For 2 months I slept and was lazy, watching all sorts of TV on the couch all day long. 2 weeks of that was needed rest, but the rest was a bit of a blue funk I sunk into -- not working was a BIG change for me, in some ways like a death in the family or other loss.


I knew I needed exercise, and I knew I wasn't managing to get it on my own. I started taking some donate-as-you-go classes at a local gym, and after a bit signed on for one-on-one personal training. This has been a life-saver for me. It was VERY hard to make myself go for a bit, but I did it and felt better for a couple of days after each session. And when it comes to doing something for me, or doing certain types of things, I work better when I have someone to be accountable to.


It's going on two years now, and I'm in better shape and feeling better. However, it's still possible to quite literally let myself go, as occurred during the very busy last 3 months of 2012. I decided when the kids went back to school after Christmas break I'd try an experiment, to see if something I had heard about had any justification to its claims. It did -- I learned that for me, limiting my intake of soy, dairy, sugar, and artificial sweeteners was the key. These foods, somewhat each on their own but even more so together, cause me to retain water, pack on fat stores, and a-c-h-e. My personal trainer (also a dietician) has been watching me closely, and has ramped up my workouts. Between the change of diet and the stronger exercise I have lost 20 pounds since the start of the year (4 pounds in the last 10 days).


I fully intend to keep up my twice weekly personal training sessions -- we WILL find a way to schedule them in once we start homeschooling. I have aspirations of reducing to 130 pounds or less within 6 months (sustaining a loss of about 2 pounds per week), and I believe after all these years I will finally manage it!

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I have "let myself go" in the area of exercise. There just aren't enough hours in the day, unless I want to exercise after the kids go to bed. But then when would I get my internet time? :lol: Truly, I should be writing right now, not playing online. But there you have it.


As to clothes, makeup, hair and assorted whatnot....well, I mostly keep up appearances. I *try* to style my hair daily, but it's a challenge because I only get it cut once a year. Makeup is a given--consider it a public service. All in all, I want the kids and me to look presentable and tidy. Clean. But I don't put too much time into it because there just isn't that much spare time to go around.

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I haven't "let myself go" as much as I've "let myself stop". Stopped watching what I eat....stopped making exercise a priority...stopped actively seeking gray hairs and coloring those. ;) But alas, a quick look at my wardrobe lately and I've decided to rev it back up again. ;)

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If you are in your 40s, the weight gain may be from early stages of hormonal change, too. Is there something physical you enjoy doing, like dancing, walking, or something else fun that you could do alongside your dc to get the exercise you need?


I'm 36, and the last 2 years, my body has changed the way it works. It is suddenly a LOT harder to lose weight and keep it off. I now need more exercise in order to keep the weight down. Eating the right amount of calories just doesn't cut it anymore. I'm also seeing that my weight will swing wildly... I can lose 10 lbs, and then gain 7 of it back in a very short period of time.


I just started Couch to 5K again, as a crazy friend talked me into running a 5k with her on Memorial Day (exactly 9 weeks from when we started training). I'm halfway through week 2. Maybe I'll get to a respectable weight in the next couple months. :tongue_smilie: Either that, or the 5k will kill me, and it won't matter anymore. :D

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I don't know why but I've been really lucky with weight. My family of origin are all overweight/ obese so it couldn't be genetic. Other than being a picky eater I've never had issues with food or EDs. I'm nearly 40 & weigh just a few lbs more than when I got married.


But in every other way, yes, I've let myself go. I have to make a real effort to dress nicely. 99% of the time I dress for comfort. I do color my hair but i do it myself at home and it doesn't always come out perfectly. I trim my hair myself. I don't wear makeup. I try to look presentable each day but I'm not sure I'm up to the task.


I also don't like spending money on myself with all the expenses for the kids piling up... maybe it's just part of being a mom and getting older.

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NO! I gained about 20 pounds when I went off to college, lost the weight and vowed to NEVER weigh more than I did in high school.


Minus while pregnant and afterwards (and losing the baby weight), I pretty much never weighed more than high school. In fact, right now, I weigh less than high school.


I'm 35 and have a descent metobolism. I am very busy with my two highly, highly, highly active girls (who don't sleep much so my days are long). I am the type who can't sit still. At the playground, for example, you won't find me sitting on the bench watching the girls play...I'm the mom walking circles around the playground!


ETA: Unless I'm going somewhere special, my wardrobe is pretty frumpy. Wearing a sweatshirt and track pants right now.

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On the appearance side I'd like to think I haven't. I've worked after each baby to lose the weight, still working on baby weight for #4 right now- 8 lbs to go! I do sometimes do specific exercise but mostly we do family activities together ie hiking, biking and swimming. I also watch what I eat and keep an eye on my weight. I like to focus on being active and eating healthily as those are things I want my dcs to emulate. I know unless they grow up practicing these things they are unlikely to adopt them on their own later. I try to keep my hair nice and do wear some make-up. I don't dress super fancy but try to look presentable and inline with what seems to be normal wear around here- nice jeans, shoes and a knit top or such. I actually get a bit paranoid about it with 4 kids I expect people to think I'm going to let myself go. I don't want people to think I've gotten lazy or such.


On the side of intellect I've had a lot of brain leakage since having children and not using many of those skills. I'm working on regaining those skills for the sake of the kids and myself. I have a harder time carving out time for self-education though. It seems hard to get extra time these days especially with a baby and when I do it is nice to finally relax!

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NO! I gained about 20 pounds when I went off to college, lost the weight and vowed to NEVER weigh more than I did in high school.


Minus while pregnant and afterwards (and losing the baby weight), I pretty much never weighed more than high school. In fact, right now, I weigh less than high school.





I was always small but gained about 30 lbs after highschool when I went on Depo. A year later I realized I'd put on the weight- how I didn't notice that I was now buying 12s instead of 4s I don't know! So, I started exercise and eating better and took a year to lose the weight. Since then, which was about 12 years ago now, I've weighed often since then. I like to make sure my weight stays within a certain range, when I see it start to creep I start to get more strict. Unless pregnant I keep within a 5 lb weight range and usually within a few lbs all year long. I still have my pants from before my first pregnancy just as a benchmark. I've actually been a fair amount smaller at some points since then as it seems around 15 months pp I drop 5 lbs all of a sudden but that is a bit on the too small side for me though.

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<hugs>. I had let myself go!!! Completely physically, emotionally and spiritually. I had no idea who I was anymore. After birthing and raising 7 kids, I lost my own identity.....and probably a good part of my sanity. Add in there auto-immune disease and caring for aging/dying parents and I was a goner.


Last year, dh declared it was the year of searching for our essence. Who did God make is to be and how do we fulfill our potentials? What do we love? What inspires us?


I am slowly finding myself again....lost lots of weight...set clear boundaries on what was and was not acceptable to me. I am happy. Really, really happy for the first time in my entire adult life...and probably most of my childhood as well. Not much outside has changed. I changed.



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Awww! You need to get yourself back. Baby steps. Make one or two changes at a time.


Yes, I can so relate to this topic. It just seems that doing all I need to for kids: homeschooling, errands, orthodontist, dentist, PE, piano, contact/glasses appt, Dr appt, etc.... where is the time for me! :svengo:

Like the lady said above, I am now doing baby steps!! :iagree: I exercise 5X week, small increments and cleaned up my eating. :huh:


Small, baby steps...


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If you have let yourself go you should really go get yourself back. You've got another 40plus years ahead of you and you want to live them them, not watch them pass by. I want to be able to enjoy my life after kids, to be an active and involved grandmother if the time comes. I can only do that by taking care of myself now. I want to be clear headed and strong in my 70s. I can't do that if I am wiped out and weak in my 40s.


I make sure my children eat good food and have plenty exercise, and a good education so that they will grow to happy and healthy adults. I have take responsibility for my own heath as well, to make sure that my later years are happy and healthy.

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If you have let yourself go you should really go get yourself back. You've got another 40plus years ahead of you and you want to live them them, not watch them pass by. I want to be able to enjoy my life after kids, to be an active and involved grandmother if the time comes. I can only do that by taking care of myself now. I want to be clear headed and strong in my 70s. I can't do that if I am wiped out and weak in my 40s.


I make sure my children eat good food and have plenty exercise, and a good education so that they will grow to happy and healthy adults. I have take responsibility for my own heath as well, to make sure that my later years are happy and healthy.



Yes, my internist encouraged me to make my health a priority if I wanted to be around for my grandchildren. She said that choices in your 40's and 50's can make all the difference. And I have to say that I'm healthier than I was a year ago, and I am still taking baby steps. Right now the focus is still on losing weight and gradually getting back in shape. Weight Watchers and physical therapy are helping.


And I bought a few "better" outfits when I was out with my DD spending her Christmas and birthday money. I'm trying to only wear jeans and a T-shirt when I'm doing messy work.


The only relative I'm close to on my side of the family is a vibrant aunt in her 70's. She's still sits on various boards and commissions, and does some professional writing on the side. And she walks every day and goes to Pilates 2-3 times a week. So she is my example.

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My favorite pair of jeans do not lie.


Apparently dialoging on the WTM forum is not a high calorie burning activity-- I do seem to make time for forum-ing. BUt not exercising.


I get irritated at the thought of having to fix my incredibly frizzy hair and put on makeup. What, what, what is the point? At the end of the day I will still always look like I stuck my finger in a light socket.

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Those of you that have had success with being healthier, what do you eat? How do you know what is healthy? How specifically did you educate yourself to eat healthier?



I read "Eat to Live" by Dr. Fuhrman and try to follow it as best I can (which is not always that closely...). But I've identified my bad/ calorie dense food weaknesses and try to avoid those foods completely or limit them. I try to have a 2-1-2 rule which limits me to two slices of bread (I could eat bread all day), 1 cup of fruit juice (I could drink fruit juice all day!) and 2 tbs of peanut butter (or 1 oz nuts). Beyond that I eat as much fruit, beans, veggies as I want, cooked without fat or a little olive oil. Adding in salad dressing and sauces this comes in at about 1500 calories a day. I try to eat 1 lb greens a day, raw or cooked, depending on what I can buy cheap.


I sometimes eat meat and dairy, just not that often. I never eat red meat, almost never drink alcohol, and try hard to completely avoid any dessert type food.


So over the years I can say healthy eating is the one area where I haven't let myself go and have actually improved. I used to eat a S.A.D..


HTH! :grouphug:

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Those of you that have had success with being healthier, what do you eat? How do you know what is healthy? How specifically did you educate yourself to eat healthier?


that is an ongoing and ever evolving process. I don't think there is only one healthy way to eat and I have my own specific concerns. For example, I am very high risk for certain cancers. I know this from my family history. My healthy diet is all about maintaining a healthy weight and minimizing inflammation. Other people just want to get the weight off or find that certain types of food causes them to gain weight etc.


I say just start with not eating crap. You know what that is. Try that for a while, then get a handle of portion control. See how that goes and then make some other changes. I lost about 50 lbs 5 years ago and I am still learning ways to eat healthier. But, I mostly lost weight by giving up empty calories first and then learning how to control my calorie intake through portion control. I was simply eating junk and eating too much of everything.

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I did for a while, but found that by not taking care of myself, I was doing a disservice not ONLY to myself but to my family. Now I make an effort to eat well, exercise at least three times a week, stretch every day, get some fresh air...oh, and I got a mani pedi for myself last week! Bliss! My feet look great and I have a little bounce in my step ;) I think it's important to set a good example for my kids, too. '


Oh and I work part time, so I need to keep myself looking reasonably together for work, so that's an incentive LOL.

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Those of you that have had success with being healthier, what do you eat? How do you know what is healthy? How specifically did you educate yourself to eat healthier?



For me I cut out dairy, I knew I was allergic as a kid, but didn't connect my fatigue, aches and pains, and acne to it. I still eat a tiny bit of cheese, but otherwise no dairy for me!


We also subscribe to a simple philosophy of "Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants"


I do need more real exercise, when I was managing an outdoor bar I was hot, sweaty, and moving constantly. I have never lost so much weight while eating so much in my life. That weight is trying to creep back on though, I am a size 8, prefer to be a 6, and don't want to be any bigger! I am only 5'1" so a few pounds can make a big difference on my frame.


Dh also says (lovingly) that he misses the way I used to dress, I have gotten boring and wear little to no color and very little embellishment on my clothes. I am working on that by adding some spring colored tops, or throwing a fun scarf or necklace on when we go somewhere.

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Before I had kids, I lost 75 lbs., and I swore that I would never get to that point again. I lost the weight after the first pregnancy and then after a miscarriage. But then I had so many health issues after my second was born, I just have been either too exhausted or in pain to be concerned with diet and exercise. Now I am feeling better, but I have two very picky kids. It is so hard to diet while feeding them. (And one of them is only at the 5th percentile for weight, so I can't expect her to eat my diet food.) I've actually gained 5 lbs. since I had my last child rather than lose the 25 lbs that I needed to lose. It is very depressing. Fortunately, I am not as big as I was, but if I can't do something soon, that is exactly where I will be.


The first time I lost weight, I knew I had to make a life change. No fad diets! That is really what did it for me. I waited and prayed to find something I could actually do for life. I used a book called ChangeOne, which focuses on making small changes a little at a time. It helped to gradually change my eating habits (and shopping habits, too). It allowed me to use up what I had in my house while starting to bring home healthier food. A lot of people don't like such a gradual change, but it was essential for me.

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re: what to eat: As a pp stated I think that varies for everyone. My first priority is real, unprocessed food. We are also a gf family and I am low carb/grain/sugar/dairy/soy free. I am strict about gluten free but I have my moments when I'm not 100% on the rest. I do feel best when I'm as strict as possible however.

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What to eat?


I agree it depends on the person. I am a very bland eater and I can eat the same things without getting bored. I eat LOTS of salads (and I don't pile on lots of rich extras like cheese, bacon, etc). I'll add cooked spinach on top of a salad. I'm a vegetarian so bacon is definitely out. I use low fat or fat free dressings or even salsa to top my salad.


I don't snack and I don't eat sweets Monday - Friday. I eat super healthy during that time and Saturday is a "cheat" day. Sunday is a little cheat day then I start back up Monday with the "stricter" eating. This works for me because when Saturday rolls around, I feel very good about myself so I don't want to gorge and ruin it.


I have to be a "stricter" eater because I have little self control. For example - I can't just eat one cookie and be happy. I need to eat 10. So I just don't eat them at all.

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I let myself go a bit during my kids' baby years. Now ds is 3.5, and my nursing years are over. I'm exercising, wearing a bit of make up, dressing a little more stylishly, polishing my toenails, and making sure I get some me time (weekly baths! ahhh). I currently weigh the same as what I did in high school (I'd like to be a little less), but I'm flabbier and look older.

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Those of you that have had success with being healthier, what do you eat? How do you know what is healthy? How specifically did you educate yourself to eat healthier?

When I quit eating sugar and all grains a couple of years ago, I felt SO much better. No more bloating and tons more energy. I've since had some setbacks, but just started back with no sugar no grains again a few days ago. I'm already starting to feel a little better.


Also, I like the book The Primal Blueprint.

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I totally know what you all mean. I waffle between letting myself go, and then 'doing something about it'; because of this, the South Beach Diet has been perfect for me. I've been on (and off) of it for over 7 years now and my weight fluctuates around 10lbs (taking into account two pregnancies), if it goes over 10 (or I start back up on the sugar rollercoaster) I just go back on Phase 1 for 2 weeks and then do phase two for a month or two and then I'm back on maintenance & (trying) to exercize.


Happily, maintenance has been lasting longer for me every time but I tend to forget to eat and then eat garbage once I remember... because sticking a pizza in the oven and gorging on Doritos and mochas is easy and cooking three meals & two snacks can be hard (but so unbelieveably tasty). I really like http://www.kalynskitchen.com/ for recipies and ideas.


But the reason why I love South Beach, despite the extra time cooking, is because I have sooooo much more energy when I'm paying attention and eating more salads and less carbs. Like the other nice ladies here have said everyone's body responds differently and needs different things :), but for me a low carb (ie 1 carb serving per meal) high fruit and veggie lifestyle is the best choice.

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Those of you that have had success with being healthier, what do you eat? How do you know what is healthy? How specifically did you educate yourself to eat healthier?



Mostly vegetables and fruit and legumes with dollops of meat and treats. dinner last night was dairy free potato leek soup with a dollop of pesto and a huge delicious salad (mixed greens, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers, artichoke hearts, onions and a pomegranate vinaigrette). Tonight is collards and pizza, strange mix but I didn't have time to prep the collards before we needed to eat last night. My "pizza" will be a portabella mushroom topped with sauce, goat cheese, pesto, olives, tomatoes and artichoke. I made crust for the kids and they can put whatever they want on the top.


I know what is healthy based on what I eat that gives me the most energy and least distress GI and otherwise.

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Definitely. I'm not overweight, but that's only because it would take some real effort on my part to be technically "overweight". Just my genes. But I do weigh about ten pounds more than I would like to, and I don't care for my physique--pudgy belly, butt, and thighs. I tend to wear jeans and simple (fairly fashionable) tops...and that's on good days. It's not unusual for me to stay in my pj's unless we need to go somewhere. I do my hair about every other day and kind of ride on that for the second day (I only wash it every other day), but it is a cute style. I wear make-up if I'm going somewhere, but not if I'm staying home. Some of that is just that I don't prefer wearing make-up--I have dark hair and eyelashes, red lips, etc, so I've gotten used to wearing little to no make-up, but as I've gotten older, I have really felt like I should be better about that. Problem is, I'm just not used to diligence in make-up, so it's a hard habit to form at 32.


As for exercise....ugh. I used to be very athletic and active. Dh and I used to play sports together all the time. But it's hard with the kids being so little. We don't have family around to watch them. Dh works long hours, so by the time he's home, I don't really feel safe going out for a run. Mornings aren't any better. I got a gym membership last fall, thinking it would solve all the problems in my world--physical need for exercise, need for time away from the kids (they had child care at the gym), outlet for stress. I was so wrong. Hauling the kids out every morning just added stress. And the time it took to get ready, get to the gym, work out, and get home was at least two hours, which really put a strain on my daily schedule.


I feel very discouraged when it comes to exercise. I do not like exercising with my kids in tow--so stressful to be refereeing! I think I need to just suck it up and do exercise videos, which I hate. I haven't been too successful with that. *sigh*


So yes, I've let myself go. And I don't see myself coming back too soon. I keep looking to the time when dd will be old enough for me to leave her at home with the kids for 30 minutes while I go for a run. What age will that be?

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So yes, I've let myself go. And I don't see myself coming back too soon. I keep looking to the time when dd will be old enough for me to leave her at home with the kids for 30 minutes while I go for a run. What age will that be?


Well, I didn't leave the kids at home, but for me it was when the youngest was 4. I realized I was saying stuff like "I've still got that darn baby weight on me" only the 'baby' was FOUR!. Really, not a valid excuse anymore.


Then I realized that we would often have a time every day, after lessons, when the boys would go upstairs and play legos for at least an hour. They didn't bother me at all! I would spend that time having some tea and surfing the interwebs, maybe fold some laundry etc. Well, then I realized that I needed to use that time for MEMEMEMEME!


I told my dh that there was going to be less folded laundry and the dishes might not be in washer when he came home because I was using that hour to get some exercise. He was totally supportive. He reminded me that just because I am home it isn't my job to fold the laundry etc and I have a right to do something I like/need as much as anyone else in the house.


I got on that nordic track in the bedroom and just did it 45 mins a day. The kids were on the same floor. I sometimes even got them a snack before I went in. I told them I was going to exercise and only come and get me if something was wrong. They have always been very respectful of that time, and maybe once or twice they have needed me, but that is about it.


Sometimes, I get dinner all ready and DH eats with them while I go workout. They like that because they get to have a meal with just him.

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OK everybody. I fixed myself up so I could go to a gathering tonight. While I was upstairs getting ready, my 4yo pulled a trick on the mac that made it permanently stuck in mission control and was completely non-functional. We could fix it to no avail and after consulting with apple support late tonight, we had to do a full hard drive erase and reinstall to time machine.


So yeah, I fixed up. :)


But you tell me, was it worth it? :huh: :w00t: :smash: :rofl: :scared: :cool:

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