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Winners this year?

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I am beginning to plan 11th grade for the third and last time. What were your most engaging and successful high school classes this year? Feel free to post about any subject--we can all be inspired!


I'll start:


High School Biology in your Home by Bridget Ardoin--we found it engaging and thorough. We did it with three other students, sharing lab work once a week.

Teaching Textbooks--both Geometry and Precalc (for my graduating senior). Clear and doable. We'll actually finish math by the end of May this year!

Co-op class using Critical Thinking in United States History (for my 10th grader). Great tools for Critical Thinking. This was on my list for years, but we found it much more engaging to use in a group!

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Co-op class using Critical Thinking in United States History (for my 10th grader). Great tools for Critical Thinking. This was on my list for years, but we found it much more engaging to use in a group!



Do you have an isbn or some other reference to clarify which this is?

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BJU Biology DVDs. Actually, online, but it's the same as the DVDs. We switched from DIVE at Christmas and I am so glad! There just was not enough instruction in DIVE for my non-science-y kids.


DD's outsourced English class. She loves it and I love not having to teach English. Such a relief for me! DS will be taking this same class next year.


BJU World History. We switched to TOG, but have switched back. I've decided to stretch BJU's World and American History over 3 years to slow down the pace. The kids are happy with it and so am I.


Actually, now that we've got science figured out, it's all going very smoothly.

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Advanced Economics I and II with Alex Newman through FreedomProject Education. My daughter cannot say enough good things about his courses! She has loved them and wants everyone to take them. They are, however, a great deal of work -- daily -- so not for the student who doesn't want to write a lot.

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Our winners this year: Derek Owens geometry & physical science (excellent), IEW Student Writing Intensive Level C, IEW Windows: Introduction to Literature (Why have I never used IEW before???? Great courses for us!) , Potter's School French 1 w/Madame S (excellent), World Geography--DD has been researching every country in the world & making a notebook w/maps that has captured all she's learned. She's been completely on her own with this and has LOVED it. I've been so impressed with what she's learned & retained.

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DD's outsourced English class. She loves it and I love not having to teach English. Such a relief for me! DS will be taking this same class next year.




We're not there yet, but I like to keep up with the options for classes we may need in a couple years. What English class was this?




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These things have been hits this year for my 9th grader, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't all have been with my last 1 or 2 children.



Socratic Logic by Kreeft (He really likes this and keeps telling me how good it is, I finally started it myself last week and so far I agree)

Local history class (my first ever use of a local class, but I had used the book before, A History of the American People by Johnson)

Writing With Skill 2 (beta testing) - This would have been good for any of mine I think.

Shepherd Science Biology

Our own lit plan reading/a little writing - This worked great for my older ones also


It is hard to call Henle 2 a hit, as it isn't new - he's been doing Henle Latin for at least 5 years. But he finished Henle 2 before spring break and that was a hit! He is excited to be doing readings in Latin and even more excited to have no more English to Latin exercises.


Not a hit, just so-so

Jacobs Geometry 2nd edition, My first attempt with this book, I tried 3 or 4 other books with the previous two children; I'm a former Geometry teacher and I think I'm just too picky. Supplementing with the text I taught out of has made it better(by Brown and Jurgensen). BTW I found Jacobs too easy, aside from proofs which were fine. I may use this book for future children that need an easier text, and they won't likely find that it is too easy.

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A new favorite here is Naxos audiorecordings. We are almost finished with the unabridged Paradise Lost and all 3 of us have loved it. (that is saying a lot b/c one is my 11th grade math/science guy.) Loving it and Paradise Lost are not 2 thoughts that I would normally put together. Anton Lesser's reading makes it so clear and easy to understand the reading.





(you can listen to a clip here. Listening to the argument does not do justice to his reading of the blank verse epic.)

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We're not there yet, but I like to keep up with the options for classes we may need in a couple years. What English class was this?





This is a local class. I'm not sure where you live, but if it's in the Houston area, let me know and I can give you a link.

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Big winner: BJU's online Spanish I course.


I have loved every choice we made for 9th grade, but the Spanish course is hands-down the winner. My son had studied Latin every year since 2nd grade; he was so burned out on Latin. Spanish has been a breath of fresh air for him.


I also love doing our own literature course.

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The Great Courses Algebra II! I have never used a lecture course to teach high school math before since I teach it one to one. However, one of my high school ds's requires much more teaching work on my part for him to be successful than the other. So, I bought the algebra 2 so that if my rather independent mathematician was stumped and needed help at the same time I was teaching his elder ds, he could look up the topic in the lecture and watch it until I was free. He began going on it completely independent of me. So, I began grading the exercises that came in the guidebook and most of the time he had 95-100% on the 10-12 problems the Great Courses provided. I handed him the Lial's Intermediate Algebra book and assigned additional problems on each topic just to make sure he was doing okay, again without directly teaching him a single concept. He completed algebra 2 in three months with chapter exams from the Lial's and my only responsibility was grading. Literally, that's it! It was marvelous. He nearly aced every single Lial's chapter review and his final grade is 98% without the slightest effort on my part. Thank you Dr. Sellers of Penn State!!!!


The other absolutely wonderful win is Dh's Java class with eldest ds. He started out with Java for Dummies and then moved into the AP Java book. Ds's work is truly excellent. Dh only has two evenings per week to work with him, but ds is flying through his daily assignments which dh makes on Sunday nights for the following school week. It's going very well. The downside is ds won't be able to take the Java AP exam this year due to a scheduling conflict. The only school that offered it that had an opening is a two hour drive one-way, and the exam is quite early in the morning so in order to insure that ds is well-rested, we'd have to go down the night before. The problem is we leave for TARC Finals the next day and with Dh's work schedule he can't take ds and stay with him at the hotel, nor can he be here to pack the team, and take care of the myriad of last minute details that always fall on me, the rocket mom. I didn't plan far enough in advance - my bad - to line up other parents to handle it. Plus, I'd be gone with our mini-van which would need to be available for the launch stand and other large gear to packed in first and dd is using our other good car for work. The not particularly reliable car will end up being with dh.....argh...just not good planning. So, he's going to have to wait a year. By then he'll be ready for the first level of Java Certification, so I need to start contacting colleges to see if he should still take the AP or if certification would be more presitigious to them. I admit to being the monkey that messed this progression up and I should have done better with my planning.



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FaithManor....is your DS a naturally motivated self starter? My rising 9th grader has to be motivated by me to "own" her work. I've been thinking about the Teaching Company's Algebra I course for her. Based on your success of the Algebra II I'm more encouraged. The price tag is a deterrant but it may be worth it.

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FaithManor....is your DS a naturally motivated self starter? My rising 9th grader has to be motivated by me to "own" her work. I've been thinking about the Teaching Company's Algebra I course for her. Based on your success of the Algebra II I'm more encouraged. The price tag is a deterrant but it may be worth it.



Totally self-motivated. He is a goal oriented kid and works towards his goals. He even embraces English Grammar and Composition though he struggles a little with, it and it is his least favorite subject. So, I am blessed in that he does not require a lot of parental impetus to get him moving each day on his work. Eldest boy is not quite so motivated. DD was very self-motivated and so is our youngest. Eldest boy is MUCH like my brother who made my parents a bit nuts during high school and at 15 or 16 my dad would have told you he wasn't going to amount to much more than a "hill of beans if he keeps going on like this". Despite this prediction, dear brother graduated from college on time with a computer science major/business minor has been gainfully employed since then, is working on his master's now, and has several professional certifications under his belt. So, we have high hopes for the more difficult ds. :D And to be honest, this particular ds is very motivated in his passions...computer programming, art history, archaeology, and geology...just NOT math, chemistry, or literature.



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For dd 11th: Dual- enrollment at the local uni. for math and spanish

Lively Art of Writing


For dd 9th: LOF Algebra 2

LLLoTR at co-op


Misses for both: World History using tests Streams Vol 1 and 2 as spines and test from CLP.

I wanted something on the light side that would be open and go. Neither one is interested in history and both have rigorous schedules. They are totally bored with this though and I don't think they are retaining much at all.


Physics using the Hewitt text and outsourced lab: Lab has been a hit and so have the videos from GPB, but I'm not a fan of the text.

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Two favorites continued from the past few years -

Life of Fred (always #1 on ds list)

IEW (for me... not necessarily for ds 9th)


Two new favorites -

Teencoder Windows & Game Programming

Word Within the Word (I wish I had discovered MCT sooner - we have had a lot of fun with neologisms)

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Ds took his first ever outsourced classes this year in 9th.


Latin 2 - Lukeion (He did the first half of Wheelock at home)

Physics - Derek Owens

We have been very pleased with both courses


We have also enjoyed doing the Great Books - Ancients using the suggestions in WTM, WEM, supplemented by Vandiver's lectures from the Teaching Company. I was nervous at the beginning of the year but it has gone smoothly. I am reading the works along with ds.

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