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If your elementary age kid gets up at 6:30, what is bedtime?

If your elementary child gets up at 6:30 what is bedtime?  

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  1. 1. If your elementary child gets up at 6:30 am, what is his/her bedtime?

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9pm is our standard bed time here for school nights and for any day when we have to get up and go somewhere. My high schooler has a 6:30am class he has to be at and bedtime for him is 9pm. DD11 needs to be out of bed by 8am most days and her bed time is 9pm too. It just seems to work out to be about right for everyone.

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My older son (nearly six) needs quite a lot of sleep and is an early riser. I try and have him in bed at 7 but we don't always manage and I let him read for a while. I like him asleep by 7.30 or 8 at the latest. My younger son (nearly 4) would prefer to go to bed at 10 and wake up at 8 (he needs less sleep and prefers later to bed an later to rise).

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7pm, though some nights it's closer to 8pm.


It does not matter what time I put my kids to bed. My 6 year old will wake up by 6:30ish and wake everyone else up (they share a room). My oldest could sleep longer if he wasn't woken up. He needs more sleep (and he's the one I'd *like* to give a later bedtime to, but... not happening right now).

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My DD's go to bed at 8pm and ds goes to bed around 9pm. Usually the girls are still awake when ds goes up, so they don't really go to sleep at 8pm.

The girls are generally awake at 6, but not allowed out of their rooms til 7am. I generally rouse DS out of bed at 7am as well. Youngest DD still naps (!) about an hour in the afternoon.

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My oldest is only 7. He goes to be between 7:30 and 8. My 5 year olds do the same. They get up between 7:30 and 8. So, about 12hrs sleep most nights. If they were consistently getting up at 6:30, I'd move their bedtime back to 7. When they get up early (or go to bed late) for a couple of nights in a row, it shows in their attitude and behavior.


(Hey! My spell check is suddenly working!! Woo Hoo!! Now, I won't look like an.....well, like someone who can't spell! :lol:)

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My kids are in bed at 8:00 pm. Whether they go to sleep right away or not, is up to them. My boys are up at 6;30 am every morning, somtimes earlier. My oldest, has just recently started to "sleep in". It's driving me crazy. I like to get school started at 7:00 am, so the past couple months have been tough. Maybe I should change my oldest's bedtime to 7:00 pm. LOL

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For a 6:30 start it is 8:30-9:00 for Bedtime. For Fridays when they have to be up by 6:00 we are sure to be in bed by 8:30.

We have chores in the morning before school, so 6:30 is good for us. If they had to ride the bus, they would have to be out waiting by 6:30, because we are the first stop in the mornings and the last stop at night (4:25 pm) for the bus! (I remind my boys of this when they get to complaining about school. :D )

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Before the time change.. in bed by 7:30, youngest 3 would fall right to sleep. Oldest would sometimes read (and usually fall asleep reading. I tried later bedtimes, but didn't work, they still woke up between 5:30-6:30. So I gave up. It actually works for everyone, I just drink an extra cup of coffee in the am. DH goes to work at 6-6:30 and we start school by 8. (breakfast and all am chores done prior to that)

Bu this time change is throwing us all of. Some days we haven't woken till 7 !!!!

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We start getting ready for bed by 7pm and the goal is to be in bed by 7:30 This preferably puts the younger ones asleep by 8pm. This is for my kiddos who are 2-6years old. Then occasionally their older brothers go and mess it all up. :cursing: The older ones I was letting stay up reading from when the youngers went to bed until 830 but my 9 year old needs a bit more sleep so he has to go a bit earlier closer to 8. My 11 year old could probably stay up til 9 but I would rather encourage more sleep than less. Plus no offense to my kids but by 8-830 I scrambling for time for just DH and I to chat and check in with each other without little ears around



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If my child was up at 6:30, I would encourage him to stay up later so that he was not awake so blasted early. lol




That backfires here. Later bedtime = cranky kid who still gets up at 6:30. :tongue_smilie: I learned early on with my kids as babies that if I wanted them to sleep longer, I needed to put them to bed earlier. Sounds weird, but all three have been like that.


They're not allowed to come downstairs until 7am though.

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4 year old goes down at 7:30 but usually is not fully asleep till 9

7& 11 year olds go down at 8:30 and usually fall to sleep between 9-9:30

14 year old goes to bed at 9 and is allowed to listen to music w/ headphones, read her kindle etc until 10pm


Generally everyone is up by 7-8 the 14 year old is harder to get up but I remind her that its her choice to stay up that late. She needs to get up when I tell her too.

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My problem is there is not enough time in the day! My older ones typically go to bed around 10 unless they are really tired and with the new schedule I made I kept that time there out of habit. But I had been wanting to start school earlier (like 8 am) so that we can fit in activities and chores in the afternoon before dinner and that probably puts us at a 6:30 wake up to get them dressed, make their beds, make breakfast, and do their kitchen chores after the meal. And 10-6:30 is not enough sleep for most kids. But it looks like here that 9-6:30 could work so I just need to gain an hour somehow. The first part of our schoolday is me reading to them the context of our memory work and discussing it. Maybe we could do that during breakfast somehow......

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If my child was up at 6:30, I would encourage him to stay up later so that he was not awake so blasted early. lol




My girls wake up the same time every.single.day no matter what time they go to bed. Even after sleepovers and such. I am the same way, no matter what time I hit the sack, my internal clock wakes me up at the same time.

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My girls' bed time is the same as mine: midnight. They/we fall asleep within an hour or two either before or after 12, but the kids are typically sent to bed at 12 if they're not there already. The husband is usually awake another couple/few hours.


Both girls consistently sleep between 11 and 12 hours straight no matter what time they fall asleep; the little one also naps for 1-3 hours every afternoon. My older daughter only takes a nap about twice a week, give or take a day.


I don't plan to adjust our sleep for daylight savings time mostly because I think DST is a silly practice, so we've been going to bed closer to 1am these days. Oh, well. Luckily, I'm a stay at home mom. Neither my husband nor I have ever been morning people, and he works the swing shift at his work. Everything seems to be working out for us. :D

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Bedtime here is 8:30. My girls have sleep issues (autism and add) so they are often awake until 12 or even later. They are usually up between 8 and 9:30. Not my favorite, but this is one of the reasons that I homeschool. My oldest was a complete wreck in ps because she was always tired. I do let them sleep until they wake up naturally. This helps soothe so many behavior problems.

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That backfires here. Later bedtime = cranky kid who still gets up at 6:30. :tongue_smilie: I learned early on with my kids as babies that if I wanted them to sleep longer, I needed to put them to bed earlier. Sounds weird, but all three have been like that.


They're not allowed to come downstairs until 7am though.


Have you ever tried it for an extended period of time, though? I've heard a lot of people say this, and wonder if they gave it maybe a month to see if there is a gradual change. I just don't know what I would do with a child like that!!

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I wake mine (ages 11 & 8) up at 6:15 am, and official go-to-sleep time is 8:-5 PM. To do this they must be ready for bed by 8 if they want a chapter of bedtime story (me reading to them), and if they are ready by 7:45 we read 2 or 3 chapters. I have found this unwind time and at least 10 hours of sleep to be crucial for my two if they are to learn well and enjoy the day.

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Have you ever tried it for an extended period of time, though? I've heard a lot of people say this, and wonder if they gave it maybe a month to see if there is a gradual change. I just don't know what I would do with a child like that!!



The more days dd stays up late the crankier she becomes. For dd (10) her official bedtime is 8:00 although there have been exceptions for trombone practice night and soccer practice night where she did not get home till 8:30 and then she needed to be in bed by 9:00. If she goes to bed late too many nights in a row she becomes extra emotional and very moody. She also tends to get very frustrated with her school work when she does not get enough sleep. She is up most days between 6-7am. If she sleeps past 8am she is sick. It has been this way since she was little.


The way the morning works around here is she is allowed out of her room normally at 6:30ish or when Daddy is out of the shower. At that point I am normally still asleep. Dh comes in between 7:30-8am and wakes me up right before he leaves for work. By that time dd has had breakfast and starts on her math work. The system seems to work for us.

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My girls are up around 6:30-6:45 every day, regardless of when they go to sleep. We do our best to have them in bed by 8:00, allowing them to read for 30 minutes before going to sleep. They know not to come into our room on Saturday mornings until after 9:00, lol!

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My 9 yo dd apparently only needs 9 or less hours of sleep. As an example, last night lights were out at 10.00 after reading out loud time and she was up on her own this morning at 6.50. She is a very active child, yesterday her schedule was up at 8.00am, school from 8.55 to 3.20 which includes a snack break, lunch break and recess, plus separate p.e. games time, and then she had rhythmic gymnastics from 4.00 to 5.30.


So for a 6.30am wake up time, in bed by 9.00pm and lights out at 9.30pm.

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My 4 and 8 yo boys would have to go to bed no later than 7:30 to get up at 6:30, maybe even 6:30, and that is just not going to happen around here. We aim to have them in bed by 8ish, and they will usually fall asleep easily by 8:30, to get up around 7:30. My 11yo is a night owl like I am, and she goes to her room around 8-8:30 but will. It fall asleep until at least 9.

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