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Dog lovers, I need to make a decision...


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My sweet 12 year old dog is experiencing his last days. He is in too much pain from arthritis. He is confused. He just pooped while lying down. He just looks at me with sad, confused eyes.


DD's 10th b-day is tomorrow. I hope we have until next week.


My heart is breaking.

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so sorry. I feel bad for you, the poor dog and your dear child that may lose a dog on a birthday. Can you go to the vet and get the dog hopped up on some really strong pain meds to make it through the day or a few days? I did this with our elderly cat so the kids could have a chance to say goodbye.

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My beautiful furry baby is 14. She's a large dog so we feel fortunate to still have her. She also has arthritis but is on maintenance meds and prescription dog food which has made a huge difference for her quality if life.


I say this with compassion in my heart but if my dog was in that kind of shape I would have to put her down. I absolutely will not let her suffer. I know it's a hard decision but from your description your sweet doggie is in bad shape.


God Bless,


Elise in NC

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I'm sorry :crying: If your dog is in pain and confused, I'd take him to the vet. There may be a medication your dog could take that can help (my elderly dog is on Tramadol for pain and discomfort and it helps her a lot). If there is nothing that can be done for the dog's pain and his quality of life has diminished, I'd put him out of his misery. There is no point in prolonging it if your dog is in obvious pain. It's such a tough decision to make. :grouphug:

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I would not let the dog suffer one minute more than necessary. The timing is really crappy, but it can be a good lesson in compassion and selflessness for your kids.

I agree. Go to the emergency vet and put him out of pain for ever. Stay with him and pet his head. Poor dog.

I am so sorry!

Do put him down ASAP though...I agree with PP that it is an emergency.

hugs to you.

My dearest dog needed to be put down on a Sunday and I couldn't get someone to come

out quickly enough. I drove her myself.

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It's the hardest decision and I've done it two times. Please, don't let them suffer.


When we had to move, we gave my most loved dog, my pitty, to my brother. They ADORED each other. My bros a dog man, and she was in love with him. Anyway, he waited too long, he couldn't bear to let her go, but I ended up getting SO pissed because he was being so selfish..she was suffering so.


Yes it's hard, but love them more. Do it now, the 10 yo will understand. And, I'm sure that regardless if you wait a day, it won't make it any less painful, it will just be prolonging the inevitable.

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I'm sorry :crying: If your dog is in pain and confused, I'd take him to the vet. There may be a medication your dog could take that can help (my elderly dog is on Tramadol for pain and discomfort and it helps her a lot). If there is nothing that can be done for the dog's pain and his quality of life has diminished, I'd put him out of his misery. There is no point in prolonging it if your dog is in obvious pain. It's such a tough decision to make. :grouphug:




Hi all. OP here. Thank you all for your well wishes and advice.


I should have made some things clearer. Yesterday morning, the vet suggested Tramadol, so that's what we're doing. We tried Previcox a few months ago and he had a severe reaction. Pup is lethargic and seems more wobbly, but those effects will hopefully subside. We set his bed and food close to the front door, so he doesn't have as far to walk. For a couple of days, he had been acting strangely - he didn't want to come in, but when he finally did, he would immediately cry to back go outside. Since putting his bed and food by door, he no longer seems confused. He is eating, hasn't had any more "accidents" and happily goes outside.


Because the doc recommended the new meds, I was willing to give it a while. I truly would not allow him to suffer more than the time needed to assess the situation.


Thank you again for understanding my pain. I was in tears much of yesterday and needed the support.

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Our dog reached the point where he couldn't get his back legs under him. We thought it was time. Doctor put him on Rimadil (sp.) which I believe is what was used before Tramadol came along. He took off out of the yard the next day like he was five years younger. Totally floored me! He did so well with the medication that he enjoyed life until he had a stroke a year and a half later. I hope your fur baby has the same response to the medication and you see quick improvement!

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Hi all. OP here. Thank you all for your well wishes and advice.


I should have made some things clearer. Yesterday morning, the vet suggested Tramadol, so that's what we're doing. We tried Previcox a few months ago and he had a severe reaction. Pup is lethargic and seems more wobbly, but those effects will hopefully subside. We set his bed and food close to the front door, so he doesn't have as far to walk. For a couple of days, he had been acting strangely - he didn't want to come in, but when he finally did, he would immediately cry to back go outside. Since putting his bed and food by door, he no longer seems confused. He is eating, hasn't had any more "accidents" and happily goes outside.


Because the doc recommended the new meds, I was willing to give it a while. I truly would not allow him to suffer more than the time needed to assess the situation.


Thank you again for understanding my pain. I was in tears much of yesterday and needed the support.


I hope your sweet dog continues to improve. My dog is on Previcox. We tried Tramadol but it seemed to make her sick to her stomach. She is also now eating prescription dog food specifically for joints. It's called J/D by Hill's prescription diet. It's expensive but it's a salmon based kibble and has all the supplements for joint health in the ingredients. The combo of the meds and food have extended our dog's life and the quality of her life.


Good luck and keep us updated when you can!


Elise in NC

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Oh no, I am so sorry! Our dog is my oldest ds love of his life- I mean he really, really loves his dog. Is your ds really attached to the dog? If so, I'd ask him if maybe he wants to spend his birthday taking a complete break from lessons and spending time with the dog.

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Hopefully you can get some more time with Meds!


My lab is also 12, been on rymadyl for 4 years now, and Tramadol when she gets bad, and has dementia, and a tumor in her anus that can't be removed, and arthritis...shes a hot mess. Some days, due to the dementia, she is really bad, and I think "it's time, we have to let her go". Then she has several good days, she will even play sometimes still, and I think "well, good thing we didn't do it last week". Some days she won't eat. Some days she is herself.


I wish they had a timer that told you when it was the right time. I don't want her to suffer. I just don't know when it's really "enough". It's very, very hard.


Do the best you can, it's all you can do.

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