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Cruise ship Triumph


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Wow. Dh and I watched a lot of the disembarking last night....my mind is just blown that Carnival didn't have an emergency plan for waste removal. My dh said he would have figured something out..I mean there was an entire OCEAN just over the rails of that ship. Why did it have to stay ON the ship with 4000 humans.

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Well, it has been known how bad it was but there weren't many pictures since no one had cell service except for the few times another ship came near enough to them that they could get wifi....they brought in food and water and finally generators on the last day....I think if they had had a way to dispose of the waste it would have been tolerable.


Seriously, I just can't figure out why there wasn't a plan for that. And if there wasn't a plan why didn't they just send another ship to get them all off.....

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They did a lot better, with this problem, than with their ship the Costa Concordia. Problems of different magnitudes.....


IMHO they could have done a lot of things differently. They had 2 other cruise ships nearby, giving them food, supplies, etc. Possibly, in retrospect, they should have off loaded the Triumph passengers, to those other cruise ships, using lifeboats or something to transfer them.


I was puzzled, by their use of so many buses, to move the passengers from Mobile, to Houston/Galveston. I wondered why they didn't arrange for more charter flights, from New Orleans, or, preferably, from Mobile, but I suspect the Mobile airport doesn't have the capacity (gates and personnel) to handle a lot of extra flights.


The photo that was on the Home page of FoxNews.com earlier today, of the young woman literally kissing the pavement, after getting off the Triumph in Mobile, says it all. I have that photo on my Facebook now.


The great thing is that there were no injuries or deaths, although i suspect quite a few of the passengers are sick now.

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As a side note I am surprised by how many people go on cruises without their spouse! And children without parents....I told dh last night, 'I don't think I would go on a cruise without you and I KNOW you wouldn't be going without me.' Our vacation budget is nearly zero though so whatever we do we want to be together.

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What I'm wondering is about the poor cleaning crew who was working around the clock. Doesn't the bulk of their pay come through tips? Will everyone be too disgruntled to tip them?




They got high praise from every passenger I saw interviewed. So who knows. I think they will be compensated by Carnival.

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As a side note I am surprised by how many people go on cruises without their spouse! And children without parents....I told dh last night, 'I don't think I would go on a cruise without you and I KNOW you wouldn't be going without me.' Our vacation budget is nearly zero though so whatever we do we want to be together.


What?? There were children on the cruise without their parents!?! :confused1:

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I've never been keen on the idea of a cruise anyway... I think I would feel clausterphobic in those tiny cabins, and sort of "trapped" in the middle of the ocean!! After seeing all this... no. No thank you. I cannot imagine the potential for illness with all that waste, lack of cleanliness, etc.

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I don't think the ship was close to shore....I think they were waaaay out there most of the time.


Apparently transferring everyone from one ship to another in the middle of the gulf is not as easy as it sounds.


And apparently the toilets were suppose to be working to some degree....but started backing up....again just seems like there should have been a better emergency plan

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As a side note I am surprised by how many people go on cruises without their spouse! And children without parents....I told dh last night, 'I don't think I would go on a cruise without you and I KNOW you wouldn't be going without me.' Our vacation budget is nearly zero though so whatever we do we want to be together.


Now, see, your response surprises me. I'm happily married, but there are other relationships I value as well. I've never been on a cruise, but I have traveled with other relatives and with friends. I don't find it at all surprising that people take trips with people besides their spouse or that kids go on a vacation with their grandparents.

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Now, see, your response surprises me. I'm happily married, but there are other relationships I value as well. I've never been on a cruise, but I have traveled with other relatives and with friends. I don't find it at all surprising that people take trips with people besides their spouse or that kids go on a vacation with their grandparents.



I too have relationships I value....I guess if I had enough money to take several vacations a year I would consider a trip with my family even if dh couldn't go...and yes I would let ds, almost 13 go on vacation with my parents....

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I don't think the ship was close to shore....I think they were waaaay out there most of the time.


Apparently transferring everyone from one ship to another in the middle of the gulf is not as easy as it sounds.


And apparently the toilets were suppose to be working to some degree....but started backing up....again just seems like there should have been a better emergency plan

Yes and without power the stabilization systems don't work. They were literally bobbing like ducks. No way to get them onto boats safely in that situation unless you airlifted each person by helicopter...and even then.

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Wow. Dh and I watched a lot of the disembarking last night....my mind is just blown that Carnival didn't have an emergency plan for waste removal. My dh said he would have figured something out..I mean there was an entire OCEAN just over the rails of that ship. Why did it have to stay ON the ship with 4000 humans.


You can't just dump raw sewage at sea. It's illegal. Under normal operating conditions they treat and incinerate the waste at sea and then it's released into the ocean, but raw sewage is a no-no.

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You can't just dump raw sewage at sea. It's illegal. Under normal operating conditions they treat and incinerate the waste at sea and then it's released into the ocean, but raw sewage is a no-no.



Do you really think a passenger would be fined for dumping their poo at sea under those conditions?

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Do you really think a passenger would be fined for dumping their poo at sea under those conditions?


Yes, I think someone would be fined for that.


Moving people to another ship would be *very* difficult. Using the lifeboats to do it would be risky. Also, the other cruise ships nearby were in use and would not have been able to take many passengers. They rarely have empty ships available.


I've only been on one cruise in my life and it was aboard the Carnival Triumph. I'm glad I didn't really enjoy cruising and haven't had a "vacation" like those poor passengers. OTOH, I did laugh when I saw the bus taking them to their flights broke down. They just couldn't get a break.

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Apparently transferring everyone from one ship to another in the middle of the gulf is not as easy as it sounds.


I agree. I think it would have been much more dangerous for the passengers to risk transfer on the open seas vs. staying on the stricken ship. This article in Time explains that part a bit.... (It was not just the cruise line's decision not to evacuate, but the Coast Guard's decision too.)

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Do you really think a passenger would be fined for dumping their poo at sea under those conditions?



An individual passenger, maybe not? An entire ship, I'll bet it would receive heavy penalties for dumping sewage. My assumption is that the lawyers were crunching numbers on passenger's suing over sewage vs. fines for environmental damage.


Last I heard they were offering refunds, a free cruise and 500.00 for the passengers. I'm sure some will take that settlement and be fine to be rid of the experience. The others will probably end up settling at some point.


Also, the reputation of the ship and cruise line was already damaged by the event. Dumping sewage would only serve to tick off more people and damage their reputation further. I'm sure it was a well-calculated (price and reputation) move.

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Wow. Dh and I watched a lot of the disembarking last night....my mind is just blown that Carnival didn't have an emergency plan for waste removal. My dh said he would have figured something out..I mean there was an entire OCEAN just over the rails of that ship. Why did it have to stay ON the ship with 4000 humans.


Because you're clueless about how badly human feces and urine can ruin a coastal or ocean ecosystem? Do some research on how fecal pollution "dilutes" and what it exactly takes to clean the water. Same goes for any body of water. Dog, cat, goose poop is a major issue in fresh water. Maybe this can unblow your mind about human pollution? Dumping waste can literally kill a sizable area of life in the water.

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Agree with all that has been said. They could not simply dump feces into the ocean as a company. That's against the law. If passengers did that, that was on their own choice, and probably unbeknownst to Carnival.


It's not like they could just open a door and put a ramp across to another ship. Believe me, if it were that simple, they would have. We are not talking flat, calm pool water, we are talking ocean waves, and winds thrown in.


Alot of this situation is not completely Carnival's choice in how things were handled....Coast guards, and laws come into play and Carnival must follow those laws.


I think Carnival has been very upfront with everything, and doing the best they can in a situation that was 1. a freak accident/situtation, and 2. overblown in the media as most things are. Let's be honest, this is about as bad publicity as Carnival could get, and do you think that they weren't doing their absolute best to make it better to avoid the damage getting any worse? If there was ANYTHING they could have done to make it easier/better for those passengers during the crisis, they would have.

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Because you're clueless about how badly human feces and urine can ruin a coastal or ocean ecosystem? Do some research on how fecal pollution "dilutes" and what it exactly takes to clean the water. Same goes for any body of water. Dog, cat, goose poop is a major issue in fresh water. Maybe this can unblow your mind about human pollution? Dumping waste can literally kill a sizable area of life in the water.


Ok, first ouch. And then, it was a emergency. I am not proposing we dump the waste of all America in the ocean. Good grief.

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I cruised on the Triumph last summer. I feel so sad for the passengers. :( it was such a lovely ship, always clean, and the food was excellent. What a horrible experience for them! As a side note I went without dh/kids as it was a ladies only family group. Best.thing. Ever. I didn't have to worry about anyone but myself for that 4 days. No cleaning. No deciding on meals for other people. Just a wonderful time hanging out with the lovely girls of my family. I encourage others to do the same if you can. :)


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As a side note I am surprised by how many people go on cruises without their spouse! And children without parents....I told dh last night, 'I don't think I would go on a cruise without you and I KNOW you wouldn't be going without me.' Our vacation budget is nearly zero though so whatever we do we want to be together.


I went on a cruise a few months ago with the boys and my mom because JB is deployed. If I hadn't gotten the kids for free with 2 paying adults, I wouldn't have taken my mom. I've been on vacations with friends before, I've taken Indy on vacations without JB, and Indy has gone on vacation with just my parents. I've never given it a second thought.





I was puzzled, by their use of so many buses, to move the passengers from Mobile, to Houston/Galveston. I wondered why they didn't arrange for more charter flights, from New Orleans, or, preferably, from Mobile, but I suspect the Mobile airport doesn't have the capacity (gates and personnel) to handle a lot of extra flights.




My family lives in Mobile (many of them went down to watch the cruise ship come in to port) and believe me, there is NO WAY the Mobile airport could have handled it. They have 7 (IIRC) gates and there are almost never more than 2 flights in or out at any given time. It's the emptiest airport I've ever been in. When we flew out this past April, it was the busiest I have ever seen it. There were 2 counters open, 4 people at security, and 18 people on our fight. I suppose the airlines could have bussed extra personnel in from NOLA or Pensacola, but I doubt it wold have helped. Getting through their lone security line would be a logistical nightmare. Also, Mobile has incredibly high gate fees, which is why there aren't a lot of flights in and out.

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What I'm wondering is about the poor cleaning crew who was working around the clock. Doesn't the bulk of their pay come through tips? Will everyone be too disgruntled to tip them?


Salon ran an article about their working conditions.





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If what occurred was Carnival's emergency plan for something like this, I'd like to know if there was a better way to handle the situation. I know it was too dangerous for them to transfer the passengers ... but I don't know if they were prepared for this, and I think it is their job to have been better prepared, if possible. Also, that ship had been having problems, and I wonder if someone made the decision to use it and took that risk so they wouldn't lose money on the cruise.

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It is legal to pump raw sewage overboard if you are more than 3 miles offshore which puts you into international waters.


Within 3 miles of shore you can pump out treated sewage.




From my boating days you can pee overboard anytime you want to, but if you pee in a bucket you can't dump it unless you are 3 miles offshore.


If I had to guess the cruise ship would need power to pump things overboard assuming they were 3 miles out and they probably didn't have the power to be able to do that.

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Do you really think a passenger would be fined for dumping their poo at sea under those conditions?


If they were caught in the act, then yes, probably. The environmental laws don't just apply in ideal circumstances. Also, if you just throw something over the top of the deck, it's likely not going to end up in the ocean, but rather blown back into the deck below you. :ack2:


The real issue, though, would be if the cruise line itself just started off-loading raw sewage into the ocean. That would be bad news.

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Did you guys see that one of the buses broke down and then one of the airplanes had electrical problems and was delayed? I would want to draw a Ven diagram and write all the names into it. If you managed to be on the cruise, in the bus, and on that plane, please never travel with me.

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As a side note I am surprised by how many people go on cruises without their spouse! And children without parents....I told dh last night, 'I don't think I would go on a cruise without you and I KNOW you wouldn't be going without me.' Our vacation budget is nearly zero though so whatever we do we want to be together.



Well this was just a quickie cruise. Only four days I believe. So it's just a girls weekend type trip. Perfect for bachelorette type parties or just a weekend away. Same thing as trips with Grandparents. Quick and easy trip, good for taking kids on. And Carnival is the cheapest of all lines. You can find such amazing deals it's not even funny. To quote my mom's husband "It's such a good deal we couldn't afford NOT to go!" LOL! But they don't sail Carnival. They prefer smaller boats, longer trips. We had decided we were done with Carnival after our last cruise as well. The cruise was fine, but in comparasion to other lines, really Carnival is the Walmart of cruising.



If it was a longer trip, like 10-14 days and up you would probably find fewer couples on their own.

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Because you're clueless about how badly human feces and urine can ruin a coastal or ocean ecosystem? Do some research on how fecal pollution "dilutes" and what it exactly takes to clean the water. Same goes for any body of water. Dog, cat, goose poop is a major issue in fresh water. Maybe this can unblow your mind about human pollution? Dumping waste can literally kill a sizable area of life in the water.


Wow. Abrasive much? :blink:


(Pro-cupcake & kilt/anti dog, cat, & goose living in the wild--it's clearly bad for the environment to have all of that nature stuff going on!)

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Did you guys see that one of the buses broke down and then one of the airplanes had electrical problems and was delayed? I would want to draw a Ven diagram and write all the names into it. If you managed to be on the cruise, in the bus, and on that plane, please never travel with me.




My friends were on the bus that broke down. They are home and in good health and spirits. I hope to see them alter today.

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Wow. Abrasive much? :blink:


(Pro-cupcake & kilt/anti dog, cat, & goose living in the wild--it's clearly bad for the environment to have all of that nature stuff going on!)


No just saying facts. Ever hear of the health department testing the water in your town/city? Domestic pet waste is very damaging. Same goes for certain geese that don't migrate because they were introduced for hunting. They poop a pound a day and when they stay year round they contaminate areas quickly.

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I am friends with a couple who were on it. They got home today. They report that it wasn't as bad as the media made it out to be. But this friend has an awesome ability to chill/go with the flow and a great way to see the humor in life.



I think a lot of how awful it was depended on a lot of things. If it were just me and I was on an upper floor and didn't have to go to work...then it would be like camping on a cruise. If it was my dh and I and kids were being watched by a family member then there may have been a bit of worry just wanting to make sure everyone home was ok. If it was my whole family and food could not be safe for my food allergic child and she was starving because she couldn't eat anything then it would have been a horrible experience. If medication had run out for dd (she has epilepsy) it would have been a very very scary experience. If I had a baby and had limited formula and diapers as some families were said to have experience it would have been a nightmare. So I think that experiences really depended on the situation per person on the ship. I think that the overall impression for the majority is that is was a very smelly mildly inconvenient adventure at sea. But there are families that had nightmare experiences because of things like med needs and older persons who couldn't handle the lines ect for food, of course the media is going to latch onto the nightmare experiences.

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