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I am waiting! Update on #23. Updated again! #43


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Youngest son and his wife are at the hospital. There should be a new grandbaby today!


Bathrooms need cleanng, ironing needs to be done and I just can't focus on anything!

Don't know if it's a boy or girl as they wanted to surprise us all. If this is a boy, it will be the first one of this generation to carry on the family name.


Update on #23.

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Wow, what self restraint you have! I'd be at the hospital waiting for the exciting news.






I have always stayed home and waited for the new parents to call us. However, 4 of the 6 we have were born in a state I don't live in. The last 2 and now this one are local..............and it's snowing.


I guess I should just go clean the bathroom.

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My parents and in-laws were at the hospital while I was in labor with my first. They were all a wreck! All other babies I had we didn't tell anyone when I was in labor. We just called them after the baby was born. My mil told me she liked that arrangement much better because then she wasn't anxious and worried for hours. She could just go about her day in ignorance and then get a happy phone call.


Congrats! Hope all goes well.

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We have a baby boy! Our very excited son finally called at 12:50 am! Roman James Theodore was born at 12:04 am.

9 pounds 4 oz and 21.5 inches long. He was a couple days over due, but still that's a big baby.


I do not know why 2 middle names, but I will find out today!

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We have a baby boy! Our very excited son finally called at 12:50 am! Roman James Theodore was born at 12:04 am.

9 pounds 4 oz and 21.5 inches long. He was a couple days over due, but still that's a big baby.


I do not know why 2 middle names, but I will find out today!




Congratulations! We await the picture.



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Thank you all. I am so not very sure I will post pictures. Actually, I haven't been able to since the board changed. it tells me to resize them and I have no clue how to do that. I am a 7 time grandma now. There is only so much my brain can figure out these days!


Off to shower and then to the hospital and hold him! DH is out snowblowing. Of course we are having a snowstorm this weekend.

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UPdate. Just got back from the hospital, via the fabric store for more flannel blankets now that we know it's a boy!


I found out while I was there, my nephew and his wife had their first baby about 2 hours after our son and his wife had their's1


I am a Grandma and a Great Aunt all in the same day.


Ok, iti's not the first for either, but it's still great they will have the same birthday.

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UPdate. Just got back from the hospital, via the fabric store for more flannel blankets now that we know it's a boy!


I found out while I was there, my nephew and his wife had their first baby about 2 hours after our son and his wife had their's1


I am a Grandma and a Great Aunt all in the same day.


Ok, iti's not the first for either, but it's still great they will have the same birthday.

How fun! My husband's sisters had babies within 16 hours of each other ... one in the evening and the other the next morning, but it's still pretty cool for the cousins to be so close in age (they were born a few days before m-i-l's birthday, so it's a big week now in our family).

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