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Ugh. Gallbladder issues. I don't know what to do.


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I lost 50 pounds over the last year doing a low carb, high veggie fiber and protein diet. I ate healthy fats and animal fats (mostly dairy bc most other proteins were lean proteins).


I lost 15 of those lbs over about 8 months and then 35 lbs over the next 4 months.


I've 2 incidents in the last 2 months when I was in so much pain I went to the ER. 1 st time diagnosis was gastritis after bunches of tests, including portable ultrasound which did NOT show gallstones.


2nd time, portable ultrasound showed gallstones, as did a second US on a big machine.


Both times, they gave me dilaudid for the pain, after trying a gastric cocktail.


So now what? I don't have a doc, let alone a surgeon. The ER doc said it would be elective surgery since there is not inflammation or infection.


Any BTDT advice? I'd like personal and familial experiences, if possible. I've been looking online so I'd rather hear from people who have been thru it.


thanks in advance!

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FInd a doctor, and make an appt asap. That may be a few weeks. In the meantime, pray that you don't have another attack!


I went to the ER and they scheduled my gallbladder to be removed the next day but then I had a liver infection. So several more ER visits and a few months later I had the gallbladder out!

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I hate that gallbladder removal is called "elective" surgery. Whoever made that up had obviously never had a gallbladder attack. I had my gallbladder out exactly a year ago ....after having an attack in Christmas night. I only waited a month between the attack and having it out because I did NOT want to have another. It was a horrid experience where I ended up in the ER curled in the fetal position with an attack that lasted 8 hours and only went away when they gave me IV painkillers. I was terrified because I had a 2 month old nursing baby so I was afraid of what drugs would effect her, etc. The ultrasound in the ER showed definite gallstones. But even if it doesn't show stones, a gallbladder can still be diseased. My dad and sister have had theirs out and they didn't have stones, but theirs quit working and showed gangrene.


I'd find a dr and a surgeon. I managed to keep the attacks at bay by cutting out nearly all fats during the month between the attack and the surgery, but I was constant afraid of it happening again.


And the recovery was a breeze. I was up walking around within 15 minutes of waking. I never even took a painkiller.

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FInd a doctor, and make an appt asap. That may be a few weeks. In the meantime, pray that you don't have another attack!


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


Go find a doctor. ASAP.


My insurance did not consider gall bladder surgery an elective.


I started having issues after several months on a low-fat diet (Medifast). It used to be thought that high-fat food caused the gall stones, but my gastrointerologist said it is no longer (although the surgeon still seemed to think it is a cause). I'm three weeks post-op and glad that I don't have to worry about having an attack again.

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FInd a doctor, and make an appt asap. That may be a few weeks. In the meantime, pray that you don't have another attack!


:iagree: They can become emergencies too, DH's was missed twice when in the ER for chest pain and became an emergency surgery when it was discovered that he had an intermittent complete blockage and was at risk for rupture.

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FInd a doctor, and make an appt asap. That may be a few weeks. In the meantime, pray that you don't have another attack!


I went to the ER and they scheduled my gallbladder to be removed the next day but then I had a liver infection. So several more ER visits and a few months later I had the gallbladder out!


:iagree: Gallbladders can turn from chronic to acute very quickly. A lady from my church died from complications of a diseased gallbladder.

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FInd a doctor, and make an appt asap. That may be a few weeks. In the meantime, pray that you don't have another attack!


I had my gallbladder removed when my 3rd daughter was 8months old. I suffered through the attacks for 3 months because i was not presenting with the right symptoms or pain location. I eventually ended up having it removed. Ironically, the same daughter had her gallbladder removed when she was 5 yrs old. Again it was a struggle to get the doctors to run the tests.


Currently, 6 year old is starting to show signs of inflammation...

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First, I'm sorry you're going through that. It is no fun.


I had mine taken out after my DD was born. I was going through a case of Maalox a week, thinking it was an ulcer. There were two emergency trips to the ER (one by ambulance) because I actually thought I was having a heart attack. After multiple testing, they finally found gallstones (I didn't fit the "profile" of someone with gall stones). It was a simple surgery, and I was back on my feet almost immediately.


You don't want to play around with this. It can get dangerous really fast. I hope you're feeling better very soon!

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My husband had an attack 2 years ago on New Year's Eve. My oldest daughter drove him to the ER in the middle of a blizzard because the ambulance wouldn't come out. :glare:


By the time they figured out what was going on, he had turned septic. He ended up on IV antibiotics for 2 days before they operated.


The sooner you take care of this, the better. :grouphug:

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I can't imagine how much money I spent on antacids before I went to a doctor. I had to have surgery. While I was waiting the week for surgery the doctor told me not to eat any fat if I did't want another attack. He said bread and water seem to work well. :crying: I know I did much better eating small amounts and mostly chicken and cooked carrots, rice that sort of thing. Some people say they can eat low fat and do okay but you may beyond that now. :grouphug:

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My dh was unable to function for over 3 months...so sick he couldn't work. Turned out it was a bad gallbladder. He was back to work less than 2 weeks after having it removed. I have never heard it called elective surgery. Keep going to your doctor until they advise it be removed. And call insurance ask specifically if is covered. Do not downplay your symptoms.

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I can't imagine how much money I spent on antacids before I went to a doctor. I had to have surgery. While I was waiting the week for surgery the doctor told me not to eat any fat if I did't want another attack. He said bread and water seem to work well. :crying: I know I did much better eating small amounts and mostly chicken and cooked carrots, rice that sort of thing. Some people say they can eat low fat and do okay but you may beyond that now. :grouphug:


DH was beyond that by the time he figured out it was gallbladder. Small meals did help tho.

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I'm the gallbladder nurse LOL seriosly sometimes the doctors depend on the test HIDA scan and stuff for diagnosis. I've had to talk doctors several times into calling a gallbladder attack just that. I've seen patients come in with ruptures because they had several attackes but the doctors didn't get the criteria diagnostily to do anything about it. To many e/r visit without surgery then major rupture, septis etc. Please schedule your surgery. I'm sorry that sometimes the medical field doesn't make since. Its all about reimbursement (money) now those doctors have to have certain things that insurance, medicare etc dictate before anything will get done. I hope that you will be able to get the elective surgery. I

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Thanks, everyone. This is one of those RARE threads where everyone agrees. LOL.


I'm so scared. Scared of another attack. Scared of surgery.


Plus I told DH I don't have time for a surgery but I guess I REALLY wouldn't have time for an infection, sepsis, rupture, etc...


And what about my weight loss? I don't want to gain back what I lost and I did so well on a low carb diet without limiting fats.



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Dh had been sick for well over a year even before he got too sick to work ( he got mono on top of gallbladder being bad). He didn't realize how bad it was until he got the gallbladder out. I don't really think your weight will be affected by having your gall bladder out. Have it out.....it was so worth it to dh.

It was out patient. Recovery was fast.

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There is a "gallbladder diet". I think you start with a strict diet, then gradually add things in. Perhaps this would calm your gallbladder. If there are stones, there is a supposed to be a way to flush those too. Can you consult a naturopath? They would probably have various non-surgical options for you.

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There is a "gallbladder diet". I think you start with a strict diet, then gradually add things in. Perhaps this would calm your gallbladder. If there are stones, there is a supposed to be a way to flush those too. Can you consult a naturopath? They would probably have various non-surgical options for you.


This is true. I have heard it doesn't work, but might be worth a try if you are really scared of surgery. Dh did not have that option because his was not stones but diseased.

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Thanks everyone!


I do have those capsules, treestarfae, and I am drinking peppermint tea.


I don't think it's gastritis, too. That was just the diagnosis from the ER the first time bc they couldn't find anything else.


I don't know the size of stones. The report said multiple stones. Pretty lame.


Scarlett, I'm glad your DH is better! You guys went thru a rough patch!


I wonder about the stress relationship. Because both times I went to the ER I had horrible days, really upset and crying about situations with the kids. I was convinced the first time it was an abdominal migraine. Otherwise, why would the dilaudid help if my gallbladder didn't change? KWIM?

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Just to encourage you.... You may still be ably to stay on your weight loss diet. I have zero trouble with fats or any other type of food after having my gallbladder out. My parents have no issues either.


I was terrified of surgery as I'd never been put to sleep before. When I woke up and got out of the bed, I looked at the nurse and said "that's it?" LOL. It really was a breeze (for me anyways). No pain meds at all afterwards and I was up and walking in 15 minutes.

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ETA....the dilaudid helped because it helped your body relax enough for the gallbladder spasms to quit. My spasms lasted for eight hours until I got pain meds in the ER. They only stopped after I had IV Fentanyl followed by two Vicodin. Then they didn't return (had surgery a month later).

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Thanks, everyone. This is one of those RARE threads where everyone agrees. LOL.


I'm so scared. Scared of another attack. Scared of surgery.


Plus I told DH I don't have time for a surgery but I guess I REALLY wouldn't have time for an infection, sepsis, rupture, etc...


And what about my weight loss? I don't want to gain back what I lost and I did so well on a low carb diet without limiting fats.



I haven't finished the tread, but once I came to this one, I felt I had to respond. I had my gall bladder out about 10 years ago. The surgery itself was easy peasy and I was home the next day. However, I had developed pancreatitis as a result of not following up on months of these weird attacks -- I ended being hospitalized for 5 days while they got the pancreatitis under control. Surgery was on Friday morning, I went home Saturday (was admitted on Monday). Please please get this taken care of before something worse happens. At the time that I was hospitalized I had a nursing 6 month old who REFUSED bottles!! It was a very trying week!


But the number one reason I wanted to respond is your concern about LCHF eating: I've been doing it on and off for all the years since my gallbladder came out -- NO problems whatsoever!! So I wanted to encourage you that you won't necessarily have to give up your way of eating. Is eating fat "supposed" to affect you badly if you have no gallbladder? I am here to say that it has not affected me at all.



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