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What was your favorite thing about yesterday?


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-My horses loaded nicely into their new slant load trailer, having never ridden in that kind before, that the previous owners kindly delivered to me. And my normally 'crazy in a trailer' horse was the most calm I'd ever seen him in a trailer. He was quiet and still like a kid getting a big firm hug after having a melt down. I was so happy for him because I bought it with the thought that he would do better in that kind. I'm so glad I was right on that assumption.


-My DD and I had a fabulous time at 4-H that morning and enjoyed ourselves so much that I was almost late getting to the meet up point for our local town parade that I planned to ride in, lol.


-I almost didn't get to ride in said parade, because I'd forgotten to take my coggins test out of my trailer, that DH had taken back home with the other two horses to unload for me and then bring back to town so that we could load the horses at the end and take others horses back to their trailers. The vet knew me but the parade official didn't. I explained it was my first time and I was so excited about it and forgot to pull it out...they didn't have to let me ride, but I was the only person in my group that would have been unable to...They let me go though since he did have a microchip and my groups owner vouched for me.




-I was glad there were such nice people to help me when I realized that the ball on my truck was just slightly smaller than the ball I needed for the new trailer with two horses loaded that weren't even mine! But that I thought it was right and I'd been running around all day like that!


-And my favorite part: that my DH is such a good fella to just run here and there to help me with my crazy horse passion even though he doesn't really ride :)


So how about you? What did you enjoy about yesterday?

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I finally put some Christmas decorations out and listened toChristmas music. I have been having a hard time getting into the spirit this year for no particular reason.


My oldest came home to spend the night.


I had some Asti Spumanti.


I vacuumed down all the cobwebs with dh's help. He got out the ladder and brought up the vacuum with him. :lol:


The house was clean so I got to take some time to relax.


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My oldest was accepted to his dream college.


All four kids played soccer and had a blast.


Had a late night snack at one of our favorite restaurants with our best friends while waiting for our middle schoolers to come out of The Hobbit.


But the best--lots of hugs from my six year old.


(And one more thing--My 72 year old father got himself an iPhone and has started texting. It is so fun to get his random thoughts throughout the day. I really have wonderful, loving, and cool parents.)

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I finally put some Christmas decorations out and listened toChristmas music. I have been having a hard time getting into the spirit this year for no particular reason.

Me too but I'd lost my best friend last year and this was her absolute favorite time of the year... I really only put up the Christmas tree and the Nativity...no lights outside, but a lot of that was due to the weather and time.


I had some Asti Spumanti.

Tell me more! :)


I vacuumed down all the cobwebs with dh's help. He got out the ladder and brought up the vacuum with him. :lol:

Nice! I hate the little cobwebs...I don't like spiders, but I like them to eat the bugs...so I pretend they aren't up there


The house was clean so I got to take some time to relax.

Isn't that nice!


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My oldest was accepted to his dream college. Awesome! Congrats!


All four kids played soccer and had a blast. Love soccer!


Had a late night snack at one of our favorite restaurants with our best friends while waiting for our middle schoolers to come out of The Hobbit.


But the best--lots of hugs from my six year old. Can't beat that!


(And one more thing--My 72 year old father got himself an iPhone and has started texting. It is so fun to get his random thoughts throughout the day. I really have wonderful, loving, and cool parents.)

That is so neat!


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Walking around Colonial Williamsburg with dh, dd9, and ds7 looking at the Christmas decorations. We enjoyed ourselves so much we are planning on getting an annual pass.


I also gave giant bear hugs to both kids throughout the day as I found myself thinking about the shooting and tearing up.


And, I finished the Christmas shopping for the kids and dh!

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Great pic, CountryGirl! Love your horse's spangled ankles. Thanks! I was actually planning on putting alot more things on him, but I got a little distraught about the whole coggins issue that I forgot to add more, lol. Next year though he'll be decked out! I loved his jingle bells though. They sounded so lovely jingling along.


Best thing about my yesterday - scored on a Christmas present for ds - good idea, good price - it rarely comes that easily! Wonderful!


And just having all the kids at home for a while is really nice. :)


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We participated in the Christmas Bird Count with our local Audobon Society. So it was neat for me, someone with virtually no experience bird watching to see all of the birds in our city with people who knew where to look and what we were seeing. There were some very large and rare birds even that I had no clue about and wouldn't have noticed on my own! So that was really cool.

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We went to the tree farm and got our Christmas tree. An annual tradition where we walk around the entire place then end up picking one of the first trees we looked at. Because you can't just jump out of your car and grab the first one. Anyway it was also nice that we got a 7' tree this year instead of the 10' we've had the last couple years. That was just too big. This year's tree is just right. And we got it all decorated last night too.

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After a busy day running errands, I had a very nice and quiet evening painting peg dolls for my kids. :)


I just wanted to say, I like your avatar, lol


I thought we'd have a nice quiet evening while the kids were gone caroling with the youth at our church, but alas, it's been raining since 2pm and that will not happen. Tis okay though. I'm about to head to my room, after I put the chili on to cook and watch a movie while I try and sort through a lot of my kindle books to add to my dd's new Kindle she'll get for Christmas :)

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I awoke to day 3 of a bronchial infection to find my entire kitchen cleaned, laundry going, and house picked up...all done by our sons!! Spent the day in front of the TV watching Psych on Netflix, having a fire made in our woodstove and stoked regularly, a fresh Diet Coke brought when I needed a refill, and when I said I was so sorry our day had been ruined I was reassured by all 5 kids that it was perfectly fine and they were happy anyway to just stay home and have a Do Nothing Day.


All in all, a pretty nice way to spend a day with the people I love most!



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My daughters took time off in all of their individual events! The older took a half-second off her 200 free, *seven* seconds off her 200 IM (!!), and a second off her 50 free. The younger took two seconds off her 50 free, a second off her 100 back, and *seven* seconds (!!) off her 100 fly. More, they had a good time.

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I made a pan of biscuits that we could actually eat!!!! They were so big and fluffy :) Sometimes my biscuits go straight from the over to the trash, LOL


I'm a born and raised southern gal and it took me a while to get the hang of them once I really started cooking (ie after I got married lol,) But I married a Yank...who has only started eating them in the last few years or so, lol. :tongue_smilie: the kids love them though

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Love the pic, CountryGirl! :)


Yesterday was not a great day, but it ended well. I enjoyed reading Christmas stories to DD4 at bedtime and then rocking and singing her to sleep (not something I do much anymore, but she requested it :001_wub: ). DS9 and I had a great talk before he went to sleep too. So I was glad that we were able to salvage the day by bedtime. ;)

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yesterday was saturday.


there were 12 people here putting siding on our house.

dh ran out of gas going to town to get plywood.

he'd forgotten his phone, and was to be back to drive youngest to dance.


he called from home depot, i went out to drive her, and had to pump up a flat tire first.

arrived to find dance studio locked tight.


dh met me, took my car to get the tire fixed, the dance instructor arrived, rehearsal went well, and the workers were all gone when we got home.


dh made dinner, which was yummy, and then the girls both played violin in their christmas concert. which was wonderful.


and today is sunday. (aren't i doing well?!)


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It was my birthday :-).


DS went to hockey and scored 2 goals and "stole" the puck from the coach- he's just beginning and not very good (really, just a beginner skater) but he's so proud of how far he's come (so are we but better for him to be proud of himself. He has anxiety about adult led activites so this is huge for hm to be doing and enjoying. We need to get hm a helmet; he's borrowing one but they don't have one that fits him with the mask. He's fast enough now that this will matter :-).


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Loved your picture. The horse is beautiful.


Yesterday...hubby and I took care of our grand daughter for several hours. Lots of giggles and grins..it was great. Then the kids sent us out on a date. What can be better than time with the dh. We had dinner and did some Christmas shopping.

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I'm loving reading about the things in your day! Makes me smile and we all need more smiles!


Today...since it's almost over for me, lol, our new mare Cadence is letting us pet her and walk up to her in the field. She is not flinching from us.


and our neighbor helped DH redo the ball and hitch since the auto zone people put the ball upside down on the hitch, thus makking my trailer sit lower in the front.


Oh and my good friend offered to help me with the Christmas program at church.

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I love your picture, CountryGirl!


Yesterday was a fun day! I got to use my new KitchenAid mixer for the first time.


Ds9 placed 1st in the Pokemon City Championships. Ds12 placed 5th in his division. Ds9 won all 4 rounds! He got a super cool trophy and 18 packs. :)


We had Sonic to celebrate.


It was a good day!

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My day hasnt started well. DH was not very nice to me this morning so I came to read a little to find something more uplifting to think about while I'm waiting on the grout to dry in the bathroom...boy, that's a run-on sentence! :)


But I am glad for my children who see a need and offer to help. They are sweet.

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