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Would welcome prayers and good thoughts tomorrow. Br**st surgeon consult at 3:45.

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I so far have had 2 digital mamms and an ultrasound soooooo...next step is biopsy. I am trying not to worry but gosh darnit, I have 4 kiddos and I selfishly want to be the one to raise them!!!! :sad:


Don't worry. Fight! Those kiddos are your will to live.


I know that is easier said then done. The mind is very powerful in the fight against cancer. You can do it.


I will be praying for you as well.


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It's been nearly 2 years since I had my biopsy. Happily, it was benign. Do you know what type you are having? The one I had was with the rubicore - just had a local and it literally only took about 10 minutes. Recovery time was pretty quick without any real pain.


Remember, most biopsies are benign.



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They did not do the biopsy yesterday. She was running 2 1/2 hours behind schedule. But on review of my films, she saw not 1 but 2 spots and also felt an enlarged lymph node under my arm. She said she is pretty sure we are looking at cancer even without the biopsy. But then went on to say "we won't worry until after the biopsy" Well, after her saying it's probably cancer I am a little worried. Crazy woman!! So they are supposed to call today to get everything set up.


Sorry I did't update last night. By the time we got home from KC I was just exhausted and pretty much went straight to my room to do some "fetal position therapy" (term my sister uses for just not being able to deal with anything and pulling the covers over your head).


Thank you all so much for the prayers and good thoughts. Keep them coming, it looks like I am going to need them.

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But then went on to say "we won't worry until after the biopsy" Well, after her saying it's probably cancer I am a little worried. Crazy woman!!


Crazy woman indeed! There is no possible way for you to not worry now---if you were able to not worry before. So in view of that, let me tell you the one thing that helped my mom through breast cancer. (she is almost 5 years past diagnosis and doing great). Her oncologist said, 'This treatment period is just something you have to get through in order to get back to your regular life.' And that is how she tried to view it....she is not all PollyAnna, but she is just practical in the sense of 'do what you can, and try to put the rest of it out of your mind.' I also believe in positive attitude helping the body to heal.




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Wow. What inappropriate bedside manner.


Keep in mind that doctors can be wrong. I've seen it happen multiple times. One recent example: Had a friend with a benign tumor removed from the brain. Follow up scans after a few months showed additional "spots," that the docs were almost sure were cancer. They weren't.

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Sometimes I wish I could install an edit button on all human beings, including myself, so that when the stoopid button gets pushed, there would be a way to rewind the moment and take it all back. Ick! I just hate what you're having to endure now, and I know you must be worried sick. Please go easy on your spirit in the coming days. Do things that take your mind off the anxiety -- goofy movies, ice cream, fun music, picnics -- and know that the prayers and good wishes are still coming your way.

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(((Sunflower))) I'm so sorry you had to deal with an insensitive doctor. WOW! Clearly she's never had any kind of scare herself.


I will be praying the biopsy turns up nothing. I'd say try not to worry, but that would be stupid. When I'm worried, I find making lists - lots and lots of lists to be helpful.

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