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What was the first thing you said when...


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I've got one with a full license. And another with a permit. And another counting the days until he can take the class.'


First thing I said?


"Crap, I'm old."




"I have been driving for 30 years. You have been driving for 10 minutes. I have the power. If you choose to argue or not listen to me while we are in prison together over your driving hours, you don't drive. Got it? Good."

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I told my son that any idiot can drive fast but it takes skill to go slow and maneuver nicely into a tight parking spot. :laugh:


I have to say it really helped that at the time, we were living on a few acres and ds started to drive in an old junker on the property when he was 12. I nearly had a stroke at first but dh thought it would help tremendously and he was right. By the time, we drove out of the driveway for the first time, he had a pretty good handle on driving.

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"I think I'm going to need a Mike's after this" then calmly gave instructions to a 15 year old saying ' I know mom, I know mom, I know mom, Calm down mom, I know mom, stop getting so hysterical mom." I was scared. We live in the county and roads are narrow, new drivers tend to turn wide. I thought for sure we would be in a ditch before we got onto a main road. I was shaking by the time we got home but I did calm down a bit after the first few times out.

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I've got one with a full license. And another with a permit. And another counting the days until he can take the class.'


First thing I said?


"Crap, I'm old."




"I have been driving for 30 years. You have been driving for 10 minutes. I have the power. If you choose to argue or not listen to me while we are in prison together over your driving hours, you don't drive. Got it? Good."


What she said! Repeatedly...ad nauseum.....

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mine don't have their permit yet but I imagine my first words will be along the the lines of "you crash, I'll kill you...good luck sweetie" Followed by "slow down! slow down!" while pushing the invisible brake pedal on the passenger side.



I yell..."Stay on the road!! STAY ON THE ROAD!!!". A lot! Oh, And watch the mailbox....Ugh!!!!

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I think the first thing I said was, "seatbelts are on, you can start the car now."


In NC, they first drive with a driving instructor, before they get their permit. Weird, right? So I knew that they knew how to drive. It was a matter of nerves over driving with mom and probably the first time in months they had driven. I also make them drive home from the driver's license office. (Jump on that horse and ride it now.) The office we go to is not the one closest to our house but it is the one where they seem to be really nice and is much less busy. And it's 3/4 hour from home as well.

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Well, DS is only 8 and got behind the wheel the first time when he was 7. He can drive well enough that I have him drive while we empty/load the truck with hay and such while we are on our property. The first thing I did was review which pedal was the brake and which is the gas. He does really well and I am thankful that we have the opportunity for him to get used to handling a vehicle before he is at the age to drive on the road and in traffic.

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In NC, they first drive with a driving instructor, before they get their permit. Weird, right?


I actually think that is a good idea. My birthday fell at an odd time and I was able to take drivers ed before I was old enough to get my permit. I think it helped a lot and I did not develop bad habits from a freaked out parent.

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Well...I'll be there in about 2 weeks. Actually I have let her drive up our long, steep gravel driveway. It was a poor choice for her first experience. (it is hard for experienced drivers to get up it without gunning the engine) It scared her more than me!


My mother...she said hold on, let me open this beer :glare: Yes, she had a six pack of beer to get her through the experience. :driving: Needless to say, it didn't go well, and my now dh is the one that actually taught me to drive.

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I actually let him drive home from the DMV. I said, "Okay, Let's go home. You can do this. We'll take some side roads untl you get more comfortable."



My dad let me drive home from work the first day I had my permit. I had never driven before in my life and well lets say my dad's face was white by the time we got home and my brother jumped out of the car and said something like "(*&( I will never drive with you again." My dad gave up teaching me how to drive after a few weeks and let me drive to work and back by myself before I had my license.

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I don't think I said anything. But ds had started driving with dh first. They covered the basics for about a month before I was ready for ds to drive to school. I will say it's a lot more work than you'd expect. I had to be more watchful than when I drive myself. I had to be a couple steps ahead so I could advise him on how to approach a situation. It was exhausting. Ds gave me a big compliment one day. He said all his friends talked about how their parents were screamers but that I hadn't screamed at him. That even surprised me. I never thought I'd be a good driving trainer; I tend to freak out. I had always assumed it would be dh's job. After all, he taught me to drive and we're still married! :laugh:


I did scream once, though, and it was warranted. We were at a red light on a hill. Ds decided to put the car into neutral. (He was not yet driving a stick but wanted to very badly.) When the light turned green he'd forgotten the car was in neutral and he took his foot off the brake to press the gas. We rolled back. I screamed.


I think it really helped that ds was already 16yo when he got his permit and that he was very cautious. At least at first. He was aware enough to notice he went through different phases of development in his driving--cautious at first, eventually getting confident, then a little too confident, then backing off to be a little more cautious. And I think our (dh and I) not yelling at him helped him be more open to our advice and instruction.


Good luck to your friend! Our second is nearing 15yo and he wants to drive sooner than his brother did. :svengo: (He's a more cautious sort to begin with, though, so hopefully I won't add too many more gray hairs!)

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Honestly, it was just; start the car keeping your foot on the brake. Now when you take your foot off the brake the car will start rolling. Slowly take your foot off the brake. Now slowly put your foot back on the brake. SLowly! That is how you stop. Do not just mash any of these pedals HARD or FAST. Okay, again, foot off brake. Now, very slowly put your foot on the gas pedal and push it a TINY bit....


It really wasn't all that traumatic. One drove in an empty parking lot. Another kid drove in an empty field. Nothing of any entertainment value.

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Well, DS is only 8 and got behind the wheel the first time when he was 7. He can drive well enough that I have him drive while we empty/load the truck with hay and such while we are on our property. The first thing I did was review which pedal was the brake and which is the gas. He does really well and I am thankful that we have the opportunity for him to get used to handling a vehicle before he is at the age to drive on the road and in traffic.


That's kind of cool. Ds14 talks about the times he tried to drive the car at that age (as in tried to steal my car) he never got far, thankfully right behind out driveway across the alley back then was an open field, that's all I am going to say about that. WHen heput it in gear in my aunt's driveway and backed into her hedge that didn't go so well. He does fondly remember the times I needed him behind the wheel while I pushed the car out of the driveway in deep snow, and the time I let him sit on my knee to drive down an empty street one day. That's why I imagine my reaction will be what it will be. I have seen him try to drive lol Your ds will be an expert by the time he takes his road test.

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My daughter is doing her driving test in an hour to get her 2nd level permit (allows her to drive alone), but I remember the first day we drove after she got her 1st level permit.


When she was in driver's ed, the parents had to take a 3-hour class to help support their soon-to-be new drivers, so I repeated what I learned in that class to my daughter.


I said, "I promise to try very hard to not repeat things THREE times." Except for one time in the last 6 months when she scared the pants off me when I screamed, "STOP, STOP, STOP", I have kept my promise. LOL



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