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10 ft. fully decorated tree fell over.

Cindy in FL.

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I'm sorry, that must be a mess.


But for some reason, I find it HILARIOUS. So thanks for the chuckle. :)



Yeah I feel really horrible to say I smiled VERY big when I saw this thread. Not laughed, because I'm not awake enough yet. So i'm sorry for smiling big at your mishap. Stuff like this happens to me though. Maybe that's why I think it's funny. Because I have grown accustomed to laughing at things I do otherwise I'd be crying or pissed off all day long.

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It is funny... now that the tree is back up. I called my ds 30 and told him he had to come over right away because the tree had fallen over. I was sort of stuck underneath it trying to help the other kids hold it up. My oldest told me he thought it was the dead tree by the house, so it was anticlimactic for him. He brought his chainsaw and it was tempting to have him dispose of the Christmas tree!


You have to have the right tree stand for these big trees! Off to vacuum up the needles and broken ornaments and redecorate.

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Oh no! What a bother.


We had that happen one year. Of course, it also happened to be the year we bought the "torture tree". So named because the needles caused a bad reaction on all our hands! It was painful just to decorate the darn thing and then a few days later it fell over! Oddly enough it was also the only year my kids didn't change the bulbs around over and over again. ;)

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It's happened to my family several times also! One year Mom was almost pinned down as she tried to get under it to stop the fall. We were all laughing too hard and screaming to be much help! Another time, the cat knocked over the tree, the fish bowl, and ATE the fish between Santa's visit and Christmas morning. That was one WILD morning! :laugh:

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It is funny... now that the tree is back up. I called my ds 30 and told him he had to come over right away because the tree had fallen over. I was sort of stuck underneath it trying to help the other kids hold it up. My oldest told me he thought it was the dead tree by the house, so it was anticlimactic for him. He brought his chainsaw and it was tempting to have him dispose of the Christmas tree!


You have to have the right tree stand for these big trees! Off to vacuum up the needles and broken ornaments and redecorate.


Ok, this is hilarious!

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We always used fishing line to secure our tree to the wall. We had a huge picture window we always put the tree in front of, so the line was attached to the tree & wall at about 2 ft. above the floor.


My grandparents' house had a high ceiling (but not a cathedral ceiling), and I remember one year when I was a young adult, helping to put up their tree along with my other cousins & aunts & uncles around my age. The tree that year was a bit tippy, so we used fishing line and attached it to the ceiling.

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The first Christmas my husband and I were married, we were building our house entirely by ourselves. We were living with no walls and subfloor. Our tree made us feel almost normal. Until it came crashing down THREE times!! Nearly all of our ornaments broke, even the Disney ones we got on our honeymoon :(. I am so Nervous buying any ornaments that may break.

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Just get some fishing line or string (if you can hide it) and loop it around the trunk. Pin to the wall. It'll never fall down again. That's what we used to do when we had naughty cats.


Yes, this is what we do. Ds's first Christmas, there was a tree farm that had gone belly up, and the people that bought the property were selling the" cut your own trees" for $5 any size. We got a huge, 9 ft tree (about 4 ft around) and it fell over after decorating, too. We started the fishing line to the wall that year and have used it several times!

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What kind of tree stands are you all using? We have never had a tree fall over. Our tree stand is something very similar to this:



But it only holds an 8 ft tree.


I was just curious. Back to kitten blaming. ;)

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Ds got some kind that's welded and is for large trees. The screws that hold the tree have flat disks on the ends of them and it has 4 prongs that stick into the bottom of the tree. It is amazingly more stable than the other one we had. I can even move the tree by myself, though I probably shouldn't as that is what got me in trouble in the first place... or was that the cat?

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I'm sorry, that must be a mess.


But for some reason, I find it HILARIOUS. So thanks for the chuckle. :)


Ugh, I don't. :( If my tree fell over I would freak out. I have collected ornaments through my entire 12 year marriage and it would be heartbreaking to see so many break at once. I've had breakages happen every now and then but if my tree fell over I know a bunch of them would break. I saw this thread title and I just cringed. I hope the damage isn't too bad or too sentimental.

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It's happened to my family several times also! One year Mom was almost pinned down as she tried to get under it to stop the fall. We were all laughing too hard and screaming to be much help! Another time, the cat knocked over the tree, the fish bowl, and ATE the fish between Santa's visit and Christmas morning. That was one WILD morning! :laugh:



Most excellent work by your cat! It would have my my SIL's dog proud. That was the dog who ate the Christmas ham and barfed it up all over my inlaws carpeting.

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christopher radko was a teenish/20something when he knocked over his parents christmas tree loaded with antique glass ornaments. needless to say, there was much breakage. but that's what sparked him to start his company when it was the only way he could replace the ones he broke.


so, you really can make an opportunity of it.

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My dh isn't going to be "allowed" a big tree anymore either. I wanted a lovely 6 ft. tree.


I am so sorry. That happened to my mom the year she had an 11 ft tree. Very sad that she lost some beautiful ornaments/memories. We were suprised she didn't lose more. She hasn't been "allowed" an 11 ft tree since.

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This happened to us once when I was a kid in a most epic way. It took my mom and her boyfriend something like 3 hours to get the tree to stand up in the first place. Then, they finally did and we (the kids) insisted on decorating it. Finally, way past everyone's bedtime, it was done. It was beautiful. My mom turned off the lights and we all went, "Ah.... AHHHH!" Literally as we were doing the ooh for the pretty tree, the whole thing toppled over and it went from an admiring ooh, to a screech of horror as it crashed.


It is, of course, a favorite story still.

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Guest inoubliable

I see I'm not the first to bring up the wall anchor bit with fishing line. We had a few trees fall when I was a kid - yep, a cat was to blame - and at some point my parents figured out that we were going to have to start anchoring them.

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