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And the not so good news (Adrian)

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Oh, honey. (((Joanne)))


I am awed that you manage to even get out of bed in morning... let alone to transform so many aspects of your life - achieving such amazing things... and helping so many with your work.


What is Adrian's cognitive prognosis? From what you've said before, I got the impression that the brain damage is permanent, but I was hoping I might be wrong. If, by some miracle, his liver issues were stabilized, could some of the cognitive impairment be reversed? I know that wouldn't mean you'd get the old Adrian back, but could he be more functional then, or a little more mentally present?


Darling, you are living my worst nightmare... and with such grace and courage it takes my breath away.


You are in my heart and prayers. Take care of yourself, my dear.


Last night, my oldest and I took him to the hospital where the liver specialist is. I can't access the specialist unless I pay OOP. We haven't seen him since May. So, I took him to that ER, knowing they'd have to evaluate us. I realize it was financially irresponsible. I.don't.care. Well, it's not that I don't care. It's that my need for answers that might lead to a more manageable life trumped my caring about the bill.


The ER "got it." I told him quite frankly I why I chose that facility. In leaving the ER room, he said to me "So, the only way to access the specialist is if he is admitted?" I answered "yes". The Dr. then ordered a BUNCH of blood tests, which signified to me that he was looking for a justifyable way to admit him.


He was admitted. The long term brain effects are one of the questions I plan on asking the liver specialist. That Dr. once said he's seen people with a new liver "come all the way back from coma" but that is HARD to believe when he operates at the level he does. It's hard to describe; the compromised functioning of the good days.


It's like a severe Aspie/Forest Gump.


I will post an update after I've spoken with the Dr.

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Joanne, I have watched and prayed all these years as you have been so dedicated to the wellbeing of your family, working so tirelessly to provide for them. I am so heartbroken that Adrian has deteriorated to this point, that you must shoulder the burden of it all emotionally and financially, and find myself just mad at the world in general that things have not improved for you, despite your efforts and the prayers of many.

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I'm glad the ER doctor was kind and dedicated enough to try to help you and Adrian.


I hope you're able to get some answers soon.


And don't worry about the "financially irresponsible" thing. You did what you needed to do to help your dh, and I am sure all of us would have done the exact same thing in your position.


I'll be watching for an update. :grouphug:

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I'm glad the ER doctor was kind and dedicated enough to try to help you and Adrian.


I hope you're able to get some answers soon.


And don't worry about the "financially irresponsible" thing. You did what you needed to do to help your dh, and I am sure all of us would have done the exact same thing in your position.


I'll be watching for an update. :grouphug:



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