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Why would I want an iphone?

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I really like mine. I think it's easier to text on. I also end up using it like a mini-computer - I keep lots of recipes, websites that I enjoy, and use it to compare prices while I'm out shopping. I also use the map feature a lot because I've moved to a new place and it gives me directions (that I don't have to print out.) And then there is always Facebook . . .

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Um... I'm surfing the forums on my iPhone. (Also, with you put i in front of anything, it capitalizes the next letter so Apple can take credit for it. Like iThing. :D)


I listen to the news on my NPR app while I make supper. I get email everywhere. There are knitting apps. My calendar imports and reminders go off ahead of me needing to be somewhere. It is my alarm clock. When somebody sends me a document (or I pull one up otherwise), I can print on my network straight from my phone.


And it fits in my wristlet, which was a problem with the bigger phones.

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Well, I just got one two weeks ago. It is my first mobile phone, if you can believe that. Honestly, I don't use phone part ever, but I do officially love texting.




I love having a calendar on my phone. I can keep all my appts right with me. It even makes a little 'ding' sound to keep my on track (only because I told it to). I used to have to carry around an appt book in my purse wherever I went. Now I have the phone. I love being able to read a book with the kindle app while I wait for my kids. I don't do it often, because it isn't the optimal screen, but it will do in a pinch. One less thing to carry around. I love having my music to listen to in the car. I can just plug it into the car and listen to whatever I like. I like being able to keep my grocery list on my phone. I love that I can scan the barcode on a box of cereal and it puts it on my grocery list. Again, one less thing to take to the store.


I am sure there are other things, but mostly I am seeing that the load in my purse has been greatly reduced. I thought it was going to be all about games, but it turns out to have some very practical changes in my life.

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Reading this thread while in line at the grocery store :D


Also, coupons that you won't lose or forget. I've saved hundreds at JoAnn's alone because I ALWAYS have a 50% coupon in the holster.


The Chipotle app is pretty awesome too. I use the maps a lot, but I don't have a GPS. Now the turn by turn thing is available on the phone, so I don't need a gps in my car. (To be honest, I try not to use these because I love old-school paper maps and don't want to lose that skill.)


If you look up a business online, you just have to touch the phone number on the screen to make the call. The cameras have been more useful to me than I ever imagined. It holds my music because it's an iPod. Also, I can text by just speaking and have the phone read text messages to me while I'm in the car.


That's just a few thing. There are LOTS more.

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My iPhone has replaced my camera, my GPS, and and my video camera.


I love it for texting.


I have an app so that it holds all those keyring store cards. My keyring is smaller.


I use it for white noise in hotels.


I use it for a flashlight.


I use kid apps to keep kids happy in the car or while waiting for siblings.


I like that if I'm waiting for a child, I can check and answer email.


I can pay my bills from it easily.


It keeps track of my workouts.


My daughter is here and she likes the Disney apps where you can check wait times on all the rides!


I just love it!!!

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Seriously - they are wonderful! I really do use mine less for phone calls than anything else. It is so much easier to stay organized because I can keep notes, lists, reminders, calendar appts, etc. I use it as an alarm clock daily, and set alarms or timers to remind me to do all sorts of things.


Camera, video, music, etc.


I DO need Jennifer's app info for that app that keeps track of all those store cards though... Spill it!

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In addition to what's already been mentioned:


I use a barcode reader to comparison shop when I'm at a store.


Gas Buddy - an app that shows you nearby gas stations with the price.


Grocery shopping lists -there are many shopping list apps, some free some not. I never carry a paper list to the store anymore.


E-reader apps - Kindle, Nook, iBooks. I take my Kindle with me when I think I might have to wait, but if I find myself unexpectedly stuck somewhere I can use the app on my phone so I'm never without a book.

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I had a series of old cell phones I never used and couldn't figure out. Then I got an iPhone. And now I use my phone all the time. I can't imagine life without it.


Same here! I hated cell phones and barely used my old ones. Then I got an iPhone and my world totally changes.

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Seriously - they are wonderful! I really do use mine less for phone calls than anything else. It is so much easier to stay organized because I can keep notes, lists, reminders, calendar appts, etc. I use it as an alarm clock daily, and set alarms or timers to remind me to do all sorts of things.


Camera, video, music, etc.


I DO need Jennifer's app info for that app that keeps track of all those store cards though... Spill it!


:001_smile: It's actually called KeyRing! I have EVERYTHING on there.


one more thing I forgot about - SIRI!!!!! I LOVE being able to say, "I need directions to Anthony's Hair Salon," and it's right there with step by step directions for me. Nothing could be easier for me!!! No more printing out directions at home.


I'm going to have to get that gas buddy app!!!

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I love my iPad so I didn't think I really would need a smartphone, but my old cheapie cell died and we decided to upgrade to iPhones because most of my dc friends' parents text these days to set up play dates. They were all fine with calling instead but honestly, I never have a quiet moment to get on the phone. With homeschooling, email has become my preferred method of communicating. But it seems like all of our family and friends prefer to text.


So, Dh and I upgraded to iPhones mainly for texting, which we both enjoy on the better phones. I also love that I can include good quality pictures in my texts- the iPhone 5 has a great camera. I use it to film sports events for my dc, get directions verbally like a GPS in the car, grocery lists and meal planning, and for the convenience of calling someone quickly from wherever we are. My old phone was a pain to use, especially to add new contact info. My iPhone is so easy to use.

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I have an Android phone, so it's not technically an iPhone....but this is the first smartphone I've owned.


BUT the one thing I LOVE the most is having my Calendar at my fingertips. No more little cards at doctor's offices, hair salons, etc. I just put it into my calendar on the phone, it syncs automatically with Google calendar, and then it's instantly available on my laptop, the kids' laptop, my phone, and DH's phone.


The second biggest thing I love is Dropbox. I can take a picture on my phone, share it to the Dropbox, and it's instantly available on my laptop, the kids' laptop, and also on DH's phone. Or I might be working on a file or a spreadsheet for our homeschool co-op. Save it to the Dropbox, and I have access to it on my phone.

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Voice-texting. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways! (I do wish it would punctuate, though!) I can also use voice texting to search on the internet, search google maps, or I can speak my destination, and the GPS will start me on my way.



Voice texting does punctuate! Just say the word "period" or "comma" and it adds in that punctuation mark.


(Also responding from my iPhone right now :D)

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I really hesitated getting one. THen I thought, "well maybe." So hubby went and got me one. That was two years ago this month. Honestly, because I had it, I used it.


*relaxation app has been AWESOME (but I guess you could use a cd)

*various games (I typically like one or two at a time, play it here and there, and move on)

*texting with scrolling (like an aol IM?) is *very* nice rather than getting individual texts

*camera/video always available is a top reason!


I actually got a new phone a week ago, a Samsung Galaxy 3. Pros and cons both ways, but I will keep buying smart phones.


ETA: I second a lot of Thisistheday's post, like the flashlight (though I just use email as I don't need it THAT bright) and music and alarm!

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I had a series of old cell phones I never used and couldn't figure out. Then I got an iPhone. And now I use my phone all the time. I can't imagine life without it.



Until I actually owned an iPhone, I didn't *get* what all the hoopla was about. Now I know. :D


I will ALWAYS have an iPhone from here on out.

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If you get an iPhone, do check out Virgin Mobile's deal. I paid more for the phone, but I only pay $30 a month for unlimited data.


The best thing about my iPhone is that I can play my disabled dd's favorite music wherever we are. She will growl and throw tantrums when she is tired or upset and music calms her and keeps her happy. It has seriously changed my life to be able to just play her Diana Krall tunes or Nat King Cole and keep her calm and happy when we are out in public.


Our piano teacher now has me videotape small segments of the lesson using my iPhone. I guess we're supposed to be watching those when we practice...oops.


Love the calendar. Love playing Boggle while waiting for dds at activities. Love checking Facebook quickly while out and about. Love being able to send texts to dh easily, like when I'm at dd's out-of-town soccer game and he's home with the other two and dd scores a goal. I would love for him to have an iPhone too, but he doesn't think he needs one.

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Well, you ladies have Almost talked me into it. Almost... Nah. Maybe not.


DH has an Android, and has tried to talk me into getting a smart phone. IF I got one, it'd definitely be an iPhone because I'm kind of an Apple snob :D, but I'm still not entirely convinced that I need one.


I really dislike how people always have their eyes on a screen, especially when out in public (like in line at the grocery store :tongue_smilie:, or sitting at a table in a restaurant with other people, but paying more attention to their phone). I would really, REALLY hate it if *I* became one of those people!!

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Well, I'm certainly feeling the iphone love! And also feeling like a bit of a dinosaur!


I'm still mulling it over though....it just seems like an awful lot of money for something I don't *need*. I have managed this far into my life without one, right? But he did say he *wants* to buy me one, so maybe I should just cheerfully accept:001_smile:

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I did not think I needed an iPhone but it is the single most useful thing I have. I love that I can use spare minutes waiting for the kids to check emails or surf the web or read a book or even watch a movie (look for the iTunes weekly 99c movie choice). I love being able to make notes and keep my calendar in one place. I love having audio books for the kids and I with me. I love being able to check the weather radar before I go out and never getting lost because I always have a map with me. There are tons more reasons to get one, but those are the first to come to mind!

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it just seems like an awful lot of money for something I don't *need*. I have managed this far into my life without one, right? But he did say he *wants* to buy me one, so maybe I should just cheerfully accept:001_smile:


That is where I'm at.


We let our oldest DS have an iPhone (he had to buy it and has to pay for part of the data plan). I've played with it a lot, and I'm far from gaga over it. Firstly, I'd never buy an Apple product with my money because I have issues with the company. Secondly, I just don't have enough (any?) need for it to justify the cost, even though cost isn't really an issue for us. If that makes sense. If I worked or had to be out of the house a lot for some other reason then I'd probably have one. But as it is I'm at home with access to five computers all but a few hours a week. And most of the hours I'm out of the house I'm in situations where I actively need to engage with people (caring for my mom and MIL). I figure up how much a little toy like that would cost over two years' time and . . . . no. There are lots of other things I'd rather spend that money on. Like books. :001_smile:


As far as your DH wanting to buy you one . . . that's probably part of my issue. DH isn't interested. He's a software developer so has spent most of his life attached to a screen. He's not interested in increasing that even more, and isn't impressed at all by so many people who walk around more engaged with their screens than with the living breathing people around them. And I share that sentiment. But maybe if he felt differently I might, too. I'm sure eventually we will have smart phones because that's all that will be available. But not yet.

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I really dislike how people always have their eyes on a screen, especially when out in public (like in line at the grocery store :tongue_smilie:, or sitting at a table in a restaurant with other people, but paying more attention to their phone). I would really, REALLY hate it if *I* became one of those people!!


This is the most annoying thing about smart phones (iphone or android). I don't understand why people don't have better manners! My bil and his wife (both 30 years old, not teens) both were glued to their phone last year DURING Thanksgiving dinner.


I NEVER want to be one of those people. I have an android and I love it but I do not get my phone out to check anything when I am out and about or with other people.

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