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How can I pray for you today?

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Aww!! How sweet and thoughtful of you!


I'll just take a hug. It's my birthday and DH has to work all day and then has class from 5-10pm. I'm on my own all day :( And......DD is going shopping with my grandma this morning. To top it off, it's Election Day on a presidential year....blah. Sometimes, being an adult is no fun, lol.

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Nothing new...just that everything is ok w/this pregnancy. (In case you missed it, I go for an u/s on the 16th to ensure that it's not ectopic, and that everything is ok)

I'll also add in some prayers that you may have peace in the intervening days, cause I know you are rather nervous about the whole thing.

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:grouphug: Thank you.


I need to wrap up some things for the final week of a co-op class I'm co-teaching. I'm totally procrastinating on that. :glare:


But my number-one ongoing daily prayer need is for local friends who actually have or will make time for me. I'm so tired of being at the bottom of everybody's list. I need a real live friend to have coffee & cry with.

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This is so kind of you. We really need all the prayer we can get concerning finances (or more honestly, the lack thereof), and dh is looking at a probable job loss in the spring (funds are dried up and many people have been told it doesn't look good for continued employment). We're already going under with massive medical bills from the past ten years (ds' two battles with cancer). Suffice it to say my stomach is in roils most days over bills and money, etc......

Thank you for thinking to pray for others - even people you don't know - today it means even more to me to know that someone is praying.......

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What one need is in your life that I can pray for?


I posed this question at our homeschool group meeting yesterday to the women at my table. I hope to remember them all in prayer until our next meeting.


I was wondering if anyone else needed a prayer and a hug today.

That is so sweet of you! Strength, wisdom, and healing.


And may your day be fantastic! The Lord is good.

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Thank you for praying!


My dh needs a job. If it isn't asking too much, I would also like for there to be no insurance lapse between this one and the next one and [really pushing it here] I would really like to have good insurance again. [sigh]



He will provide, He will provide, He will provide.



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I'll share a praise report - my dd's MRI has officially come back as a benign tumor on her femur bone. We are praising God that it is benign. :hurray:

Yay!!! THat is praiseworthy news, I'm happy for you!:D


Thank you for the prayers, I could use them!! I'm running my first marathon on Saturday and I've been training since March. On my last long run (Oct 20th) I hurt my left knee. I haven't had a pain-free run since then and I've been so worried ever since then that it's going to start hurting during the race and I won't be able to finish.


After running over 612 miles and 122 hours and 8 months of training, I might actually break down in tears if I can't finish the race.:( I would love any and all prayers on my behalf.


I believe in the power of prayer! Thank you.

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Thank you! That is so sweet. :)


I would like prayer for our finances. It seems to be one thing after another. When we think all is well & maybe we can have a breather (brain surgery for my son this year and lots of trips to doctors 900 miles away, which we are soooo thankful for); we then get home from our latest medical trip and last week our furnace control panel broke just 2 months out of warranty, and now this week both of our cars need repair work done.

I know the Lord is in control and I have to trust him! We will get out of this financial mess, I know it. I appreciate your prayers! I will be praying for you, too, and for everyone else on this thread that has requested prayer. :)

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I am preparing for my Naturalization interview (for my application for citizenship) on the 14th which we would appreciate prayer for (the interview and the preparations). The smooth and favorable outcome to this interview is one of the major hurdles between us and the mission field where we hope to be next year. We really hope that it will please The Lord to open this door for us but please pray for our hearts to be humble and accepting of His will either way.

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Don't forget about all the people in New Jersey and New York and Connecticut without power.


In my small town 3000 people are without power going on 9 days. Some people may get back power around Thanksgiving at the earliest. People are spending their days at any place that has power and heat and going home to freezing cold homes (its in the 30's during the day today).


There is still limited gas (2+ hours wait) and two of our elementary schools have been closed for 9 days with no sign of them opening anytime soon.

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You are so sweet. I'm good here, as are my kids and hubby.


However, if you are so inclined to pray for healing for my brother, it would be appreciated. I'm not sure if you saw the original post about his broken leg where he basically broke everything that holds his foot on to his leg, so he "dislocated" his foot - in a BIG way. Anyway, in the "great" Canadian medical system, he is getting the run around. Doc who did the surgery will not see him until the 15th of November - the surgery was over two weeks ago, and he's having trouble getting the other docs in his town to even change his bandage because "it's not their work, so they don't want to mess with it."

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I'll share a praise report - my dd's MRI has officially come back as a benign tumor on her femur bone. We are praising God that it is benign. :hurray:




Fairfarmhand, you are a lovely person! I know people are still praying about my cancer situation, but we could also use prayers that business starts picking up at dh's office. It's going on 2 years now that he's had a reduced salary, and we have lots of home repairs that we've been waiting to get done. Now our garage door opener seems to be malfunctioning, too.


I will say a prayer for everyone on this thread, too.

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My husband's sister's brother in law had a brain stem stroke, and is now bleeding in his brain. Yesterday he was able to move his limbs on command and could open his eyes and look around, then an hour later they couldn't get him to do anything and he has been that way ever since. They don't think he will survive, but if he does he most likely won't be able to walk or use his arms at all. If you could, please pray for him (his name is Tom) and his 13 year old daughter Amber. Thank you so much!

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Dh just applied to 2 different jobs (stocking over night). He hasn't worked in years and we're hoping someone is willing to hire him. Our van left him stranded and after tearing apart the engine has discovered the part (connecting rod inside the engine) that he needs might not be replaceable due to the age of the vehicle. He might end up doing an engine swap in the driveway. (He's done a transmission in the driveway in 3 inches of snow so I'm hoping this will be easier.). The new engine will be a junk yard engine that may not work after he installs it -- again no warranty.


Good thoughts/prayers would be appreciated.

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Thank you for being so wonderful to pray for everyone, fairfarmhand!


I don't have anything to ask for since the needs noted here a far greater than mine, but I wanted to add that I will be praying for everyone's needs here. "Where two or more are gathered in his name..."


One can never pray too much.


:grouphug: to all.

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Yes. Thank you so much. Within the past week or so we have found out that my mom has metastatic cancer and she is in a lot of pain. My father in law has severe Parkinson's and was put on a feeding tube today. My sister-in-law just found out that her dad has kidney cancer. I would appreciate all the prayers we can get.

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Aww!! How sweet and thoughtful of you!


I'll just take a hug. It's my birthday and DH has to work all day and then has class from 5-10pm. I'm on my own all day :( And......DD is going shopping with my grandma this morning. To top it off, it's Election Day on a presidential year....blah. Sometimes, being an adult is no fun, lol.


:grouphug: My birthday is November 4th, and it fell on the last presidential election. I agree that it is a horrible day to have a birthday. It is stressful all day and then you might be disappointed (as I was last election) at the end. I hope your day turns out okay anyway. :grouphug:

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Praying for all those, whose needs are mentioned here..... :grouphug:


My grandmother's husband (she remarried after my grandfather passed away 10 years ago) was diagnosed with dementia last month. This has been particularly hard on my grandma, and of course, her husband, while they are still trying to retain their independence, and acknowledge that they need help more often...

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I could use an extra prayer that my doctors will find out why I've been feeling so bad and how to fix it. I have a thyroid biopsy next Tuesday morning, and another possibility is a worse than normal case of menopause. If the thyroid biopsy is negative and the thyroid specialist doesn't think the nodule is causing my symptoms, I think my next step is to try HRT. My oncologist says that my CML (chronic leukemia) should not be making me feel this bad, so I hope that means I am not going to feel like this forever!



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