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I just hid in the locked bathroom...

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...and ate the last piece of pumpkin cheesecake. Confession is good for the soul. :blush:


I love this.


Agreed. Or maybe keep a few emergency Snickers bars in a tampon box. Not that I'd ever do that...:)


And this.



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I am about to eat pumpkin pop tarts. Browned in the oven with butter on top.


First pop tarts I've had in abotu 5 years. I am justifying it because it is a seasonal flavor. :D


Yum. It was so good. And ds12 saved me from myself by eating one of the two I made for myself. :)

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Oh my gosh, I haven't heard of pumpkin pop tarts before! Heading for groceries on Friday, I have now added these to the top of my list. Those nagging children, though...I will have to send them to the opposite side of the store to look for wheat germ or something while I safely stash the pop tarts under the lettuce. :D

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:lol: I love it!


Do you remember doing that when your kids were little, but they'd catch you because they could smell it on your breath? :D


Oh my, yes! When my oldest was about 2yo (he's now 26), I was PMSing and dying for some chocolate. The only option in the house was some chocolate chips. I had JUST put him down for a nap and almost ran for the chocolate. Had just put some in my mouth when he called me. So I went in his bedroom, trying not to look guilty as I kept my mouth as far away as possible. He was/is very articulate and savvy. He got this investigative look on his face as he contorted his little nose and sniffed. "What's that smell I smell?" Me, innocently, "What smell?" Then, more suspiciously, "What's that chocolate chip smell I smell?" I somehow got through that conversation, but it has been a family joke ever since, because I couldn't help but go laughing to dh about it.

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