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Do you prefer CANDY or CARAMEL apples?  

  1. 1. Do you prefer CANDY or CARAMEL apples?

    • CANDY
    • I want some grapes please.

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My kids have been begging me for a candy apple for years (we call them toffee apples here). Last week I finally let them have one and after 3 bites they declared it the most disgusting thing they had ever eaten :lol:


It was everywhere on their face, hands, clothes, in my DD's hair.


They will never ask again :D


In answer to your question - they are both as nasty as each other. :tongue_smilie:


Also I am curious as to why adults find them appealing - in Australia candy apples are things only kids eat - I've never known an adult to eat one.

Edited by sewingmama
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Other: sliced apples with dipping caramel. Caramel apples on a stick have an uneven apple:caramel ratio IMHO :D


Agreed! But I'm not fussy; you all take which kind you like, and I'll have what's left.


In fact, never mind. I have apples and brown sugar to make caramel; I don't need you people! :)

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Also I am curious as to why adults find them appealing - in Australia candy apples are things only kids eat - I've never known an adult to eat one.


You must not have caramel apples like these: https://rockymountainchocolatefactory.com/rmcf/control/productList


Warning: The link contains delectable caramel apples!

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You must not have caramel apples like these:


Ok I looked but I am still not tempted :tongue_smilie: Why ruin perfectly good chocolate by putting it on an apple :D


Must be another one of those American things I don't get -like adding peanut butter to everything :tongue_smilie:

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I made both just this week at our pumpkin carving party. :) They were both very sticky, very messy and about equally liked by the kids. I prefer caramel and they were easier to make than the candy.


The big decision around here were what type of apple. I prefer red delicious but both my kids like honeycrisp so we had to get both. :)

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