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People who don't believe you...

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Have you ever met someone who just refused to believe your opinions could be valid? For instance, I know this person who won't believe that I dislike a certain food. If I say, "I really don't care for x." She will say, "Oh, x is good. You must have never had it fixed right."
I'll mention that a particular fragrance gives me a headache its, "Well, it smells good. Perhaps it's just a bit too strong."

:banghead::banghead: :banghead:

I really don't care anymore, but what is it with people who don't want to give you the right to your own opinion?

Edited by fairfarmhand
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I completely understand.... I know someone who will say, when hearing me say something (it could be on any subject), "Hmm, I'm not sure about that".


Oh, yes. My great aunt was that way, too. She prided herself on being hard-headed and skeptical, and she'd meet pretty much any statement with, "Ya got proof of that?" Er...proof that I like caramelized onions? We decided to find it endearing, but we also didn't spend much time with her. I can't imagine dealing with such behavior on a regular basis.

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this person has enough good character traits that it has just become a odd little quirk of the family. We kind of snicker about it behind that person's back, but it's all in good fun.


It's not too horribly annoying.


I think it is closely related to never wanting to admit when you are wrong. If you like a food that 99.9% of the family dislikes, it's better to tell them that they have never eaten it prepared correctly than to just say "Meh, you don't like it and think it's gross, but I do. Some people like gross stuff! :tongue_smilie:"

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Someone at work patronizingly told me that cheddar cheese does NOT have 7g of protein per ounce.


This is not a matter of opinion...it's... it's... it's on the package.


The next morning as I was packing my lunch for work I was so tempted to bring a block of cheese with me, but I decided to be the bigger person :P

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I think it is closely related to never wanting to admit when you are wrong. If you like a food that 99.9% of the family dislikes, it's better to tell them that they have never eaten it prepared correctly than to just say "Meh, you don't like it and think it's gross, but I do. Some people like gross stuff! :tongue_smilie:"


Funny how people often get protective of food that way. I suppose if somebody in my family announced he didn't like a huge category of food, such as vegetables, I would probably work to find types or preparations he could put up with. But I know I'm the only one in my family who likes liver (and, yes, my assiduous biology student, I am well aware of the liver's function in the body; it still tastes really good with onions!). No point in telling them otherwise.


I understand that people want us to share in the things they love. Someone dear to me simply cannot understand why I don't like Monty Python, because he loves it so. But he finally gave up telling me I'd like it if I gave it a chance, or if I saw this particular movie, or if I saw the movie with the right people.


Then again, I am secretly convinced that anybody who claims not to like meatloaf (those who eat meat, anyway) would be converted upon tasting mine. But at least I keep it to myself. :)

Edited by Belacqua
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Guest inoubliable

Mhmm. MIL told me that my allergy to bananas was all in my head and that I'd just never had a "good" banana. Went on for several days until I got so annoyed that I took a banana off of the table, took a huge bite of it, and puked all over her kitchen floor about 15 mins later and then popped a bunch of Benadryl while she stood there speechless. Probably not one of my finest moments...although it made DH laugh his butt off.

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Mhmm. MIL told me that my allergy to bananas was all in my head and that I'd just never had a "good" banana. Went on for several days until I got so annoyed that I took a banana off of the table, took a huge bite of it, and puked all over her kitchen floor about 15 mins later and then popped a bunch of Benadryl while she stood there speechless. Probably not one of my finest moments...although it made DH laugh his butt off.


That's just awesome. :thumbup:

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Mhmm. MIL told me that my allergy to bananas was all in my head and that I'd just never had a "good" banana. Went on for several days until I got so annoyed that I took a banana off of the table, took a huge bite of it, and puked all over her kitchen floor about 15 mins later and then popped a bunch of Benadryl while she stood there speechless. Probably not one of my finest moments...although it made DH laugh his butt off.


:lol::lol: Priceless



Yes, I have someone like that I see on a regular basis. They have many other redeeming qualities, so I let it go most of the time. If we need to discuss something where opinions come into play, I phrase things so they'll think my opinion was their idea all along. Works most of the time. :D

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Yes, I've known people like that. Funny enough, the person I recall habitually making comments like that is someone I like very much...I guess she has enough redeeming qualities to make up for one very annoying one. :D I remember having a discussion (I don't remember about what specifically) and mentioning that I don't believe in God. To which she replied, with a snort and an eye roll, "uh, yes you do!" Um...I do think I know what I believe (or not), thanks. If she had told me she was Catholic, which she is, would I have replied with, "of course you're not!"?? :001_huh: Same thing when mentioning during a conversation when I was pregnant with my first child that I was going to use cloth diapers. "No you're not." (I did.) And that I would homeschool. "No, you won't do that." (I am.) I think the funny thing was her comments just weren't of disbelief or disagreement, she actually *told* me "no, you're not," or, "no, you won't." Weird!

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Yes, I've known people like that. Funny enough, the person I recall habitually making comments like that is someone I like very much...I guess she has enough redeeming qualities to make up for one very annoying one. :D I remember having a discussion (I don't remember about what specifically) and mentioning that I don't believe in God. To which she replied, with a snort and an eye roll, "uh, yes you do!" Um...I do think I know what I believe (or not), thanks. If she had told me she was Catholic, which she is, would I have replied with, "of course you're not!"?? :001_huh: Same thing when mentioning during a conversation when I was pregnant with my first child that I was going to use cloth diapers. "No you're not." (I did.) And that I would homeschool. "No, you won't do that." (I am.) I think the funny thing was her comments just weren't of disbelief or disagreement, she actually *told* me "no, you're not," or, "no, you won't." Weird!


OK, that's just weird! I can almost see believing that somebody else will decide differently about diapers or homeschooling once they've had experience. But belief in God? How in the world did she figure she knew better?

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Yup, I get it all the time about salmon. I don't like it. It doesn't matter that I haven't had it your way. No, I don't dislike fish. No, I don't dislike strongly flavored fish. I just don't care for the flavor of that one fish.


I feel very vindicated since Barnaked Ladies made the song about it. :D

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I know someone like that. They are the best at everything. If someone doesn't like a particular food it is because "they haven't had mine yet". They are always right. They treat women like they are less than men, they know less, can do less... It is really annoying.


I can't fix it, but I try to limit conversations with them. If you figure out why they act this way, let me know.

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I really, truly, and intensely dislike everything by Shakespeare. Only one person in my life has ever said that it was okay. She knows me well enough to know that I really and truly TRIED to like his writings. I. Just. Don't.


OUCH! Now I feel horribly bad for the way I used to go on about Shakespeare to a friend who sounds just like you. On behalf of us both, I'm sorry! :001_huh:

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I have a good friend like that. I tease her about it. I think she honestly can't wrap her mind around people thinking differently than she does. She really is a sweet person and would do anything for you, but will argue til she's blue in the face that "everyone likes...." or "no one likes..." I kind of enjoy being that ONE that doesn't or does. ;)

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If you like a food that 99.9% of the family dislikes, it's better to tell them that they have never eaten it prepared correctly than to just say "Meh, you don't like it and think it's gross, but I do. Some people like gross stuff! :tongue_smilie:"

dh's family likes pickeled herring and sour cream. (very norwegian.) blech. if someone doesn't like something, their attitude is "more for me!":D

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Have you ever met someone who just refused to believe your opinions could be valid? For instance, I know this person who won't believe that I dislike a certain food. If I say, "I really don't care for x." She will say, "Oh, x is good. You must have never had it fixed right." or she says that the ONLY reason that my dh dislikes onion is that when he was 3 he saw his aunt scrape the onion off her burger.


I'll mention that a particular fragrance gives me a headache its, "Well, it smells good. Perhaps it's just a bit too strong."




I really don't care anymore, but what is it with people who don't want to give you the right to your own opinion?





Yeah, my mom can't believe I loathe okra and tomatoes, because I "was raised on it.". Well ive hated it my entire life. She really can't fathom I don't eat something she cooks...

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Yup, I get it all the time about salmon. I don't like it. It doesn't matter that I haven't had it your way. No, I don't dislike fish. No, I don't dislike strongly flavored fish. I just don't care for the flavor of that one fish.


I feel very vindicated since Barnaked Ladies made the song about it. :D



I'm like that with Nutella. Most people tell me they adore it. I just don't taste the attraction. I only eat it when desperate. Once it is gone (gift from my sister). I will never eat it again!

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Yes... my DH.. and it drives me bonkers :banghead:


Mhmm. MIL told me that my allergy to bananas was all in my head and that I'd just never had a "good" banana.


Yeah my DH tells me my asthma is all in my head - if only I would excercise more I would be asthma free (never mind that excercise is one of my asthma triggers). Oh and the week I spent in hospital with asthma induced pneumonia was all make believe as well.


Also my clinical depression which is caused by my hormones would disappear if I excercised more too.


And if you want to know why this referrall to excercise ticks me off so badly - I weigh less then 100 pounds and DH weighs well over 350 - so apparently excercise will cure my asthma and depression but his weight issues are not related at all to his lack of excercise or the tons of junk food he consumes.

Edited by sewingmama
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Yup. Actually I get this all the time, because I hate chocolate.


"Oh, you can't hate CHOCOLATE. Just try my chocolate pie/cake/whatever!"


No, I really and truly don't like chocolate. I can't stand even the faintest hint of it, and I refuse to make chocolate food for anyone else because I find even the smell disgusting.

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My husband is like that. He hates eating mushrooms, but there are some that he will eat without a problem. I fully accept that. For some reason, even after 15 years together, he refuses to believe that I cannot stand cilantro. He says "Yes you do, you eat stuff with cilantro in it all the time!" Well, b/c it is something that you can't really pick out most of the time, so I just put up with it if the flavor is mild, but if I had my choice I could live without it and won't use it to cook with. I think it is just gross. I also HATE celery, but I will eat something with celery in it if I can't taste it, or the flavor is mild enough. He always says "Celery doesn't have a flavor!" Well, to me it has a VERY strong, nasty flavor. I also can't stand the smell. He says I'm crazy.


The same goes for shampoos and soaps. I'm really picky on the soaps I use, b/c most make me itch like crazy. I don't get a rash or anything, so DH tells me it is just in my head. :glare:

Edited by somo_chickenlady
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Yes. My husband will eat any vegetable but brussels sprouts. He claims they taste like earth. My aunt has told him he's never had them served correctly, and hers are delicious. Her son once agreed, saying his mom's brussels sprouts(from her garden) were naturally sweet. The best part is that her own son doesn't know she soaks them in sugar-water!


Hmmmm....good idea! I'm not a big fan of brussel sprouts. lol

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OUCH! Now I feel horribly bad for the way I used to go on about Shakespeare to a friend who sounds just like you. On behalf of us both, I'm sorry! :001_huh:


Awww, it's totally cool :grouphug:


Yup, I get it all the time about salmon. I don't like it. It doesn't matter that I haven't had it your way. No, I don't dislike fish. No, I don't dislike strongly flavored fish. I just don't care for the flavor of that one fish.


I feel very vindicated since Barnaked Ladies made the song about it. :D


I love salmon. If people give you grief about it, tell them you gave your allotment of salmon to someone you know on the Internet (that would be me). It confuses them and makes them quiet :D

Edited by Elizabeth in MN
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Aw come on, that person can't be that bad. You must just be too sensitive. :D Just pulling your leg! ;)


I don't know of anyone who does this chronically, but yes I've had people say stuff like that to me.


:lol::lol::lol::iagree: I would find this highly annoying. I wouldn't say anything, but I would be more careful of what I would share.


Maybe you should try to do the same thing to her. repeatedly. See if anything is noticed or said.;)

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